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Everything posted by tinabee1967

  1. When Lauren was walking across the field with her hair in messy curls and no makeup, I was thinking about how Kelli insisted the girls always looked camera ready at all times and probably had a heart attack looking at the footage. Here she is on National TV looking like she just woke up with a smile on her face. Love her!
  2. OMG...every word of this! It not only jumped the shark, it jumped the whole reef. Maybe they are trying to invite more guest choreographers in order to keep the show more "with it" and relevant. It is not working.
  3. The burning question in this episode is, what was up with that teased and diseased ball on the back of Kelli's head? From the side, it was NOT cute. Just...NO. Call Reiner, STAT!! Can't figure out who it is, but someone has an ugly weird belly button. Celinda should have been given more time and Gina has the worst hair, ever. It looks like she got into a fight with a flat iron and burned half of her bangs off. That funky liver lipstick color has got to go. It just adds to her vapid skankiness. The edit cuts going back and forth from Kelli and Nick to the girls freestyle dancing was very distracting. I wish they would have concentrated more on the girls. It was like a maddening form of visual ping pong. UGH! The etiquette portion was nice to see after the amount of time that has passed since the last showing, but for some reason it was not as fun. I am still shuddering at that chocolate tower. Anybody notice that none of the food was conducive to a slim waistline? I like Kashara more and more. She is not shy in the least! Her personality is bigger than life. Maybe they should have partnered her up with Gina. It seems to me that Holly looked softer and bigger during her rookie season. When she was standing next to the others, I was surprised at how tall she is. I think she looks better this year. Why she got a bit of a weight warning mystifies me. Kitty scared me. She came across like a wild animal carefully examining prey just before pouncing. She was unusually calm (for her) and I found it strangely unsettling. Makes you wonder what she will unleash next time. Judy looks really rode hard and put away wet in this episode....usually she looks fresh and pretty. She needs a nap and a soothing facial. How could they have not noticed Keyra the last few times she tried out? She is awesome! I suppose with so many girls trying out, it can be easy to overlook a gem. Peggy's face with that pink/mauve lipstick, just NO. It was not flattering on her or Melissa. She has done a beautiful job on the girls in the past. It looked to me like Kelli and Judy were picking apart the makeup application in the cameos when really, she does gorgeous work. No wonder Peggy looked like she would have rather walked across a bed of nails than been in that room. It is not her fault Alexandria had caterpillars for lashes. Critiquing the girls in front of Peggy seemed strangely inappropriate. Overall, I think this episode was one of the best of the series. That preview of next ep. is one I am really looking forward to. :)
  4. Glad I am not the only one who finds Trisha not pretty. She is hella photogenic, though.
  5. True, but I think K and J want you looking up at the stands and smiling the whole time. I would think a look down would make you appear distracted. If the camera guy is aimed in your general direction from a side angle, looking down would be a nono.
  6. I have always been very curious over learning the on field entrance. How do you know your foot is on the line when you are unable to look down? Is it something you can feel, or can you tell if you are in sync by staying in alignment with the other cheer leaders in your section? How difficult is it to learn?
  7. Ugh. Such dreck. The VA visit and Kitty Carter were the only two redeeming qualities of this episode. Celinda, Brennan, Brianna and Selena get picked on again. Nothing new here. We knew at some point, Brianna would get the ax. At least she did a better job of holding back her tears while meeting with Kelli and Judy. The show group auditions deserved WAY more time. I think that is the most fun part of the whole process and we did not see enough of it. I say, forget the studio practice and focus more on show group. My disappointment with this season keeps going onward as the episode goes by. Lauren is still bug eyed, Brennan is still stretched as tight as a piano string and the kickline is still not perfected. AND.....what do we have.....yet ANOTHER guest choreographer? SO original. (yawn) The only saving grace was seeing Yuko called out. If she sucks that bad, she should not be on the team. Gina just gave blonde girls from California a really bad name. "I did this and this and this and this!" Move along, now, funny face.
  8. The worst part of this episode, seriously. We have to tolerate Brianna another week. Blecch!! Other than that, this whole episode was just meh. DEFINITELY disappointed.
  9. If I am talking to a baby/cute critter, I say, "Bless your pea picking, sweet little heart!" and I mean it in a good way. "Bless your heart" otherwise is BAD.....always bad.
  10. @TeriyakiTerror, add Deryn Derbigny, Sunni Cranfill, Brittany Evans and Jordan Chanley to the list of favorite DCC's and our lists are pretty close! Most disliked: Not a DCC, but Vivian and all of her begging/ sense of entitlement. " I deserve a spot on this squad!" Bitch, please! Chelsea. She was a little smartass who thought she was being funny.
  11. I find the most entertaining part of the show seeing girls that do not have anywhere near the outer total package to compete further. Some of them just look busted. Others, it's like, "You cute, but NO." You have to admire their confidence.
  12. OMG.....the part where they smack themselves in the head with their hats!!! So hokey and out dated you can't help but lol. ?
  13. It probably depends upon her height. I am 5'. Back in my much thinner days, 9 pounds represented almost 2 clothing sizes.
  14. OMG, I thought it was just me. When Jordan was all like, "What up? What up?" and acting ghetto fabulous, it made my teeth itch. I am glad he dispensed with those pleasantries this time around. The man can dance, though. He is not very attractive, but he's very talented.
  15. She was awful!! I felt so bad for Nicole when she barged into her place. You could tell she was drinking juices in a desperate attempt to keep her weight down and then Jenny the nutritionist got on her for that. It would make those girls feel like there is no solution other than starvation in order to keep their jobs.
  16. She probably can't say anything about nutrition if she is not a certified nutritionist.....but you would THINK as these ladies prepare for tryouts they would have their work out routines and eating plans all completely sorted out. It wastes everyone's time if they don't and have to get called out on it by K&J. During Season 7, there were additional episodes that delved into some of this and it was fun to see the behind the scenes action. Not sure if it will happen this season, so we will have to wait! :)
  17. From the part of Kentucky she is from, her accent is very real. In looking at the rookie photos two posts prior, that is NOT a flattering photo of Tara. It looks like Rich Piana came back to life and gave her his neck.
  18. It just kills me how they choose some really CRAP music, though. I would much rather hear the country instrumental fill ins instead of :Meet Me In Vegas" (UGH!!!) or any of the other boy band type songs that have indecipherable lyrics.
  19. Ah! Reiner! I loved his male bitchiness. :) My job here is done. :D
  20. IMHO, there was nothing wrong with Selina's shape. Compared to Hannah from year's past and red head vet Erica from Season 3, I thought she looked pretty fantastic. Sometimes, I think K&J get terribly nitpicky, "unforgiving as hell" uniform notwithstanding.
  21. Savannah was the only big change. I was bummed out by the kinda/sorta but not really makeovers. These girls go to salons BEFORE preliminary auditions, so after that time passes, they might only need a little fluff and puff, though editing may suggest they got something serious done.
  22. OMG, +1,000,000!! As an aside, @ShellyB is under no obligation to clear anything up. I, for one, am glad she is here and want her to stay without letting the critical comments get to her. That would be a sad thing.
  23. No....it is not just you. This show jumped the shark after Vivian's poem (shiver).
  24. Most. Disappointing. Makeover. Session. Everinthehistoryoftheworld. Did anybody look any different? Sigh.....No. Savannah's hair color looked better, but that is about it. This is normally one of my favorite sections of the show and it was just rushed through. This group of girls are so pretty, you can't really make any drastic improvements. But, I adore Marshall, so there is that. Miranda needed to get over herself. She came across as ungrateful. Slap that girl silly. Whatever Janelle is doing with her makeup is NOT working. Girl, NO. She looks like she is in her 40's. I love her....she can do better than this! The kick line I thought went really well for a group of rookies, but Brianna sucked. Still. She just acts so non chalant, it kills me. She needs an electric cattle prod to the hoohah. I liked Kitty better in this episode than any other time we have seen her. She still had her sassy personality, but she was professional about it. NOW all of us non dancers know what it means to attack the movements. That ponytail of her's though......WHOA! Marshall, grab the Olaplex, STAT!! We have a flatliner!! Jordan is always great. I love that urban sharp style of dance. Of course, some of the girls get it right away, but others are all confused as to what to do with their bodies. We get a Kelsey wink (WHY does she have to be so pretty?) And Molly.....those eyes, girl! When she smiles, you see the WOW. I am glad to see her featured. Really like her. Brianna, again, is like a scared little rabbit in the body of an 18 year old and she dances like she could not care less. Again. Already more than sick of her. She is completely afraid of life. No surprise that Erin got cut. She did respectfully try to buy more time, but no. Cue the tornado siren music and off she goes, stage right, with the blessing to come back next year from K and J. Something about this style of dance and tall girls just does not work. Judy's eyes do that scary, cat eyed squint of judgment. That squint is NOT a good thing. And when Kelli throws her hair to one side and sort of looks down her nose and then at her notes? Somebody is going home. Cue more tornado siren music. The question is.....who is next on the chopping block? And now we wait for Episode 6......
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