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Everything posted by rejnel

  1. Every time I start a fresh rewatch, I'm struck by a major inconsistency between the first episode and the rest of the series. There is NO WAY that Mitchell could keep the adoption plans secret from the rest of the Pritchetts, and no way Cam would have let things get that far without forcing the issue. (Not to mention that Clare was awfully god at sniffing out secrets.) So I can't buy the whole premise of the pilot, with Mitch and Cam breaking the news when it's a done deal. Just an odd lapse in one of my very favorite sitcoms.
  2. Josh Segarra is the definition of charisma. I've watched shows I don't even like because I find him so mesmerizing. Also, if you search for him and the Broadway show On Your Feet, you'll get to see him dancing and being totally dreamy.
  3. Brilliant, quarks, thank you for spelling out all that history so clearly! I've just finished the series. When I like something, I try to anti-binge it to last longer. And I adored Queen Charlotte, start to finish. The casting in particular was extraordinary--love the young Charlotte actor's work in particular. And I don't know how Corey Mylchreest isn't a giant movie star. (Looks like he played Edmund in Kenneth Branagh's Lear, so I'll seek that out!) When Augusta thanked Charlotte for making George happy, I teared up. When I heard the first notes of "I Will Always Love You," I thought it would be for Agatha and Ledger, and that we'd get to see them dance, an idea I liked. But when it turned out to be Brimsley and Reynolds, well, it wrecked me. Older Brimsley dancing alone wrecked me MORE. And by the time Charlotte and George met under the bed, well, I was leaning over my elliptical sobbing. (Good workout.) No doubt there were all kinds of flaws to this show, but, oh, did I enjoy it! And I am loving S3 of Bridgerton and have managed to hold off on the 4th episode till today, when E5-8 come out, so I've got more happy viewing ahead.
  4. How does Augusta get to say (about George) “I secured my son as king?” Wasn’t he simply in line and bound for the throne?
  5. Can anyone explain: what was the status of the various persons of color who were elevated when Charlotte came to court. Specifically, what was Agatha's status, and that of her husband?
  6. Loved this show and am sorry to see it end. It wasn't perfect, but often enchanting, and with such terrific actors. Great to see so much of Robert Joy and Judith Light. Fiona Glascott is a real find (I see she's got a lot of credits, but she was new to me, and I like her so much!). And so many others, in both major and minor roles, who were all fantastic and very welcome on my TV. Clearly, they started to move the lens back to create a show about mid-century American life (or a certain sector of it) rather than focusing on one person, and that eventually became fine with me, but it would have been best served with another two or three seasons!
  7. Theatre-goers will also recognize it as a sly Broadway reunion; Jefferson Mays and Bryce Pinkham starred together in (the very Gilbert-and-Sullivan-esque) A GENTLEMAN’S GUIDE TO LOVE AND MURDER.
  8. About Amy's book: a lot of it is engaging in just the way Amy is on the sow. But a couple chapters were just way TMI for me. Made me wonder about her judgement (not the content, but the fact she thought it was all appropriate to share). On another subject, there was a category this week called something like "let's apartment sit for Anna." Is that a pop culture reference of some kind?
  9. And that run is over right? So what's he gonna do now since now L&O is off the table? Yeah, okay. Let's see if he has that same sort of luck elsewhere. Sam Waterston's luck has served him well over a nearly 60-year career, ranging from the New York stage to award-winning films to several successful series. I think he'll be OK.
  10. This is hilarious. Sorry to see Matt go; he's definitely a favorite of mine. Mattea has grown on me as well. I've tried to warm up to Victoria, and I'm getting there. But I secretly suspect she's the next generation Jeopardy robot. Used to adore Amy until I read her book. I have no beef with Yogesh, and kind of enjoy James, so I'll be happy if either of them wins (other than hearing all the outrage from Yogesh haters).
  11. Can someone explain the Caravaggio clue? I even got it right, but didn’t understand the wording of the clue. Thanks!
  12. Having no prior experience of these three finalists, I thought they were all fine. Ben isn't just sweet, but sweet in an odd, offbeat way. Troy is so focused and serious-seeming, it's a delight when he lightens up a little. And Yogesh never bugged me; he's a good player, and I even liked most of his jokes. None of them were absolute favorites compared to some quarter- and semi-finalists, but they were all watchable and worthy, for my money. Off to try and figure out what the Invitational is actually all about.
  13. I didn't understand the Ben and Troy's wagers in Final Jeopardy! Did they both make clever bets? (I'm pretty stupid about math generally.) Can someone explain?
  14. Thanks! I actually did miss this. Must have been folding laundry and just listening to audio at that point. Glad he's got that sweet dog. ETA oh good lord--I see what I did, missed the very final 20 seconds of the movie. That'll teach me! Glad I got to see that little dog again. He and Adrian look like a perfect match.
  15. I’d put off watching the movie because I’d heard it was very dark. Having just finished a series rewatch, I didn’t want to be jolted out of my Monk happy place. But watched Mr. Monk’s last case yesterday and enjoyed it. Question: several of you have mentioned Adrian moving on with the dog Watson as his companion as if it’s canon, but the movie I watched never made that explicit. Did I miss or inadvertently skip something?
  16. We saw Diana tell him Sid had been murdered, and he seemed to believe it. As a lover of the books, I wish they hadn't tipped off the Sid cover-up so early, but it's a minor quibble with a truly outstanding adaptation. Loved it, and have got my husband--who hasn't read the novels--totally addicted.
  17. "You did the right thing." How has NO ONE said this to Schmitt? "You did the right thing. You noticed that a patient's ID bracelet was incorrect--a pediatric patient at that--and you brought it to the attention of an Attending." How has NO ONE said this to Schmitt? This episode gave us one final opportunity, with Schmitt telling Meredith she must hate him. What does The Sun say? Does she say "You did the right thing?" No, she says, "I don't hate you. I still have my license and my job." Meredith, whose OWN ACTIONS nearly blew up her own and several other careers, lets Schmitt of the hook (where he shouldn't be, having done the right thing) because she got away with it. Not because he did the right thing (which he did). But because she got away with what she did.
  18. Bittersweet time for those of us who loved the New York CBS shows in their strongest years, as the beloved actors from that time have been passing away. Nice, though, to remember their careers and highlights from their work. It seems like a subscription streaming service would do OK offering all the old soaps, but maybe residuals and (as we've been talking about on this thread) music licensing would require too high a subscription cost to pay off. Anyway, wanted to say there have been some great Alan Locher interviews recently about late great actors. I was keeping an eye on his youtube channel during the lockdown and then forgot about it till this week. Shows about Michael Zaslow, Lisa Brown, and most recently Jerry verDorn. There are a few actors who show up regularly on these and who often have lovely stories to tell.
  19. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/scrubs-producer-eric-weinberg-charged-rape-assault-counts-rcna50952
  20. To me, he seems older and more grounded than the others, this season at least.
  21. Anybody know who played the "lunch lord?" So handsome! I couldn't figure it out from imdb.
  22. Having seen Passing Strange on Broadway in 2008, I've been waiting for Daniel Breaker to sing on the show! Couldn't imagine they'd waste that voice. Worth the wait.
  23. and, in that same scene--while people our age are shutting down their lives, let's keep saying yes to everything. We'll die someday; let's be saying yes when we do. Loved that.
  24. The season was originally when parliament was in session, roughly October to May/June. Recess for the summer. Then I think it took on a life of its own and the schedule may have adjusted. But basically most of what we now think of as the school year. I'm enjoying S2 a lot. But this episode was a little ham-handed, at least the first half. The Bridgertons and Sharmas wouldn't have been openly cut by the whole ton like that. There would have been plenty of speculation, gossip, and giggling behind fans, but only in the case of an absolute scandal would they be openly shunned. And for my money, a more subtle version would have made for better television. But overall, like I said, really enjoying it all!
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