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Everything posted by Joana

  1. I wonder if this is going to be addressed in the next episode(s). Despite the storm, everyone managed to make it to the hospital, including someone who doesn't even work there, except for the Chief of Surgery Everything. That really doesn't reflect well on him.
  2. I was pretty sure Betty would somehow be out of the picture by the time Teddy broke the news of her and Owen's baby. But now that not only she's staying but Amelia is apparently willing to adopt her, I'm inclined to think that Owen and Teddy are the endgame, Owen gets his own child, Betty recovers with Amelia's help and keeps her son and... Amelia becomes a grandmother? LOL.
  3. It wasn't just implied, Richard knows they had a fling, long before he and Catherine became an item, let alone got married. Catherine never kept it a secret. Richard is not a teenage girl, he's a grown-ass man (who used to have an affair with a married woman himself, so he should know how things work), so immediately assuming his wife is cheating on him simply because someone else picked up her phone and spiralling into completely irrational jealousy is not at all believable IMO.
  4. And most importantly, there was a reference to Jo living in her car! Phew, I was already worried that this crucial piece of infomation has been forgotten!
  5. I really liked how he talked some sense into her re: her "marriage sabbatical" because the entire thing is beyond stupid. If the problem is that she's worried about her husband's safety, not living with him isn't going to help it in any way. Seriously, WTF. Why are people going around telling their patients' confidential medical history they're explicitly told not to share? Maggie doing it TWICE in the matter of weeks just pushes the borders of ridiculousness ever further. This is now the LVAD-territory, literally. Alex and Jo love each other. Good for them, but FFWD time for me. Teddy actually told Owen about the baby and he didn't overhear it or hear from someone else! I'm impressed! Of course, she did it in the OR in front of a bunch of their colleagues because why not, but the way things were going there, I thought she'd blurt it out in the middle of the surgery and that a huge fight would erupt between the two while they're standing above a patient with his chest cut open, so thankfully that didn't happen. Always be grateful for small things! Glasses and HAOG played out exactly like I thought it would, so yawnzzzzz. Except for a second when I thought they'd get electrocuted while having sex in that ambulance car, but probably not. I guess it wouldn't be the worst way to go, if you must, but it would kinda suck for their newfound love. They're actually going there with Meredith and DeLuca and I can't even.
  6. A lot of people are saying this, but that's really not how I saw it. Maggie is immature, but (probably?) not to the point she wouldn't understand why Jackson would need to be in touch with the mother of his child. The problem was that he was pouring his heart out to her and dealing some highly intimate and personal things with her without Maggie knowing anything about it. To me, that would be a pretty huge red flag that the person I'm dating is still not over their ex. Of course, Maggie could have explained it instead of rushing out in tears in the middle of a conversation, but hey, it's Maggie. And of course, Jackson explained he was only doing it because Maggie wasn't interested in talking to him about his God quest or whatever it is, but then again I question whether he ever tried to seriously explain to her just how all that is important to her and try to get her to understand. But Grey's couples not communicating has always been the norm, so I don't know why we should expect anything different now.
  7. Me neither, and that's why I find Jaggie even worse than Gizzie in a way. While I'll always believe it was a punishment for Knight and Heigl, I could kinda sorta see how two people would briefly mistake emotional closeness for romantic feelings. But Jackson's sudden epiphany doesn't feel organic at all - it just looks like an excuse to do a rehash of his relationship with April with reversed roles, and I really don't get why that was needed. It could maaaaaaybe work if the point they're trying to make was that he doesn't really need God in his life, he needs April. But since she's gone from the show, that seems like a very unlikely direction.
  8. THANK YOU for saying this, because that's been my thought exactly ever since he was first introduced, but I didn't want to sound too shallow :o
  9. I was very confused about this as well. The way their conversation was going, I could see two potential outcomes: 1) Maggie tells him: "You're still using your ex-wife for emotional support and I'm not comfortable with that. It seems to me you're still not over her and I don't think we can work out until you fully make up your mind" 2) They sit down and talk their issues through, Maggie opens up to him and blah, and everything's fine Instead they sorta went halfway between those two options, as they started talking and Maggie seemed reasonable enough, only to randomly start crying and storm out, which was a major WTF?! moment. I'm sure that's not what the writers intented, but this whole thing has shades of Gizzy all over it.
  10. Why was Alex in on that surgery in the first place? It wasn't a pediatric surgery. It wasn't even a fetal surgery. The baby was not supposed to come out, and even if it did, they'd have an OB present anyway. I don't remember Arizona dealing with pregnancies before her crash course in fetal surgery. It didn't make sense when she started doing it, but at least it was vaguely related to her area of expertise. For Alex it just feels very out of place.
  11. Yeah, she was extremely annoying/immature, but then Jackson basically told her he'd still be with April if only he had found God earlier. But he loves HER, make no mistake. Which is just... no. This storyline is a complete mess and I have no idea where they're going with this.
  12. Anddith sounds like "End it", which would be entirely appropriate.
  13. Words cannot express just how much I don't care for all the Maggie/Jackson drama. What the hell is that. At least "Friends" had the courtesy to keep Rachel and Ross together for an entire season or so before their BS started. Also, the decision to write April out is getting weirder with each episode. I'm sure Catherine will be miraculously saved, so I can't get too invested into that. I'm glad Richard didn't fall off the wagon - now that's a rare example of a Grey's storyline that's actually been followed through lately. Teddy telling Owen about the baby is going to be winter finale cliffhanger, isn't it?
  14. For a second I almost thought they'd throw in a shot of Izzie there, thus confirming that her cancer is back and she's indeed dead. But then again it would probably upstage almost all of the actual storylines and I guess that's literally the last thing Shonda and co. want.
  15. I totally agree on all accounts. Meredith Grey is well into her 40s now and is a widowed mother of three children. Flings are perfectly fine, of course, but if they're looking for a long-term romantic partner, it really should be someone with a more mature outlook on life. Link is an overgrown child and DeLuca apparently never had a serious relationship before, so I can't see either of them as her dream match. Koracick could maybe work, but they need to start writing him as less of a comic relief first.
  16. Someone posted a quote of Krista saying that they used new footage for the dog and Ellis and old scenes for everyone else. I don't know what the reasoning for that was, though. Memory is such a funny thing. I remember there was a dog on the show at some point, and literally nothing more about it.
  17. It's been like that on this show since forever. There's a case that's entirely hopeless, there is absolutely nothing that can be done, the patient is doomed. And then someone (possibly even an intern!) thinks of some miraculous solution that's never been done before, or in the best case, is vaguely similar to some highly experimental procedure that's been done once in Japan or something, with uncertain outcome. And then, BAM! They're able to successfully pull it off without any research, trial or preparation. I've always wondered who covers the costs of such procedures. I guess it wasn't an issue when they had shitloads of Harper Avery's money behind them. But now that money's run out, which was actually addressed in previous episode (I was impressed as I fully expected them to act like it never happened), only to be ignored 5 minutes later when they were back doing experimental pro bono surgeries again.
  18. Hot Asian Ortho God. Someone (NUguy514?) called him that when he first appeared because the show never bothered to introduce him by his name and we needed a way to address him, so it's stuck. I like it. :D I've seen since that his name is Nico, but has anyone on the show actually called him that? Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention.
  19. Well, that is the problem. HAOG hasn't seemed to have any role so far other than hitting on Glasses in a very obvious way. Whenever we saw him he was doing just that. And I agree with Deanie87. This is Glasses! Just look at him! It couldn't be more clear that he's not used to that kind of attention from either men or women (now there's a difference between the Arizona/Callie situation from years ago, where Callie was portrayed as some sex goddess, so it wasn't unreasonable of Arizona to expect she was more experienced than she actually was), which HAOG must have noticed as well and seemed to enjoy teasing him. Of course he shouldn't be obliged to hold his hand and teach him how to be gay, but when you put someone in such an awkward situation, the least you can do is turn them down gently and not be all "Uhm, yeah, no, not gonna happen." Not cool.
  20. I'm thinking she'll turn up dead or in a coma or some other critical condition, and now that is the thing that prevents Teddy from telling Owen about their baby. But yeah, it does seem like they're setting it up for Betty to disappear and so Owen, Amelia and Teddy end up raising two babies together in some kind of a weird commune.
  21. OK, so that pretty much tells us how this storyline is going to unfold. Glasses will come to terms with his sexuality, it will make him "strong and confident", HAOG will be impressed and they'll be getting together by mid-season. Not that it was too difficult to guess anyway. I still say there was no need for HAOG to go all Arizona on Glasses. I can't actually relate, but I guess that kind of stuff happens a lot IRL, which is fair enough, but it wasn't the only possible option. He could have been understanding and supportive, or apprehensive but willing to give it a try, or ready to be there as a friend without getting romantically involved (yet), or really anything other than a "Gurl, bye". Also, I'm kinda confused why this is being painted as some sort of "coming out of closet" story as it's clear that Glasses isn't even there yet. And let's face it, this is Grey's, people have changed their sexuality (and even their sex) overnight before without anyone blinking an eye about it, so... But ulitmately I don't think any of it really matters. With THREE guys chasing after Meredith, the neverending Owen/Amelia drama with the addition of Teddy, Jackson and Maggie bizarrely tiptoeing around each other, Bailey separating from her husband and so on, I doubt this story would be getting too much screen time. I believe they'll at least throw in a line about it somewhere. Now this is something I've long wanted to happen, so YAY!!! I'm just afraid being separated will make Bailey even more stressed out, and she realizes she can't live without Ben and they reunite in like 4 episodes and yawnzzzzz.
  22. Also, it's beyond hilarious that the two characters that were written out because "there were no more stories to tell about them" now have their own stories rehashed through other people. Both of them.
  23. To be fair, it's not easy to come up with brand new material after so many years and so many similar shows. Still, they can at least try. Everything about this episode had such a strong deja vu vibe around it, and not just because we got to see the old characters again - it's that pretty much everything that happened in this episode has already happened before. Whether last week (Owen and Amelia not going to work looking after Betty, Jackson trying to make up to Maggie for being a jerk and her acting awkwardly around him, Bailey stressing out over her husband's job) or in previous seasons (a newbie gay being turned down by a much more experienced person, Bailey doing a procedure against all rules and regulations while imposing her authority onto a much younger colleague). I realize they're making much more of an effort to write for Alex and Jo, individually and as a couple, and I truly appreciate it. It's just that... I wish they had done it seasons ago before they retconned her character into oblivion. I would have cared much more.
  24. This. And this. It's a tired trope that's already been done on the same show, no less, so I'm really not looking forward to it being played out between two side characters and used mostly as a time filler. Glasses' "But I thought this was supposed to be a teaching hospital!" was a funny bit, though. Speaking of fillers, why are we having two filler episodes in a row? Jackson and Maggie are pretty much at the same place where we left them off. Bailey, get a divorce already. Teddy, tell Owen you're pregant with his child already. Gah, I knew she wouldn't do it. I also expect Owen to find out from someone else. Also, I hope Betty's out of the picture once the news is out. She's dragging the story down as it is, and with her around, it would be just too much. Oh, they ackownledged that Lexie existed! Of course, from the way Meredith spoke of her, an unacquainted person might think "Lexie" was a pet turtle, but hey, it's something.
  25. Why are you so sure he won't do it again if he's so "fucked up"? That's right, because he's not actually fucked up, or rather, he only is when the plot calls for it. The whole DeLuca thing has already been beaten to death (no pun intended) by pretty much everyone here, so there's no point in rehashing it, I'll just say that no amount of supposed fuckedupness can justify it. Anyway, going back to this episode. The logical leap between "Linc and Jo know each other from before" to "Linc knew Jo was being abused and didn't help her" is simply too big to be believable. Unless Alex has paranoid tendencies, which would again question his abilities to practice medicine. But we know that's not the case and this entire thing is just another plot contrivance, and Alex will immediately go back to being a perfectly functional person, until the writers run out of ideas again and require him to act like an asshole idiot for no reason.
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