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Everything posted by tinabee1967

  1. Can you imagine if those two showed up to an alumni event? Tina Kalina and Kelli would be in a corner drinking cocktails giving them the side eye.
  2. I think that Kelli and Judy were trying to be classy and dignified about confronting Holly and Jenna without going into gory details. If they had to, I am sure they made certain CMT left that footage on the cutting room floor. That's how I see it, anyway. K and J did all they could to properly address the issues without tarnishing the DCC's reputation further.
  3. This article may have been posted before, but if DCC's have rules this strict, those girls on the team are either saints or gluttons for punishment: http://www.cosmopolitan.com/career/a49568/nfl-cheerleader-confessions/
  4. There is a fairly new line of cosmetics called Milk that you can find at Sephora. The finish is very dewy/glossy. They market to the younger age demographic. It would not surprise me if that is what RayLynn wore.
  5. ITA.....that is one photo I would love to see. ?
  6. I would say not. I hope we find out what really ends up happening with Erica. After Kitty got on her for bad hair, I felt like she kind of flew under the radar. To me, she was great during her solo and then just sort of faded out.
  7. Didn't those not sexy half shirts go out of style when David Lee Roth quit Van Halen? PUKE.
  8. If Nik Ritchie from "The Dirty" gets a hold of any of that kind of gossip, yikes!! That is one place you do not want your photo.
  9. PUBLIC APOLOGY TIME: So sorry I threadjacked. I did not mean to come across as rude.That was the furthest thing from my intention. ?
  10. From that standpoint, I get it. Coming off the heels of Holly and Jenna, I can see why K&J have a very itchy trigger finger regarding any other offenses.
  11. Even at that, I would have told Erica to take the photo off of IG and not make the same mistake again. If she is 21+, a beer in hand is legal. It may not be classy or ladylike in the eyes of the DCC, but it's not like she was smoking a doob.
  12. @PrincessLeia, I am glad to hear you made it through Harvey. I thought RayLynn was adorable, but IMHO she is way more pop music than country. I dunno....I kinda liked her space boots. The weird hair color and face piercings, no so much.
  13. Holly does not get cut for her indiscretions, but Erica gets pilloried for a brewski shot on IG? Two and two ain't making 4.
  14. Note to future DCC's: Don't go out to clubs or party if you are of age and certainly not if you are under 21. Chances are good your photo will end up somewhere on social media or even worse, The Dirty. If you can't handle that, then do not waste anyone's time by bothering to audition in the first place.
  15. Holly did a great job in talking herself into staying on the team. I would have stammered and choked. I have a feeling she is going to make more bad decisions in the near future. We will have to wait and see on that one. K&J had doubts in the beginning about Jenna's leadership and that got proven. The house party sequence was so unnecessary. Demi looked like, "Oh, I do this every day." and acted like the whole thing was no big deal. Her response to everything was so manufactured. I was waiting for one of those teens to bust out a 40 oz. with beer foam falling into the pool. Demi's belted T-shirt outfit was too casual. She could have blinged it up a little bit. I got the feeling the girl who hosted the party had a lot of so-called friends show up just to be seen. That made me feel sad for her. (Cue doofus in the pool.) The Star. Geez....it goes WAY beyond being a shrine. It is highly excessive. One Cowboy Way. Like it is the ONLY address that matters. Give me a break. As an aside, I have a major girl crush on Lexie. She is a gorgeous little ray of sunshine. :)
  16. Well, that just blows. ? Where is the squad photo? I heard it was on Kitty's website, but cannot find it.
  17. OMG, the GIFS of Willie Wonka aka Gene Wilder & Wilmer Valderrama. Too funny!! ?
  18. Lol! OMG....the GIF sums it up! This episode better meet our expectations.
  19. BECAUSE SHE HAS NO BRAIN!! (Too much mental energy wasted on being a narcissist.)
  20. Crystal with her mullet and buggy cross eyes. Kelli thought she was pretty, but I never saw the appeal. ITA....that hair cut had to go. Maybe she went to the same stylist Megan Fox went to.
  21. Haha! I like this etiquette "rule". In the South, we eat many things like this with our hands. If you pulled out a knife and fork for fried chicken or crawfish, you'd get a good laughing at. ?
  22. I would have failed that etiquette class. There is just too much random stuff to remember. It is like you are being set up to make a mistake. I think the whole proper etiquette thing is given way too much importance. Don't put your napkin in your neckline unless you are eating BBQ, don't slurp your soup or spaghetti and don't eat stuff you drop. No elbows on the table and close your mouth when chewing. There. Etiquette class is over.
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