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Everything posted by tinabee1967

  1. OMG....the heyooge hair and those ultra shiny unitards. OY!!???
  2. I think it was Alexandria that was messing up the V clap (lol, sounds like a disease!)
  3. What was up with Charlotte's makeup? She looked SO washed out. I could not have cared less about the name dropping of her outfit designer. It came across as very uppity. Like, who cares. I felt really bad for Taryn getting cut. She had way more confidence than Christina. I think Savannah is messing up so much because she can't take the pressure any longer. Forget the leg massages....all three of those gals needed a microdermabrasion, especially Kelli. She has that cake face thing going on and it has been a thorn in my backside for weeks!
  4. The more I hear Jinelle talk, the more I like her. ?Personality-wise, she is a favorite of mine.
  5. The red face on Madeline was one thing, but the white patches scared me! ?
  6. BUT....she got her revenge body back and looked GORGEOUS during the squad photo shoot. ?
  7. The dancer who had the "thut" was Megan Pravden from the Bucs. I really liked her and felt awful for her when she was cut because the uniform was not kind to her figure. IMHO, there was nothing wrong with her figure. If she could rock the Bucs Cheerleaders uniform, the DCC one would be within the realm of possibility. Ashley Paige was from KC. Yes, she was very stiff. Part of that, I think was personality. I don't think she ever chewed gum in school, for fear of getting caught. Chandler was pretty, but she was not DCC pretty.
  8. K&J feel that everyone is replaceable. Jenna is not the only young, pretty dancer out there. Her boots would get filled quickly by an All Star who has earned her stripes, as UnicornKicks mentioned above. Yes. Totally agree. With many employers, you cannot leave out any details when reporting what went on in their absence. Shelley has been such a great source of info on these boards and it would suck majority if a little verbal bullying made her want to bow out.
  9. Brushing Savannah and Christine's teeth. Really....that is a week long job into itself.
  10. I did not like Jenna from the get-go when she said her family sacrificed everything for her dream. She came across as an entitled little princess then and nothing has changed. I hope she thought that big, fat slice of humble pie served by Kelli was mighty tasty. As far as Shelly reporting about her text, all of those girls know ahead of time anything they say or message can and will be used against them if it is in the least little bit negative.
  11. Thank you for straightening this out for me! You would think that after watching each season I would know this stuff, but Tess/Bess-gate had me cornfuzzled. ?
  12. Every time I saw Madeline, I wanted to wax her upper lip. She had this shadow thing going on that bugged the fire out of me.
  13. THIS x 1,000,000! I felt like saying, "Just feel lucky you are even on the team at all." Put her in the back row the rest of the year and force her into retirement after this. She comes across as a spoiled rotten princess. UGH!!! I also felt Kelli mocking Kashara was uncalled for. We know she has an accent, but so does Kelli. It alarmed me a bit, like "Inappropriate!" As for the "ma'am" thing, I am 50 and still address my superiors/boss that way. Old habits never change. Hahaha! I love this! ?
  14. SO happy for KaShara!! Holly, I hope you take the time to mature. Step aside, Jenna. ((HUG)) So sorry to see you go, Brennan. I hope you end up a Charger Girl, an MDC or on another great team. You deserve it. :)
  15. I absolutely adored the heck out of her! I wish she cheered for more than one year!
  16. Dulce was one of my faves. :) Dream squad: Evan Anderson (Gorgeous on the inside and out) Deryn Derbigny (Went through Katrina/awesome dancer.) Erica Jenkins (Loved it when she got her revenge body and KILLED it during squad photo shoot.) Brittany Evans (Sweet as pie.) Justine Phillips (Not afraid to own up to her short comings.) Jordan Chanley (Humble. Smiled her way to K&He's hearts.) Dulce Rosales (One hit wonder I wish cheered for more.) Whitney Ott (Did not let Mommy hood stop her.) Brooke Sorensen (I liked her sense of humor. Photogenic.) Sarah Clay (Really pretty, nice personality) Megan Fox (100% DCC 100% of the time.) Jinelle (I love, love, love her personality. She is awesome.) Kashara (Not a shy bone in her body.) Kalyssa (Hotter than a 2 dollar pistol.) Nicole Hamilton (Great dancer, athletic, ready to help the rookies.) Whitney Isleib (Rose above her bad decisions.) Natalie Woods ( Well spoken, intelligent, mature, beautiful.) Ashton Torres (All around awesome. Great dancer.) Kandi Harris (Bubbly, fun, positive, athletic.) Sunni Cranfill (Mature, gorgeous, well spoken.) There is more, but these are the ones that stand out to me at the moment.
  17. Tonight's episode....my prediction is Kelli will say she got an email from Holly, presumably, and turned in her resignation. I have a feeling we will be denied any "office visit" drama. Squad photos should be coming up soon and we all know she didn't make it, so something will have to go down soon.
  18. That's exactly what Kitty would say. ? We need to have a Kitty Uncensored episode. Badly!!
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