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Everything posted by Joana

  1. I agree with everything Meredith told Teddy, and I certainly don't think she insulted Amelia at any point, so I was very confused about some of the earlier comments. I just don't understand why she had to be involved in all that. Yes, her backstory would obviously resonate a lot with Teddy and her situation, but I really don't believe she cares about it so much to the point of stalking Teddy. But then again, so many people on the show have changed since Teddy left that it's hard to find anyone with a meaningful connection to her, except perhaps Bailey, but she's too busy with her own stuff. Arizona (*sigh*) should have done it. The whole Alex/Jo/Linc story was extremely annoying. Alex didn't make any sense with his irrational anger/jealousy towards Linc while it was still irrational, and when it turned out he's somehow blaming him for not saving Jo, it didn't get any better. First of all, Jo has made it well clear that no one knew about her situation and she certainly doesn't seem to hold any grudge against Linc or hold him responsible for anything, so Alex really should have STFU. I understand why Maggie was upset with Jackson. The man told her he loved her and then took off the next day to "clear his head" (whatever it meant, and we know what it usually means) without even having the guts to tell it to her face. That's really not cool. But he's back now after just a couple of episodes and everything's been resolved, so what was the point of it all? I've never bought Bailey and Ben as a couple and I certainly don't think she wants to be married to a firefighter, so they're free to divorce as far as I'm concerned.
  2. She obviously was planning on telling him, but then she saw that he and Amelia are raising a baby, so she thinks it's their child and they're back together, so she changed her mind. It's clearly a misunderstanding that could very easily be settled with just a little basic communication, but if people actually communicated with each other, shows like this wouldn't exist. The whole thing is one of the most basic soap opera tropes.
  3. Because GSMH is a magical hospital staffed only by surgeons who treat everything from common cold to brain tumors. Also, each surgical department consists only of one person who is the chief of it.
  4. Not that Teddy needs to be defended, but anyway: 1) She didn't know Maggie was Amelia's "sister" when she asked for her services 2) She never mentioned the name of her child's father 3) She never indicated she's planning on getting the father involved, on the contrary, if anything she made it seem like she wasn't 4) She explicitly requested that Maggie not tell anyone about her pregnancy Of course I understand why Maggie would feel uncomfortable about the whole situation and why she'd worry about Amelia. But her obsessing over it to the point of losing sleep and then breaking her profession's most basic code of ethics is just typical Grey's drama for the sake of drama.
  5. I'm actually more confused about how Real John and Other Meredith hit it off. Cece had obviously told Meredith her date's name, so I assume she told him hers too. And Other John had seen the picture of Other Meredith, which must also mean she saw his, and all those people didn't really look like one another, so... What gives? Or maybe Real John and Other Meredith both thought their respective dates had stood them up so they started talking to the first single person near them? But then again, there doesn't seem to have been enough time for that, since by the time Other John and Meredith realized about the mix-up, those two were already very comfy talking to each other. Also, I can guarantee that we're all putting much more thought into this than the writers did.
  6. That wasn't the guy Cece chose for Meredith though. He was supposed to be on a blind date with another woman - the one who eventually ended up with the guy Meredith was supposed to meet. Although I'm really not sure how that confusion arose in the first place, unless both women were named Meredith, which is unlikely, or the guys didn't know the names of the women they were supposed to meet (or anything about them, really, like their jobs etc.) which is just stupid.
  7. Teddy went to the hospital to tell Bailey she wouldn't take the job after all, and on her way out, she got sick and needed treatment. Remember when Arizona told Jackson about April's pregnancy (also, remember Arizona? Seems like nobody at GSMH does) and Bailey called it a fireable offense? Well, what Maggie did was much worse, because unlike Arizona, she actually learned someone's medical information in the capacity of a doctor. There won't be any consequences, of course, and God knows people have done much worse things on this show and got away with them, but I don't have that much sympathy for her situation either. Sure, we all know Teddy is going to drop the bomb at the most inopportune time, because this is Grey's Anatomy. But since Maggie is a character on the show and not a viewer, there was absolutely no reason for her to freak out like that because like people have already said, Teddy gave her no indication she was ever going to tell Owen about it. I didn't really understand the blind date. Was the other woman's name also Meredith? I mean, what are the odds. And then in the end when the guy started bitching about single mothers, I was like "Woah, dude!", but then it turned out that all that time they spent talking about whatever, Meredith hadn't mentioned she had kids? Seriously. Fifteen seasons on I still don't care about people yelling about their sex lives for the entire hospital to hear.
  8. I'm very confused about where this show is going. I was actually wondering if a bunch of people suddenly weren't available for some reason, and as it turns out, it was the case with Jesse Williams. But like people have already said, it would have been very easy to explain that he was out of town on business with Catherine or whatever. I know this show loves to throw in a neverending series of obstacles in the way of happy couples, but Jackson and Maggie have barely registered as a couple at this point, and they're already messing with them? Honestly, it's starting to look a lot like Gizzie. And what about Kim Raver? They brought her back, made a big deal about it, and now the only storyline that could realistically keep her around the hospital has been dropped and she hasn't even made an appearance in two episodes in a row? What gives? How do all these people still keep their jobs? Webber was awful. Even if that man really was an alcoholic, you cannot badger and harass a patient undergoing treatment like that. And then there was Amelia interrupting a surgery over her personal nonsense. Yeah, I know, I know, it's been 15 seasons of that, but still. Seriously. Speaking of her, Owen and Amelia part 87 is not any more interesting than the previous 86 editions of it. For a show that has absolutely no problem splitting up actually popular couples, they sure are oddly invested in these two. I've always liked Amelia's interaction with Maggie, though. In the entire sisterhood, they are the only ones who actually seem to genuinely care about each other. The Ortho God still remains laughably unconvincing. At least we got to see HAOG shirtless and DeLuca is looking good, so it's not all that bad. Heh.
  9. It is very weird. They supposedly wrote her out because "they had run out of stories to tell about her", except that they're now kinda continuing her story through Jackson. And if the intention was to clear the path for Jaggie, all those mentions of April and her presence lingering around throughout the season premiere isn't exactly going to help that cause. So, I'm really not sure where they're going with all this.
  10. I'm also wondering if that's the direction they're taking. Not that it would be entirely implausible/unwarranted as Bailey is a terrible chief, but I didn't think the show would ever demote her. However, now that Alex/Jo are apprently able to walk on water, I don't know. I agree. At first I thought he'd just casually drop a mention of his sexuality only for it to never be discussed again, which would obviously suck, but it would be equally as bad if he got the treatment of Arizona's Lesbian Lovers of the Season. I still can't get over how lame this supposed Ortho God was. And his introduction was so underwhelming. I think even someone like Minnick had a better entrance.
  11. This got me thinking - has there ever been another TV character fully established as a straight man who'd go on to develop a sexual attraction for men over the course of the show? The only other example I can think of is Tim Bayliss on Homicide wayyyy back in the day, and that was a horrible mess of a storyline too. There was also that black surgeon on Chicago Hope that randomly came out of closet one day, but since we knew next to nothing about his personal life before that, it's not really the same. I think it's great they're finally adding a gay male character to the cast, I just don't understand why they have to go along with the same recipe that's already been used on the show, and more than once at that - remember Leah? I don't think GA is the type of show that would use gay panic in any shape or form, so IMO Glasses definitely is/will be attracted to that guy.
  12. I thought it was one of the worst acting gigs in the history of the show. Totally cringeworthy throughout, to the point that I wasn't even sad about the character's death in the end.
  13. So Arizona has been Lexied? Not a single mention throughout the double episode, not even a throwaway line? Oh well. Teddy is apparently not going to have a medical role? I wonder how that's going to work out. She's just going to randomly hang out at the hospital because why not? The only way I'm ever going to be remotely interested in that love triangle if Amelia and Teddy end up hooking up together and ditching Owen, which, yeah. I get that Alex and Jo had been way overlooked over the years, both individually and as a couple, but this is now a ridiculous overcompensation. She's become a genius scientist and he's now a chief, which as we all know, in the show's universe is basically equivalent to the position of POTUS? Come on. I actually FF-ed through her speech about why she's the future of medicine and suddenly the show became a lot more tolerable. I have a feeling I'll be doing that a lot this season. The new doctors did nothing for me. The "Ortho God" is laughable and the Asian doctor's interaction with Glasses has Callie 2.0 written all over it, which I wasn't that interested in the first time around either. Strangely enough, I found Maggie almost likeable and wasn't annoyed by Bailey for the first time in forever. So that's something.
  14. The finale episode gets me because it was quite literally the end of an era, not because of anything specific that happened in it, as the material itself was nothing special (the ending scene with them leaving their keys on the table was a nice touch, though). And honestly, much of season 10 was a chore anyway and it was about time to pull the plug. So for me, it's more about the symbolic aspect than anything else.
  15. Those are all very valid points. However, the actual storyline in that episode was that Ross was feeling uncomfortable around Sandy because he thought he's gay. I mean, his closing line to him was "Come on, you gotta be at least bi!" If you look back to all the "Chandler is/acts gay" jokes from earlier seasons, they had a very different undertone, as the bottom line was that his friends didn't mind it and accepted him for who he is. This was completely different, and as such, it really stands out, especially considering the time the episode originally aired.
  16. That was a very strange one. For as much as people talk about homophobia on Friends, that episode was by far the most blatant example; and the episode was shot well towards the end of the show, so you can hardly say it was the spirit of the times.
  17. If there's a country this show was weirdly obsessed with, it's the Netherlands. There were several instances spread out over several seasons of people coming from there and/or speaking Dutch.
  18. Not to mention that Rachel wasn't aware that she had feelings for Ross until Phoebe basically convinced her she still loved him. I remember how HUGE a deal it was at the time, but looking back to it, the whole thing was awfully contrived.
  19. I realize this is probably a wildly unpopular opinion, but I absolutely detested the way the show treated Emily after the wedding fiasco and made her look like some kind of a deranged shrew. Yes, demanding that Ross should never see Rachel again was unreasonable given that she was living with her sister at the time, but IMO, Emily was entitled to act a bit unreasonably after the public humiliation she had to endure, at least for a little while. And instead of explaning the impracticalities of her condition to get back with him and work on finding a compromise solution, Ross acts like not being able to hang out with Rachel anymore is a huge tragedy in itself, which should be more than enough of a red flag for Emily. Also, the rest of the gang would obviously take Rachel's side as she was their friend, but it's awful how none of them could show the tiniest bit of sympathy for Emily or at least try to see her point of view. I realize they had to write Emily out as the actress got pregnant (and wasn't feeling comfortable on set in general), but they could have done it more tactfully.
  20. I think Rachel and Chandler got along really well in earlier seasons, talking about a general "vibe" between them rather than some specific moments. But then at some point (when Chandler and Monica moved in together?) they simply stopped interacting, which the writers must have noticed themselves after a while, hence the cheesecake episode, which was a classic "let's have two characters randomly bond because they haven't spoken to each other all season long" TV moment. Grey's Anatomy does that a lot, for example. IMO putting Chandler and Monica together was both one of the best and one of the worst things to happen to the show. On one hand, they were a rare example of a loving, stable and drama-free TV couple and a perfect counter to all the Rachel/Ross madness. But on the other, pairing them off really affected their group dynamics and I don't think they were ever as tightly-knit as before.
  21. That might actually work - as in, after losing everything, absolutely everything she ever stood for and believed in, she finally finds her freedom. It's happened to people before. However, they would need be VERY careful with how they'd pace such a storyline. I'm afraid she'd simply go through an Eden-esque transformation, which would be grossly unbeliveable.
  22. Yes, which is why I don't think she'd last long there. I don't see her as a survivor type doing whatever it takes to stay alive. She's much too proud for that. Becoming a Jezebel would probably be the ultimate humiliaton for her, and realistically, it can only end in a miraculous rescue from that place very quickly, or suicide.
  23. I'm fairly sure the authorities are aware of his eccentric lifestyle and are letting him be - for now, at least. I don't even find it that difficult to believe - even the most authoritarian regimes can turn a blind eye to someone's otherwise forbidden proclivities if they find that person valuable enough. I mean, some of Hitler's closest associates were homosexuals, and Nazi German was hardly any different from Gilead as far as gay rights are concerned. So, I'm OK with that. What I can't get on board with is the idea that someone in his position would be able to get a handmaid out of the country as easily as that, and as implied, not for the first time either. Gilead as originally introduced is a society where every remotely important person has Eyes on them and even the Eyes have their own Eyes. Someone ALWAYS knows what the others are doing. And like I said, if the authorities can find a use for them, some things can be ignored. Enjoying art or music that's considered sinful in the privacy of your home? An occasional visit to the Jezebels? OK. Smuggling an extremely valuable asset out of the country? Not OK. With all the torture and all the mutilation and all the executions, the scene that I probably found the most chilling in the entire show was Emily suddenly disappeared and Ofglenn 2.0 popped up in her stead, and no one knew what the hell had happened. Because that's what Gilead is all about, a place where you can vanish overnight and never be seen or heard from again, and nobody could ask a question about it. Where every single thing you say or do can be monitored by someone. Where all it takes is a gesture someone takes the wrong way for you to be taken away and disposed of, and you'd never see it coming. Of course, that kind of claustrophobic, paranoid atmosphere is long gone and pretty much everyone does what they please.
  24. She'll probably have some quick crash Pai Mei style training and will be able to break out of a tomb soon enough. Or she'll go back to the Waterfords, they'll all inexplicably act like nothing ever happened and she's gonna spend her time making out with Nick in hallways. It could go either way.
  25. She had another option - going with them and making sure her baby crosses the border safely, or at least following them in the van as far as it goes, and then returning to Gilead to retrieve Hannah. I mean, if she had an even remotely feasible plan how to find Hannah and take her away, while being completely sure that Holly will arrive to Canada quickly and without any complications, then sure, go for it. But the thing is that she has zero idea how to get Hannah back and also can't possibly know how much time Emily will have to spend with the baby with no food and supplies. She's taking a pretty huge risk that at least IMO is not completely necessary.
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