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Everything posted by tinabee1967

  1. Nothing wrong with community colleges. There are many very fine ones available that can springboard students to successful careers. The stigma surrounding them needs to GO.
  2. If anything, it was said that Dayton looked great during her uniform fitting. Her body size seemed to stay pretty stable during the time she was on the show.
  3. I could merely look at a Whataburger and gain 7 pounds.
  4. VK had lots of time.....her whole natural born dancing life.....to get in shape before auditioning. If she was presumably ok the day of auditions, she should have stayed at that size....not gained 11 pounds and been all "oh, lookit mee!" about it.
  5. If she has been involved in some manner with the Cowboys organization, SURELY she knows it is imperitave to be toned and lean in order to wear the uniform and look good in it. WHY does VK think it is OK to be 11 pounds heavier?? There is just no excuse. Kitty should have pulled her aside or better yet, called her out and said, "Victoria....I am disappointed in you. Wanna know why? Everyone else around you looks great, but you have a big spare tire around your gut!! You have been around the cheerleaders since you have been a baby and had ALL that time to get and stay in shape. You are wasting my time and everyone else's with that smug attitude of yours."
  6. She did more than just cry.....she was a sobbing mess. I wanted to give her a big hug and let her know, everything will be OK and your Mama will be proud of you no matter what.
  7. Oh, God.....the filler music gets WORSE. During the segment where they show Nick their pom routines, oh wow!! It was REALLY bad. ? Malena wanted to show them, "even more". Well, honey, it ain't Vivid Video.
  8. Yes, Dunlop is still around. Very popular brand in racing competitions.
  9. Dunlaps/Dunlops are simply your "spare tire" around your waist post weight gain. They are worse than muffin tops. I agree....Tara's hair and makeup looked bad, as in a pre-makeover whodunit. The filler instrumental music during the beginning rehearsal segment was just AWFUL! We are also sick of Katy Perry-Fireworks and 123 Turnaround or whatever it is. Please CMT, you can do much better.
  10. Kashara's fall.......OWIE!!!!! She must be tough as nails not to shed a tear after that hard crash!
  11. Agreed. Kitty should have been more consistent. Remember the year four + vets and a rookie got called in for fatassitis? VK must be *really* special if Megan Sharp can't get away with it but she can. SMH
  12. This should NOT be tolerated at all. If I were the director, those girls would be sent packing, pronto. The fact TPTB allow even one toxic girl to remain on the squad in spite of her problematic nature just irks the stew out of me. There are PLENTY of beautiful, talented dancers to take their place. She's had all the time in the world to keep her weight down....no sympathy for her.
  13. Some of those senior citizens looked like they could not have cared less about the girls performing. They just sat there like, "Whatever." Rockette lady was so cute! I liked bull whip lady as well. :) Malena needs to GO. So does Kristin. I am tired of both of them. Malena works my last nerve. It is always the same issues with her. Yes, we know she is really trying. Yes, the guest choreos like her and think she is beautiful. Enough already. Kristin came across as very aloof in this episode. That did not work in her favor. I feel like Dayton's cut was handled with professionalism and dignity. Dayton was upset, but she had a mature attitude about it. WOW I want to see her come back with bells on next year. :) You GO, Dayton!! :) Nick was allovertheplace this episode. He needs Ritalin. A little disappointed in Kitty. She calls out the fat asses and did not do so this time around. I hated hated how she made excuses for VK. If it was any other girl, she would have said, "you have got rolls and you're totally spastic when you dance." Kelli would have cut them that night based on that alone. Poor Tara. They were fishing for a vet to pick on and she got caught in the net. This season sucks, so far.
  14. That's what I thought. :) Autocorrect sux.
  15. What does SFE mean? I must have missed something.
  16. GAG!!! ? I hope the shocking and heart breaking cut is whom we have been patiently waiting on. Just as a side note: If there is any whip cracking around me, there better be leather and hot guys, too. Just sayin'....
  17. Ah. The Rachel Buckmaster effect. (LOVED her, btw. :) )
  18. That style of dancing looks like a great lower body workout.
  19. I just got thru watching Season 4 and I got the impression Kaime was overwhelmed the entire time. She never came across to me like she had it in the bag. During her meeting with Kelli and Judy, Kaime was "completely aware" she had a lot of work to do and was struggling.
  20. No....I said "she is on the verge of", not that she is.
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