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Everything posted by tinabee1967

  1. Geez, Morgan was so annoying and whiny. She was ridiculous. Breelan I liked. Her segments did not bother me, but I hated how Melissa found all of these ways to make Breelan emotionally break down and then pretty much tell her not to cry. That sucked.
  2. Where was she at in the episode? I need to know so I can have my TV Brick handy.
  3. If the other episodes were as good as this last one, this season would be still be just above mediocre. Briana is one of my favorites. She looks great this year. A bunch of people here post about Maddie being thick. I did not notice that on the screen today, but it is obvious Tasha has been eating pizza and ice cream.....too much of it. Charlotte announcing the team did not bother me. I was OK with it. It was nice to see Kelli and Judy get emotional at points in this episode. No, Kashara....you flip your hair so perfect and express yourself in such an original way, seeing you go is a tragedy, but I am happy you have other goals. Lacey's kicks.....shock and awe!! I saw Kristin in the stands during F&F....she did NOT look happy. If you have been cut and attend F&F, be a good sport about it. Malena and Lily's cuts should have been gone into with some more insight. I just wish Malena did not ugly cry like Niagara Falls...seeing her melt down was super uncomfortable to watch. Not as bad as Vivian's poem, but close. Overall, I give this season a 4.5 out of a scale from 1 to 10. Meh.
  4. Deleted....reposted in correct thread.
  5. I have mixed feelings about watching the next season, if it comes up again. I might wait until the squad photo is officially posted, then get the episodes from Amazon. That being said, with all of the greats either retired or about to retire, I feel like the days of girls like Megan Fox are over. It's almost like AT&T Stadium just did something to the dynamic of the team. They have this grand palace to entertain in and it has made the managers and staff all full of themselves. The girls are sycophants with their nervous chorus of "Yes, ma'am". As a Southern bred woman I almost have a stigma about saying that phrase because of the show, but I still do. ?
  6. Erin is just beautiful! I agree on that. Welcome to the boards! :) Snark away, but play nice. ?
  7. She dances way too fluid and soft for DCC style right now. Hopefully, she will keep working at it. Hannah is a cute girl, but lacks that glamorous WOW factor.
  8. Really lame product placements, delayed cut decisions, not enough Kitty, too many guest choreographers with weird routines, VK 24/7/365 and the same old dialogue have ruined this season. If CMT picks this back up for DCCMTT 14, I will be surprised. Then again, S13 has allegedly been the highest rated. The viewers in general must love manufactured drama. Bring back this show when it was done during the Texas Stadium days, please.
  9. Likely they will have armed personnel with them at all times. One of my business associates traveled to Venezuela with a buddy of his and his wife. Armed guards is how they rolled anytime they ventured out of the hotel.
  10. I predict they will give VK her own show which will perpetuate the spoiled Southern girl stereotype. As far as the latter part of your statement, it is too late. Their credibility just got cremated and dumped out to sea to swim with the fishes.
  11. Why does Tara's face look so rounded and bloated? I noticed that the last two times we saw her. Malena actually irritated me this episode. Too many sound bites from her that belie her wavering of confidence. It's like paraphrasing in my mind Kitty...."You....you go away until you gain some confidence."
  12. I can't believe I am saying this, but Malena should have gone home before Victoria. To be honest, Victoria won me over this episode. One tip for her.....I do believe Too Faced mascara comes in a great waterproof formula and so does Urban Decay Lash Perversion. Girl....you need to buy some.
  13. Too late to see it now...they are beginning to reduce it to rubble. ?
  14. If she wants to burn bridges, that is OK by me. At this point, auditioning again would be a step backwards. If this season is any indication, she dodged a bullet.
  15. Please. The swimsuit calendar shows more skin than what Dayton is doing here. You GO, Dayton!!???
  16. Colleen tried to be as nice about it as possible. The look on Kelli's face pretty much said it all. ?
  17. OMG. She needs to shuddit. Everyone with a functioning brain could see she has gained weight and she needs time to GROW UP!!
  18. That skirt gave her flamingo legs. Not flattering at all.
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