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Fake Jan Brady

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Everything posted by Fake Jan Brady

  1. Yes, Probst says they can spread the wealth in this Dalton Ross interview [but I agree the wording on the sign is confusing].
  2. A month into the pandemic and it seems Fire Tokens are the most valued currency in the world. I, for one, welcome our Survivor overlords. First time this season one of my faves [Sandra] gets taken out by another of my faves. It's an unsettling feeling. But thankfully my fave fave is still in the game. Long live Yul.
  3. We only have three weeks to prepare ourselves. It's going to be a katzenjammer of a day!
  4. This will make you even more shocked, but the orange suit was worn by Gigi who was in...The Del Rio Trio!
  5. If Dahlia's pissed now, imagine how she's going to feel when her twin starts doing drag and does better on season 15! The winner of the improv challenge was clearly Ross.
  6. They all have been returned to the finder who can play them at their will. The only twist seems to be they have to decide who to temporarily trust with the other half by sundown. It seems odd that they don't have to decide to play both halves together. I guess complications arise if the trusted player decides not to return their half [like Sophie indicated when Kim entrusted her with half] or are separated [again, like Sophie and Kim would have been if Sophie hadn't returned her half offscreen before the swap].
  7. Because that was so randomly dropped in at the beginning, I spent the entire episode worrying there was going to be a RIP Stacy Penner screen at the end. Phew. Yul was already my favourite winner of all time and I'm glad the show is taking the time to remind us how great he is.
  8. What a freakin' brilliant title for this episode. [applause] "As your publicist and daughter and now the moderator of the Sunrise Bay fan forum..." - Alexis is a dynamo. Every week we're witness as to why Catherine O'Hara is a legend so it was nice to be reminded that Eugene Levy is as well [the regret over not being able fly the guests to Bali was palpable].
  9. Jaida should've been on last week's episode 'cause, gurl, she is that bitch. Tired of her already and annoyed she was rewarded for a death dropping lipsynch over a campy one. And Rock M, pace yourself. That was a lot of back story and emotion for your first episode. Dahlia's drag face is spec.tac.u.lar. but her answers to Michelle's questions reminded me of Miss Fame never getting the 'how's your head' joke. Anyone know why Jan had to lose her surname?
  10. I mostly tune out when Sergio monologues but at some point he sounded like he thought humanity would be saved by his design ideas. The episode was so dreary after he left. Now this is going to sound hypocritical of me: while I applaud a 64 year old woman changing career paths and following her dreams I absolutely draw the line at a 42 year old man on a skateboard.
  11. In Cook Islands Yul’s tight four overcame an alliance of eight in one of the most satisfying end runs ever. Maybe four is his lucky number.
  12. I was disappointed that Jeremy and Michelle didn't even seem to consider the source; of course Rob is going to be throwing somebody else's name out there to move the target off himself. Adam The Penitent and his labors of remorse in the first half of the episode were comedy gold. I so wish the episode was titled "I thought Tony was going to be an asshole".
  13. He'll always be Brother Lavin to me, speaking of sneaky and totally evil.
  14. They're soon going to have to put up a stats column like on a sports broadcast; I can never remember who has an idol or half-idol or advantage or bitcoins or whatever else is out there.
  15. What was up with that song at the beginning of the episode? Have they ever done that before? Adam rode cancer all the way to a win [it wasn't his, though].
  16. A Little Bit Annie Murphy - interview at the AV Club.
  17. The Zapruder footage wasn't this closely studied!
  18. My favorite thing in the episode [other than the athlete's love love loving their outfits] was Geoffrey not knowing what rugby was and then explaining his muscles are just for show....well, not just for show.
  19. After working through the night on the challenge, Sergio would probably relate to sweatshop conditions in Bangladesh.
  20. Also interesting to remember that there are always people watching them perform [not just press but crew, producers, etc], a factor I never gave much thought to before.
  21. I'd certainly be up for a whiskey at Jake's. Love this Alexis story line; that second video call with Ted was heartbreaking.
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