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Everything posted by Lokiberry

  1. I'm pretty sure if anyone's leaving after this season, it's Kendra. She's the weak link; even Jax has started to find his footing. It's interesting that Pedowitz would talk about spinning Vixen off to LoT. That implies that they are planning on having a second season even though the ratings have not been spectacular. I suppose he might be getting instructions from Warner Bros. DC needs a television presence, and the CW might not be allowed to cancel any of the shows without getting permission first.
  2. This was the best episode yet. All the character interactions were perfect. Vostok was a fun, compelling villain. I even found Savage scary when he was threatening Stein with Stalin's hammer thingy. My favorite characters are the morally compromised ones: Rip, who's turned into a manipulative bastard to kill Savage and save his family: pyro Mick; Snart, who's not only dedicated to crime, but to his team mates as well; and, of course, formerly dead assassin Sara. These are the ones who drive the story, while the goody two-shoes (Ray, I'm looking at you) are there for support, or to provide a catalyst for the gray characters. This is a really interesting choice for the show to take. I'm looking forward to seeing where they go with it. I said on the Arrow forum that this show is like a smorgasbord of shipping for me, so when Rip and Sara were having their talk at the end, and he moved closer to her, and she turned to smile at Cold and credit him for helping her not kill Stein, I literally screamed "Love Triangle!". Now, I hate love triangles because they're used primarily as ship stalls for the chosen couple; but this would be different than anything the flarrowverse has attempted before: three well-developed gray characters with complicated feelings for each other. They could actually get a decent story out of that.
  3. Well, in this particular instance, I don't think it would have meant so much to Sara coming from him. After all, as Cold would put it, Ray would give pep talks to perfect strangers. It took someone as morally compromised as Sara sees herself to be telling her not to pull the trigger because she's not a killer anymore that got though to her.
  4. And, Leela was from an earth colony in the far future; but that was classic who. Modern Who only seems to be interested in pretty girls from 21st century England.
  5. I saw a glimpse of blond hair on Iron Mask Guy, so it's almost certainly Jay, or some variation thereof.
  6. Ah, this is the Canadian promo. All I've been seeing is the American one. Thanks!
  7. Can someone point me to the promo that has Cold saying, "This isn't my first prison break". None of the promos on you tube have that line. Thanks muchly.
  8. WM is being awesome again: http://www.edgemedianetwork.com/entertainment/television/news/193406/5_questions_with_wentworth_miller There's this: And this:
  9. Ray doesn't work as the Big Damn Hero; nor does he work as the lead. However, he's doing pretty well as part of the ensemble, and particularly, as straight man to Cold. It's a fantastic combination, right up there with Cold and Sara, IMHO. Last week, I didn't enjoy his self-doubt, but this week, his goofball, screw up, boy scout - I mean, eagle scout - routine really worked. But, I don't get why he's always up front in the posters. He's not top billed, he doesn't have the special mention at the end of the credits; he's not the breakout star, he doesn't seem to be anybody's favorite. So why is it always him? Do the network suits think the fanboys won't be interested if it's Sara placed first, or Cold (well, WM because we don't really know Cold's sexuality beyond apparently staring at Sara's ass)?
  10. I ship Coldflash, and ColdAtom. Also, Cold Hunter, Captain Canary, and Canary Hunter. I'm not usually like this; I never multiship, but it's like a huge smorgasbord has been laid out, and I just want some of everything.
  11. And some Americans fly the Jolly Roger in their hearts:) Anyway, it's fun that Sara and Cold are the most competent on the missions; with everyone else running around with their own little issues. This was a good episode, everyone who was capable of being interesting got something interesting to do. I particularly enjoyed Ray and Cold's efforts to get in with Valentina. I wlll never not laugh at the look on Ray's face when Cold waltzed off with her after he struck out. And you're right, it will be hard to wait 10 days for Cold to run his next prison break.
  12. Bwahaha! Well, I guess that's what happens when Wentworth Miller says Snart is pansexual, with a hard on for everyone's soul.
  13. The early comics I've seen with Rip show him as rather generic blond comic book hero-type guy. What makes it more interesting is that I'm not sure the Doctor was actually called a Time Lord in the first few years of his show. I'm no Who expert, but I don't think the Time Lords were introduced until the end of the second Doctor's run, which would have been in the late 60s.
  14. I agree. The Hawks have been a drag on this whole concept since the crossover. They just don't work. I lay the blame for that firmly at the feet of TPTB. They've got a long history pushing stories and characters that don't work out of sheer stubborn ego. All the other characters are fantastic; particularly Sara, the Rogues, Rip and Stein. I hope that people give it a chance.
  15. Hey, I'm a day late and a dollar short, but I actually thought this was the best episode yet. All the pairings were fantastic (and I think the fact that all the characters mix and match so well may end up being the show's biggest strength). With Kendra in a coma, and Hawkdouche in the ground, I enjoyed all the stories; particularly Sara/Rip and Len's homecoming. You know, watching Sara be the biggest badass in the Flarrowverse, having chemistry with everyone she comes in contact with, and being shipped with the entire crew of the Waverider, my headcannon now is that the Flarrowverse's version of the Black Canary is in fact, the White Canary. Nothing else make sense.
  16. I don't think they ever intended to move KC. I think they planned on an Atom spinoff, and when the network said nope, they started scrambling around to get people for a team up show. THAT'S when they decided to resurrect Sara. They needed her; and since she's one of the best things about LoT, it was a good decision (as opposed to killing her off, which was a damn stupid decision that benefited no one, not even Laurel, who now has to deal with a large chunk of the fandom who don't consider her the "real" Black Canary).
  17. Bringing in Bruce Timm would improve the Flarrowverse 394,000%.
  18. It wasn't perfect, but I liked it. The writing was clunky, but I've come to expect that from the Flarrowverse. All the characters except the Hawks were either good, or have the potential to be good. The standouts were pretty much who I expected: Sara, the Rogues and Rip. Ray was sure on his own private little emotional roller coaster, wasn't he? "I'm going to save the world!" "Life is meaningless, and nobody cares if I die alone!" Chill out, Supersuit. The bar fight was my favorite scene, and the scene that flowed the best; perhaps because there was no exposition required, and it could just be. That bodes well for the future, when all the set up is done, and they can just let the characters interact and wreak havoc throughout history.
  19. Works for me, since the Ali Liebert character isn't joining the cast. I haven't been able to decide whether to ship Sara with Rip or Cold; this would be the best of both worlds.
  20. Guggie spoke about how surprised he was by the Rip and Sara relationship. I wonder if there's some sort of love triangle in the cards. Normally, I hate those, but this could actually be interesting; particularly since Wentworth included Rip as one of the people that Cold would come to care about.
  21. OMG, yes! I didn't even like Amy until Rory joined. I was only interested in LoT after they announced Sara, and then even more so when they added AD, and finally I started really getting into Cold.
  22. I believe it's a little boy. I've seen him in another promo, and I think he's dead, having been killed by Savage.
  23. Here's a few tidbits from WM's latest interview: This is everything that I wanted for this character! He's caring for other people (particlarly the three people I care about, ha)! He's a snarky teamplayer! Guys, please read the rest of the article, it's awesome. http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/01/16/legends-of-tomorrow-wentworth-miller-on-whether-captain-cold-is-a-hero?page=1
  24. Sepinwall lost credibility with me when he wondered why Cold, Heatwave and Sara were included, and expressed a desire for an Atom/Firestorm show.
  25. I agree. Although, I do see Barry/Felicity as more of an adorable puppy/kitten vibe than the white, hot liquid sex thing that happens whenever Barry and Cold lay eyes on each other.
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