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Everything posted by floridamom

  1. From what I have seen on TV a few times over now, is that I agree with you posters here that this group of people treat their women terribly. After poor Anna AND Priscilla delivered their babies, yes, it seems that no one helped them out at all. Anna has hard labors and deliveries, every one of them so far and when heavily expecting Marcus she had to make a trip to DC, walk around town looking for a house, and very soon after delivery had to hightail it and move to DC with a newborn in tow, two other kids under 4, and I know from experience, she was NOT healed from that delivery. She looked awful, tired worn out and old. Did Josh seem to give a care? Not at all. Priscilla, also was drug around the country having to visit Florida with her fabulous husband a newborn in tow also, and having to endure being videotaped very soon after delivery for some stupid posting of his. Many things bother me about this family and the like and they really need to examine how they are affecting all of their children in the process.
  2. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that in the years to come, Jim Bob AND Michelle will age and slow down just like the rest of us sinners. God's favor doesn't keep you eternally youthful and energetic. They, too, will have difficulty keeping up this multiple kid at home lifestyle and won't have the energy to micromanage every breath their blessings draw. I doubt that they will care much when the younger girls are old enough to be "courted" if they still think this archaic, inane idea is still a good one. Michelle and Jim Bob, IMO, didn't really do any thinking about the future. These two need to be sat down by Mary Duggar and have a good talking to about what the future will bring in terms of their own health and energy level. Jim Bob needs to quit "leaving it up to Michelle" about the number of babies they call into this world with every "encounter" they share. At some point, it's just not a good idea and is nature for all of us.He needs to "be the husband here" and take the bull by the horns and use some precautions, maybe NFP, at least that's nothing artificial. The noise level alone, will be harder for them to tolerate as they age. As far as flip flops go, it seems to be part of their "uniform". Nice leather flip flops look nice with casual summer dresses and shorts, but those rubber "beach shoes" as they used to be called are the worst. My opinion is that it keeps the girls from running away. They certainly are hardly ever properly dressed for their activities..starting from construction work on their house clothed in flowing skirts, improper footwear, long, unrestrained hair on up to mountain climbing in rubber beach sandals. I blame their parents for these inappropriate clothing choices from when they were young.
  3. I believe that Josh and Anna's change is that they have moved to a more "kid friendly" house, with less steps.
  4. If I remember correctly, the photo put in the above mentioned article is from when Michelle miscarried Jubilee and Jim Bob was speaking about that incident. That's an old file photo from then and has nothing to do with the article it is attached to. Anyone else remember that press interview?
  5. Re Grandma Duggar and laundry: If I remember correctly it was a few years ago that the girls did the laundry. That was before Grandma D moved in and Mr. Duggar Sr. passed away. It is now Grandma Duggar who does the laundry, all of it, by herself. She has stated on camera that she does between 60 and 70 loads a week. I think it is selfish and stupid of Queen Michelle to use that "two shirt" look for all the girls. One proper shirt would suffice quite well and cut down on the laundry. She doesn't care because she has nothing to do with it, it's Grandma's problem. I still don't know why Mary Duggar puts up with that nonsense from her son and daughter in law. Any thoughts on that?
  6. I wish I knew how to post on Ben's facebook directly, but I don't. I wish other Catholics knew that we don't confess anything to saints, we don't adore, worship or elevate them beyond being humans who have lead an exemplary life. We look to them for inspiration ( sorry Duggars, it's not you) as they have triumphed in their faith in God during testing times.. Mary is NOT a co-redemptrix.....the ONLY redeemer was and is Jesus Christ. that's it. Also, Catholics are certainly free to and are encouraged to go directly to God Himself, through Jesus, His Son, if they wish to. In fact, that is the preferred method. Once again, saints, etc., are spiritual prayer partners. And please note, young Mr. Seewald, every time Jim Bob Duggar or YOU say " please hold hands and join me in prayer", you are invoking the same prayer partners that Catholics do; only physical ones, here on earth. How is that a violation that Jesus is the Savior? None at all. I have had it with you and do gooders such as yourself. I, myself, see no conflict in attending a Protestant church and their services, which I have been doing for a few years now, and I find it to be very refreshing and there is a lot that is the same in their service. If I am open minded, respectful, and appreciative of other Christian faiths, and the good that they teach and preach, why aren't you?
  7. There is nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom, I was that too, myself for 25 years. What I find limiting in their belief system is that they don't allow a single young woman to go to any real college, or training school and actually work outside the home in the workforce while she is single. If they did, Jana, Jinger and Jessa would be leaving for work at 8am every day and have real jobs in the areas that interest them, they don't because they aren't allowed to. This gives them absolutely NO training, education or work experience for the unthinkable, or if money is tight down the line to help out financially, like most women do. BTW, I loved my time at home with my children and lived the June Cleaver life, but when that bubble burst, I certainly have had a hard time getting hired anywhere after being home for so long. I'm still having a hard time because of the long hiatus from the workforce and know first hand how hard it is.
  8. IMO, what Ben hasn't been taught are manners, respect and tact. Is this group of missionaries going over to a predominately Catholic country to convert them to Gothardism, or to help them with basic humanitarian assistance regardless of their faith? Methinks that Jessa is trying to convert some little girl with a bottle of nail polish and face paint. Also, regarding the couple at the wedding kneeling and offering the image of the Virgin Mary flowers, it is an old custom to bring Mary flowers. She is in NO WAY adored or worshipped. That is reserved ONLY for the Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit (God). Mary was a human being held in high regard by the Almighty and chosen for that very special mission to be the vehicle in which Jesus was born to this world. She is intercessory; she also has the ear of Jesus, and is invoked to be our spiritual prayer partner when we are seeking answers or guidance from God. She joins US in bringing our issue to Jesus who brings it to the Almighty God. This church was established in the year 33AD at Pentecost and it is the church/faith that all other Christian faiths grew from including Bin/Ben's own set of spiritual beliefs. He should show some respect to his spiritual roots IMO, but I'm sure that's how the whole "kit-n-caboodle" feels about other faiths including wooooonderful JimBob and Michelle. BTW, I am a catholic and I don't believe in being spiritual superior towards any other faith. I am glad that all posters read and post their views and as a catholic woman in this country, I wish all of you a blessed, happy and healthy life. I don't think any one of you are "going south" after this life for your spiritual beliefs. We all need to be good people and citizens towards each other and live peacefully. Thanks guys...I'll stop now.
  9. If Jana is over Josh and Anna's "courting" someone, who is her chaperone? MacKynzie can't do it , Josh has his "big job" to punch in at, and Anna needs to cook and clean all day...sooooo, who's minding Jana? I hope it's that cute guy that helped Josh with the bunk bed...she deserves a really good guy, one with bucks who will adore HER...she sure has earned it.
  10. We no longer live in Ma and Pa Ingalls world. It isn't 1875. The issues are that their belief system sets women up to be stuck...no matter what in a potentially abusive, poverty stricken life. Woman back then suffered and died from multiple pregnancies, abusive spouses, with no where to turn and no skills to draw on with a non existent female workforce. If a happily married woman lost her husband in death, what choices would she have to support herself and her kids? No choice at all for she isn't trained or experienced in ANYTHING, being forbidden to even work while single and living at home...I think that they believe if you live your life so strictly in what is their interpretation of God's will for us, your life will be without challenges and NO hard times will be ahead. That was made quite evident to me by Anna when Josh was told by the doctor to change his diet and lose weight for health issues were about 5 years away for him. Anna was panicky...stated that Josh "can't have health problems in 5 years... that would be 5 more children from now!" Anna, why can't Josh's body react like any ole sinners' body to bad eating and no exercise? You could see her worrying about what she would do to support herself and 10 kids? Just plain ingnorant IMO.
  11. After observing David Waller's interaction with Pris after marriage, I can't help but wonder if he is a nasty, arrogant snippy, PMS kind of guy. He called her out of her parents' mobile home, summoning her like she was a paid servant in ancient times. She "came- a-runnin' when he called.That girl, (and she will be eternally one) doesn't have any comparison as to how a real good husband should interact and treat his wife. I, too, can't help but wonder what's up with her? She sounds juvenile, like a shy 6 year old girl. Haven't her parents noticed? They seem to have lived a more normal life and marriage early on with some experience to draw from. Yes, sadly, I too agree that Anna has won the "husband lottery"...such a low bar, but she's the winner so far!!! I didn't even know that Anna had brothers...who are they? Are they functionally delayed too? I wonder who they will end up with? Yes, I agree with you, WTFFF and other posters here that the Bateses don't "guard their hearts" at all either. They, too are gonners for that first one. They only set their kids up for more heartache if it doesn't lead to marriage because they have absolutely no growing up time emotionally and no social skills whatsoever. These are all growth experiences which develop the skill in decision making. For these people, and for most of us out there, the person we decide to marry is a major decision in our lives, it shouldn't be rushed, guarded, or pressured in any way, shape or form. This belief system chokes any air out of a relationship, if you can call those courting rules a relationship in the first place....
  12. Ok, folks. Bin just stepped on a land mine there...It shows us ALL, no matter what faith or creed we posters here belong to, that the Duggars are full of crap. From Jim Bob, Michelle on down....Michelle is quick to use phrases like "for us", "our lifestyle isn't for everyone", etc. and to indicate that they respect others' rights to believe and practice those beliefs as they see fit, is pure baloney. They see their way as the ONLY way. They are on TV advertising this fact. To insult and call out any particular group of wrong IMO. When Ben agreed to "court" Jessa, or whatever he is doing with her, he also has agreed to be somewhat of a public figure. I happen to have been raised Roman Catholic, and I know that that faith DOES respect all interpretations of scripture. Catholics believe that since the catechism has been taught to them, they are responsible for those beliefs and traditions, but if others have been raised and educated in another faith, they, too, are called to live out those teachings to the best of their ability also, are just as accountable to the Almighty as anyone would be. Those Catholics who believe that their way is the only way, are extreme, old fashioned believing people, who even the pope today believes that there are many roads to heaven. I'm sorry that Bin has made his ignorance and immaturity public. Fellow posters, I don't think that the "catholic' way is the only way and I represent a large majority of Catholics out there. I can say for a fact, that absolutely every part of the mass is scripture based. There is nothing that is included in our worship service mass that is not found in scripture. Last I checked, I didn't find "side hugs", skirt wearing only females, stay at home, no education females in scripture. Please correct me if I'm wrong, Bin.
  13. I think this "guarding your heart" stuff is baloney. These kids, male and female alike court like they are 14 year olds and fall instantly in "love" with the first person of the opposite sex that is allowed to say hello to them. They are head over heels infatuated and their hormones are in hyper overdrive from being on "ice" for their whole lives so far. The only thing they guard is their "body part" if you ask me. Jill and Anna were perfect examples of that. In past episodes, Anna looked like a dog in heat when she was around "Joshua"...she breathed heavily, had exaggerated eyes upon him, and that hand sex, was disgusting. She was ripe for the picking. Jill, flipped over Derick in the same way over skyping with the guy. He was her very first "male allowed" conversation ever. Of course, she , too, was in hyper overdrive hormone-wise. She traveled across the earth to meet the guy...This is guarding your heart?? No way, IMO, was she protecting herself. They put the chastity belt on, Daddy has the key, but that's it. They are already gonners for these guys. It's natural for a young woman to react this way with her first crush. Sadly, I really think that's all it really is. They also are quick to marry while still in this beginning stage, so they are "drunk" on hormones.. planning for a wedding, the one and only day that it can really be about those girls,the attention being a bride, then the honeymoon...and babies. They are on a merry-go-round ride. When the "real him" begins to surface, or the "real her" surfaces, it's too late as they are already stuck and probably on their way to being parents. So sad to start life still as an emotional child.
  14. How do grown women (daughters) go from sleeping with their 5 year old sisters to sleeping with their husbands in 24 hours? This lifestyle is unnatural. The Duggars really need to sit down on LIVE TV and answer the real questions, ones asked on the spot, not pre-rehearsed ones. I also would love to observe Mama Michelle, when she doesn't know the cameras and microphones are capturing her real demeanor.....
  15. I forgot to mention that this kid guessed that "monkey" started with a "J"? How phonics deprived are they? Children learn letter sounds in kindergarten or preschool, IMO. Couldn't believe my ears and eyes!
  16. I was watching an earlier rerun yesterday on TV, and one of the younger boys, (don't know his name), but he was about 3rd-4th grade age, was playing with a stuffed monkey. He then asked one of the older girls, (who was off camera),with subtitles, "what letter does 'monkey' start with"? I couldn't believe my eyes and ears! The older sister then replied (off camera) with subtitles, "M". A child of his age should have known that m o n k e y begins with the letter m. I believe they are functional illiterates. Anyone else see that segment?
  17. I agree with previous posts here that the Duggar children aren't stupid. I believe that they all have much more potential than they were given the opportunity to explore and pursue. I, also don't think that Josh is dumb either, he has been indoctrinated since a pre schooler, given limited education and opportunity. Many books, and information is banned from all these kids, so their fullest potential will never be realized. They also, are bound by gender roles which restricts them even more. This is one reason that I feel that Jim Bob and Michelle are terrible parents and have the financial resources to give their kids the education and/or training to pursue their professional goals. No one stops a woman from being a full time wife and mother after working in the outside world. At least she has some training and experience to get back out there if the unthinkable happens to her husband. The limits put on their children are strangling them and that's a sin in itself, of the parents, IMO. I feel sorry for Josh, really, as he wanted to be an attorney, and maybe if given a proper education he actually might have turned out quite differently.
  18. Yes, but sadly Erin's music degree is from a non-accredited college. She can't do a thing in the real world with it. THAT, my friends, is truly a waste of time and someone's money.
  19. If I remember correctly the "jewelry box incident" went like this...when Jessa and Jana were younger in the old house, they had bunk beds. Jessa was on top and kept jumping on her bed which annoyed Jana as she tried to sleep. Jessa did this on purpose just to tease Jana. We all know Jana's demeanor is reserved, shy and truly a sweet girl. She asked Jessa to please stop doing that, and it made Jessa do it more. Jana then told Queen Michelle, who really didn't want to deal with it, told Jana to handle it herself even though she tried and failed. 'Jchelle suggested Jana make Jessa feel guilty for bothering Jana by giving Jessa a gift instead of getting angry with her. Of course, Jana obeyed, (which they are instructed to do without question), so she gave Jessa her only prized possession, her very own jewelry box. It did make Jessa feel guilty and she stopped jumping on the top bunk of the bed as Jana tried to sleep. That's how I remember they told the story in that "Gothard auditorium". Does anyone else remember it this way?
  20. Absolutely LOVE this title! I think Jill will be 'blessed" by Labor Day, but don't know when we will hear about it. I'm disappointed so far that Jill seems to be living exactly like she did in her parents' house....but without the full time kid responsibility. I bet this is the first home haircut that Derick has ever had since a little boy. Jill seems to be pushing Daddy and Mamma's ways on him. Maybe he will grow a pair in a little bit and let her know that he didn't marry her daddy; he married her. They need to invent and develop THEIR lifestyle together. I think Jill is manipulative underneath it all. I also think that most of the older girls, except Jana, really are under it all, after all, they have Michelle's example. That woman has Jim Bob lusting after her for 30 years and she uses that. I'm sure she's already "testing" and "stressing", just like Anna, after all, what does Jill do all day? Her household was completely set up before the wedding with all the "helpers" she had. Baby on the Way for Labor Day, I say....
  21. After watching Josh and Anna's special moments rerun, I saw the 3 births all over again. Doesn't anyone realize that Anna seems to have hard labors and suffered what, 16 hours in labor AT HOME? That poor young girl is an idiot. She isn't built as sturdy as Michelle was. Michelle was a chunky 17 year old, Anna is a small boned girl...she has filled out after 3 kids, but that's just flab from babies, underneath it all, she is still more frail than Michelle...I don't think multiple births year after year will be good for her. Get that girl to a hospital to deliver from here on after...they just don't care for their own health and well being..it's evident with Esther, Anna's sister on down. I think it's just $$$ with them.
  22. Wow, Josh and Anna had chicken salad? Who sprung for that?
  23. I don't think spending $25,000 for a wedding reception is necessarily wise, but really folks, why don't they have it simply catered? It doesn't have to be an elaborate sit down dinner, as I understand that's not their custom, but ANY restaurant would gladly and elegantly provide many appetizers, hot and cold for such an occasion. It is all unnecessary work and it will look cheap, too, I'm sure. We can expect more cheese chunks on toothpicks prepared with bare hands and lots of hair! Jim Bob can certainly afford a nice catered reception with "heavy hors dourves" (hope I spelled that right), and appetizers, punch, other beverages, cake, coffee and hot tea. IMO, they are hicks. ( I don't mean to insult any rural citizens, I, myself life in a rural area,) but they just don't have any taste or elegance about them, and it doesn't take a lot of money to accomplish that... I hope they got the kind of spoons that look like silverware and not the white plastic cheap kind....but I think I know better.
  24. Many Catholic priests are pastors. Most parishes (churches) have more than one priest assigned to that particular church and there is one, who is the pastor, (runs that parish) and the associate vicar or pastoral priest who is in assistance. Catholics are indeed Christians, as that is the original Christian church which followed the ascension of Jesus on Pentecost, 40 days after Easter, that's when the founding of the Roman Catholic church occurred. All other Christian faiths and churches were formed from there on, either breaking away from the subsequent faiths, or starting a brand new Christian faith founded by a man or men. The original "bible" was written by the catholic church and inscribed by cloistered priests in abbeys. Having said that, I respect all faiths on this earth, there are over 27,000 Christian faiths on this planet alone. What I do not follow is some micro-managing, severe, isolating, censoring belief system that the Duggars subscribe to.
  25. They have never, to my knowledge, said that Amy worked at anything else but babysitting. That is something for schoolkids to do. Amy has consequently wasted the last 10 years of her life hanging around and appearing on her uncle's show. She is an immature, silly woman who acts like a teenager. She seriously needs some talking to about her life's work and her age...she's 28!!
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