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Everything posted by tinabee1967

  1. Hannah made me nuts. She was so smiley and nice the whole time during her meeting with K&J, talking in that little girl voice. Any other TCC would have been sitting there in tears. If you watch Hannah's solo routine, her mid section looks BAD for a returning vet. She danced very "heavy". It was nice to see Kelsey redeem herself. She had the potential to be a 5 year girl just on her appearance alone. Yeah...I was completely cheering for her, like, "Girl!! You GO!!!!"
  2. Even then, people have been posting about #metoo on Instagram and FB like crazy, so if she was on both of those media platforms, SURELY she would have seen this. Either that, or she has very selfie addicted social media friends, which is sad.
  3. Marshall is indeed quite gorgeous. No doubt. Have you seen how he dresses? OMG....I think he out does most of the women in Dallas!? Taylor T not knowing about #metoo REALLY stuck in my buttcrack. I am not so secretly hoping Kelli reams her a new one. I am po'ed just thinking about it. How could she be so ignoramus on such a popular subject? Has she been living in a Saudi Arabian desert????
  4. I would love to see Kyndall come back in ghost form with fangs and blood saying, "Kelli must DIE!!......DIIIIEEEE!!" To be honest, the field practice episodes are never my favorite. Judy's shrill yelling just hurts my teeth. WHAT was going on with Melissa's face? She had that oily glow ball thing going on and it was not working. She needed MAC Studio Fix, STAT. THIS would be aces over 8's! :)
  5. Yes, Victoria.....it was heartbreaking. I am *still* not over it, for REAL!!
  6. Yeah, Victoria. I'm sure you cried a river of tears. I have a feeling Kristin was arguing for her spot much like Whitney very unattractively did a couple of seasons ago. We clearly did not see the whole conversation on that one. Kristin is fortunate Kelli did not put laser burns on her heart when those brown eyes flashed at her. Eeeyikes!!!! You GO, Erin!!!!! Whoopwhoop!!!
  7. OMG, the DCCMTT glory days!!!! SIGH!! :(
  8. This explanation and theory of yours is pure genius. No....I am not being sarcastic. :) When dogs get that excited, they usually pee. I am not saying VK is a dog, but if the shoe fits.......
  9. OMG, this thread is juicier than Five Guys burgers. ?
  10. Great. :( I already do not want a Season 14.
  11. I have to wait until Amazon gets the episode queued up. I have a feeling this episode will determine whether I continue watching or not. I haven't seen it and reading the comments already pisses me off.
  12. Whomever changed the name to just "Dunkin" was clearly not thinking. What will happen next....will they shorten the name WalMart to Wally??? The girls should be promoting Fresh Fit Foods. As an aside, the snark posted here within the last hour or so is every bit as good as my Sour Patch Kids I am noshing on right now. ?
  13. Melissa is a good judge during the audition process....but she is like salt. A little is good, but too much ruins the dish.
  14. I disliked that dark haired Megan Fox looks like judge who would say things like "(she's) nothing special". I felt like saying, "Bish, let's see YOU kick to your nose while wearing micro shorts!"
  15. When Chandler was speaking on camera, I thought she was a cute girl. During photos, I think she was trying too hard by looking stiff and over smiling.
  16. I love it when TCC's come back looking better than ever. :) Amy looks great in photos and in the uniform. Ouch!! Lol!! ?
  17. Yep....I suspect Charlotte said something as well.
  18. How many times has Tina worn that sparkly Alumni shirt? Her clothes don't match and her bra strap is showing. All four ladies look pretty and @ShellyB is KILLING it!!! She reminds me of Halle Berry.
  19. Now that you mention Auto Amy, her cut was BRUTAL!! :( I hated to see her go. BURN!!! Lol
  20. Yes, 5....and it cannot go fast enough. The wait until the end is interminable. Cute photo!
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