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Everything posted by kira28

  1. I'm not sure what happened but in just a short month Ryan went from being all excited about having a wife to basically not interested at all in Jacqueline. I get that he's busy but he manages to make time for things thst are important to him. Unfortunately his wife isn't important at all. I don't understand why he couldn't bring her to the retirement party so he could spend time with her too. Obviously he didn't want her around his buddies. Maybe they don't find her attractive? Why was jackie wearing Ryan's red white and blue boxers? Ug Had to laugh when blonde ice Princess rated her marriage a 7. I totally understand not having sex with Jon I wouldn't either. But what is her problem with holding hands cuddling, snuggling up to him or kissing or hugging the man? She's not even trying.
  2. I wonder if the girls worry about Shannon being alone because she's depressed and an emotional mess and thst is why they don't want to see their dad? Because they feel responsible for her and don't feel comfortable leaving her alone? Also though I used to like David.. You can't trust anyone in a custody situation. My ex dragged me into court 5 days before Christmas ( I couldn't even find a lawyer available for the hearing because I'd only been served 3 days prior to the emergency hearing. He claimed I wouldn't let him see one of our kids.. That I withheld visitation The truth was our 3 year old never spent the night at his house because his girlfriend didn't want her around. He had no interest in seeing our 2nd child Said he was too young. I had hundreds of text messages asking him if he was going to see the kids on "his" weekends or if he could watch them on his days off so I didnt have to pay for daycare and in every instance he was too busy or it was inconvenient for him. I bent over backwards to let him see his chidren whenever he wanted (which wasn't often and averaged out to be once a month But yet in court he claimed I refused to let him see his child and kept her from him which couldn't be further from the truth. So David is probably lying to make himself look better. He's probably wrapped up in the new gf. I feel badly for his daughters. They would probably like to spend time with both parents but may feel very uncomfortable with the new gf around.
  3. I can't stand Erika and I used to like her. She acts like she has accomplished so much on her own merrit. Without marrying a rich old lawyer she would have nothing. She abandoned her kid. Tom's money is the only reason she's a "performer" his money is the only reason she has a book coming out. His money is the only reason she's surrounded by a bunch of "adoring" gay lackies. If she hadn't married Tom she'd still be a waitress I felt bad for teddi. Loved Kyle's new house!
  4. The phone thing bothered me. Im sure it was set up for drama. It's incredibly invasive. I once had a boyfriend who constantly went thru my phone. I felt like since I had nothing to hide that I should let him otherwise I looked guilty. However I declined to go thru his phone because I trusted him. Well if I had gone thru it I would have seen the dozens of flirty texts between him and the ex girlfriend he swore he wanted nothing to do with it. I've had male coworkers who have a totally secret life cheating on their wives because the wife trusts them and doesn't go thru their phone. I've always felt you should respect someones privacy and don't feel a need to dig thru someone's phone. On the flip side my respect for privacy and trusting has led to being cheated on and not having a clue. If I'd goen thru my ex husband's phone I would have never had two children with him because I'd have known he was having an affair. There were literally no signs. But had I'd gone thru his phone id see the texts sent the constant call from work. So you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. I liked Jon and Molly's maturity regarding the issue. Jephte is so immature!! He's like a, petulant teenager who gets mad when his mom tells him to clean his room.
  5. I've dated a Ryan. Run jackie run!! He's such an asshole. They had a movie night planned and instead he hangs out with friends and expects her to be OK with that. Omg I went thru that soo many nights. And I guarantee Ryan will never change and he will never appreciate Jackie til she leaves and never looks back. Jon is way too hung up on sex. Molly's not going to give it up. The more she's around Jon the less attractive he becomes. I can't believe they picked these men who haven't been in relationships for 7 years or more!!! How is someone like thst ready for marriage?
  6. Wish this show would stop trying to make Jadis happen. I just don't give a shit about her. I don't understand why it was more important for Rick to go visit Jadis the traitor instead of hurrying to the Hilltop to make sure his last surviving child is safe. I used to love this show but I'm at the point I'd be happy to see Rick perish and Negan live. Negan is a ridiculous character but rick is a horrible leader, a bad father and I'm sick of his empty, comicical threats that he is going to kill Negan. He had at least two chances where he could have easily taken Negan out and he didn't even try. We need more carol Daryl Ezekiel and company. Enid and what's his name going to oceanside was stupid. You took their guns killed their leader. Why should they help you????
  7. Ryan and Jackie are doomed. Ryan doesn't want a partner he wants a woman to fit perfectly into his life and not upset his routine. Even when you are firsr dating someone thr guy goes out of his way to spend alot of time with you. Even for their one month anniversary he treated Jacqueline like an afterthought. Heres a gift card and lets go do something I like to do. Dude if you are 30 years old and you see high school as your glory days you are kind of a loser. He does not appreciate his wife and won't compromise to make time for her.
  8. I don't blame Lauren at all. I wouldn't take the prick back but she's 25 introverted and seems infatuated with Arie She's not a home wrecker and didn't do anything wrong. Arie was thr one in a relationship with becca. He owed her loyalty not Lauren. I definitely think Arie will eventually hurt Lauren again and leave her for another woman. I also think Lauren and Arie are more suited to each other. Becca seems very high energy. She's outgoing always doing silly things. At those after engagement visits she was shown mugging for the Camera. Lauren is very low key didn't have much personality Arie is very low energy so becca may just exhaust him I can't say I wish them the best because Arie is an asshole and I hope he's miserable.
  9. Does he get a bonus if he makes her cry? Wtf did he come back for?? It wasn't to comfort her it was to antagonize her with his dgaf attitude. Almost like she dditn seem upset enough and he needed more angst from her to prove his worth. Are is a totsl piece of shit and I hope Lauren is watching This is exactly how he will treat her when something else shiny catches his eye He doesn't have an ounce of compassion. Beccas pain was real. I've cried those tears we heard and I so much wanted her to throw the table at him or at the least be like hey this is a relief cuz ur kind of boring and I wasn't really into you.
  10. The way he treated both women was despicable. I'm not a big Lauren fan but how incredibly cruel to sit there and reassure her and repeatedly tell her he loves her so much and talk about hiw happy he is and lead her on when she talks about how she is so afraid to lose him. Once a Cheater always a Cheater. He seems to have no remorse no empathy for others. It's like he thinks he loves Someone then out of sight out of mind on to the next woman.
  11. I feel bad for both women. Arie is an such a poor excuse for a man. Lauren barely reacts to anything. But she was so smiley and happy and had opened up or at least her version of it. I think that's were genuine tears to his mom. She's just so boring. They ask what her favorite date was and she can't describe a single date they had so she just mumbles it's corny but she liked all of them. Just no personality. He seemed way more into becca when meeting with his family. He told her I love you over and over and genuinely seemed excited to see her. Yet the more Lauren is into him the less infatuated he seemed. So he picks the safe choice his famikys choice. Poor becca having to be grilled by aries rude family about Lauren. Stfu.
  12. I think cate is one of the people who has no real interest in being a parent. Sort of like Janelle and amber. If Tyler wasn't there that poor little girl would be a permanent fixture at April's house. I think they have idealized Carly as this perfect golden child. She has a great life she probably does well in school and shes beautiful. C and T were not around for normal life with Carly, the tantrums the time she was tired or sick. Her real parents Brandon and Teresa were there for all that. Cate got pretty pictures of a smiling Happy baby and later a smiling perfect little girl . the only exposure they had to Carly was yearly visits that are no more so they never did really know the daughter they gave up for adoption. In their minds I'm sure she is the perfect child. Unfortunately for nova no child is perfect and she will never live up to their unrealistic expectations. So cate really doesn't have much use for nova. She does not act like nova is an important part of her life. The child is ignored or left with addicts as babysitters. Cate is lazy and doesn't look to do anything thst requires effort. IMO she has no business having any more children because children do require alot if effort. C and T got tons of attention from giving up Carly. Their minions rallied around them when they posted pics of Carly and I doubt they get that kind of attention from pics of nova. Poor sweet girl will always live in Carlys shadow
  13. Unpopular opinion here but I hope Farrah wins her lawsuit as frivolous as it may be. I'm not a Farrah fan. Could care less that she did porn. It's legal. However MTV has stood by and watched children being neglected and abused, has filmed Janelle shooting up heroin and filmed her clearly high while taking care of an infant. They have stood by and filmed Leah obviously on drugs and nodding off while her kids are unsupervised. They have filmed Leah fresh from a drug run while her kids cry in the back seat that they are hungry. Filmed Ryan nodding off from drugs while driving and never intervened. He could have killed Someone!! Filmed April and cate doing drugs while driving. Kail attacked Javi during filming and hit jo. And filed fake pfas on both guys. The fake pfa filed to control javi cost him the opportunity to have a career as a police office. Kail is an abuser and so is Amber. So MTV has no problem giving paychecks for druggies and perpetrators of domestic violence but if you do porn u dont measure up to their high standards lol. And yes Farrah is difficult to work with. But look at what Janelle s crew puts up with. Psycho David and threats and fights and domestic violence. Farrah is a huge bitch but she is not breaking any laws. And she makes sure her daughter is taken care of unlike everyone else on this shit show aside from Chelsea, Gary and Jo . Maci tries but I have a feeling her bud light gets more attention than her kids. Just cancel the show. We don't need to see Tyler's angst and all the made up storylines. Maci as just saying she had a miscarriage but now it's she's been on birth control. She can't even keep her fake stories straight. If cate really did have a miscarriage she has my sympathy. But I'm going to hell because when she was saying the I'm beautiful I'm smart I'm strong mantra I was thinking no sweetie u are definitely not any of those things. As far as her suicide ideations I call bullshit. I believe it's just for attention. When Someoen wants to kill themselves they just do it. They don't call their film crew crying so the situation can be filmed for ratings. Cate thrives on attention. She thought a baby would bring her attention. She doestn even give a shit about the sweet little girl she has. I had an ex that made a huge deal about how he wanted to kill himself. I left work in the middle of the day without telling anyone to try to stop him. He told me exactly how he was going to end His life he made me watch him tell him 6 year old daughter goodbye. He told me he'd made arrangements for a will. He was crying saying he was worthless. He announced His intent on social media had friends and family calling him.. I was scared to death. I though he'd actually do it. I frantically called his friends his sister etc. His sister told me her brother had done thus once before and it's for attention. I didn't believe her. But she was right, the next day he was fine after receiving so much attention from everyone. People who want to end it do it quietly because they don't want anyone to stop them. I'm not saying cate isn't hurting. I'm sure she is. But she's draining the life out of Tyler with her over dramatics.
  14. What was up with some of Molly's voice overs? They sounded different almost didn't sound like her voice.. Molly is am uptight bitch but Jon is kind of frat boy annoying with the pressuring her for sex. I thought Jon was sorta joking about the red head thing just to have somethjg to say that wouldn't offend Molly's sister Not sure if I believe jephte turn around. When Shawniece gets close and has her hands on him his hands were on the table. He made no move to touch her The strip tease was dumb. She did not look cute. I feel bad for Jacklyn. I don't think ryan is into her anymore. I dated a workaholic who was also a firefighter when I was in my 20s. Was engaged to him we lived together and we saw each other one day a week!! He left for work before I got up, he got home from his first job and left for his 2nd job while I was still at work. Most nights he'd get home after I was asleep.. He didn't need to work the 2nd job with my income bit he wanted to. He skipped the 2nd job one night a week to go to training at the Fire Station. Even when they didn't have required training he'd go hang out at the fire station. Sometimes I'd go with him but it wasn't my idea of fun. Often on the one day a week we did have time together he would go help his parents or do work for friends. When I'd ask him for more time he'd freak out get angry and accuse me of wanting someone who was unemployed and had no hobbies. It was lonely though I tried to make the best of it. We were basically strangers even after years. I left him and he promised he'd change but i didnt go back and the best feeling ever was the feeling of partners who realized time together is important and wanted to spend most of their time with me. To this day over ten years later my ex is still single lol. If Ryan isnt Making time from jac now when it's new and exciting he won't compromise later. He wants someone to just fit herself into his life and deal with it. He doesn't want to have to change anything. What Jon doesn't understand is the fact that in normal hookups or relationships both parties are totally into each other and have chosen one another and agree on the level of interest. In this scenario u stuck 2 strangers who aren't sure if there is any interest into an instant relationship. So yeah I can see it taking awhile to figure out if the other person is someone you want to sleep with
  15. I almost fall asleep when Lauren is on screen. She just seems so lifeless. Lauren didn't look too thrilled when he told her he loved her several times. Those abs though wow. I think Arie likes hard to get and once he is assured the woman are into him he loses interest. I've known guys like him. The more disinterested u act the harder they work to win u over. They pull out all the stops and once u let urself fall for the. Game over. They r basically done. I think Arie never got over Emily. She's a prize he never quite won. When he said becca was the safest choice I knew she was doomed. I get the premise of the show but becca saying she loved being on a catamaran with her boyfriend made me laugh out loud. Your boyfriend who just banged two other women in the last week lol. What a wonderful boyfriend. Interesting and very telling that becca and Kendall, told Arie they love him first and he repeated it back to them though Kendall only got an I'm falling.. But Arie straight up told Lauren he loves her. And he said it first. And she barely blinked when he said it lol. If I were to make an educated guess Arie had the best time in the fantasy suite with Becca. he just seemed really into her after that Maybe Lauren didn't give up the goods or just laid there with that blank stare on her face Ross for the bachelor! I think the guy was totally set up by production. Proly offered a free trip and fed him some crap about how Becca made top 3 but was conflicted and talked about how much she missed her ex. He seemed sure she would take him back. If he really missed her he had a year to find her and confess his feelings. No one knew who was in Peru so it was definitely a set up. One of the exact storylines from Unreal. Arie is very competitor though so maybe he picks Becca so Ross can't have her. I feel bad for Kendall.
  16. God I hate Tia. She comes off as so fake. I never saw any type of spark between her and Arie. They were friends at most. She's very unattractive. The thin lips and pointy nose. I see a old lady face every time I look at her. Sienne is gorgeous. Krystal blah. I couldn't tell what they bleeped out.. I thought she called Arie a needle dick and then Bibbiana asked if she'd ever saw Aries dick and Krystal confirmed she had. Maybe they hooked up in Scottsdale? And that's y Krystal thought she had this thing in the bag? Caroline was annoying. I didn't even recognize half of the women. The glam shaming thing was funny when Chelsea said it but i honestly don't think Chelsea meant it In a vicious manner and what's her name just looked stupid for being so offended. Loved aries smack down of Krystal.
  17. Did the producers offer jephte a huge bonus if he played nice with Shawniece? I can't think of any other reason for his sudden drastic change of behavior. Molly just no... I felt bad for Jon.
  18. I don't think Tia has much personality. She has a southern accent and she swears alot. I don't think she's all thst interesting or beautiful. I can't see men fighting over her. I do give her props for her occupation though. I think Kendall would be an interesting Bachelorette. She's pretty she's quirky and the taxidermy while I find it gross at least it's different. I definitely think Arie wants Lauren but knows, Becca is the safe logical choice that makes the most sense. If he doesn't pick Lauren then he will regret it. Becca is very into him.
  19. Wow I have to give Arie credit for being such a good sport! The rat skins grossed me out. I Couid not have touched those. I can't believe he tells everyone he's falling for everyone. He's not into Tia at all. He barely touched her and she was thr on telling him she missed him while he told the others he missed them. Plus he took one look at what Tia, will look like when she's older (sorry Tias mom) and high tailed it out of Arkansas. He seemed more comfortable around Beccas family
  20. Hell has frozen over because I really felt sorry for tyler His addict father and sister are destroying the free house he lets them live in. His selfish pice of shit father expects him to shell out 48 000 for 3 months of treatment. And bitch expects to be there 6 months! That's insane. No way in hell would I do that for that loser. They should remove Ryan and MacKenzie from the show. Adam is no longer on tm2. Ryan sees Bentley 5 minutes a month. I fast forward thru their whining. Tm is now just a bunch of addicts and alcoholics. Butch Cait Tyler's sister, April, Amber, Janelle and David and maci and Taylor. Probably Deb. Congrats to Gary Kristina Farrah Jo vee and kail and Javi for being the only sober people on the two shows. Cait looks five years away from bring April's twin. I think the best things for everyone involved is to cancel this shit show. The tm girls are boring. And the money only encourages more kids that will be neglected when they are born and losers seeking these girls out to mooch off them. If they won't cancel the show at least stop filming Deb, Ryan Mckenzie and Amber. Focus on the real parents like Gary and his wife, maci and Taylor and show Bentley with Larry and Jen. I know they fired Farrah which was dumb. She's the only one who had any ambition.
  21. Arie is totally into Lauren. Not sure if it's the Emily resemblance or her hard to get act. She did seem much happier on this date. Why did he suddenly get up and leave when she expressed her feelings? Did he have to get permission to gush about his feelings for her? He was thrilled thst she's finally into him. He seemed attracted to becca k but not that invested in her. He's completely invested in Lauren. All she has to do is breathe and occasionally smile and he's on cloud 9. I also noticed that arie dressed the "youngest" on his date with Lauren. My grandfather has the same outfit arie wore on his becca date lol. Becca got the Emily pushed against a wall sexy make out session. Jackie was too dramatic. I think Becka m was only there for the world travel and Instagram followers and now that it's down to the wire she needed to bail. Plus apparently she didn't even tell her family she was going in the show so I doubt she was in any position to take him to her hometown. I noticed she sort of dressed like she gave up this episode. Little makeup baggy clothes. She was done. She also liked like she was 14 years old lol. I hated how he led sienne on. She's way too good for him. Tia is very pretty but she's filling the same buddy position as Raven did. I still enjoy Kendall it even tho arie claims he's really into. Her I just don't see it. I liked that Kendall brought up Actual real world things such as she would move because she doesn't want a long distance relationship. Bye bye baby Becka.
  22. I didn't mind Molly being concerned about parking. Jackie wanted the same thing and no one made a big deal out of it. I hated that Jon didn't take his cat. Molly seems reIieved Jon is an adult lol. Those 2 will never last Molly is too uptight and doesn't seem like much fun. I can't believe Shawniece still lives at home! I lived on my own since I graduated college. I know everyone is different bit both Shawniece and jephte seem like overgrown children. I agree jephte left his room a mess because he wants to turn shawniece off. I think he's rude but I get why he won't show her any affection or sleep in the same bed as her. If she were a guy I was taking things slow with or wasn't attracted to I'd do the exact same thing. Jephte is uncomfortable with Shawniece affections and is disrespectful. Hes already expressed he's an elementary school teacher he didn't want to discuss masterbation on camera and needs to watch how he presents himself. And she steamrolled over his requests and gave him a lap dance. If a guy did that to me after I'd asked he tone it down I'd be angry and feel he was violating my boundaries. Shawniece crying constantly is annoying as well. You've known the guy 2 weeks. Chill. And in the previews she announces they had sex. Once again disregarding jephtes wishes to not broadcast personal details. While I think she's a sweet funny girl I think she's very self centered and not good at relating to others. As for Jackie and Ryan. Jackie is nowhere near ready to be married and though I'm not a fan of Ryan the show did him a huge disservice in matching him with a woman who is still deep in her grief. Ryan seems to be one of the few men ever to be on this show who really wants to be married. If Jackie hadn't even gone Thru her late boyfriends boxes yet she's not even ready to date much less get married! Not the same, I know but when I was 17 my boyfriend died in a car accident. It's 20 years later and I haven't stopped missing him. The first 5 years were the hardest. I looked for him in others and no one could ever measure up. When a partner dies you sort of put them on a pedastal and there faults no longer exist in your mind. No one will ever be as great as they were so Ryan has no chance. He might be a, distraction but that's it. And I call my late boyfriend an ex. But I do understand Ryan's point of view as well. He doesn't articulate it very well. I dated a great guy who had recently gotten divorced. His wife had left him. No chance at reconciliation. He didnt still love her but they had spent 19 years together. Practically the majority of his adult life. I was the first woman he'd dated since his, divorce. I expected him to be happy and excited to do new things with me and to make new memories. And at times he was but other times he was grieving the loss of his family. They had children who were teens but our first Christmas was also his first Christmas without his kids under his roof together so it was tough on him. I got upset at times (as Ryan will) because in a, weird way I felt I wasn't good enough for him to get over his past and thst if he were truly happy with me he wouldn't dwell on how his old life was gone and instead would be excited to start a new better life with me. I wanted him to live in the present. And I'm sure while Ryan understands the loss is, still hard on Jackie he wants her to focus on their new life together. Because it sucks when u are giving 100% and u feel like ur partner is not all there.
  23. Well I guess the way to Aries heart is to be disinterested and make him chase you. He wants what he's not sure he can have. Lauren has no personality. Kendall is stunning. She really impressed me. She totally owned Krystal. Did Krystal gain weight on this show? She looks so puffy. She's such an airhead and that's glaringly obvious when paired with Kendall's ability to articulate her thoughts. Baby Becca is so annoying. Her age and immaturity is really starting to show. So happy Krystal went home!
  24. It's bad that it's week 5 and I barely recognize some of the women. I don't know who the blondes are aside from Kendall Krystal and Jenna. I know who sienne isrhe Beccas and Chelsea. I didn't even know there was an Ashley! Lauren B is not attractive. Chelsea's story was dumb. She's the total opposite of an independent woman Arie. Kendall is on her 20s and hasn't had a relationship longer than 8 months? She's definitely not ready for marriage. Wow Becca got taken to his room. He seems into her. Arie sure "loves" alot of stuff. I think he said the word love a dozen times.
  25. I felt bad for Jon. Yes he's high energy but he's trying to make her laugh and she seemed into it at first. As far as getting her muddy... Why go off roading if u don't plan on getting dirty? He went around the first mud puddle bit there was no possible way around the one he drove thru. Chill Molly. I think having the other couples there isn't helping the relationships. I still say Shawniece made a very bad impression on jephte right out of the gate. Her immature overly sexual behavior was a total turnoff to him and he asked her to tone it down and she disregarded his feelings. I think he was attracted to her at first and then her personality made her unattractive just like Molly was attracted to Jon til she found things about his personality that irritated her. Ryan is weird. I don't trust him anymore. I think he had an angry dark side. As though he's going to be disappointed and nasty when Jackie doesn't live up to his fantasy expectations Love that Jon had a cat. Some of the best guys I've dated had cats.
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