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Everything posted by tinabee1967

  1. (Pro hair stylist hat back on) When you are doing blowouts all day on long hair, yours is going to get jacked up in a hurry. You will be sweaty and the front of your own hair will be a hot mess since the dryer nozzle is pointed in your general direction (Monty Python. :) )
  2. This is easy to check on your own. Drive to a building that has lots of windows and park so that the trunk is reflected in the windows. Look at your rear view mirror and also turn to look out the back window at the reflection. Tap your brake lights and turn head lights on and off. You will see right away what needs to be replaced.
  3. Jalyn's hair was lightened to the correct color. I just wish they added more brown to her final color formula, because it is still a little too brash. You can lift color up to what is called a pale yellow blonde, but ONLY if the hair is healthy enough to handle it. Or, you will end up with this: Full body pose of Ryan Lochte. Well, THAT certainly got my attention. ? The boy is cute as a bug, but dumber than a bag of hammers. ?
  4. Yes! I watched a scene of it online and unless you like that Broadway style of singing, I would give it a pass. Same thing with Legally Blonde.
  5. I can't believe we are on ep # 5 and nobody has been cut, yet.
  6. The way foils were applied to one of the blondes was just plain messy. Those foil packets should look like little neat soldiers all in a row, not crinkled up leftovers from last night's casserole. (Taking off pro hair stylist hat).
  7. Bud Light/InBev has been a BIG NFL sponsor for years. I would think under that circumstance it would be wise to have the age limit be 21+.
  8. I was just going to say, Christina's former tan line is showing. "(It) is alarmingly low, though." ?
  9. A really nasal Chicago N. suburbs accent is by far the absolute worst. I will take strong New England or Jersey over that Midwest whine any day of the week.
  10. He must have a nice personality. Or deep pockets.
  11. Hanna has a nerdy vibe to her. She is kind of dorky in an endearing way. Kelli mentioned in her office visit with Dayton that she had lost the fire she had during auditions. Some posters here mentioned it was her more introverted personality, but no. Kelli noticed this lack of energy and called her out on it. I don't think Alanna is pretty, either. It is something with her teeth. Lacey does look a lot like Farrah. I never paid attention to the similarity before. Both of those guys looked like the type you would throw a drink in their face if they made those kissy noises at you. And now, just thinking of that I am ?
  12. No, but they had beer bellies full of farts.
  13. Jessika is my favorite in the slide show. She looks like the whole thing was effortless!
  14. Watched the episode again: Every girl in TC is just beautiful, but poor Amy has a funny face. My eye sees everyone else and when I see her, it is like #recordscratch. Yuko looks like a middle school kid in swimwear, to the point she looks underage and it freaks me out. Alexis, on the other hand, was crazy unreal in that pinky nude suit she wore. Just.....jawdrop!! Christina looked fantastic during her swimwear try ons. She tried on an off white one and it was a winner. Lexie was surprisingly really gorgeous! I think she has been overlooked in the past and it was nice to see her focused on. As far as the weather in Bimini, it is a lot like SW FL where I live. It rains, then the storms move around and there are peaks of sunlight within a half hour. No sun means less squinty eyes. LOVE Heather O. Lovelovelove. :)
  15. That could very well be, but the DCC uniform =swimwear, so it is 6 and one half dozen of the other. If they frown on a swimwear photo, shaking her tush in micro shorts on the field should also be verboten.
  16. I liked that as well. It showed the girls being self conscious and unsure of what they were doing while being humorous about it, while not showing 20 inches of ass crack.
  17. I was half expecting Ron Jeremy to show up looking for fresh meat.
  18. You think Dayton would know. Bad interview the first time, late this time. Any excuses she has aren't going to hold up.
  19. As an aside.....WHERE is Lauren? Was she not featured at all in Bimini? Have any photos of her been posted on IG or elsewhere?
  20. Dayton is obviously not the most outgoing person. I get that, being quite introverted myself. That being said, I felt she was a lot more enthusiastic last year when she auditioned. This year she comes across as overwhelmed and somewhat defeated. I stand by my statement that she does not have that fire in her this time around.
  21. The whole thing came across like he was an old beer drinking pervert at Hooters.
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