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Everything posted by tinabee1967

  1. A good majority of the girls do not look good in those head shots. I noticed that right off. Poor Elizabeth looks like Pinocchio.
  2. I am surprised she got away with that.
  3. I love Brooke and the Schramminator too, because they do not take themselves seriously. Anybody else think she has parents with REALLY high expectations? She mentioned hating telling her folks she would not be going to Canton. Jenna should have given thought to that before making stupid choices. Too late for that, now.
  4. Have you seen Kelsey on her boyfriend Brody's YouTube channel? They are actually very cute together and seem to enjoy each other's company. She is gorgeous. Him on the other hand? Cute from the neck down.
  5. She can land 'em, but she can't keep 'em. The guys wake up in the AM and flip out bc they are scared to death she might be underage.
  6. I thought Keyra had a sense of humor about it, but it could have easily been misinterpreted for being a wiseass. Kashara deserves her moments in the sun. She is great. :) And, I am happy to see Christina made it after all of those times she auditioned. She genuinely seems like a very sweet person, but I think she is going to be a "one and done". I am bummed about Alexandria, but have to give her mad props for putting family first.
  7. At the same time, I am looking forward to this being over with. PLEASE no lame squad announcement. Just......PLEASE!
  8. More than likely. They need to retire this song. If we never hear, "I Like It Loud" by Big and Rich ever again, that is also perfectly fine by me. #overplayed. When Kelli announced the squad on the Jerrytron, that was one of the best ways to do so. These girls work HARD! They deserve an announcement that is big and splashy.
  9. Was it Ally Traylor and Cassie that ganged up on Taylor?
  10. ITA. She does not look right in the uniform.
  11. Oh, I think Holly did a good deal of squirming. She had her eyes wide open like she got caught red handed. The look on her face gave me enough satisfaction to know she understood she was in deep doodoo. I think Kelli wanted to keep it classy so as not to besmirch the good ol' DCC name by pushing things further. Now, Jenna on the other hand tried her best to pull out the sympathy card with her eyes and facial expression, but Kelli was not having it.
  12. I do not understand why on Earth Stephanie H. made it. She was too chunky for the uniform and she did not have the look. I loooooved Rachel, but she was just not the powerful type. Grace Sells would have been a good fit for the squad in every way. I especially liked her personality. Lauren came across as a little young. Now that she has more pro dance experience, I hope she comes back.
  13. Sometimes I have heard military men address their superiors, "SIR, yes sir!"
  14. Ewwie eww eww !!! That is quite the visual. ?
  15. "Oh, yes...I am wholesome!" (Wearing a uniform that by default threatens an Auto Amy-style 'threads away from a major wardrobe malfunction'.) Seriously, if those girls fart during a routine, those ass cheeks are out for air.
  16. That is likely. High impact aerobics...the worst exercise ever invented. I can hear my entire spine cry right now.
  17. He had a really bad drinking problem and ended up with a few DUIs, went through a bankruptcy and a divorce. I remembered when he was on CA. He spent most of his time talking to his daughter on the phone. That was so sweet. ? Now he is retired from performing because he has dementia. :( RE: Ashton: If any of you were members of the old TWoP boards, the rumor back then was Megan Fox was being groomed for a future position with the DCC, but I do not think that came to fruition. I think Ashton could take her place easily. Hell....I would love to see Ashton boot out Melissa and take her spot! (who has been absent the last few episodes.)
  18. Just an FYI....turn down/off the volume completely on the Phil Donahue one. The instrumental filler music on it is REALLY bad! So hilarious to see how ho hum the audience was about the performance! I think the old guy was the only one who enjoyed it. There was a lot of polite clapping afterwards. And what was with the shirtless guy and the girl next to him? They looked so stoic. The '80s contained a lot of weird, non sensical stuff like that.
  19. David Cassidy.....my 70s guy crush (sigh!). Too bad he is such a train wreck now. :(
  20. Big difference between the dancing in the Love Boat video and the MJ/Smooth Criminal routine from '89. Uggghhh....that Love Boat scene was barfworthy. They did NOT dance good enough for all of that standing ovation/bad acting crapola. The instrumental music was painful! That "Oh, Yeah" song from Yello has to be the worst thing ever to come out of the '80s.
  21. I know I mentioned this before, but I say "Yes, ma'am" to my boss and my elders all the time. People who do not live South of the Mason Dixon think it is insulting to a woman's age, but in the South, ma'am and sir are considered high forms of respect. But...all of them in unison saying "yes ma'am" makes it sound like they drank a little too much DCC Kool Aid. Great. Now I want a cup of ramen noodles and cookies for dessert!!
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