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Everything posted by rejnel

  1. Thoroughly enjoyed this episode with its different feel. My one TINY complaint: Maxine laid down the challenge to Reid--genius profiler--to find her, and then she just heads back to where they met? It would have been fun if he'd had to use at least a little bit of his cleverness.
  2. One thing's for sure: no 80-year-old who drinks as hard as Grace would look as good as Jane Fonda. I do think they've subtly downplayed Grace's drinking while she's been with Nick--not that she doesn't drink plenty, but it seems more in a normal range, not compulsive. (That's not a carefully researched statement, just my impression.)
  3. Just finished the season, and until I hopped onto Primetimer, I 100% thought I'd just seen an OK series finale, not great but sort of satisfying to have them come full circle and all be living together at the end. But I'm so glad there's another season to come! Wishes: virtually every season has ended with G&F having some kind of big blow-up or betrayal and then coming back together in the last episode. That's getting awfully predictable; maybe they could mix it up next time? I was a Nick fan, but I suppose it's OK to let him go. I do like the kids, though, and hope they are substantially involved next season.
  4. Lots of talent on hand! It does feel like a show that won't last long, but as long as Peter Gallagher wants to sing on my TV, I'm in. HATE the title. "Zoey's Playlist" would be good. "Extraordinary" is clunky and pointless. I also wonder if the songs are a little conservative and on the nose. I'm old and not at all hip, so if I know all the songs, they may not get the demographic they need. Very white cast, especially for a show set in San Francisco.
  5. Thanks, Umbelina and Kel Varnsen. That all makes sense! And now that you mention it, Kel Varnsen, I do vaguely remember from the book (it's been a while) that at some point they started going after fertile women with less pretext. Such an interesting world; SO MANY other characters and stories I'd love to see onscreen.
  6. This episode is the first time it occurred to me to ask: why aren't the children of Econo-Families seized and distributed to Commanders & Wives?
  7. Once again, I'm at a loss as to the British (or the show's) definition of "dessert." It's fine if "dessert" just means something that's not covered by the other episode categories--not biscuits, not bread, not pie, not cake, not patisserie. But when bakers say things like "I never make desserts," I find it very confusing. Are cakes and pies not desserts?
  8. Logan's death was badly done, but beyond that: -referencing Thomas's statements about their intent: the strengths of Veronica Mars are very different from those of Sherlock, though even Sherlock is built on relationships--with Watson, with Mrs. Hudson, with Molly, lots of others. Taking Veronica out of Neptune is essentially starting a whole different show, and one that sounds a lot less interesting. Not to mention that VM has been able to engage with class issues in a particular way because of the Marses' specific place in the community. All in all, a bonehead move. -the Keith health scare was badly written and badly acted. -how is Daniel Maloof a free man, let alone running for senate? There is tons to connect him with the death of a relative of his brother's fiancee; by no means would it be written off as a simple race-motivated murder attempt. And how is crazy Mama Carr not on every local news outlet shrieking about her other son who's gone missing. I would think the Maloofs would have every reason to get out of Dodge, not raise their profile and run for higher office. -Maddie and the ring? Come on.
  9. Amy to Dan, season 5: "If you made Jonah Ryan a congressman, you could run the town, because you would have just turned this enormous turd into something."
  10. Did you follow HOW Selina could give Tibet back to China? I didn't understand it at all. (I followed what was said, but not how it could result in that.) I think the moment where Marjorie brushed off wedding plans was supposed to be spoofing a typical groom's attitude--"I don't care what you do, as long as there's prime rib" or whatever.
  11. I haven't liked the jokes about Amy's appearance over the seasons, but as she's gotten more eccentric looking, they've started to (almost) make sense. And if the endgame is that Anna Chlumsky will be doing a Kellyanne impression from now on, I'm all in! Those few seconds were hilarious.
  12. What is the meme that Holt sends to the group chat whenever Wunch is mentioned?
  13. I hope not, if traffic cop Holt is based on the first floor and reports to Amy! I'm not a fan of Wunch, so wouldn't be thrilled to have her stick around, though. Lastly: Tim Meadows has never been funnier!
  14. I've been catching old episodes lately from various seasons. Never really thought about it before, but almost every episode features a joke about how Grace is obsessed with/dates/falls in love with gay guys. But did we ever see this, other than her college relationship with Will?
  15. Since watching the documentary about making the final episode, I'm starting to think about where the cast will go from here. Speculation? I hope this is cool for this thread--truly sorry if not! Also, none of this is meant to be mean, even if my predictions are more limited for some people. It's more a question of Hollywood's limited imagination; I don't think there are too many opportunities that really let people fly all their talents like CXG. I think Bloom and Champlin are the two break-outs who can write their own ticket from here. Champlin probably as a top Broadway name, though she'd also be great in another stylish TV comedy. (BTW, I've loved seeing her look so gorgeous the last several episodes. I know they were going for exhausted working mom for the earlier seasons, but nice they're letting her look beautiful as the show wraps up!) David Hull--offbeat leading man in a new Bill Lawrence show? Vella Lovell--great potential for indy films and romantic comedies. Vinny Rodriguez--well, more featured stage work for sure. He's a find, just hard to see where he'll go from here. Gabrielle Ruiz--Incredible dancer and super charismatic. Seems pretty delightful in person, maybe a judge on a dance or other reality show? Scott Michael Foster--I could see him on a Shonda Rhimes show or one of these "For the People" or "The Good Fight" shows with lots of attractive people emoting. Erick Lopez--I'd like to see him do drama. Maybe one of those Chicago --- shows?
  16. Oh my god. Day 457 (the Alan Alda episode) is incredibly unsettling. They leave 18-20 wrongful convictions in place that should absolutely be reopened after what they learned? There's an argument at the end between Jay and Adrian about Jay's friend, but there also all those many people wrongfully incarcerated or with inflated sentences because of bad cops planting guns. And they have evidence but decide to leave it alone and go with their reprehensible client and a big payday? They should have told HIM to confess to the bad arrests in exchange for not going to jail, not celebrated an 8-million payout for that POS. The Facebook targeting was also really inaccurate. I don't know much about social media, but I know Venn diagrams. To contact people with all the various interests they were looking at, the numbers would have gone up, not down! The defense wasn't targeting a theoretical juror with all the characteristics, but rather the entire jury with those varied characteristics-->group gets bigger, not smaller.
  17. Thanks, metaphor and palmaire! Glad I listened to you. First 3 episodes of Season 2 have been a lot of fun.
  18. I've only watched the first season and am wondering how the seasons are generally considered to rank. Do people tend to think it keeps improving over S2 and S3? Or is S1 considered the high point? Any thoughts? I liked the first season more than not. I find some of the main cast absolutely compelling, but not all of them. Likewise with some of the stories. On the other hand, if they keep tapping the New York stage for guest stars, it would be hard for me to walk away!
  19. His entrance was so great I had to rewind. Loved the Chick Fil-A joke, too. But overall, the show is starting to lose me. I think the balance between clever and funny has shifted too far away from funny. It's become too much about just waiting for the next wacky reboot to get out of some impossible situation. I spend a lot of each episode ("Janet(s)" aside) going "uh-huh, yes, OK, that's clever" and very little time actually laughing.
  20. NOOOOO! Captain + Kevin + Cheddar 4EVER! But you've got a great idea there--suppose the Cap had to go undercover on the dating scene? I'm down with that!
  21. Having finished (and loved) the season, I can now say confidently that my favorite piece of dialogue was when Joe offered caged Benji a bagel.
  22. I’ve only known him as Bill Lewis till now. He was great as a sleazy abuser. And I really like that Ron, as awful as he was, was dead right about Joe. Compelling season, to say the least! The last two episodes were especially great. Can anybody tell me what Blythe says in their final talking head? Sounds something like "the most moving prose I'd read since "82nd to Last?"* I'm sure it is nothing like that! But what actually is it? ETA: was there any strong reason to believe Candace was dead? Other than Joe's tendency to kill people? I also thought that was very ambiguous, but people online seem to be surprised she's not dead. Even her "I'm alive" is the kind of thing someone could say in other circumstances besides having been left for dead. For example, I have said it upon showing up two hours late for dinner after fighting holiday traffic. Certainly, if she disappeared and successfully ghosted the world for a while, it would be a good first line on returning. E AGAIN TA: *maybe this was “Zadie’s second to last?” That would be on brand for the hilariously pretentious Blythe!
  23. Good lord, I hope not! I enjoy the show, but the anachronisms come thick and fast.
  24. Beck is insipid. I had a flash of hope during the previous episode ("The Captain") that Beck was actually playing a long con on Joe--not sure for what purpose, but maybe a Body Heat kind of deal or something. This would go a long way to explaining the lack of curtains and some other apparently dumb or oblivious moves on her part. I would have loved to see a montage of the first several episodes with Beck very aware of Joe watching her, Joe masturbating outside her window, Joe stealing her phone. And then we realize how precisely she's playing him, down to the messages with her friends and so on. Not that I need a twist! in everything I watch, but she's just so insufferable--bland and pretentious at the same time--that I hoped there was another layer there. Oh, well. Also, I wish the writers had dug in even an inch on the publishing scene, how actual writers talk about their work and what they do every day (hint: write), how MFA seminars operate, and how human professors behave and talk on earth. And yet I am so very very obsessed with this show!
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