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Everything posted by tinabee1967

  1. OH......so if you have the best hair and the greatest legs, nobody hardly even notices your two month pregnant belly!
  2. And Vivian with her poem, Melissa's hair, Kitty's crazy mouth, Jay's nutrition advice, Kelli's outfits, Marshall's comments and expressions. Ah....the list goes delightfully on. ? OMG! Colleen Rickenbacher? Love her. ?
  3. The Onion is: That was pathetic. It's like, "Girl.....get OVER yourself!"
  4. She does NOT look good. VK has the DCC equivalent of Dunlop disease. In other news, Taylor T. made the Dallas Observer for all of the wrong reasons. She did not deserve to be dragged this badly. Called out, yes....but not vilified. https://www.dallasobserver.com/arts/a-woman-on-dallas-cowboys-cheerleaders-making-the-team-didnt-know-about-the-metoo-movement-11240189
  5. Taylor T. just got DRAGGED. Did she deserve to be corrected? Yes. I just think this is too much: https://www.dallasobserver.com/arts/a-woman-on-dallas-cowboys-cheerleaders-making-the-team-didnt-know-about-the-metoo-movement-11240189
  6. The default answer is, "Well, I would defer to Mr. Jerry Jones on that topic, but I'd like to add, GO Cowboys!"
  7. VK apologized to Jinelle as a complete afterthought, which, to me, just shows me she did not find apologizing to be a priority. VK knew what she did by blowing off Jinelle and was not going to be mature enough to bring the subject up first.
  8. There is a definite level of efficiency seen in earlier seasons that S. #13 lacks. I feel like problems and issues are not being addressed early enough. The fact that Taylor got cut and VK did not is irksome. How Taylor's not-so-great interview got her cut, yet VK's ignorance of Jinelle and disrespect kept her on one more night befuddles me. VK did not do well on her news style interview, either. At least Taylor was quick to apologize. She should have been given credit for that. VK did not apologize until it suddenly occurred to her. At this point, even if Kelli and Judy defend their actions (they do not have to explain to anyone), their credibility in my eyes is shot.
  9. ITA. I think Kelli and Judy's threats hold water with her for all of a few minutes and once the tears wear off, she is back to being her old doofy self. Maybe VK really does not think they are being serious and figures TK will try to fix matters behind the scenes. The only thing keeping her in is her dancing. Other than being told earlier on she did not deliver that particular night, she is doing well and holding her own in only that respect. Watching the triangle was SO interesting and visually appealing. It was neat to see everyone so in sync with one another. It was also interesting to see how Judy was breaking it down into 8 counts when doing the "domino" fall.
  10. Thank you for sharing this! It was such a good read. The cheerleaders should get a percentage of calender and poster sales. They deserve it. How greedy that their respective teams keep all of the revenue. The NFL still has a long way to go regarding economic fairness to these ladies.
  11. The blackface and the sombreros are pretty blatant, though. Yikes!!!
  12. HOW can VK NOT know that milkshakes are one of the quickest ways to gain weight??? Anyone who is on a clean eating plan would avoid a milkshake like the plague. SMH....bottom line, she does not want this bad enough to make the sacrifices necessary. Some girls can get away with eating whatever. She clearly can't.
  13. Oh, WOW.....where do I even begin with that photo. ?
  14. I think it was Episode #4, where the vets go to Bimini and everyone has their first meeting. Not 100% sure. They dragged prelims, semis and final auditions out this year. For what these ladies get paid, their job is HIGH stress. You have to look, act, speak and behave like a perfect young lady 24/7/365. Heaven forbid you head down to Mexico on Spring Break and have some guy do body shots off of you.
  15. I hate dogging on her, but love it at the same time. :) She is the 2018 version of Kathryn Dunn. ? This post is just too good...."the gift that keeps on giving", indeed!! ?? I am having flashbacks of Savvy's blue and white semi swim suit she tried on that shocked Judy. There is a lot to be said for leaving something to the imagination.
  16. I saw Amy L. on video and I have changed my mind on her. She is really cute! I think the issue is, she is not super photogenic. Maddie looks great. In the last episode, Maddie looked really pretty. Jessika looks like the camera lights are bothering her eyes and the photo of Heather is not her best.
  17. To the best of my knowledge, we have not continually seen Charlotte praise Icky throughout the episodes, so I am going to say that's pure speculation until proven otherwise. Jay sure liked her because she is wild, messy and out there, and he was vocal about it. I am going to say this is a TK thing. Kelli exhausted every option so that TK can't say Icky was cut unfairly. But, when Mama thinks her spawn can do no wrong....there ya go. Let the catfight begin.
  18. If Gabby is still on weight warning, I sure don't see it. She looks great....enviable even in this photo. If she is still on weight warning looking like this, I am boycotting this show. How much smaller could her legs possibly be??? I wish she would have made it! Brianna is pretty.
  19. Dayum!! You can bounce quarters off of her body!
  20. The MDC uniform is as pretty as it is skimpy. Then again, it is always 900 degrees in FL to begin with, so the less clothing the better. That Redskins uniform is uglier than sin. It looks like a hot dog with mustard oozing out of the sides.
  21. The first time I viewed this episode, I was in a blind rage that Taylor did not know about #metoo. The second time around, I was a little perturbed but quickly came to the conclusion that young Millenials (NOT all) are not in touch with news and current events. If you watch DCCMTT older episodes of the interview process, I would say half of those girls had shit interviews. It is a sad testament to that generation.
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