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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. As far as I know, there's dispute if one of her distant ancestors was black, but there's pushback against it.
  2. I absolutely agree about the smile, but am willing to wait and see how the writers handle this in the future. Because everything clicked into place in the final minutes, so I can't really judge what they intended by it. If this gets explored further and Penelope is changed by this, makes amends somehow, it can even be a person in a precarious social situation unrelated to this, learns something, then that could be good storytelling. If it remains stagnant and considered immaterial, then it's crap.
  3. I got a wiff of ew, that's George's brother. Which I would likely feel as well, but a big difference is that I'm living 200 years after Marina. So it feels anachronistic much like Daphne putting Berbrooke down because of his age. Which by my count is Simon's age as well.
  4. Does she explicitly mention not having children? I can't remember and unless she said so, I wouldn't assume that she had no children.
  5. I can definitely see the confusion. Along with physical similarities they exhude a similar air.
  6. My personal favorite is To Sir, Phillip with Love. There are certainly fun bits, certainly when all four Bridgerton boys storm the castle and Eloise's show downs with the twins, but what I most love about it is how it pulls on the heartstrings. I don't know how it will read after watching the show's version of Marina’s story. I don't really remember much about it, but I seem to recall Hyacinth's book, number seven, being pretty light hearted. And it should feature plenty of Lady Danburry, because the hero is her grandson.
  7. His credits are as long as his arm. Productions similar to this one were Emma Thompson's and Ang Lee's Sense and Sebsibility, where he played the Dashwood sisters' older half-brother, and Death Comes to Pemberley, in which he plays Mr. Bennet. And of course there's his part in Four Weddings and a Funeral, teaching us how not to give a wedding toast.
  8. Being on top was a matter of control. But I agree their sex scenes were boring and frankly uncomfortable as Simon threw Daphne down on various hard surfaces and ground down. The folly scene in particular. Just head for one of your many bedrooms or a sofa, dude, not a damn stone floor.
  9. 🤦‍♀️Of course it's Penelope's first season. I forgot she mentions that to Kate and I read that book two or three days ago.
  10. Ooh, just remembered that I saw Ben Miller (Lord Featherington) in The Prince and I.
  11. The old guy didn't know about the child, did he? His inspection of Marina’s hips and teeth looked to me like he was checking her as the incubator for his future heir, npt that he knew she already had a bun in the over. I meam, really, how Marina didn't swoon from the romance of that moment, I'll never know.
  12. HonestlyI think all parts of this sequence were the funniest part.
  13. I went to check the excerpt from The Duke and I on Quinn's website, mostly because I wanted to see info about Whistledown, but Anthony and Daphne turned up to be much more interesting to me. Three months earlier would have been in March. The book starts in June. I only point this out because the Season starts in April if I remember my histocal romances lessons correctly. So if this is Daphne's second season, it could at most be Penelope's first.
  14. Taking the Daphne and Anthony bit to the book thread.
  15. Well, Eloise does say she thought a person needed to be married, which the Bridgerton parents were. 😁 Book spoilers on the topic from a later book, but I don't think they really give away any plot.
  16. These are taken from bridgertonseries Instagram account. Instagram isn't embedding for some reason, and I think these need to be part of this thread.
  17. Whatever my issues with the show may be, publicity isn't one of them. This photoshoot looks completely insane. I love it! https://www.instagram.com/p/CJbZetJD0BA/?igshid=jj3y9n0ebhxg
  18. Some posts in an episode thread got me thinking about possible illegitimate children for the series hero(s). And Benedict instantly popped to mind. He and Madame Delaxrois seem to have a decent thing going for them. If she ended up pregnant, I can easily see him taking care of the child. And since Sophie is illegitimate, this could add to their future story. Of which there isn't much in the book as far as I'm lead to believe. So the writers could go with Sophie being treated badly in her position to an ending with Benedict's kid being accepted and loved in their home. I know from Eloise's book that they have three sons. One of them could be one Benedict gets in this relationship.
  19. I've seen Polly Walker and Ruth Gemmell in some TV roles, Claudia Jessie in the latest Vanity Fair where her character was a complete drip.
  20. The only reason I can think of is to establish Anthony’s bossiness and high handedness. But as for him as a character or Daphne, no, those actions don't make sense. Especially him blowing the lid when Daphne was beset with suitors. Like, let her chose between them or weed out the undesirables. There were at least 30 dudes there. Even if you discard 90% of them, that's still three as potential prospects. While Daphne is very low on my list of charavters I cared about, I appreciated that they showed her truly enjoying the attention she was getting. Good for her.
  21. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-54380084 Here'a an extremely recent example of the King of Belgium's illegitimate daughter being recognized and included in the line of succession. Good point about Shonda. I may even have a candidate after this season.
  22. I can think of a few like Sherry Thaomas' Viscount Hastings and Eloisa James' Duke of Villiers who must take the cake with six, but they certainly are the exception.
  23. It really wasn't, which is why I found Daphne's put down of Berbrooke really lame and unconvincing. When I was a schoolboy, you were... - All of five? I mean, duh. Berbrooke certainly had issues but age wasn't one of them. Colin, who is in his eatly twenties is basically considered a kid.
  24. While I’m not crazy about big parts of Anthony’s story, I do like the actor as well and he’s giving me hope for the second season. Which following the books should be his, yes. I think it was also an excuse for him not to let her leave him. He protested about separate bedrooms as well. Most people pegged Benedict -the brother in the meage- as bi/gay, not Colin.
  25. I thought she felt a kick, not labor pains. She didn't have a baby when she left with Phillip, did she?
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