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Everything posted by tinabee1967

  1. I live in FL. If I had a body like Shannon, I would wear a bikini 24/7/365.
  2. Oh, gawd. Kaitlyn LaRye. Pretty as a picture but as doofy as Big Bird.
  3. I really liked Paula, too! I wish she would have tried out again.
  4. I am of the belief these ladies have to ask "HOW high?" when they are told to jump. Remember Taylor? K&J do not take kindly to anyone who stands up for themselves. In the first episode of DCCMTT, Judy said you have to accept an anchovy sandwich and say, "Thank you." It may have been another disgusting food item, but yes....they want a whole legion of Yes-women.
  5. With the NFL in particular having Budweiser advertising sponsorships, I am surprised the minimum tryout age has not jumped to 21.
  6. She is stunning! She reminds me a little bit like Paula Tabares.
  7. Ah....the "Lose My Breath" song with a dance sequence. We have seen renditions of this a million times over. NEXT.
  8. Now, that routine is a pleasure to watch! :) There is fluid motion added in that is a joy to the eye. Look closely....this is how it is done, SDW.
  9. And then SDW's hooting and hollering that is added into the mix, to make it annoying on top of it. Like them or loathe them, NSYNC really knew how to put on a show. Now I have "Bye, Bye, Bye" rolling through my brain. ?
  10. @LMarchBand , anybody can learn those routines. They look like girls at the skating rink who dance to 50 Cent in stocking feet.
  11. The team has not been the same since Danielle and Jasmine were DCC's. They totally jumped the shark at that point. Maybe even when Nicole Hamilton retired.
  12. The girl in the TCU Game Day tank top grabs my attention. She's so cute!
  13. Ugh. The music is horrid in the first video.
  14. I don't think they apologized on camera. If so, I sure don't remember that one. Asthma.
  15. I'm just not feeling the dance styles shown above. I get that it is "power dancing", but it looks way too spastic.
  16. Any confirmation if Brianna is coming back to re audition? I would like to see her come back after she matures a bit more. Then again, as pretty as she is, there are plenty of other opportunities out there for her to pursue.
  17. The girl to her left can't dance herself out of a paper bag.
  18. All you former DCC's who think you are some kind of dance instructor/choreographer? Yeah.....THIS is how it's done. (Mic drop.)
  19. Who names their kid Kortni and spells it that way? That's just wrong. Oh..yeah. If Kim Zolciak gets knocked up again....
  20. Corrected, but maybe not spelled correctly...sorry.?
  21. WHAT???? I hope the best for her. She was my fave rookie. :( Brennan trying out again after what she went through last time just makes me shake my head after what she went through. Either she is tenacious or a glutton for punishment. As for Dr. Chiufang Hwang, her shtick is getting old. Rather than inspiring others, now people point and laugh because she cannot dance and does not have the look....sorry.
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