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Everything posted by Joana

  1. I agree and that's why I really don't blame Amelia for not saying anything to him. She obviously can't break up with him for Teddy (over the phone, no less) and OTOH having him come to the hospital all excited about the childbirth only to witness Teddy's and Owen's newfound love would be cruel. And ultimately, it was up to Teddy. She had enough presence of mind to realize that Tom was waiting for her at home, so she should have been the one to inform him of what was going on.
  2. Also, did the show forget that Andrew and Carina are siblings? Was she even aware that her brother was in jail? It's nice that someone acted like a professional for a change and didn't let their personal issues get in the way of their work, but at least I expected a throwaway line like "Great, it all went well, your baby is fine, now I have to see what mess my idiot brother has got himself into". And if the show absolutely has to have a DeLuca on it, I'd gladly take Carina at this point. I seriously can't imagine how they're going to come up with two more seasons of this. Realistically, they only had enough material for like 7-8 episodes in this season.
  3. I don't think she was being serious. The way I saw it, she realized how upset Teddy was and wanted to placate her, but couldn't bring herself to outright lie about not feeling anything for Owen, so she decided to be humorous about it and came up with that speech about being in love with everyone in sight. I do wonder if her reference to being attracted to a woman has any further significance. If they wanted to go there, they missed a great opportunity - one word: Arizona.
  4. I really think both were in the wrong there. Maggie was possibly more insensitive with her privilege speech, but Jackson wasn't entirely blameless either. I loathe camping, so I can totally relate to Maggie there, but when you agree to something, the least you can do is make an effort. And she didn't, and instead she chose to whine and complain from the get go, so he was perfectly right to be upset about her behaviour. However, he lost me when he started insisting that she should learn how to love camping just because he does. I mean, some people just don't like certain things and it has absolutely nothing to do with some lifelong trauma or stunted development or whatever. It just is what it is. Not being fond of camping is just as legitimate as being enthusiastic about it. But the bottom line is: if a relationship can disintegrate over a camping trip, it really wasn't much of a relationship to begin with. So again, why did we have to waste an entire season on it?
  5. OMG, so I was right last week after all! Meredit did get fired and arrested. But the show doesn't end! Shocking twist! What happens next???! Maybe I'd be excited and all anxious to find out if I was 13. I loved how confident Richard was that Catherine wouldn't let him get fired. And then she did. Hah! He's going to be sooooooo butthurt about it and I'm loving it. The whole storyline is beyond idiotic. Like, does anyone seriously believe all three of them are going to be fired for more than 5 minutes. I was about to stop watching after they got rid of Arizona last year, but then they brought Teddy back in and I've always loved her, so I decided to stay. And then OF COURSE they turn her into a total selfish asshole. She actually let Koracick go home and make a crib for her baby while she was off to proclaim her love to another man?! Why, so she could have someone to return to if what she truly wanted didn't work out? That's not just cold, that's vile. That's seriously one of the worst things a Grey's character has ever done. Kim Raver deserved better writing. Owen always being in love with Teddy is the mother of all retcons. And LOL, so his relationship/marriage with Cristina was also a form of self-sabotage? Way to crap on your history, show. The look on Amelia's face after her conversation with Link? Nope, she's still not over Owen. But, to paraphrase Tyra: we're all rooting for you, girl! You'll get there! I was sure Jo will be magically cured after the golden blood donor's speech and was ready to roll my eyes at it, but then they did a full 180 and have her admitted to psych ward? That does seem like overkill. But whatever, I'm done caring about that storyline. It's awesome how we wasted a whole season on Jaggie and in the end it turns out they don't actually even like each other that much. Maybe Jackson really will be eaten by a bear. Remember Callie/Penny and Arizona/Minnick? Those relationships were FIREWORKS compared to Contacts/HAOG. Yikes. Their scenes are literally painful to watch. And HAOG is a horrifyingly bad actor. When they hired him, they did realize he'd have to keep his shirt on most of the time, didn't they?!
  6. Also, Meredith's reaction. You'd think she'd be beyond livid to find out DeLuca had used her daughter's documents to commit the fraud; instead she took his side and was pleading with him not turn himself in. There's no way Catherine would have missed that.
  7. That was Owen's original plan, but the woman was too scared that something could go wrong and she'd start bleeding and he wouldn't be able to stop it, so she refused to give blood unless she was in a hospital.
  8. Storywise these promotions don't really matter, as all those people were treated like regulars anyway. In fact, I was convinced that (the actor playing) Link was a regular. Now what I'm curious about is whether it means those actors are getting a pay rise, and if so, will someone be let go in order to even it out. And I don't think they've been setting up anyone's departure, except maybe DeLuca's. A lot of people seem to be convinced that Owen and Teddy are leaving, but I just don't see it. At this point it's hard to imagine that the show's Owsession will ever end, but realistically, I don't know how their exit would be explained. "Let's move to Germany (where neither of us have jobs currently!) and take our two very small children with us"? That's even dumber than Callie's move to New York, which was at least set up months in advance. I feel like Jesse Williams has been phoning it in a lot lately and I don't think his absence would be noticed that much, but I can't imagine how/why he'd leave either. Unless he dies in some tragic accident (saving Maggie's life!!!) next week, but I really don't believe it will happen.
  9. If it was just a case of "the heart wants what it wants", I'd be more than fine with it. She just doesn't love Koracick enough, which sucks for him, but that's life. And anyway, my unpopular opinion is that he only comes across so good because everyone around him sucks beyond comprehension at this point. My problem is that she loves Owen and supposedly always has. And that's ridiculous. Like I said in a previous post, if they had ever had an actually meaningful relationship and a real foundation to build something new upon, then yeah, go for it. But they never had anything close to it. The show has beaten us over the head again and again with how not only was she never the first option for him - she was never an option to begin with. And really, their imaginary love story should have been over 10 years ago when they BOTH chose different people (remember, Teddy really loved Henry!) and moved on with their lives, so why we're going back to it and have it dragged out over the entire season really is beyond me.
  10. I was actually trying to remember who said the other night, so well done! *applauding* Totally agree about the way Amelia talks too. I've come to like her a lot recently, but damn, when she gets into a long-winded speech and starts emphasizing random words/syllables in her cutesy manner, I just want to slap her. It makes my ears bleed.
  11. I agree, except I don't think he was doing it to protect the integrity of the patient. To me it looked like he was still pouting because he was proven wrong and the man did need a scan and it wasn't just an ortho problem. And being an asshole in general, because apparently that's how he is. I don't know where they're going with his storyline, but I sincerely hope it ends with him leaving next week. Re: Teddy and Owen: I could get it if they actually ever had a relationship. Some relationships are toxic and the people involved are clearly not right for each other, but they still can't let it go. It's very unfortunate, but those things happen. BUT, Owen and Teddy only had sex once and the rest of their history consists of her pining for him and him choosing other women over her time and again. Not to mention there were patches where they didn't even see each other for years, so for Teddy to proclaim that Owen is the only man who ever made her feel excited or whatever is SERIOUSLY screwed up and I'm not sure the writers understand (or care) just how pathetic they're making her seem.
  12. I was cheering SO hard for this to happen and I really, really believed it would, despite all odds and evidence to the contrary, even after witnessing Teddy swooning over Owen's Heroic Efforts (because, really, it makes absolute sense to send the most incompetent intern and a trauma surgeon to deal with a severely agoraphopic person, instead of, you know, a psychiatrist), but noooooooo. I just can't see how it can go from Teddy saying she loves Owen to Amelia's face and Amelia being fine with it, to Owen and Amelia ending up together. Nope. This is the outcome I've dreaded all season and it's finally here. And Teddy, gurl, I love you, but if you insist on ruining your life, hey, who am I to stop you. So Jo opens up to Saint Meredith of Selflessness because of course she does and yawnzzz. They should have done this like 5 episodes ago and spared us all that nonsense BS. I could have lived without revisionist history (Jo saved Alex!!!) and making Jo's mother look like a bad person, though. Maybe Jackson and Maggie will be eaten by a bear. I wouldn't mind it. So, DeLuca has now proven his unconditional love for Meredith, his legal issues will be magically settled next week, she'll tell him she loves him too and they'll live happily ever after. Man, I'm so glad this season is ending and I cannot believe I actually watched all of it.
  13. Next episode: Meredith fesses up and gets arrested and fired. The show ends. I cheer. LOL, no, that's not gonna happen. But it should.
  14. Yeah. He could have simply said that the guy collapsed while he was buying flowers. There was absolutely no need to mention the name of the person he was buying flowers for. That was so immature. But then again, so is Contacts. I think the lucky lady winning the Owen's Love Lottery is Teddy, mostly because he interacted with Amelia a lot more in this episode and that is probably a red herring. OTOH, he did say that he "doesn't feel guilty" about wanting her, which may point towards Amelia as I think he feels entitled to Teddy and wouldn't feel any guilt about it whatsoever. But hey, maybe he wants BOTH of them. It wouldn't be out of character, actually. Maggie and Jackson are just background noise at this point. Are we supposed to be invested in their relationship? Because the show has certainly never given us any reason to.
  15. That poor woman, not only having the hopes of saving her son crushed, but also needing to deal with a hysterical doctor and comforting her. I thought that Hot Asian Ortho Jerk was supposed to be leaving? Why is he still here? Gah. I have a really, really hard time deciding what is it that I care less about: Station 19 or who Owen is going to proclam his love to. And while we're at it, no matter who the "lucky" woman is, I have just one thing to say: screw you, Owen.
  16. I have several (possibly) unpopular opinions about this show. First off, I think that by now we have learned and seen absolutely everything we ever needed to know about Jack's and Rebecca's relationship/marriage, before and after they had kids. Any more flashbacks to that period of family's life are simply redundant at this point and I'm afraid that if they keep insisting on them, it will only create more retcons (Nicky) or utter nonsense (the family not being able to survive a single night without Rebecca). What does have potential and is still largely unexplored is the aftermath of Jack's death, and I really hope they focus on that in upcoming season(s). If it means letting go of Milo, so be it. His character has already served its purpose, and then some. Secondly, I really wish they'd drop the "poor Randall cannot find his place in this world because he was abandoned by his biological father and raised by white people" angle. OK, the circumstances of his early life were highly unusual and they shaped his adult personality traits in many ways, I get that, but at the same time, he could have had it SO MUCH worse. William could have kept him and overdosed when Randall was 3. He could have never been adopted and instead bounced from one shitty foster home to another. Or he could have been adopted by cold and/or abusive people. In reality, his adoptive parents showed him nothing but unconditional love, showered him with care and attention and enabled him to get a good education and become wildly successful and rich. Yes, his identity will never be as straightforward as most people's and I do understand that, but at some point, enough is enough and you simply have to accept it for what it is. I hope Deja's "winning lottery" speech, as cringeworthy as it was, is a step in that direction. And the same goes for Beth. Yes, her husband is black while her in-laws are white, That is unusual, but after having spent literal decades with the man, you'd think she would have got used to it by now. Lastly, I really did not like the flashforward and I hope it's not a technique they'll be using extensively in the future. Not only are they bound to start contradicting each other and clashing with the already established facts if used too often, but they also take something away from the upcoming storylines in the present/near future time. A lot of suspense is gone. For exampe, in those couple of minutes set in 15 years from now, we have learned that Beth's business has thrived, that Randall and Beth are still together while Kate and Toby are not and that Kevin is super-rich to be able to afford that enormous house. So, any potential storylines about Beth struggling to keep her studio alive or the problems in Randall/Beth and Kate/Toby marriages or Kevin's career taking a hit will feel rather hollow because we'll know how it all ends.
  17. This season has been so random and all over the place. Does anyone remember Jackson's spiritual awakening or whatever it was? Don't get me wrong, I'm more than happy never to hear about it again, I just don't know why we had it in the first place. The only constant is that Amelia is EVERYWHERE and that Teddy is pregnant. And there's really no reason why her pregnancy should have been dragged out over the entire season, which just tells you how much they've run out of ideas. And I really hate it that Owen appears to be her endgame. Jane the Virgin has soured me off the "They have a child so they HAVE to be together!!!!!" storylines for good anyway, and in the context of this show that has demonstrated time and again why they're not meant to be it feels so incredibly annoying.
  18. It's the fact that they're saving Teddy's childbirth for the finale that's making me uneasy. I mean, after AN ENTIRE SEASON of pregnancy (which, seriously...), there's no way she's gonna give birth just like that. There has to be some drama involved, but hopefully it will like when April/Meredith/Callie were giving birth and there were complications, but in the end both the mother and the baby were fine. Plus, I don't think Amelia would be having a romcom-ish storyline if something really serious happened to the baby mama of her former husband and great love. Hopefully not, at least. And I want to see Michelle Forbes again, so I kinda want Alex to go to Pittsburgh.
  19. We should just wait for Kevin McKidd to say something and then we'll know that the exact opposite will actually happen.
  20. It better not be Teddy dying in childbirth. I swear, if that's why they brought Kim Raver back for, I'm gonna flip out.
  21. I think it was maybe supposed to be some kind of a "be careful what you wish for/appreciate what you do have" kind of story, which might have juuuuust worked, but they've taken it way too far with Jo's reaction, and it looks like Camilla does not believe in it either because she's really not selling it, which doesn't help either. Jo's enormous disappointment could have made more sense had she always been portrayed as dreaming to reunite with her birth parents, but it was literally never mentioned before she randomly decided to search for her mother, so why she feels like her life is meaningless now truly is a mystery. And I have a feeling they've kinda written themselves into a corner because there's no easy and quick way to fix this and unless they want this to keep going into the next season (which, God, no), they're running out of time. My speculation is that they're going to do something totally melodramatic, like Alex does go to Pittsburgh to find out what the hell happened, tracks down Jo's mother and tells her how much Jo is struggling now, and then she seeks her out and they have *a moment*, she tells her she'll aways love her, blah blah and Jo is happy again. But hey, we'd get to see Michelle Forbes again, at least!
  22. I never thought I'd say it, but at this point, if Owen absolutely HAS to be paired off with someone in the end, I'd much rather see him with Amelia than Teddy. At least the show has spent tons of time and energy (for reasons completely unknown to me, but still) building up their relationship, while it's been made well clear time and again that Owen has never taken Teddy seriously. Putting them together just because Megan and Amelia decided that they're made for each other would be so incredibly stupid. And hey, now that they've both had their "brain tumors" removed and they still seem to be hung up on each other, I'm more than fine with them having a 2nd (or rather, 49th) attempt at a relationship. Not to mention that Link deserves someone who will truly put him first, instead of just seeing him as someone "easier to be with" than the person they actually pine for. And the same goes for Teddy.
  23. From what I understood, he messed up with the cement injection and somehow damaged the patient's artery without noticing it. But I could be wrong and they really should have explained it better. The patients scenes in general felt rushed through so more screen time could be saved for Meredith's and DeLuca's twu wuv and Amelia beating us over the head for the 67th time with how Owen And Teddy Are Meant To Be. I know that shout-outs to previous stuff and former characters are Krista's thing and it's fine, but not when it feels like it's being randomly shoved down our throats. What did we have here - Tucker! Cristina! Marie Cerone! Ollie! Ava! Izzie! Lexie! Speaking of Lexie, does she really belong in the distinguished company of Alex's Nutjob Exes? It seemed weird to mention her in that context. And speaking of shout-outs, 22 episodes into the season and not a single mention of or a reference to Arizona, so now I'm really thinking Jessica Capshaw didn't leave the show on good terms.
  24. Why is this show becoming This Is Us? Pittsburgh. Dead Daddy Issues. Vodka in a water bottle. The list of scenes I fast-forwarded through: 1) DeLuca talking about how amazing he is with his 7243 cousins 2) Meredith and Bailey talking about how to introduce your new BF to your kids 3) That non-binary person's speech about hands and legs and whatever 4) The ending of Owen's magical therapy with him clutching his forehead or whatever he was supposed to be doing 5) DeLuca holding that baby while Meredith (presumably) looks on So, basically, the entire Meredith/DeLuca stuff. Life is SO MUCH easier that way. HAOG is a really bad actor. And apparently, he's not an Ortho God after all, so let's just call him HA? Also, he's a total jerk and I hope he gets shipped off to San Francisco before the next episode. Is Amelia strangely and ridiculously obsessed with Owen's supposed love for Teddy because actually SHE is in love with her and doesn't know how to channel it? I mean, of course not, but it wouldn't be worse than what's really happening in this dumpster fire of a storyline, so why not. I would sign up for that! Wow, Jo looks like total crap. I'm actually mildly interested in how this trainwreck plays out.
  25. And another thing - Nancy works at that hospital and she could have easily seen the name of the doctor doing the surgery with her sister and that it's NOT Owen Hunt. Honestly, I'm not even sure why she immediately jumped to the conclusion that it must be him when she saw them together. The whole thing reminded me of the time Penny just showed up at Meredith's dinner party without having any idea who the host was. Edit: Neve Cambpell! That's right! Now I remember her. Yes, she was nice and definitely seemed like she'd be interested in having a relationship with her brother's family. So of course it figures we'd never hear from her again.
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