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Everything posted by Joana

  1. No wonder he was upset, his character was ruined to the point of no repair. He just couldn't win at life and kept going from one low to another, until he became completely irrelevant. I didn't know about the drama behind the scenes at the time but I clearly remember thinking how weird his character development was. I felt like pairing him up with Lexie was the last chance for his character on the show and it have potential, but of course it turned into nothing as well. The way George was treated also makes me suspicios that Lexie being eaten by wild animals wasn't just a coincidence.
  2. I absolutely loathed the way George's death was treated and the episode with his funeral (where all of his "friends" laughed their asses off, mind you). I get they wanted to show that grief is a process and everyone deals with it in a different way, it's just they never showed them actually grieving. And then they all moved on with their lives like nothing had happened. I felt it was extremely disrespectful.
  3. And I'll never understand why all those characters had to die. George could have joined the army like he intended to. Lexie could have left for another hospital with Mark following her as he realizes he can't live without her. It wouldn't have any impact on further storylines (no one remembers George one way or another anymore and Callie and Arizona barely even notice they have a child so Mark not being around to perform fatherly duties wouldn't be weird at all), it would just be nicer. The only time it actually made sense for someone to die (Izzie), they didn't.
  4. I agree. Their storyline was awfully contrived, but I thought Teddy and Henry had good chemistry together and were among the rare couples on the show I cared for. I miss Teddy and prefer her to Maggie a million times.
  5. I would have liked to see Jackson agree to help the kid and then realize that there's nothing that can be done, as awful as it sounds. Because, sometimes you can have the best intentions and try all you might, but some things are just beyond repair. This way they saved his sounds which automatically means they're going to save their marriage as well and it's so predictable. And gah, they really might adopt the kid, it didn't occur to me earlier.
  6. I've come to abhor their "friendship". Meredith has absolutely no interest in him whatsoever apart from making him listen to her crap whenever it suits her, has no respect for his needs and doesn't even make the slightest attempt to at least be cordial to his partner. All the while he follows her around like a puppy. It's disgusting.
  7. Why is she getting the George treatment, really? At least in his case we knew there was some drama behind the scene, so far we haven't heard of anything similar here, quite the contrary. The actress seems very supportive of the show. Simply lazy writing? It's a shame.
  8. I actually think I wouldn't mind Penny and her storyline if they weren't being so absurdly overdramatical about it. Yeah, her working there was always going to be awkward, but it's simply ridiculous that all these doctors would act as if she had actually killed Derek. Watching her redeem herself to everyone for like 10 episodes is not something I'm particularly interested in. It's nice that Callie acknowledged that she could and should have been more supportive of Penny at the party. Too bad they really have no chemistry together.
  9. The symbolic patients storylines could not have been any more obvious and predictable. If they can save the boy's hands, they can also save their marriage. You make one mistake and you're judged by it for the rest of your life no matter what you do and it's unfair. And Maggie and Richard finally have a chance to bond. That one was kinda nice, actually, although I'm still not sure where they're going with those do. And for the love of God, please make her stop talking about AMAZING SEX!!!1, vaginas and UTIs. It's cringeworthy. At this point it's just gross how self-absorbed Meredith is. Although I'm not sure they're going to make Penny a permanent stay on the show anymore. I think it's likely that Meredith forgives her within an episode or two and then she gets sucked into the Erica Hahn black hole at the parking lot.
  10. So, basically: There's something wrong with that conversation.
  11. He could have both comforted his friend and acknowledged the presence of his girlfriend. It's possible. And I'm sure Jo would have been more understanding if it wasn't something that happens regularly. She keeps playing second fiddle to Meredith (who treats her like dirt) and she has a right to feel annoyed about it. Besides, like it's already been pointed out, Meredith would hardly be as supportive of him if he was going through a tough time. She completely dismissed his needs when he was preparing his presentation for the board and kept bothering him about her family issues and what not - and then even voted against him! Jo was being stupid when she insisted they talk about those frozen eggs while he needed to rest after an exhausting day at the hospital, but I don't really think she was much in the wrong here.
  12. Actually, the more I think of it, the more improbable this whole set-up seems. Callie and Penny are getting serious with each other, it's clearly not some random hook-up. So, what are they talking about if at no point do the names of Callie's closest friends come up nor there's apparently any mention of her working conditions and such. It seemed like Penny was completely oblivious about everyone she was going to meet at the party (apart from Arizona), it just seems so unlikely Callie would never mention any of them to her. Otherwise, Penny would have to be a complete sociopath to accept going there with Callie knowing she'd run into the wife, sister and basically all the close friends of a person she "killed" and we just haven't seen anything to assume she's like that.
  13. Maybe she really needed to pee or had forgotten something inside? The woman clearly looked uncomfortable throughout the night and intended to leave several times, so I really don't think she had any ulterior motives. Yeah, it's weird she apparently didn't even know the name of the person hosting the party she was going to, but nothing makes much sense about this show. Drunk Arizona is funny, but it's clear she's not over Callie yet. They need to give it a rest, it's going to become creepy or at least pathetic. They've been separated for a long time now.
  14. I felt Callie could have backed Penny up a bit more. Yeah, she was shocked and surprised and caught off guard like everyone else, but I mean, she got taken to court once because an Olympic champion lost his legs under her treatment, certainly she must understand what she was going through. She did react, but I thought it was more because she was feeling uncomfortable herself and not for Penny's sake. At the very least her "OMG, I HAD SEX!!!!11" rants need to disappear. It's extremelly annoying and frankly, stupid.
  15. It could have been an interesting topic under different circumstances. Love can be and often is selfish and I'm sure many people have at some point felt (if just for a second) that seeing someone you love being happy with another person would be more painful than seeing them dead. It's obviously not something people would be glad to admit even to themselves, let alone the others, so seeing how they cope with such conflicting emotions and thoughts within themselves could be interesting if done right. The problem here is that it felt awfully misplaced in this episode. It had literally nothing to do with the situation at hand, it came out of nowhere and served no other purpose than to make Amelia feel better about herself.
  16. It's especially annoying considering that Meredith had enough presence of mind in the immediate aftermath to recognize that it wasn't entirely Penny's fault, to talk to her reasonably and encourage her to use this experience to make herself a better doctor. It's natural that she wouldn't want her around in her own house and that her presence would be too painful, but the whole "OMG, she killed my husband" business was over the top. Ellen Pompeo did a very good job, though.
  17. I didn't think she was singling them out. Actually my first impression was that she was talking about Meredith and Derek fans.
  18. What bothered me most about this episode was that there was a room full of medical professionals and they all acted like Penny actually killed Derek. I get that they're all personally involved and thus can't be completely rational and objective (Meredith and Amelia most of all, obviously), but come on. Thank God for April being the voice of the reason there in end. But hey, it's a soap opera after all. Stephanie's psychotic outburst at Jo was quite frankly inexplicable. Like, where are they going with it other than it obviously being a part of the "Jo sucks at life and everyone takes a crap at her" storyline they keep pursuing for some reason? It would be totally understandable if Stephanie was still too angry at Jo for what she did, but to have them make up and then have Stephanie attack her so viciously seemingly unprovoked... It was pretty bizarre. Why is Maggie freaking out over sex so much? You'd think she was a virgin. Come to think about it, even April acted more rationally after having sex with Jackson for the first time.
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