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Everything posted by kira28

  1. I love this show and I think it does a decent job showing the lives of families affected by down syndrome. Although it's starting to become a bit like teen mom where the participants are benefiting from the money the show pays them and they are able to do alot of things that people with down syndrome who don't have fame and large paychecks don't have the resources to do. If Megan wasn't on the show I doubt her business would make enough for her to live with Rachel and Sean probably couldn't afford a tattoo or at least his father wouldn't let him use his money for one. I think most would either live at home or in group homes that are government funded. I suspect the show helps or pays for these apartments. I hope I'm not being offensive by saying this but I really don't understand why dating is perceived as so important to these young adults. Megan seems to function at a tween or very young teenager level. She has the maturity of a young 12 or 13 year old. I realize she is an adult but even Rachel who is 34 isn't boy crazy or shown as of Her self esteem depends on having a boyfriend.. Megan had the one boyfriend for years and their parents would arrange supervised. Dates once a week and when Kris and Megan moved I think they still showed the guy coming to visit. He was not much higher functioning than Megan but had alot more sense as he did not want to marry her. I think Kris has this misguided notion that Megan having a boyfriend makes her seem more normal so she encourages it? I would not want my 12 year old daughter dating and wouldn't encourage someone with the mental capacity of a 12 year old to date every male she lays her eyes on. And it's not like they seem to get attached to their romantic interests. Steven was all about Megan until the next moment when he lost all interest. Megan was in love with her long term guy until she noticed Steven. When I was 12and 13 I had guys sort of as friends but had no interest in kissing them or hanging out on dates lol. I understand Eliana having a boyfriend and being excited (and asking permission for a first kiss) but she is a little higher functioning emotionally and is able to hold a job. I guess I don't under stand the pressure to constantly couple up.
  2. One thing I can't get over is that Amber is 36.im two years older than her but I feel like she's so immature. The drinking til you puke, the I don't need new friends pout. The freakout and immediate need of reassurance about Dave's celebrity crush.. I had similar feelings at 18 and early 20s when a boyfriend was obsessed with Katie Holmes. I'm a short brunette not tall and gangly like her but what bugged me is he would go on and on about how she had amazing eyes the prettiest he'd seen and I had big brown eyes that I'd gotten alot if compliments on so I was annoyed he thought hers were so amazing lol. But. I was 18 not 36. Another boyfriend thought Lindsey Lohan was the hottest thing he'd ever seen and I was insulted because at the time Lindsay Lohan was so trashy and gross. But again I was maybe 21. Amber just seems so teenagerish. I wonder if she really wants kids or just feels like time is running out. She seems a little self centered and flakey. Not that Dave is much better. Some ppl are better off single. I think Dave is probably one of those people.
  3. I really can't stand Dave but in his defense he does not seem like much of a pet person. He's very strict and structured. He probsbyl doesn't like having his friends young children at his apartment either. You have to actually like and have affection for animals to want them living in your home. Moving a cat in with a non cat person is quite an adjustment and since Dave already isn't that smitten with Amber he sees paisley as a major annoyance and an extension of why Amber just doesn't measure up for him. I say this as a cat person. My ex had dogs and while I love dogs I had an irrational dislike for one of his dogs because she was a year old and constantly peed and pooped in the house and chewed stuff up. The Wal, the coffee table, my glasses, shoes etc. So while paisley is doing normal cat things and should settle down I totally understand Dave's annoyance. Poor Amber always looks like she has so much anxiety around Dave. Bobby acts like Danielle is his first piece of booty lol. He and henry are very sweet together. Don't care about Tristan and Mia.
  4. Rachel is is beautiful. Love her hair. What is wrong with Megan this season? Not to pick on anyone with a disability but she looks frumpy and unwashed and she's not as talkative and outgoing. Sean's Dad was Really angry about that tattoo! Wow. Love elana. Christina is too much of a diva. I did laugh at how she was embarrassed by the inappropriate picture. I can't remember what angels disability is but he deserves someone who is capable of a real marriage with compromise, physical intimacy etc and Christina has already expressed she's not interested in either of those. It always seems to be her way or the highway. I'm all for encouraging people they can do anything but the idea of Megan living alone and John driving makes me nervous.
  5. I can't stand Tia. I don't care what Colton does to her. The guy gang up on Colton was so immature and dumb! They acted like 13 year old girls. Colton owes Tia nothing. Plenty of people go on dates kiss the other then figure out they are not interested in that person. Case in point... Tia! She was all over Chris, kissing him all Colton who? Then flipped a switch when Colton got there. If Chris wants to get his panties in a bunch over someone leading someone on maybe he should look at the witch nosed hag named Tia who is clearly using him in a pathetic attempt to make Colton jealous. I really don't even get why Tia thinks Colton is the slightest bit into her. They had one date before Becca season. He left Tia to pursue Becca (or fame lol) and even after she claimed to have feelings for him and interrupted his relationship with Becca he Still didn't want her back! Get a clue Tia. He point blank told u that after he went on a date with u yesterfay he wants to keep his options open. He's looking for the woman who will either erase the feelings he had for Becca or blow those emotions out of the water and apparently he's discovered you do neither. Basically threatening him is a bad look for Tia. I'm glad bibianna gave him a rose. Jordan was actually cute with Annalise. I'm surprised that Kendall was conflicted. The others were a bore. Wells is so attractive. Yum!
  6. Becca has horrible taste in men but she definately has a type. Imo Garrett and her ex look like they could be related. I believe her decision was made after the fantasy suite. Blake was a disappointing lover and that changed her mind. Garrett is a terrible choice just based on his past and how he blames everything on his ex wife. He was totally smitten when he proposed to his ex and suddenly two months later she changed so drastically he had to file for divorce?? Doesn't even make sense. Sounds like once the honeymoon period is over his feelings take a nosedive. I felt so bad for Blake when Beccas mom knew who she was going to choose and tried to assure him he wouid be alright either way. Beccas family sure realized what a dud Garrett is. He might be pretty but he's sadly very dumb.
  7. Tristan.. Do u even know this guy? Mia.. No the name doesn't ring any bells. Well. I know of him. Thru mutual friends. What??? She just changed her Story within seconds and Tristan, is stupid enough to believe her? Why is he so hung up on a woman he's never even kissed?
  8. Amber reminds me of a VERY low rent Jenny McCarthy. If you are still partying til you puke at 40 plus and hooking up with randoms at ur gym you are not ready to be married. The grooms are all ugly imo. Dave coukd be attractive but his teeth ruin his looks. Bobby is too little boyish, and looked ridiculous with that dumb bow tie. Why in the heck did Mia want to get married to a stranger but freaks about kissing one? Though Tristan is not cute at all so I don't blame her. Bobby's creepy parents talk about him like he's ten. Who says their adult son is a daddys boy? Does he still climb into mommy and daddys bed when it storms and he's scared too? I don't see any of these sham marriages working out. As others have mentioned a dog rescuer is not going to like how someone who uses dogs as a hunting tool treats those dogs. They are normally kept outside in cages and treated like property and if they don't perform or misbehave they can be severely punished. The dogs aren't cherished pets or like family. Stupid match
  9. I think Becca just wanted to bang Colton Cuz, he's pretty. She was all over him on their date and looked like someone doused her with cold water when, he told her he's a virgin. I don't see the big deal (unless you just want to sleep with the guy then toss him aside) that he's never had sex. I'd rather date a virgin than a guy who was only married for two months and got divorced and now bad mouths his ex. He's either way too impulsive or makez really stupid decisions. And he's cruel to put down his ex wife who isn't there to defend herself. He chose to marry this woman. He claims she was hit headed from the beginning so it's not as tho her personality changed. If the sex was great or whatever reason, he was so into her he coukd have kept dating her but no he chose to marry her! And they only lasted two months. Beware Becca you thought arie was bad for not valuing or taking an engagement seriously. Garrett is worse becausw he appears to not value or take marriage seriously. And while arie was a total ass to Becca I don't remember him blaming Becca for his change of heart. He didn't say she did Anything wrong he just wanted someone else thru no fault of Beccas I do think there is something off about coltons lack of sexual history. I was a virgin til 22 and had been dating my boyfriend since I was 18. He was as well and although we did many other sexual things from three months of dating on.. He had some sexual dysfunction problems that I did not recognize because I was so inexperienced long story short he was addicted to porn watched it often and couldnt perform with an actual partner. For four years. Colton could just be uncomfortable around women and think of he waits for the right one he will feel differently. If Becca doesn't pick blake I need to know what happened. She seemed totally smitten. I'm not spoiled but they usually don't make the winner that obvious. I find it hard to believe that five men are in love or falling for Becca. She seems to believe her own hype but the reality is these guys r competing for the prize and most don't care what the prize is they just want to beat the other guys lol
  10. I used to have my kids in daycare full time because I worked full tien and they were too young for school. I would take a day off work and do something fun for them on their birthday, I never sent them to daycare on their birthday. I doubt kaiser is articulate enough to suggest he wants to have a party at his daycare for his birthday. I suspect it's just his egg donor being lazy. While glad kaiser is safely at daycare while Janelle and Co are getting high and playing with firearms, I don't understand why two parents who don't work (and keep reproducing) are so lazy they dump their children in daycare. I read some of the comments on Janelle ig Pic of kaiser. She looks like she's physically restraining him instead of lovingly hugging him lol. Her fans are delusional. One wrote Janelle has grown up and become such an amazing mother. Yeah cuz, amazing moms do drugs while their kids run around unsupervised and amazing moms have cps visit over twenty times per year!! Also ppl were posting that lots of parents who both don't work send their kids to school or preschool all the time so it's not a, big deal. Yes preschool I understand.. But they don't have school in the summer!! Lazy asses. I don't understand bringing multiple kids into the world if you aren't going to actually raise them. Not knocking those who work (or just need a break for a day) sending their kids to daycare
  11. Chelsea is, totally right and it's sad she has to deal with the delusional Linds. She is the one mother on the entire series that I never worry about her children when she's with them. She's a good mama. I cant say that about kail, Janelle, Farrah, Bri catelynn Amber Maci(because of her drinking). Kail is furious Chris wants nothing to do with her. I felt so sad for Lux when javi was loving on Lincoln and hugged Issac. Lux was just watching his brothers hug their dad and step-dad and he will probably never have that. Poor little boy. He didn't deserve the life kail chose for him. Love love love that Janelle house is sinking. Idiots built it on swamp land what do they expect.. Unless the modular company makes a version that is supposed to float its clearly not the company's fault. And the majority of Janelles followers can't afford a box of flat tummy tea much less a modular home so I don't think the modular company is going to lose much business lol
  12. I think Derrick has it backwards. He's not a catch and he was much worse than Heather. He clearly had a problem with illegal(in his state at the time) drugs and he had a temper and sense of entitlement. I don't blame Heather for wanting out. Seeing his social media posts over the years just solidifies my opinion that he sucks.
  13. Maybe slightly off topic but I feel the need to stick up for barb here. Is had a perfect parent? Hell no! But she is light years ahead of the majority of the mothers on this shit show including kail Janelle Briana etc. It has to be difficult to be in your sixties and raise young children. I had kids in my mid thirties and it was tough. You just don't have the energy of a 20 yr old lol. Plus barb doesn't appear to have any help or a support system. She doesn't have a partner to help her so everything is on her shoulders. Barb doesn't have a revolving door of men, she doesn't do drugs and she doesn't dump Jace off on everyone else to go in vacations. I don't think barb gets much "me time" plus Jace has behavioral problems. Kail is lucky her kids have good fathers and they probably don't witness what jace does. He didn't learn to punch holes in walls on His own. I'm sure he saw violence when Janelle was with Nathan and now at David's house. Barn makes sure. Jace is safe and taken care of she has him in therapy and extra curricular activities. She still works at Walmart and in all honesty proly doesn't stop jace from being filmed because the money really helps and if she did stop she woijdnt have money for an attorney to fight Janelle when she drags her back to court for custody and that's a huge problem. And filming jace at his egg donors house ensures his safety. And she has a record of all the dumb irresponsible stuff Janelle does and says when jace is with her.
  14. You may be on to something. I have a cousin who has three kids with a guy who lives with his parents even tho he's almost 40. He's had one job in his life and that was only for a few months. He rarely sees his kids and he's never paid a dime to support them. My cousin has a very good career and she is, raising four kids on her own and pays for everything they want and need. She's very involved in their sports and schooling. R The mother of the deadbeat that fathered three of her kids (she adopted one) puts her down all the time. Tells her that a real woman would stay at home and take care of her kids and not pawn them off on babysitters or daycare (while she works!!) makes me so angry because her own son refuses to work so how in the hell is my cousin suppose to support their kids If her own son won't contribute and she's not supposed to work?? She tells her she's not a real mother because others are raising her kids He's also an abusive piece of crap like Adam but mommy thinks the mother of his kids is the problem. I feel bad for Chelsea because Adam is 100 percent in the wrong and his mom attacking her isn't fair at all. Adam is such a deadbeat he is not a parent to Aubrey at all.
  15. I can't stand kail. She lies she cheats she uses everyone around her and takes no responsibility nor does she have any remorse for the way she treats and hurts others. However I loved that she didn't allow Lincolns party to be filmed. It was totally petty and uncalled for but the look on javis face was so worth it to me. When the crew announced what kail had done Briana was unfazed and just shrugged it off and said they would still have a lot of fun whether it was filmed or not. However Javi practically started hyperventilating and bitched about how it wasnt fair and was such a desperate famewhore about it. I'm sorry but ur child's birthday party does not need to be filmed!! Lincoln doesn't need cameras there to have fun but apparently Javi seems to need the attention.
  16. Now I've never hit anyone before but I've never wanted to slap someone in the face as much as I wanted to smack adams pathetic mom when she told Chelsea to grow up! Chelsea, has grown up and ur loser son is the entire problem. He's assaulting women, he is a useless drug addict who won't pay child support and he's a danger to Aubrey. If it were not for cheslsea Aubrey would have a very shitty life as adams spawn. If I were Chelsea I'd make sure the Linds never saw aubree agaib. Grandparents have no rights if they don't have custody and I certainly would not trust them!
  17. How old is lux? I can't keep up. I know Watson had a first birthday but im thinking lux is younger... I don't understand why kail wants another baby when all she does is pawn her kids off on their dads. I realize in javi and Jo's case their fathers have custody and want to spend time with their boys but here she is again in yet another vacation alone. With the exception of Chelsea none of these moms seem to actually enjoy their kids or take parenting seriously. I could not imagine leaving an infant to go on a vacation. Heck I've never had the urge to take more than a weekend away from being with my children. They are four and six and I haven't had a night alone without them since one day of September 2017 when they spent the night with grandparents lol. I know that's not the norm and I'm sure I'd enjoy a little more freedom but my ex husband doesn't exercise his visitation. But damn kail takes a lot of time off from her kids. Janelle too.
  18. What is wrong with Deenas speech? She sounds so strange to me She says things like you are such a weird. She uses it as a noun. And she said she was going to get a slipper. People normally say I'm going to go get my slippers. Plural. I think she felt a bit left out and threatened that the cast pretty much accepted Angelina so quickly. Especially Nicole. Because it shows Deena is very replaceable and she is not important. I can't believe I'm saying this but it was actually sweet of Angelina to ask Ron to push her in the pool so Deena wouldn't feel singled out and picked on. It's not very interesting to see 30 somethings who are parents go out and get wasted every day. Not saying being a parent excludes you from drinking or having fun but it's not a good look to act like you are twenty when you are clearly not. Vinnie is creepy. He seems to think he can do what he wants as long as he confesses his misdeeds to his girlfriend. He's definitely not Ron by any means but he clearly has no respect for his girl.
  19. On Instagram shawniece mentions that she's moving Strange that she said "I'm moving soon" and not we are moving. As much as everything was me and my husband I wonder if they are separating.
  20. What the heck is wrong with Nicole? Going crazy grabbing a bunch of 1seant for the strippers and exclaiming its a lot of money. And it will buy diapers? Um isn't she worth a million dollars or something? How gross. I can't believe how much Pauly and Mike have grown up. They really have changed I don't think Mike is paying for the ring. The store was featured on the show so he at least got a discount oraybe a freebie. Ron is the same disgusting immature ass he was 5 years ago. Jennie was spot on in her beat down of him. Vinny is creepy. I'd be pissed if I was the girlfriend. He's so dumb and immature
  21. If Briana wasn't so trashy I'd say when she had her makeup done she's the most beautiful girl on this show. Janelle should never sit next to her because Janelle looked hideous next to Briana. Karl too. Leah and Chelsea both looked very nice. LOVE how everyone but the two losers Janelle and the spotted cromagnum man enjoy talking to Barb and everyone looks at Janelle and her husband like they are Freaks and no one wants to associate with them. Javi is at fault for the fight between Kail and Briana because instead of just telling Kail that they were staying in a 3 bedroom suite and he wasn't sharing with Brianna, he had to be a dick and hang up on her or act all secretive Obviously Jo didn't care whether Javi went with Briana or not. Leah didn't say they were sharing a room she said they were staying at the same hotel. I hope she took Gracie to do something fun cuz the kid looked bored. Kail has no rights to Javi. She should mind her own business. Good God Caitlin is now the fattest person, on this series. She has officially surpassed Gary (no offense to Gary I like his and he looks like he's lost weight)
  22. I think Molly is fake but I also feel like the show gave Jon a good edit. They took someone whose father died suddenly and left Molly and her mom and sister struggling to make ends meet. I can see that damaging Molly to the point she became a hard worker and she seeks a, partner with stable income of their own. She may have lost some of the initial physical attraction to Jon because he lost his job. Even though Jon is plenty employable I too would be turned off that Someone prioritized a reality TV show over his career. Jon was completely in the wrong for starting a, fight then recording Molly's reaction. Yes Molly was wrong for her drunken mocking of Jon for recording her bit I still believe the disgusting was, that he was recording her. He did not include his part of the fight in the recording. I think Jon was hurt and jealous that Molly wasn't into him. He spent far too much time complainijg about how Molly wouldn't show him affection and how he'd never had a girlfriend not make out with, no woman could resist him in a suit etc. I know i would be annoyed if a guy i had just started dating insisted everyone found him attracted and was pressuring me to sleep with him. It just doesn't make sense to me that Jon is this fabulous guy and Molly was just a cold bitch. People thought the same things about David and Ashley
  23. Loved Paulys and vinnys commentary about Ron ratting himself out. Also loved Mike and Vinny calling Ron out on camera about what happened. Ron is such a loser. Deena is a Bitch when she's drunk. Wasbt vinnys fault. Omg rin doesn't even know the future mother of his child birthday. Jennie is so mellow now. She looks pretty in her talking head in the blue sweater. Vinny and his haircut was funny. I feel bad for Mike.
  24. It's funny that they had friends show up for jephte and Jon but no one wants to claim on national TV that they associate with Ryan lol. Not that I blame them If he and Jackie were still together at this taping it's only because the show offered them a bonus. They looked so incredibly uncomfortable and awkward and even they way they talked sounded like it was over. Jackie mentioned something about how she learned you shouldn't say hurtful things in an argument. The first few months of getting to know someone is the best. Of all she and Ryan did was fight and argue they are a terrible match.
  25. I am hesitant to bash Molly because I thought Ashley, Sheila and Vanessa and Heather were the problem in their marriage. Molly was attracted at first and lost the attraction once she got to know Jon. Not saying jon is some horrible guy but something happened. Interesting that Jon and Molly looked more comfortable and sat closer together than Ryan and Jackie. Jackie looks shell shocked. I think it shows jons immaturity and possible cruel side that he joked about Ryan's future wife having a 7.5 size ring finger. His best female friend is heavyset and if she's truly his friend he wouldn't be making fat jokes. Ryan looked like a dork with his creepy bow tie.
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