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Everything posted by Gregg247

  1. I guess Lori doesn't have kids. When she grabbed at the sock on the toddler and it didn't come off, she yanked on it really hard. The Dad said something like "Don't break her leg; its a real baby, you know!" LOL I liked Kevin's response near the end. The sock lady was scared Kevin would hate her company, but he told her that she shouldn't take it behind the barn and shoot it, because she had a really, really good idea and product. That was nice. $98 for a Polo shirt is what they sell at places like Nordstroms, so if the quality is there, they should be able to make a go of it. I prefer the $9 versions that are sold at Target and Wal Mart myself. I can go through 10 bacon collars and still break even on the deal! I like to consider myself a fairly savvy guy, but that negotiating Mark was doing at the end with the cremation people had my head spinning. He was throwing numbers out so fast I had no idea what was going on. I think I can see how he sold that website company for $10 billion.
  2. That episode seemed rushed and weird all at the same time. It asked viewers to suspend a LOT of disbelief. So, Montel Williams has a Live TV show now? And he's able to get the "best" surgeons in America to do his bidding because he's such a TV powerhouse? "The Mother of all Surgeries" can be agreed to and performed all within a few days, utilizing just the doctors that happen to be on-staff (or are simply doing oncology as part of their resident rotation!). Dr. Bell managed to shake off his wobbly hands and mediocre surgical skills and help perform a miracle, I see. Theo Huxtable's bio-dad showed up as only bio-dads do on TV shows. "Hey, I'm your long-lost father, and let me tell you what you're doing wrong in your life, son." Having said that, i was enjoying their argument on the patio (it seemed raw and real) until bio-dad succumbed to the inevitable emergency medical crisis in his son's arms. Bio-dad has major heart surgery, but his "wonderful wife" and 3 "other" children never show up to be at his bedside? That wasn't out-patient surgery; he'd be in the hospital for quite some time. I'm sure if they'd bothered to show up, they could have met Theo in person. I can't believe any hospital in this day and age of lawsuits would allow a son to operate on his own father. Nic just removed plywood barriers and restarted a medical clinic on her day off, and she already had a full house of patients! Thank goodness Montel was still around to once again make sure the universe turns his way through the power of TV fame so that the clinic will remain open. After 17 hours in the OR, where he witnessed (and assisted) in one of the most complex operations ever attempted, Devon decides he doesn't like oncology... or maybe corporate oncology.... or maybe the new jerk doctor on the show.....or maybe the new owners of the hospital, or...., actually I don't know what he was upset about in his conversation with Conrad. I felt like there was a scene cut out of the episode somewhere, as this conversation didn't make sense to me.
  3. The main thing I know Walton Goggins from is the recent "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" movie. He was the bad guy in that movie, and he kept saying he had to do all these terrible things so he could one day make it back home to his children. Throughout this show, I kept pretending like he was playing that same evil character once he made it back home. All his friends THINK he's a unicorn, but he's really, really not! duhn duhn DUHNNNN! lol The show wasn't bad, but I felt like I'd seen the entire episode from all those commercials that they hit us with throughout the last 3 months of watching Big Brother. I knew all the jokes before they said them.
  4. I liked this. It had some awkward "sitcom-type" situations (turning the shower on herself by mistake was too silly), but it was a pleasant way to spend a half hour. I'm a big fan of "The Resident", so I kept wondering what this show would look like if it Carol spent her first day as a doctor on THAT show. It could still be funny, but maybe a tad more realistic and medically-based.
  5. I like the 3 members of the "team" and I like Michael Emerson from "Lost", but I really didn't enjoy the show at all. It was unsettling and kind of mean-spirited, but I can't really put my finger on why I feel that way. It's a well-made show (from the "Good Wife" team), but it just kind of creeped me out in an unpleasant way. I was glad when it was over. 😞
  6. That's why the show keeps Neil Lane on 24 hour standby. He's got his entire suit jacket stuffed with an interesting assortment of gaudy, over-priced rings, for just such a Bachelor-related emergency.
  7. I generally watch this show (and all the Bachelor franchise shows) for the Wrong Reasons - I just laugh and laugh at all these idiots. However, last night's show was actually really good. I got so absorbed into which couples would "stay together" (in show terms at least) vs. which ones would go home and never ever EVER see each other again, and was shocked when the episode reached the 2 hour mark. Why in the world am I pulling for any of these people?!?! I don't know - but I am. I don't care about Demi and Christian. They have nothing at stake. Will they get engaged on TV.....or, just return home from their vacation and continue dating? The "singer" during Clay and Nicole's date was terrible. He was loud, couldn't sing, and the close-captioning of his lyrics were hilarious. At the end of his ballad, I was certain he was going to tear off his wig and fake beard and reveal himself to be Jed! If I was Luke, I'd go home and never leave my house again. That was brutal. The first time someone was turned down for a rose, and then Chris certainly didn't help matters by stepping up with "Is anyone else here interested in Luke's rose, then? Nobody? Well, okay then." LOL In real life, that kind of thing happens all the time to us "normal" people; but on national TV show? Yikes! After seeing the 7 couples decide on their fates on the beach (4 for 7 success rate), I kept waiting to see if we'd go back to that luxurious air-conditioned hotel suite and see how Connor and Whitney were doing. Maybe they don't have the same "rules" to follow as the beach people.
  8. The women on BIP cake on all that oily lip gloss for the same reason that mechanics slather grease on the gears of manufacturing machinery -- all that friction would wear down the parts before their time!
  9. Well, my dream Final 2 of Cliff and Christie got shot out of the water last night. It looks like it may be Jackson and Tommy instead. Those guys are going to steamroll over everyone else now. Thanks to Gemma for making the exit interviews available above. Jessica demonstrates once again just how clueless a player she really was. I think even Vessie (BB20) was watching that interview and shaking his head in disbelief! Christie's interview was really good. I liked her throughout the season. She's a scrapper (despite all the tears) and really tried hard to play the game well.
  10. JPJ showed his true self last night, and it wasn't pretty. He's one of those guys who perfected a persona that worked with all the co-eds in college. He acts all goofy, like Shaggy in Scooby Doo, and the girls all think he's quirky and cool. Now he's an adult, in the real world, and women who are 26 or 28 see him for what he really is -- a little boy. Its time he grows up and gets rid of the phony "John Paul Jones" mask. Heck, even half-a-twin Haley and Demi called him out on his silly antics! JPJ can't deal with the fact that a woman he "wants" brushed him off for a more-mature man, so he decides to act out as if Derek had beaten up his Mom or something. I thought it was telling that JPJ had worked himself all in a lather over the fact that Derek had done all these terrible things to people, and only JPJ was brave enough to stand up to him, and Derek was obviously completely clueless as to what JPJ was even talking about.
  11. When Nicole was "singing" her little song to Clay, I kept imagining Jed sitting at home, furiously writing down Nicole's lyrics, and thinking, "How did she come up with all this awesome material? And it even rhymes!"
  12. So, after Hannah B. appeared on the beach and whisked Demi off for a conference, what happened to her? We saw Demi return to the group and go talk to Derek, but Hannah simply disappeared. Is she still down there at the payapa (sp?), waiting for someone else to ask for her expert opinion (on anything and everything)? Did she simply vanish into the night, like Batman? Is she bunking with Chris Harrison at the nearby Holiday Inn Express, gorging on Pay-Per-View and Mexican sweets from Jorge's latest tourist venture? These are the important questions Bachelor Nation needs to be answered! lol
  13. I've thoroughly enjoyed this show for the past 7 seasons, and I'm really sorry to see it end. This was a pretty good ending, as series finales go. I love that they're back to working "cases-of-the-week", even though we won't be around to see them unfold. I'm so glad they didn't screw this up! lol Where was Clyde? He'll probably get his own series on CBS All Access, which fans will hate because of the cursing, gratuitous nudity, and the complete 180 degree change in Clyde's character!
  14. I was surprised they didn't simply get rid of the fireplace (they both said it was a little crooked to begin with). That would have meant no more chimney outside, so there would have been at least 3 feet of sidewalk alongside the pool. Sure, the pool was too big for the yard, but at least you wouldn't be pressed up against the chimney every time you wanted to walk to the deep end.
  15. Somewhere out there, Richard Simmons is watching Big Brother and saying to himself, "Wow, that Tommy guy is a little over-the-top."
  16. Hannah, how DARE you tell Jed what he can and cannot do with his own body! Jed's future wife would never shame him or tell him what he must/mustn't do! Jed and his former girlfriend did it in the Gatlinburg Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum! And then they did it twice!!!! And God loves Jed anyway (despite the singing!). LOL
  17. Congratulations on joining the 4-Timers Club, Peter! (Does that title come with a customized robe, a kravat, and a cigar?) However, I don't think I'd want that broadcast on national TV, and especially in front of my Mom. Yikes! (And then Mom was.....cheering about it?!?! I'd sink through the floor in embarassment.)
  18. For some unknown reason, I've always had this weird thrill whenever a mystery show reveals a secret door/room/passageway kind of thing. I just love those! Because of that, this episode got elevated a grade just for that secret elevator down to the courtyard (that no one was able to find in 18 years of searching!) Odin's plan kind of makes sense. I don't hate him for it. I so glad we're getting Sherlock's creepy old Dad back next week! He was a bright spot in this show the season he was on; I could never quite figure him out, but I loved when he'd make an entrance and just sort of take over the scene. Really good actor. The anti-drug lady was strange. I think it may have been the actress, but she played the character with a bit of a smirk and an attitude that said either "I'm the killer and I dare you to prove it" or "I'm high as a kite right now and I dare you to prove it".
  19. On the one hand, I see what Dad was trying to do--protect his kids from the Big Bad World. On the other hand, the way he was going about it almost gauranteed an unhappy family and some kids ready and eager to test out all the "forbidden fruit" they were deprived of for all those years. (I knew kids I grew up with who weren't allowed to watch TV. They became voracious TV viewers once they got out from under their parents' thumb.) Plus, Dad was an absolute jerk (Mom was no better, really). Those grown children are petrified of their parents. The spouses of the grown children are petrified of their in-laws. What a weird family. I'm glad I only know them from TV and not in person!
  20. I'm no fan of Luke, but I really got fed up with all the constant attacks on him by everyone else onstage. Calling someone a psychopath, a narsicist etc. on national TV is a big deal; that shouldn't happen. Luke was a complete jerk, but to try to turn him into some monster or a borderline criminal in a public forum isn't right at all. Luke knows what he wants in a spouse. Hannah clearly doesn't fit into that. That's fine. I think her (and everyone else) ridiculing him for who he's looking for, while maintaining that who SHE wants for a spouse is perfectly fine, is hypocritical. Hey Hannah - not everyone believes the same things in life as you do; that doesn't make them wrong.
  21. I get tired of people always calling everyone who disagrees with them a "bully", but last night's episode.....wow. That was tough to watch. Bella and the rest should be ashamed of themselves for that mob-mentality attack. Tommy at least seemed to recognize it (though it didn't change his attitude at all, aside from a --temporary-- guilty conscience). Poor Nicole did nothing wrong, was trying to help her "friends" and got absolutely steamrolled for it. There are some real dickheads in the House this summer, and they're all aligned (for now). Nicole wasn't completely wrong in trying to peel off who she perceived to be #7 and #8 in the 8 person alliance. She just underestimated the extent of their stupidity and their big mouths. As bad as last night was, its going to be oh, SO satisfying, when this alliance starts to fall apart (sooner rather than later). There are going to be some spectacular back-doors coming soon, I predict, and I cannot wait. I really hated the scene in the storage room between Ovi and Jack, with David looking on. Jack was the perfect example of everything I can't stand about cocky, intimidating, arrogant jerks. He just stood there with that stupid smirk on his face, not blinking, and basically daring Ovi to say something, anything. The last couple of seasons have had a lot of people who competed (more or less) but got along fairly well on a personal level. Heck, there were times when I just wanted to see some fireworks instead of them singing Kumbyah. This year is completely different. Can you imagine living in that house this year? This Hateful8 thing won't last; it can't. When it blows up.....Whee!!!
  22. Traditionally, a widow or widower was expected to spend a year in mourning before it was "proper" to start dating again. What's the correct amount of time for a contestant on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette to be broken up with someone before being allowed to go on the show "for the right reasons"? These are young, beautiful people who are definitely in the deep end of the dating pool. It seems weird to me that anyone who has dated someone "recently" can be so castigated (of course, when "recently" means "last week", you have a point!) LOL If a person is in a serious relationship (considered "serious" by BOTH parties), then I can see why breaking up just before going on this show is suspect. However, if you're dating around, or seeing someone occasionally, does that count? Let me just say that I don't know the answer to any of this myself. It just seems like people are coming out of the woodwork claiming to be a contestant's true love, and we, the public, just assume its true at face value. Maybe its true, maybe not. I hate the idea that the people in my silly little hate-watch reality show are having serious real-life complications because their lives are suddenly put under a microscope.
  23. In elementary school, we used to love having recess competitions that pitted boys vs. girls. Everyone really got into it in order to prove who was "better". As we age, that boys vs. girls mentality tends to fade - except for some people, including Jessica, it appears. She's now twice tried to start an all-girl alliance in order to show the "boys" who's Boss. Both times, her attempts have blown up in her face (literally, in the first case!). I'm not sure why she's so convinced that an alliance, made up purely based on gender, would in any way be better than an alliance of like-minded individuals. At 37, you'd think she'd know better. (FWIW, the only all-male alliances that have worked on BB have been dudes who genuinely liked each other (The Brigade) and seemed to have a lot in common; random groups of guys fail just like random groups of women.) I suspect that the only way the Gr8ful alliance is destroyed will be from within. Jack&Jack did a really good job pulling in the strongest players who are there to compete and play. The "others" (aside from my favorite, Sam) seem like they're just on a summer vacation where the accomodations aren't exactly top-of-the-line.
  24. I always have a hard time believing the Lead is so conflicted by the end of their season because they're falling in love with 2 people, and they simply can't decide. if its that confusing, don't pick! Slow it down and figure it out. In this case, however, Hannah is asking us to believe that she can't choose between 4 guys! 4!!! As in, she simply can't even eliminate a single one of them. That's ridiculous. Has she bothered to talk to any of these guys when the cameras aren't rolling? Does she ever learn about these guys' lives outside the show? I mean, there must be something about one or more of these idiots that sets them apart from the rest. I was so excited when Hannah got picked to be The Bachelorette. Now, she just seems worse and worse, every episode. Is it possible that this reality show doesn't actually reflect reality?!? Say it isn't so! LOL
  25. The case-of-the-week this time was kind of ridiculous. I can buy into the idea that practically anyone could talk themselves into murdering someone and rationalizing it in some way. However, a lot of these cases involve these elaborate, convoluted plots that involve the cold-blooded murder of several complete strangers in order to achieve a questionable and highly unlikely goal. This show has turned to these type of plots more and more over time. Last week and this week had the same problem - I didn't buy either of them as believable in any way. I enjoyed Person of Interest for a few seasons, but it kind of ran out of gas for me, once the governmental conspiracies started kicking in. Redoing that show here, but from a sinister aspect, is kind of interesting. However, we've only got , what, 7 episodes left? Maybe that's not the best time to start some massive over-arching story arc.
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