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Everything posted by Joana

  1. I agree with that and I found it especially odd considering that earlier in the season Teddy was adamant that Amelia is NOT Maggie's sister - and then even a random patient they were discussing their personal stuff in front of (because, of course they did) agreed with her. The only half-reasonable explanation I can think of is that there has been quite a bit of friction between Teddy and Maggie and now Teddy is trying to amend it by ackowledging the relationship between Amelia and Maggie the way they see it. But then even that is a bit silly. There's also some inconsistency in the way Maggie is being written. When she was first introduced, it was made clear that her adoptive parents adored her and she adored them, which was backed up several times, most notably when her mother was dying and her father came to visit her. But then we've also had those moments when she's saying how she never knew what a family meant until she met Meredith and Amelia, and that's so weird. I get that having siblings is a different kind of a relationship and something she really hadn't known before, but still, it's hardly like she never had anyone she loved and cared for. It's like that time on Friends when Phoebe was meeting Mike's parents and acted like a total moron "because she had never met any of her boyfriend's parents before", to which he replies "But you have met humans before, right?!"
  2. I admit I don't know a lot about drug abuse, but dozens of simultaneous ODs in the same park, in broad daylight, on a regular day (that is, not a festival or a street party of some kind)? Does that really happen? What kind of park is that?
  3. That sisterhood is basically one of those Grey's cutesy shticks like "my person", but Maggie and Amelia really have a good, strong relationship. They bonded as soon as Maggie came to the hospital and I think even before she revealed she's Meredith's half-sister. Then they all lived together in Meredith's house and grew even closer. As I see it, they're consistently shown as being closer and more understanding to each other than either is to Meredith and IMO it's one of the few friendships/relationships the show has produced in a long while that really feel organic instead of forced.
  4. I thought it was hilarious how people were making such a big deal about how amazing Meredith is, and then in the end everyone completely forgot about her and let her sleep on some random gurney in the middle of the hallway! Anyway, one of the better episodes this season, IMO. No one was outrageously annoying (although Jackson came close), which is already a success. I'm more OK with Owen coming to terms with the fact he'll need to give Leo up off-screen, because God, I really don't need to see more angst from him. I'm just concerned he'll start inserting himself into Teddy's relationship with Koracick now that NotBetty's storyline has (hopefully!) come to an end. Speaking of Teddy, it was so good to finally see her in a real medical role. She probably won't be having too many of those again given how far along in pregnancy she is. My biggest complaint about this episode is that the resolution of most storylines felt weird and rushed. It was like there were 3-4 extra minutes that got cut out by mistake and a lot of stuff was left hanging. Like most people have already noted, Maggie is SO concerned about Amelia the entire time, and then nothing? Not even a brief scene of her holding Amelia's hand or something? WTF? Also, with Jo looking slightly perplexed when Alex basically threw that woman under the bus, they could have made a point about how the father does need to put his child first, but ALSO make sure his wife gets the help she needs. Instead, it turned out be yet another Jo Gets Alex Like Nobody Else Does moment, which is sweet, but I agree with those who say we really need something more substantial at the moment. And of course, like everybody else has already said, Jackson giving the homeless man his camping equipment was entirely pointless. But still, it was a massive improvement from the last week's mess.
  5. I seriously can't with Owen. He's horrible on every level. Obviously, NotBetty's parents can't just waltz in and take the baby like that, but I'm 100% sure he would have reacted the same had they been perfectly reasonable about the entire thing. He started freaking out as soon as they entered the picture because it meant he'd lose Leo - except that he never was HIS to begin with. As Amelia pointed out, he was just a foster parent and he agreed to keep his mother in his life himself, so the whole thing could have fallen apart any moment and he had to be aware of that. I also wonder how the social service wasn't called immediately. Have those people ever given any proof they really are Britney's parents and Leo's grandparents in the first place? I mean, I do believe (and certainly hope, as I really don't want this storyline to become any more ridiculous than it already is) they are, but it was done so poorly. Also, these last two episodes have clearly shown that Owen simply doesn't understand Amelia on a very fundamental level, so I can't imagine how the two could ever make it work, although I'm sure the show will keep pushing it. Run, Amelia, run! Yay for Teddy for finally accepting that she and Owen aren't meant to be together. It only took like 15 rejections by him, but still. Better late than never! I still like her and Koracick together. There's more than enough time for the show to ruin them, of course. Some valuable lessons learned for a lot of people in this episode. Bailey found out there are things called "contracts", while Maggie realized that as a doctor she gets to treat horrible people, too. Perhaps in a few episodes' time they'll be ready to start acting like they've graduated from high school. Perhaps.
  6. But he did live with them for a while, he testified on Arizona's behalf in that farce of a custody battle with Callie. So, he clearly should know what a single mother's life must look like, but apparently he regressed to the mental age of 16 since that time. Maybe some delayed consequences of that beatdown by Alex? Anyway, like it's been pointed out by plenty of people, his total lack of ackowledgement of the fact that Meredith has children should be more than enough of a dealbreaker for her. But since he drags her down to his high school mentality mind level when they interact, maybe they are a match made in heaven after all. Poor kids if they have to be raised by the two of them. Well, at least they have Amelia and Maggie to look after them. Poor kids. In all seriousness though, I'm pretty sure they'll soon show him being a totally awesome father figure to Meredith's children and I'm already dreading the the ridiculousness of it.
  7. I will say one thing about Meredith and DeLuca (and her dating history in general over the last few seasons): I absolutely LOATHE the way TV and movies keep perpetuating this ridiculous myth that if a woman is not responding to your advances, it's because she's playing hard to get, and not heavens forbid, that she's just not interested. And that if you keep bugging her long enough, she'll eventually give in and accept you. UGH. And then people wonder why there are so many stalkers out there.
  8. How considerate of the citizens of Seattle to refrain from, like, dying, while every single doctor was unavailable attending the wedding under the stars! OK, that was way too much snark from me, so I won't even begin commenting on Meredith's love triangle and her twu wuv with DeLuca. There were things I liked, though. Jo was a doctor and not the Future of Medicine. And I've decided that I find Teddy and Koracick cute together, so stupid Owen better not mess with it.
  9. Moving on: yeah, the OR in the middle of the surgery is as good time and place as any to give a verbose coming out speech. Although, in this show's universe, it does make perfect sense. Man, this episode.
  10. Yes, the first thing you do when you wake up out of a coma is obviously to discuss your doctor's love life. Good grief. I don't know if I should even watch the rest of the episode.
  11. OMG. Could they have possibly made this any more predictable even if they tried? Of course, this is a rhetorical question, because the answer is clearly "No". Every single minute of this was freaking deja vu. Catherine's surgery goes well until there's suddenly a major complication, but they manage to figure out a magical solution (quite literally this time!) on spot and she's fine in the end. Meredith is angry with her father, but they make amends and he dies in her arms. The last bit might not have actually happened and I could have simply imagined it as I dozed off for a minute there, but it's in the Great Soap Opera Textbook, so... Although, I must say I kinda liked this storyline after all. It reminded me of time this show was still worth caring about. Remember when Riggs first appeared carrying a huge flashing neon sign saying "Hi, I'm Meredith's New Love Interest"? That was actually subtle compared to what they're doing with Teddy and Koracick.
  12. You're not alone! I've always liked her too. In fact, I considered quitting watching the show when they got rid of Arizona, but I stayed mostly for Teddy. But like I said, I'm really disappointed that they brought her back just to basically be an incubator for Owen's baby. If they so desperately wanted to make him a father AND stay with Amelia, they could have easily got Amelia pregnant and we'd have none of this ridiculous mess with Owen having three children all of a sudden. *insert major eyeroll here* But if her endgame is Koracick, he's much better than Owen in pretty much every imaginable way, so it might not all be too bad. Also, I wish she'd stop being so goddamn whiny and insecure and impose herself like she did back in the day. She could have and should have gone ballistic on Maggie's annoying ass. She's really in no position to judge anyone considering how unethical she has been.
  13. There's been so much ridiculous nonsense on this show over the years, but the entire "Harper Avery is a sexual predator" storyline and especially its resolution is one of the few genuinely revolting ones. I still can't believe it was actually picked up and approved.
  14. Oh God. So Teddy did give up her perfect life in Germany so she could be close to a man who's rejected her THREE times now. FFS. I just can't. I'm still 100% sure that Catherine is going to be just fine in the end, so I can't bring myself to care about her tragic story.
  15. As someone who likes Teddy a lot and always has, I find her storyline somewhat depressing, no matter how it turns out in the end and whether she "gets" Owen. Why couldn't they just let her be happy off-screen in Germany and find love with a hot Dr Müller or something? I mean, she had this amazing job and apparently a happy, settled life there and she gave it all up to be close to a man who never loved her enough and chose another woman over her twice already, and may well do it again. Gah.
  16. This Cece person must be somehow related to the Pearson family of This Is Us, the way everyone around her bends every possible rule or protocol in order to accomodate her, because she is just So Very Special. Anyway, her storyline had run its course ages ago, so her death didn't do anything for me. I don't know whether to be glad or disappointed that Amelia didn't have an epic freakout in that elevator. I'm always confused when Amelia of all people ends up acting reasonably. Give Bailey a hard reset (including divorcing from Ben) and make start acting like a normal person again or write her out. I know neither of these options is likely to happen, but she's been a complete mess for far too long and it's really dragging the show down.
  17. They obviously can, but we know how Grey's (and TV in general) works - babies are interesting for a couple of episodes after they're born and then are quickly forgotten. So that plus Teddy not working at GSMH means she's going to get next to no screen time. If it really plays out like that, I seriously wonder what the point of bringing her back after all those years was. If it was just to give Owen a baby of his own, they could have easily accomplished that with Amelia.
  18. I really don't know what to make of the Teddy/Owen situation. I can't imagine they've brought Teddy back (and made Kim Raver a series regular) only to have her lose the baby or die in childbirth. But after the baby is born, then what, regardless of whom Owen chooses? She can't have a medical role with Maggie (and Bailey) around. Ideally, she'd return to Germany with Owen and the baby, and it would be their happy ending, but they seem insistent on keeping Kevin McKidd around, so... Unless S16 really is the last one, like rumoured.
  19. I wouldn't say she's a total catch, but she's a reasonably attractive woman and I'm sure she'd be able to have a lot of casual sex if she wanted to. I wouldn't have a problem with her having flings with young hotties if she initiated them, such things do happen. However, I do have a problem with the story of her love life the way it's being presented - that she's just standing around minding her own business while all those hot and successful guys (i.e. guys with lots of options) are falling head over feet for her and are desperate to even get a date with her is simply too unrealistic. She's not that hot.
  20. It's Thomas. Or Tommy, as he's called by Catherine. I agree that he haven't seen enough of him and he hasn't been written seriously enough yet to be really able to judge. But at least in theory he's a better prospect than either DeLuca or Link, who are both a hard no right off the bat. Also, the reason I'm kinda rooting for him is that I don't think he'd be promotted to a series regular anyway and so his romance with Meredith wouldn't be hogging the screen too much.
  21. And it wasn't cute back then either. However, it was said by an intern, and it's at least somewhat understandble why they would treat every patient as a new learning opportunity. The problem is that they've kept it up over the years even though they really should know better by now. I mean, if you're a seasoned doctor like Bailey who's seen and treated every medical condition imaginable under the sun and you still get a genuine kick out of seeing people with horrifying injuries, you might have an issue or two. But IMO it's a part of a bigger problem with the show generally forgetting these people are not 20-somethings fresh out med school anymore. So you get Meredith chased by hot young studs, Alex still living in that gross building that looks like a junkie nest and not being able to afford a new TV, people screaming about their sex lives in the middle of the hallway and so on.
  22. I absolutely loathe it when someone goes "I have something super important to tell you but I'm not going to do it now" on me. Either tell me now or do it when you're ready! Still, the solution is not to keep badgering the other person over and over and over again until they give in, like Owen was doing, especially if you have to focus on something really delicate, like I dunno, operating on a living human being. And if Teddy wanted to talk about in private, there was probably a reason why, like he'd eventually find out. Of course, it doesn't mean she HAD to tell him right there and then in front of all those people, so they were both being idiots. Actually I was thinking how disturbing it is that Amelia of all people is the most reasonable one in that mess of a storyline. Of course, she then goes on to decide she wants to adopt Betty on a whim, so I'm no longer sure about that either. If anything, hopefully it leads to more creative storytelling than "Amelia is freaking out that Betty might be doing drugs - oh noes, Betty IS doing drugs!" ad infinitum.
  23. I really don't think GA is in need of a ratings stunt like that at the moment.
  24. If Owen chooses Amelia in the end, he's going to have THREE children all of sudden. Given his previous history on the show, that would be crazy hilarious. And if he chooses Teddy and Betty and Leo stay with Amelia, I really hope they don't make him going all "Well, I have my own child now, so I don't need the other one". However, remembering how Callie tried to pull a similar stunt on Arizona who inexplicably forgave it almost instantly, I'm a bit apprehensive about that. Regarding Bailey and Ben: I really wish the show would be brave enough to admit that Bailey is too much of a snob to be married to some lowly firefighter and simply doesn't love him (as much) anymore since he's changed jobs, because that's totally how I see it. It won't happen, of course.
  25. I was extremely confused about this as well. First of all, shouldn't that be a standard procedure that we've seen about a billion times before? Moreover, that wasn't some brand new approach that hadn't been previously thought of with an entirely new set of risks - waiting for transplant was the reason she was there in the first place and she would have certainly been informed and aware of possible complications. Besides, it was her last chance and wasn't going to last long without it anyway, so really, WTH was that all about? It was just a stupid excuse to create some sort of bond between Meredith and DeLuca. The entire episode felt like it was written by someone still stuck in the 80s, between that and not being able to afford a new TV unless you sell stuff. And oh, look at those kids of today with their selfie sticks! Let's do something totally outrageous with that! Yeah, but sex in the clinic is not as steamy as sex in the ambulance, I guess.
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