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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. It doesn't sound like something that is done overnight. Personally, I don't know that I approve of it much now. Breeding a new species for purposes of entertainment seems to be straddling ethical lines at the very least.
  2. I thought it was unnecessary to show Dothrakis raping, because I fully expect that they were. If you showed them, the throughline would be Dany goes apeshit, her men do as well. Chosing to highlight a Northerner shows that it's a shitshow all around more succinctly. The Seven Kingdoms could have so much trouble with the Dothraki though. They only ever got on ships to follow Dany. What are the odds of them doing it again to leave without her?
  3. They released all of two pictures? But I guess there we have Dany’s speech in multiple languages, post instead of pre-battle as has been speculated, and the moment Tyrion casts down his pin as he listens to it.
  4. I think she definitely would and will kill if it comes to protecting her life or someone elses. What she is done with is chasing revenge and certain death. Because had she gotten to Cersei, she’d be dunzo now as well. That was Sandor’s point IMO, put life first.
  5. Didn’t we see rapes happening when Daenerys saved Mirri Maz Duur? I know we only heard about Mirri being raped several times already but I have this image in my head of other rapes being shown around them. Plus, I don’t remember the sex going on at Dany and Drogo’s wedding (not between them, but during the festivities) as being consensual. I really hope that’s what Lean sees as Cersei’s POV, because it feels like something Cersei would shrug off. I as a viewer can’t just dismiss Jaime sleeping with another woman for the first time in his life and chosing her even if he walked back from it as just a fling. It wasn’t.
  6. I was actually thinking about this yesterday and what if it isn’t any higher emotion but the fact that Tyrion has become impotent? He found out his last sexual partner was boinking his evil dad and then strangled her. That could have caused a psychological problem.
  7. Agreed. Plus, I love Tormund and have greatly enjoyed his thing for Brienne, but I think part of the charm is that she didn’t respond to it. I’m getting an error message.
  8. I couldn't help but laugh at going Notting Hill on Cersei. Sure, same thing.
  9. I just thought it was to reiterate the lesson taught by Back to the Future. Don’t mess with the past. Or don’t leave a door between timelines ajar or you’ll mess people up in this case. I think each order of events works. Reading the books I always thought it would be the throne and then the Others. In which case you’d have people ignoring a huge threat and dealing with their petty squabbles only to face the Others decimated. Now we have it the other way around with the end result being people being so damn myopic that they’ll go on obliterating each other right on the heels of beating literal death. the seult is the same, people are idiots and they throw away their lives on senseless shit, not seeing or purposely ignoring the bigger picture.
  10. That plus his fight with the Mountain intercut with Arya scrambling around King's Landing are my favorite scenes from this episode by far. Certainly among the best of this season. I wasn't this afraid for her life during most of 8x03. Just excellent work all around.
  11. Good point about planing to send them all over the realm. Although I doubt he'd have waited for Jon to make up his mind. Varys is more the type to blab and thereby twist Jon's arm into accepting the throne.
  12. Does anyone have any clue as to who Varys was writing to in the beginning? It didn't even play a role in his death sentence so it feels like a weird dangling thread. Wasn't Kevan always decent to him as well? Or maybe some other uncle. But as for the immediate family, Jaime was the stand alone for sure. The fact that he didn't think to remove his gold hand gave me a healthy chuckle. I assume people also play on the fact that in the books Aerys developed a thing for Tyrion's mom and that played into Tywin resigning as Hand as well. And we know damn well Aerys wasn't averse to rape. He did it to his own wife plenty of times.
  13. In the books Jeyne's mother was giving her potions to prevent a pregnancy. So I doubt there is baby Robb in the oven. But doesn't it just feel so Jon?
  14. I really did not mind that. I definitely would have preferred him to live, but he chose that consciously, knowing it was the only way to take out his brother. It was poetic in a way. He bravely jumped into what he feared most to defeat his biggest enemy and succeeded. Go, Sandor.
  15. I don’t think we were supposed to recognize him apart from him and Jon fighting on the same side. It demonstrates that there are no clear good guys in this fight. This isn’t Winterfell, where it was life vs. death. These are all people and there are good ones and shitty ones on all sides.
  16. It truly was. The moment I got well and truly emotionally invested was when he shook her out of her MO for the past six years. It’s probably the most amazing gift anyone gave to someone else in this entire show. He literally turned her away from death and towards life. And Arya took that gift! That was just amazing and gave me so much hope for her actually being able to move on from all the horrors she was part of. I also loved the Hound and the Mountain’s confrontation. The way it was intercut with Arya’s scenes was terrific and gave me heartburn. Then we also have Sandor being freaking normal about his evil sibling and just going yep, that’s who you are, that’s who you’ve always been when he saw what Qyburn made of the Mountain. Such a refreshing viewpoint after the idiot Lannister brothers. (Sidenote: Jaime really has some stiff competition for being the dumbest Lannister. Man alive, Tyrion really decided to throw his hat in the ring there.) And who didn’t laugh at, Just fucking die already. Indeed. May you rest in peace, Sandor. I hoped you wouldn’t die, but what a glorious way to go. Does this mean Greyworm is now mad as well? Tyrion and Jaime’s goodbye was one of the highlights but I’m deducting serious points over how dumb they were being. Seriously, I expected Jaime to stab Cercei when he told her to look into his eyes. It could have read as more ambiguous. On the one hand, she needs to die. On the other, he could have been doing her a mercy ending it quickly. The fight with Euron was terifically choreographed even if I rolled my eyes when he came back again. Couldn’t he at least have gotten his vocal chords messed up to just shut up? Jesus. I was actually struck by how much she looked like Jon. But Ned makes sense too. For both of them.
  17. The scrape heard throughout the seven kingdoms.
  18. I find it hard to imagine any one of the three not growing bitter if that happened. Maybe Arya if she sails west of Westeros and isn't constantly reminded of it.
  19. The Lannisters have Kevan's branch as well. I don't think we've seen any of his kids besides Lancel on the show, but it doesn't mean they don't exist. But I do think Bronn's speach in the last episode meant something. Old houses fall, new arise.
  20. Thinking it over, I don't think Varys scheming is out of character, but perfectly IN character. He schemed to bring Aerys down and I'm willing to bet he started scheming against Robert before he was crowned. Or doing his due dilligence at least. So it actually makes sense that he's suspicious and keeping his eyes open. I just think the drive to get Dany out, yo, bitch crazy, took too sharp a turn. It would be more in line to have him watchful and suspicious, and being on the lookout for a possible replacement should the need for one arise.
  21. I can just imagine poor Davos being on the verge of tears. Because who else would be the Hand? And seeing as Gendry has had no preparation for this and no other trustworthy allies, Davos could never retire. He’d probably be daydreaming about the laid back days of smuggling onions. And I say this as someone who very much likes Gendry. But facts are facts. Plus, I’d be worried about him following in Robert’s footsteps. There’s certainly a symmerty if not equality between him getting rejected by Arya to Robert’s situation with Lyana. He’d for sure be getting married off to someone advantageous even before his ass landed on the ugly chair.
  22. He's the third killer according to the spoilers, isn't he? First it was Drogon, then Yara, now Jaime. It could be either of them. Or The Mountain steps on him accidentally or not. I think I'm coming around on Cersei being crushed by a building. Homage to The Wizard of Oz, perchance?
  23. I'm not advocating for anyone's right to the throne but is polygamy illegal? At least in the world of Targaryens? Aegon the Conquorer had two sister wives.
  24. I guess too bad the Night Watch is no more, because there is a precedent for someone renouncing the throne. His name was Aegon Targaryen.
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