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Everything posted by tinabee1967

  1. Wow..I can tell by looks alone about eight of those girls won't make it due to not having HD friendly faces. Yikes!
  2. "I did it for my modeling portfolio." ?
  3. Neither would PETA or the American Lung Association. I wish young people would stop thinking that smoking is cool. It's NOT.
  4. Do you think after Megan (RIP) they will let Brennan three-peat? I doubt it very seriously. Her biggest problem was lack of confidence. She was always acting like a scared rabbit.
  5. Why does Michelle Keys choreo always look the same to me? I am starting to get very meh about it.
  6. I hope the Eagles lose the Pooperbowl based on their outfits alone. Not everything Vera Wang designs is necessarily great. WHERE. IS. THE. BLING?
  7. Holly makes those kicks look pretty much effortless.
  8. Forget the hair. The Cheeto tans are blinding. ? I am glad they are not wearing those almost two piece outfits with that strip of fabric in the middle. They were hideous, like Star Trek costume rejects.
  9. Sarah is no Judy Trammel. #sorrynotsorry
  10. Yeah, no. She is not facially gifted.
  11. Within the last couple of years, InBev has made a 1.5 billion dollar deal with the NFL to advertise their products. I think we will see more teams require their members to be 21 and over for that reason. IIRC, one of the DCC videos had a big Bud Light banner splashed across the background.
  12. Those Lions unitard/outfits are AWFUL!
  13. Kaitlin was as cute as a bug, but she was completely ditzy. No wonder she did not make it past one season.
  14. I think she is cute and seems to have a very sweet demeanor, but, broken record, much? Every time she talks, she beats a dead horse. Agreed 100% with that. LORD.....step awAAAy from the brow penc-I mean, marker. YIKES. And could we get rid of the "I have no lips" look, too? #overit
  15. I love me some AC/DC as much as any other 80s metal head, but it is past time to change up the DCC intro. It's done, washed up and overplayed. "Thunderstruck" has got to go.
  16. One word: Overtraining. WOW! She's positively gorgeous! As for Christi Fisher, she has a body that goes on for days, but she is not all that, face-wise.
  17. If she is taking lyrical or ballet classes, she needs to stop that ish right away. Hit it hard with the hip hop!
  18. By getting in touch with Jay, if K&J know this, they see that the cheerleader in question is addressing the situation. If that cheerleader did not get in touch with Jay ASAP, K&J take a dim view of it. Plus, if they DO go to Jay, work out like crazy and get bigger/gain, it is a total Catch 22. @ByTor, @MrsEVH, @LMarchBand, I stand corrected.
  19. These women go into auditions knowing full well the crazy standards set by TPTB. I wanted to smack Hannah one for being so smug. If Hannah knew she would have a tough time staying lean, she should have not re-auditioned. Furthermore, if I got a weight warning, I would be on the phone with Jay, STAT....that is, if I wanted to stay on the team. Kitty is awesome. :)
  20. Aw...she was obviously just having fun. ? Go, Maddie!
  21. That was such a good episode. :) Probably one of my favorites along with cameo shoot day because you got a great "behind the scenes" vantage point.
  22. I am sure wherever they go, it will be safe. Mexico has gotten a lot of bad press, lately and for good reason, what with all of the drug related crime. The Leeward Is. got pretty well hammered by Hurricane Irma. Maybe they should stay stateside and go down to the Keys.
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