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Everything posted by floridamom

  1. I have a feeling that Josh wouldn't mind if Anna wore some nice slacks at times, or if she wanted to wear some nice shorts. Since he has "broken away" and wears shorts on occasion, he'd be fine with her doing the same. Yes, I agree that it's Anna who is more "orthodox" than Josh at this point. I don't understand why Josh would run in a public event with females who are dressed appropriately to run; ie, bike shorts, and bathing suit type tops. How can he divert his eyes when running? He's run into a lamppost otherwise? Now, that I'd pay to see! Also it's nice that Ben wears shorts, too. How do they justify that to the Duggars? I also have noticed that Derick has not been filmed in shorts yet...or did I miss it somewhere? Jim Bob, I promise you that no woman will leave her husband if you dared to wear gym shorts!
  2. Did I doze off? Please let me know in which episode was Michelle talking about "leaving the house" and driving, etc, being a privilege that had to be earned? I'd love to re-watch that segment. Yeah, Josie is a brat,, courtesy of Michelle, she's responsible for that. I can't believe those people. Now tell me that these kids aren't isolated, strangled and indentured servants to their parents?
  3. I have baby girl Dilly's name: Catherine Mary Dillard...for Derick's mother who will be a true grandmother to that child and for Mary Duggar for all that laundry of Jill's that she washed and for the real love from a grandmother that Jill has experienced. Of course, if it's a girl...
  4. Yes, I remember Mr. Kellar's delight in seeing the large home that Anna was living in. It was a real moment from a father and mother who were truly happy for their daughter. It made me happy to see her father's joy. He also loves his grandchildren and tries to show it too,, as does Anna's mother, who is naturally painfully shy and I'm sure isn't comfortable being on camera. Can't fault her for being herself. I haven't yet, to date, seen Michelle and/or Jim Bob in a sincere candid moment with any of their children.
  5. skittle223: No insult intended on my part; the Duggars lump anyone who is different from their beliefs in this group. I hope my point was made. No offense to you.
  6. I don't think any of those girls have ever had a Barbie doll nor do they know what that is. It would be defrauding for all of them to come across a naked Barbie in the toy chest. Imagine Jackson encountering that! Only BABY dolls are allowed as they are "in training" equipment for the girls.
  7. Jessa stated she wanted ice cream sundaes, not as neat as prepared ice cream CUPS with the wooden spoons would be..Also, Anna's bridesmaids dresses were sewed by them, so they made them right from the start. Also, why was Michelle the only female family member dressed in the guys' gray color? Why didn't she get a mint green, (or teal, in Jill's world) gown like the other females? I'm sure she didn't NEED to borrow and alter Kelly Bates dress.
  8. I would like to hear from Grandma Duggar, if they would let her out of the laundry room long enough to let us know how she, her husband and their family grew up. How did she raise Jim Bob and Deanna? She managed a yogurt shop, so she worked outside the home, why is that now a sin? That's how Michelle met her wooooonderful husband, isn't it? So how can such a "blessing" come out of a sinful thing like a job? I'm curious about Jim Bob's childhood, since we had to sit through grandma talking about Amy's childhood and how she snuck out of school at recess and went next door to her house to visit. More than I cared to know about Amy, I'd like to hear about Jim Bob's school experience, K-12 and how they lived at home, watched TV, listened to music, etc? Where did this extremism come from with him? Also, where is SHE on this and why does she put up with washing Michelle's dirty underwear? Does she since now widowed, have to submit to Jim Bob? Does that mean Michelle, one day, when Jim Bob may have passed on, have to submit to Josh and wash his underwear? Let it all rip...I'm curious!
  9. I am of the belief that "people" DO read the online commentary about this family. After all, this family and their TV show is a business and a business only for TLC, and all media who air and report on them. The company guys/gals NEED to KNOW how this family is coming across to their viewers and the public in general. Once they stop making money for the network, they are DONE and will be cancelled. Those people need to keep them in good standing with those of us who feed them through the money that the show generates. The Duggars themselves are a business too. That is how they generate most of their income these days. I have also noticed lately that issues raised on these online sites are being directly addressed and answered on the show. It's all $$$ and once that goes away, so will TLC. The Duggars will be out of luck and income from it. Why are they getting so careless lately with their politics, etc? There is someone or a small staff handling this family's PR, whether it be from Jim Bob and /or TLC. I also agree that Josh and Anna must have done some rethinking and growing with their move to DC. Anna is living in the real world, Josh is interacting with WOMEN who are properly dressed as professionals themselves and may have to interact with these women as equals, (imagine that?). Anna has to see that their lifestyle of flip flops in a city, getting around with multiple children in tow, just doesn't work in all areas of the country. How can we all live like they do when we have to take an elevator up to our fifth floor apartments? How will you stack the kids in a 2 bedroom apt etc? They also will see that women who wear shorts are NOT all tramps, hussies and atheists, alcoholics and exotic dancers. They must have some,, even if small, internal dialogue going on there and are grappling with these issues.
  10. So who got Jill's bed? Who will get Jessa's bed? It's an abuse that these adult women have never had their own beds to sleep in and must bunk with their untoilet trained sisters. Disgusting to think about. These parents certainly gave themselves their own bed and bathroom to boot! They live like pigs, IMO, in a large tile floored house, paid for and finished off by TLC. Rely on themselves, do they? Sure they do.
  11. This is just a set up to "take" JB to his 30th anniversary celebration, which, BTW, occurred on month AFTER Jill's wedding. Jill was married in June, the anniversary was in July. Why are they airing events that supposedly occurred after the wedding, which we still haven't seen? So disgusted with this program.
  12. I don't believe for one minute that Anna isn't "just like Michelle". I heard what she said on TV last week about not needing to be validated by constantly "expecting". I also believe that was to appease public comment on these websites. Someone, somewhere is reading them, and I'm glad they are. Anna just doesn't know any different. I also think it is Josh who is holding back the baby train as it is him, who feels the financial pressure. Yes, even though the money train is good right now, he is the oldest of the kids and remembers the most about growing up. He knows quite well that he can't build a house like Daddy's right now and maybe never will. It was Anna who had baby fever from the first day of her honeymoon, not Josh. He was fine in "waiting". I think he is conveniently "tired" after work. Anna may not need to feel validated by continuing to expand her family, but that is just what she wants. What do you all think?
  13. Who doesn't know how to sautee' fresh vegetables in olive oil, salt and pepper? How basic can you get? Anna, what have you been doing these past 6 years in the kitchen?
  14. I'm not sure of the timeline here, because TLC is so far behind real time. I believe the reason JB "ok'd" Derick for Jill is because Gil Bates' daughters were marrying "up". From what I remember, there is a senator's son, a dentist's son in Fl and at that time, Jessa had Ben. JB needed to find at least a college educated guy for one of them, so he dug up Derick from his prayer list. Even Priscilla Keller, married a Waller, yes I know, fabulous David, but isn't that a BIG name in their circles? It's all a competition for JB no matter what the game is.
  15. IMO, the Jeub family should be ashamed of themselves. Would the Lord turn His back on anyone? No. Isn't that what they preach? That God loves you and forgives you with his mercy and grace? So, why don't they practice the same type of acceptance and love and their God? The Duggars obviously agree with this sentiment towards their children. We now know what the real consequences would be to the Duggar children if they were to develop any of their own ideas even if they modify slightly from their parents'. I have asked of the Duggars to give a real honest, truthful interview about such things and what their actions would be. If any of their children chose a more mainstream route of Christianity in their own lives, (nothing radical here, just dress more contemporarily, work outside the home, etc) would those children still be welcome at their dining room table when visiting? These issues, of course, are NEVER addressed because they would be shunned. Shame on them.
  16. Writing down "encouraging" (sorry for that word) bible versus to help later on is a nice thing to do, don't get me wrong, but they are 6 months out, aren't they? I also would like to know what Jill is going to do when she is screaming bloody murder during her "oh so natural home birth", with NO medications for pain and Derick recites those passages? I'd love for her to tell him what to do with those! Just curious, that's all to see how Jill will handle labor. Being that Derick has health insurance, and she's lucky to have those things, she really should deliver in a hospital even if a midwife officiates, but back up emergency medical equipment and staff really would be putting your child first, IMO. I know many women out there prefer to home deliver,, and I'm not saying anything bad about that, but I believe these people home birth because of money and they feel "more holy" suffering through it. Jill has an option here. I'm just curious to see how she will do.
  17. Mariva, I didn't get that she was joking around. I don't think she had outright asked him to quit his job either, but I did detect some discontent with him not being at home like her daddy and it's an issue that's simmering in her mind. If she had her way, she would prefer to live just like her parents, IMO. She took the position, (as I saw it) that it was a subject that they had discussed and clearly she would like for him to spend more time at home. Not a good understanding between the two of them already. During that stupid bungee jump episode, Derick was projecting his thoughts to after marriage with Jill and he said that he wondered what it would be like day in and day out with Jill on an everyday basis... I know not everyone lives together before marriage, but I would assume during the dating process, a couple spends enough chronological time together and they have an idea of what that person's lifestyle at home is...In this process, they are clueless.
  18. What does Jill think Derick will do all day, every day being at home with her? Measure her growing girth and photograph it for all the world to see? Oh, he already does that. I believe that perhaps a MODEST monthly update of her progress would be enough for us out here. I also believe that the temperaments of Jill and Derick are polar opposites. Derick is a slow speaker, thinker and is quite "in control" of himself. Jill, on the other hand, is boisterous, lively, and jumps into things with both feet, (ie I have to fly to Nepal to meet a guy I love). Who says that and who DOES that? I think it was HER who rushed this relationship. Her demeanor will begin to grate on him as he will begin to feel pressured to things in HER time and HER way. That's what this old lady sees from a motherly point of perspective.
  19. Does anyone know where Jill and Derick go to church? Are they attending Jim Bob's church or Derick's family's church, (aka a real one).?
  20. The whole bridal gown/bridesmaids dress shopping was annoying to me. Between Jill's hair in the way, that stupid veil always hanging down her back, and the modesty t-shirt/shawl, I couldn't even see the gown or tell where it began or ended. I felt the same way with the bridesmaids, as they had their hair hanging all over the dresses, and those silly fabrics they draped over themselves...couldn't get a good look at those dresses either...poorly photographed and even more poorly done, IMO.
  21. I'd like to know who is cleaning Jill's house? If she is anything like her mother, when "expecting", which is constantly, she wasn't up to doing any household work, was she? Is Jill keeping those high maintenance black tile floors clean by mopping them every day herself? I hope Jana or one of the J'slaves aren't. I think, although that home is a beautiful one, it's way too big for them and it's a lot of unnecessary work at this time. You know what posters, as a viewer, I am insulted that either TLC, the Duggars or both of them have outright lied to their own viewers. By inventing truths, they are deceiving us out here. Why don't the just keep it true? So what if they bought the dresses somewhere else or sewed them themselves, like Anna's family did? I don't get this "falsehood" that is going on here. It was totally unnecessary to go to this "friend's" dress shop and invent a story. I don't like them even more for these stupidities. The whole Anna storyline, too, with showing up early for a turkey dinner, playgroups, public transportation, trainers showing up, farmers' markets, "new friends showing up for dinner",(haven't seen those people at all since), and fresh food cooking help. Whoever TLC has assigned to write, edit and air these programs must be high school interns.
  22. Can't believe how Michelle continues to make statements that flatters herself for the moment, but fail to remember that they don't tie in to actual facts. During the "re-upholstering of the stools", Michelle stated how her nursing schedule would have precluded her from doing that that type of job with her daughters in the past. When they turned those stools over, she had dated them 10/2003. "Look, that's the last time I re-upholstered them" she said. Wasn't she nursing back then too? Why did she have "time" to do it then? Once again, contradiction.
  23. A few seasons ago when Michelle and the older girls visited a public school, one of the students asked the girls what was their favorite book that they have read? One of them, I'm not sure which one, said Waiting for Prince Charming", or one of those "young persons fundy books" written by that skinny lady. The student was quite surprised because he expected her to mention one of the classics, I'm sure. He didn't know what she was talking about. A funny moment which highlighted just how out of the loop these Duggar kids' educational exposure is. Sad that they can't read, The Red Badge of Courage, The Scarlett Letter, 1984, or other good literature.
  24. No, Jessa and Ben are getting married on November 1st, which is All Saints Day. November 2nd is All Souls Day, or the Day of the Dead".
  25. I concur with these posts here. I didn't see any tears from Mama Michelle when she cold-read someone else's heartfelt written speech to Jill either and I was looking for them. I saw them in the other girls too. I also think she has some emotional problems with showing love and affection, sex, Jim Bob, is something else, it's a means for more babies in Michelle's opinion. The theory of her being an emotional wreck right now YES, I agree with that too, I thought she was addicted to those pregnancy and nursing hormones too. After so many babies and year of being pregnant her body has adapted to THAT state being normal for her. Jim Bob doesn't even show any intellectual concern for his wife nor does Mary Duggar. Where is her common sense and why doesn't she suggest these things to Jim Bob and try to get Michelle some help? They also see everyone else in the real world as a bunch of fools, jerks, sinners and heathens. They see themselves as paragons of virtue and wisdom. Sickening. Now I'm sure that Anna didn't set that table or prepare that brunch/lunch at her house. That lady from the Mom's Recipes company who "showed" Anna how to cook like a human being did it. Such make believe and deception in this show it's lost it's appeal. I also believe that Michelle doesn't behave like a grandmother, mother or a grown up. For a woman who claims to Looooove her grandchildren and misses them soooo much, she ignores them when she sees them. She has an addiction to pregnancy, not children OR babies, just newborns. It's quite obvious, so Jill shouldn't expect much motherly interaction from Michelle when she delivers. Jill already has more mother experience than Michelle does.
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