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Everything posted by tinabee1967

  1. Whomever said Amber looks like a young Demi Moore hit it right.
  2. I would still hand her a Whataburger and some napkins so she won't mess on her Lanvin pantsuit. He's so hot in that Mama's worst nightmare kind of way. John Cena wishes he looked like Conor.
  3. Charlotte's face is so stiff!! Lay off the Juvederm and Botox, honey. Eat a Whataburger. That's the script from Dr. tinabee1967
  4. Torture. Long, drawn out torture. It is all a ploy from CMT to keep us watching until the bitter end. You SUCK, CMT!!
  5. @ShellyB I wish we saw you a lot MORE!!! I hope you do not get edited out!
  6. I watched part of the first episode last night and VK mentioned how conscious she was about keeping her weight down. Meanwhile 11 pounds just magically appears. She was trying to fitness that whole milkshake into her mouth at once and all the boy's ain't coming to the yard because it is 2018 not 2004.
  7. VK leaves herself wide open to Snark City. I am a willing participant. ?
  8. https://giphy.com/gifs/wfApg2GUjJ6rm
  9. WOW. VK bottom of the barrel! HelOOOoo, Kelli!!
  10. Hannah acted like she didn't take the whole thing seriously. I found that annoying. If she deep down had 0 desire to be on the team, she should have not bothered reauditioning. Halloween costume! DCC uniform with extra fake arm sewn at a 90 degree angle resting on your head.
  11. VK is 175 pounds of dead weight. Where in hell's bells is Jay when you need him? I would *love* to see his army march up to her and stage an intervention. Brunette Taylor.....legs for days!
  12. Hey, if saying, drinking or eating prunes and prune juice earns me a spot on the calendar, I'm all about it! On second thought....don't make me wear purple and pose me like I gotta go doodie.
  13. Super secret three way and then tell-all later. ? (Seriously, I need brain bleach after this!) Milkshakes must be the Kalteen of the DCC. The vets must tell their least favorite rookie that Sonic Shakes or Wendy's Frosties melt away all that cellulite caused by soda so they can "feeut in that little tahny uniform."
  14. When the color was initially removed, it was obvious by the salon lighting they did some kind of gloss/filler treatment before applying the final shade. They did a great job of keeping Jalyn's hair in the best condition possible. It looked very strong and shiny. But...any type of red fades quickly. It is just the nature of the beast. The second color retouch should hold better, especially if she uses the products the salon recommends.
  15. I have a feeling Kashara wanted to say more. Sososososooooo much more. You could tell she was holding herself back from letting it spill. Ok. I will work on being impressed and meditate so that I can channel in that inner spirit of impressiveness and become one with it. Ok.....I tried this for all of, like, two minutes. Still not impressed. I guess I need some kind of guided visualization or intervention from a shaman to get there....
  16. I really hate it when they introduce the guest choreographers and the name dropping happens. I don't care if they worked with Britney Timberlake Madonna Jackson. So effing what? Are we supposed to be all impressed by this? I am not.
  17. OMG, for real!!!! Air horn is more like it.
  18. I think they are picking on Tara just to make an example of a vet. Kelli has way bigger, blonder problems than Tara.
  19. The etiquette lesson could have been done better. It did not appear the girls were being taught how to eat with a full formal place setting. If they could master that, they could be prepared for anything. The vocal fry was SO BAD, it was distracting. Even Judy was doing that when she spoke. I was Marshall side eyeing the whole time.
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