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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. I have no doubt that Oliver as he is now would excel at most anything. Of course he's not as smart as Felicity, she's a genius. Doesn't mean he's not smart. (BTW, Ray mentioned crazy high IQ scores, I don't know about Barry.) Plus, as I've mentioned the other day, his work ethics is top notch. He was the one who harped on both Roy and Barry to keep working at their abilities. Had he actually focused on QC when he was running it, and not using it as another front for being The Arrow I believe the company would be at least solid. Absolutely no reason this person couldn't finish college. A while ago I wondered about the wisdom of Robert leaving him to fend for himself in the middle of the ocean when it seemed he didn't have the abilities to keep himself alive in the Queen mansion were he left alone in it for a week. But I've actually started to wonder if Robert saw all this untapped potential - the intellect, focus and drive. If he did, I wonder that he didn't pull his hair out from the frustration. Because there's his kid who could really be reat and he goes around pissing on cops. It would have driven me crazy.
  2. Nah, they should be fine. Dig drove over with Olver and Felicity. He wouldn't have if they were still on the outs.
  3. Dig's only doing that to showcase his arms. Say thank you to the nice man.
  4. Oh. My God. That's the best. I've never seen it before. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Ah, the cute. And the "cute". I love how his comes 20 seconds after Laurel "not needing Oliver's judgement". ETA: I took a look at the preview comic again and you know what I've missed? "[Oliver] had a permanent grin on his face the whole way over here." OTA carpooled to the HQ together. Yasss!
  6. Dawson's Creek was totally my jam during the high school years. Not so much the college edition. I managed to watch most of season 5, though a million things bothered me, then got back for Pacey and Joey's mini reunion in season 6 (oh, the make out session on the office couch), only to be bitter for her going back to douchy Eddie. Part of it was that these characters were the exact same age as I was and while insane, I felt like they responded to the emotional beats of being a teenager in the late '90s. Also, I fully blame that show on having tendencies to act as a verbose prick when irritated. Man, could they twist a sentence. I hated Dawson with the fire of a thousand burning nuns (that's also from that era, isn't it?) but I have to say I really started to like James Van Der Beek as an adult. He really developed a nice sense of humor and those Dawson memes and gifs he did for a while were a thing of beauty. Damn both Williams and Berlanti for killing Jen, though. Like she didn't suffer enough over the course of the show.
  7. I wonder what John Constantine's reply to Oliver's call will be. I vote for, What the fuck have you done now, Queen? ...Nothing directly this time, although if you want to trace it back, I guess it started like 15 years ago when I noticed this girl in my class had grown breasts over the summer. Then, seven years later I took her sister on a sex cruise...
  8. Ah yes. Signing away your life and soul = tossing your sister in the pit to see how it goes, then being basically, "but daddy, what's wrong with her, she won't play with me?" ETA: Morrigan2575, I was actually convinced you were being facetious. :)
  9. Whoa, I thought for sure Raisa was in more than just the pilot. Maybe it's because she was the only person in the house who didn't have expectations of Oliver right after he came back from being cast away for five years. Okay, Walter was pretty chill too, but my love for him is well documented.
  10. Well, now that you mention it, Oliver did wash his hands of her last time. An intervention could be considered the opposite.
  11. Well, my first reaction was, wow, Laurel, this is a new level of deliberate obtuseness even for you, but this would actually make čomplete sense and I really want it to happen now. That's not the new lair. It's Oliver's campaign HQ. While much appreciated, this gif does not do justice to this. Honestly, I don't know what would. In Laurel's mind that's probably because it's Oliver. And this is her so everything will be fine. How on Earth do they get over this? She manipulates Thea to go to NP, resurrects Sara over Nyssa and Malcolm's objections, and Thea's sizeable amount of doubt, then keeps her in hiding, in turn making Thea keep lying to her brother because she doesn't need his judgement, only to have him pull strings to at least minimally correct her errors?! What's the opposite of the hallway scene after that? Instead of walking away from her, Oliver charges at her in a blind rage? Jesus, it should. If she doesn't make the decision herslef, Oliver and Felicity should stage an intervention, pačk all her shit and just move her! She needs and deserves someone who will keep an eye on her anyhow.ETA: I don't really expect Oliver to fall in love in the flashback.
  12. quarks, I have no good explanation. Only hope that the bad guys are setting Oliver up for something. The guy in charge got some promotion before the season started and now we haven't seen him since the premiere. Why?
  13. I was trying to erase it from long term memory. Blast you.
  14. This i actually my rection now and I'm surprised because I had this notion in my mind that the acting was always the problem. I guess it all sort of melded together. Though there are still problems on the front as well, I won't lie. Like, I still don't get what expression she was going when Oliver shows Laurel his scars.
  15. I have to admit I do not miss the CNRI stuff one single bit. It ate up so much screen time. Joanna is the exception.
  16. Gasp. What has Raisa ever done to you? You take that back.
  17. Well, just everything that Genki and kismet said. Especially about Oliver and Felicity sharing core values and similarities on a deeper level. They just manifest those things differently.
  18. It's her one distinctive tone she uses this season. It's a flat line, then this. She used it when Laurel and Thea came for Oliver. "We're hoping that not the case. We're hoping... something about Oliver still being the Arrow." She used it when she demanded Malcolm resurrect Sara. She also used it at least once in the lair. All of these should be different situations and that's the problem.I'm on 1x03. Still no weird posturing but her stance after "taking down" Max Fuller is hilarious. I laughed the first time I saw her pounding her fist. I laughed again now. Also, Joanna is so beautiful and a decent actress. Why couldn't we have kept her?
  19. Not in the first two episodes. Maybe that one's tied with BC? I'm so confused right now. Exactly. All the donuts you want at my house, officer. Bring your friends.
  20. I rewatched the pilot and 1x02 today and I was pretty shocked that Katie Cassidy did much better than she is doing now. She's no Meryl Streep and Laurel was all over the place, but I felt her acting was much more natural and there was, dare I say it, some nuance. Like when Tommy questions her presence at the groundbreaking ceremony for applied sciences. And she's all, "Is that jealousy?" After he sort of nixes that there is a flash of disappointment. Blink and you'll miss it but it's there. Was KC trying more when she was more central to the show? Still the same self-centred Laurel though. Quentin gets protection for her, Joanna and Emily Nocenti, and she up in his grill refusing something completely reasonable. And if that's something she wants for herself, fine. But, maybe ask Joanna and Emily whether they'd actually like the police protecting them from the mob?
  21. Recycling. Man, her legs are banging. Fine, I give, what's her leg routine?
  22. It makes complete sense- All of Fellicity's skill and intellect without proper channelling. I'm completely open to this idea.
  23. This is a theory that's popped up on Tumblr in the past few days. It's not the worst one ever. There's also the possibility of him being the grandfather on the disappearing dad's side. Like, maybe and Donna were the dad's act of rebelion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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