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Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel
AhFillAck replied to David T. Cole's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
Wait, what? Are these items real? Is she serious? Please advise. I would rather wear a Live Love Laugh shirt and that isn't something I'd be caught dead in, so that is saying a lot. Portwood"AF"? How low class can you get? I loathe the AF trend anyway but how is being PortwoodAF a good thing? Oh, I am just so confused. LOL Just for the record, I do not want my ass Portwooded. Thanks anyway. -
Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel
AhFillAck replied to David T. Cole's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
Yep...this is exactly what I was coming here to say. Amber goes on and on and on about how selfless and what a Mom-of-the-year she was going to gel. In reality the issue has been since she was out; years and years of letting Leah down, no-shows, a million excuses, broken promises and always putting men first. She continues to show Leah exactly who she is (which includes bad-mouthing Kristina) and THAT is what Leah sees, hears and knows. Amber sucks!! -
All I could think of was the wedding dress diarrhea scene in Bridesmaids, where Maya Rudolph was desperately trying to cross the street!
That would be a shock to me if it really is Rose! It must be more like Rosie, but I will hold out hope for the chance to giggle at a white trash spelling of some sort. Rhozee. Roseigh. Rozeleee. The middle name is bound to be dumb.
Ryler.....heee heeeee I doubt there would be anything ending in a classic "y". It will have to be "eigh" or "ee". Or even "eeeigh". Perhaps Rayven, Ryatt, Radisson (Radysynn?), Rebel, Ripleigh, Rhianna ir something with River in it, such as Riverlynn? Riverlynn....a new pharmaceutical. I could make fun of baby names ALL day long.
"Is the houses well here?" 😆
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I agree, the same or worse, or another way which she is unhappy with. I'm not sure who she is comparing herself to, but I think Jade is very shapely already and I can see a couple large boobs bouncing around underneath her shirt. I don't follow her so I am unsure about how she feels about the end result of her surgery, but it's only a matter of time before she wasn't to "go bigger" or tweak something. Why do so many women all think their butts are "too low"? I have never even thought to question the height placement of mine, even though I'm muuuch older and have started to sag a bit. I had to laugh at Jade saying she wouldn't marry someone she wasn't "100% infatuated with". Interesting word choice. One thing that I am enjoying about these recent episodes is that there is very little shown of Addie. I have never been able to stand her cutesy, I'm-so-funny shtick.
Yeah I was thinking that Kail didn't want Isaac to pick something COLORFUL and fun. She may just give him choices between her 74 different shades of grey. Maybe some white or beige in there to spice things up. 🙄
It must be a "Diamonoid", like Theo bought on the Cosby Show! I forgot to mention how Nova's big smile was so nice to see this episode. She smiled a whole lot on that excursion and it looked so joyful and genuine.
Yeah, I was thinking about all the windows that will "accidentally" get broken, particularly when she may not be as keen on getting engaged as he is.
LOL the hot potato game with the chair! The cake splattered on the ground made me laugh, too. I'd like to see that all again. If Devoin was the one who "forgot it was early day" at school, Briana would use 4 whole episodes bitching about it. She just tee-hee'd about it when she was the one who forgot. Leah's "I don't want to speak anything into existence" was undoubtedly right out of her motivational speaker handbook. I felt bad when Ali screamed in pain when she put weight on her right leg after Leah's breast exam playground PSA. Kail's brand new house will be ruined once she has Chris over there, so she will never be free of bad house memories no matter where she lives.
Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel
AhFillAck replied to David T. Cole's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
How can you think this is inauthentic?! 🤣 Look at the stupid pens with the cheesy quotes, arranged so that said quotes are perfectly in view. There is probably a "Get it Girl" (gag) mug just offscreen....oh, no wait. A "Damn Good Mom" mug, more likely. And is that really the name of a class she is taking, or just her general field of "study"? I'd enjoy an Instagram rant from her in the near future so that she can explain. How long before there is a picture of her lying on her couch in a Purdue sweatshirt? -
Wow, Amber outdid herself this week. She out-piece-of-shitted herself! I could hardly believe the constant stream of bullshit she was spewing, but then again I could, because it's Amber. And how wonderful that she's going to TELL Leah that they have a bond. That should fix things right up. Good grief. Leah's "thank you" to Kristina for the gift was beyond sweet. How nice to be treated to Kim chewing with her mouth open! Again.
Since Catelynn has referred to the baby as Baby Z, what do we imagine the name is? Some thoughts: Zinzzlee/Zinzzleigh Zanayah Zoloft Zaylee/Zayleigh Zantac (Please do not ruin The Legend of Zelda!!)
LMAO! Just like Leah Messer who would say "I feel like" 42 times per episode of TM2, prompting me to have it as my username. That gal is full of fillins. Amber's "gel" will make me laugh forever. Wait, were those the end result??? I know nothing about these fake eyebrows and "beauty" (*snort*) stuff but I assumed they were huge black bandaid things to protect the skin temporarily, like covering a new tattoo. Then again I guess the friend did say she liked them. Good heavens. Ah fill ack that friend was lying!