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Everything posted by kira28

  1. Laurel is such a loser. I feel sorry for her that she really is that dumb. To destroy a friendship with Cara because Nicole chose her over laurel and only settled for laurel.becaude cm wasn't around anymore. I totally believe cara wasn't into Nicole. She made it pretty well known Nicole wasn't getting any. Yet Nicole openly admitted Laurel was her last choice. And Laurel takes that out on cara Marie? Stupid girl. Loved seeing cj and Darrel and even Shane. Couldn't stand Ashley. What the hell happened to her? Jenna is so pretty and seems kind. Why can't she find a decent guy??? Camilla is super annoying.
  2. It made me uncomfortable that Christina's dad was asking her if had sex yet.. On camera. Talk to her all you want in private but it felt like maybe the producers prodded him to ask that and I felt he was sort of taking advantage of his daughters disability by asking her to reveal person information on camera. Just in appropriate. I can't stand Sean. I felt for Christina and her meltdown on camera. It's, scary for a "normal" 18 year old to move out on their own. I can't imagine how it feels if your capabilitiea are that of maybe a 13 year old. She was looking forward to moving with Angel so they could go thru it together. I enjoy Steven. He seems sweet. More Elena please.
  3. I find Anthony to be the most attractive guy of the three. Initially my reaction was that he was ugly but his personality made me find him attractive. Nate is ugly. I can't stand looking at him. His personality sucks. What are you ten? You get mad and act like a little bitch to your wife because she beat you at ping pong? My five and three year old act like he did when they don't win a game. Time to grow up Nate. He isn't ready for a steady girlfriend much less a wife! Cody poor Cody. I thought he was the best looking at first but his awkwardness is a turn off. I have an ex that would just grab me and kiss me like he was going to eat me alive and he pulled my hair while kissing me. He was very manly and fearless. That's the kind of guy Danielle wants. Of course my guy was very needy and had a soft gentle side too and Danielle would have hated that. I think that couples biggest problem is the age difference. I've only dated a guy three years younger than me and the age difference was glaringly obvious. I can't even stand dating guys my age because they seem immature and I'm in my 30s. Cody is probably intimidated by Danielle. I wonder if he tried something on the wedding night and she abruptly shut him down because he's been walking on eggshells about sex ever since. I think Danielle sees Cody as as someone she has to babysit and not her equal
  4. Megan bugs me because while it's great to pretend she runs her own company and has held together a steady romantic relationship for 7 years, she doesn't have the abilities or mental to do these things.. And that's OK. Show us the things Megan is capable of. That's reality and I'd actually like her more than her mom pretending Megan is so much higher functioning than the others when she's not at all. Megan reminds me of my cousins daughter. She had a difficult time learning to read so her parents sent her to a small private school. There are maybe ten people in each grade. So she spent her high school years as a cheerleader ( all the girls in the school were cheerleaders they didn't even have to try out) My 2nd cousin doesn't have an athletic bone in her body but she played basketball and softball and soccer and volleyball. And to hear her talk she excelled in all of them. When in reality her entire team rarely ever hits a ball or scores any points at games. Yet her parents encourage her (which is great) and praise every little thing she does.. Quite frankly it's made her lazy because she feels that even the slightest effort should be rewarded. She got a D on a test and got upset because her mom didn't praise her for not failing. Since the school is so small the kids live in a bubble and are not treated how they would be in regular high school (where u are competitive about grades and have to try out for sports teams) she made prom court (the entire jr class girls were prom court because there are only six) and her family made a huge fuss over it. She's graduating 4th in her class with several D 's. So when she talks about herself she will say I'm 4th in my class I'm a cheerleader I. Play every sport at my school etc and all of this is true but in the real world or at college these things won't come easily to her and she's never had to put in the work for anything so I can see her struggling. I know Megan is different because she has down syndrome but Megan's mom seems to coddle her and praise her and lead her to believe her accomplishments are phenomenal. And there's nothing wrong with making your child feel good about themselves but she needs to teach Megan real world skills as well.
  5. Maci is no mother of the year. She left a very young Jayde with Jen and Larry so she could go party in Vegas. She drank quite a bit while pregnant with maverick. I don't like to label anyone but I would guess one or both Maci and Taylor have a drinking problem. I'm all for a few cold beers or a mixed drink or two on the weekends or a glass of wine with dinner. But Taylor always has a beer in his hand. And maci is not much better. I mean they have two very young babies. Shouldn't someone be totally sober in case of an emergency. I never drink when my kids are around. Maci doesn't seem very interested in maverick. I think. Maci wanted the white picket fence life with one man playing father to all her kids. She doesn't want to share Bentley and wants to immerse him in all things Taylor and his family. I don't think Taylor is all that smitten with maci or family life. Just my opinion
  6. This cracked me up. Of course there was a simple solution to the problem but Corey and Nicole are really dumb and probably have no idea what the multiples of 12 are even though you learn those in what? 2nd grade? Lol. And Corey and Nicole can't count that high.
  7. Practically anyone can own an online boutique. You just have to pay for your inventory and pay for the website etc. A guy I know did it and even though he has a large social media following he's not famous. He thought it would be a big money making venture. It failed miserably and he didn't make much $. The clothes are from China, shipping took weeks sometimes months. The clothing was poorly made and didn't look like the pictures. The sizes ran small. After the first order people stopped buying. I doubt Amber has many repeat customers. And she was afraid of insulting Cate by asking her to model plus sized clothing? I'm sure cate knows she's obese. Plus sized is a compliment. What is up macis butt about Jen and Larry??? She's so negative.. Bentley hates visiting them and there is nothing to do there? Bentley calls her crying and wants to come home. I call total bills hit on all of that!! I loved visiting both sets of grandparents when I was a kid! And my kids love their grandparents too and would rather go there than be home. I'm sure Bentley loves his siblings but probably enjoys getting away from them plus he loves mimi and Larry. It's almost like maci is trying to alienate Bentley from Jen and Larry. Not a good look maci.
  8. Amber needs to grow the fuck up. What she's doing to. That poor sweet child is emotional abuse. Loved that Leah is oblivious to that fat cow crying and says here's some trash mama. Cause Amber the people that actually take care of Leah, her parents Gary and Kristina get the ornament she made in school and you get what you deserve - trash. Amber will let Matt spend her money on an expensive car but age can't pay her child support? That scene made me sick. And who was the loser tagging along in all Matt and Amber's scenes? I've never seen so many people who are on a show about teen parents do so many things when their kids are nowhere in sight! I understand when Farrah is working but everyone else rarely has their kids around. The scene between ryan and his dad was touching. Loved Jens toast.. Here's to keeping him and not giving him back. Ryan acts like he has traumatic brain injury.
  9. I'm not suggesting Maci go to court for a visitation schedule. Why would she waste her time doing that. The only people a visitation schedule would benefit are Jen and Larry and they could use Ryan's time. They do that now And yes it actually costs quite a bit to go to court. Normally you need an attorney and that is never free unless you are a criminal. I tried to take my ex to court for child support for our two kids. I was working full time making $15 hr and daycare cost $950 a month. I could barely afford formula and diapers for our youngest and my ex who made over $80,000 a year gave me $100 a month to support two kids. I had no attorney I couldn't afford one. Ex had also stuck me with our sons medical bills. The judge actually yelled at me that I was stupid to not have an attorney and she wasn't going to dumb down her courtroom to explain legal terms to me so. I could understand the proceedings. I was a college graduate I understood everything, I wasn't trying to play attorney, I just could not afford one, hell I could barely afford to take the day off for the hearing or the gas to drive to the court house. That judge was a total bitch but my point is Ryan would probably need an attorney. I realize he would never pursue visitation because it requires effort and he's just not that interested in being a father. That said Maci shouldn't withhold Bentley from Jen and Larry because they have always helped her and they love Bentley dearly. One Thanksgiving away from. Taylor's parents who he barely knows isn't going to harm him.
  10. If Jen and Larry could convince lazy Ryan to go to court for visitation he would get at least the minimum of shared holidays and every other weekend and maci would have no say in the matter. I think she enjoys the control and I hated how she said Ryan doesn't deserve to see Bentley because he isn't around alot. If it were Ryan asking to take Bentley to MacKenzies parents for Thanksgiving I was say nope. But it's Jen and Larry and Bentley adores them and he's their only grandson and they love him to death and have always been good to maci. They take care of her other kids as well so it was shitty of her to want to take Bentley to Taylor's parents. Taylor has been around for a few years but Jen and Larry have been part of Bentleys life since he was born.
  11. I was just going by what Sheila said. She said she's an introvert. She also spoke of being emotionally exhausted by the process. I think she was just sick of Nates constant "criticism" of her laid backness and of his clingingness. I did think Sheila was rude when she basically refused to talk to him because she said she doesn't have conversations when she has nothing to say. I'm an introvert but would never be that rude to someone.
  12. I totally feel Sheilas pain and now I can't stand Nate. I would ofpegged her for the last to consumate her marriage. I'm an introvert and I dated an extrovert like Nate (although my guy was very giving in the bedroom and not selfish) he was exhausting, always full of energy and "on". Constantly wanted to do things with big loud groups of people.. All things that wear me down and drain my energy. And he'd poke at me and try to get me to be more fun and outgoing. And he'd refuse to let me have down time because he didn't want to be alone. Exhausting! Nate is an ass because he wants to change Sheila. The woman who graciously accepted his brother living with them. But because she doesn't have the same obnoxious energy level as nate he thinks something is wrong with her. I'm really liking Anthony and Ashley . They are cute together. Cody seems so young! He's adorable but I don't think Danielle is into him. Funny that she's uncomfortable talking about sex. Maybe just because she's on TV.
  13. I thought the thing about Amber wanting chair covers was funny because ok... You cover the chairs in pink to match the cake or whatever but the rest of that room is all bright clown colors lol. Why would it matter if the chairs have pink slip covers when the walls are bright red yellow and blue? I'm glad Gary has some sense!
  14. The only thing I will ever praise Amber for is deciding not to have a child with Matt. I don't care what excuse she uses. That's the best decision she's ever made. I don't think Amber enjoys children at all. She has more than enough evidence that Matt would make a shitty father. I never understood women who hook up with guys who don't have anything to do with their children then decide to have a baby with them. A girl I went to high school with dated a man who had three children with his ex wife. He didn't always pay his child support and the girl I went to school with complained that the courts were unfair and his child support was too high. She would encourage him to see his kids and formed relationships with them. They decided to get pregnant and she announced it on social media while complaining she couldn't afford the $30 anti nausea medication her Dr prescribed. She ended up having a miscarriage then getting pregnant again a few months later. When their child was only a few months old they broke up because he cheated. Now she constantly complains he doesn't pay his child support and doesn't see their son. Um you expected him to be different?? Caitlin needs to stick to her guns. No more children. She has no interest in the one she has. Baby Emilee is adorable. Funny that amber had all that surgery and Kristina looks better than she does.
  15. How dumb is Nicole to not know basic math??? Wow that was pathetic. Expected that of Corey and Nelson but didn't realize Nicole was stupid.
  16. While I feel terrible about the death of the tractor driver, I used to live in an area where people drove tractors on the road and I can tell you first hand that these farmers did not do everything they were supposed to do as far as driving with lights on, driving close to the right hand edge of the road so cars can go around etc. I've had to follow a slow moving tractor 20 miles per hour to work on a 55 mph road.. But since Chris lives in the area he should have known to be on alert for a slow moving tractor. Even if the guy did not have his lights on Chris really has no excuse. If he was drunk he needs to face whatever penalties the laws in his state call for.
  17. Quick observations. Loved Sheilas dress. She is beautiful. Ashley is gorgeous and way more attractive than her groom. I was kind of grossed out by his behavior at the bachelor party. He didnt put much thought into her gift. Also he seems very immature. I don't see that working out Danielle looks way older than 30. I'd of guessed 45. Maybe it's the bangs. Cody is too young for her. He's also much more attractive than her. I think they should have paired Cody and Ashley. Both run businesses and are similar I attractiveness. Cody also seems nicer and more self aware than Anthony. This show is a joke.
  18. I can't stand Lisa R but Kim made me feel sorry for her. Kim is a vile disgusting person who never changes. She constantly plays the victim and she must be exhausting to be around. Such an ugly bitter unacomplished mess of a woman. Must eat her alive that her sister has so much going for her right now.
  19. I interpreted that scene differently. Kristina and Gary's conversations often seem rehearsed and Gary is trying to show he's not keeping Leah from Amber out of spite but our of concern for Leah and he wants that clearly documented probably in case Amber ever pulls a Janelle and makes a half assed attempt to regain custody. So he and Kristina point out all the legitimate reasons Amber should not be alloted more time with Leah on school nights. And Imo their reasons are valid. Matt does all the heavy lifting with Leah at Amber's house. But interestingly enough I've never seen any affection between the two. Matt always looks at Leah with thinly veiled irritation and though Leah is affectionate on command with Amber she never jokes with Matt or hugs him. She cuddles and kisses and hugs and teases with Kristina and Gary all the time. I didn't see Kristina as frustrated even if she got a break from Leah she still has Emily and watching two kids together Is easier than watching one. Plus she genuinely loves Leah and wants what is best for her and that's not more time with lazy neglectful Amber. Kristina is the closest thing to a real mom that Leah will ever know.
  20. I agree that in many cases this would be a good idea but in Amber's case absolutely not. If she wanted to be able to spend more time with her daughter she should have made it a priority to find a house close Leah's school. She has no excuse for living 45 mins away. Neither Matt nor Amber have a job. They are renting so it's not like they can't pick up and move and she has more money than normal mothers so expense isn't an issue. Those Two deadbeat parents didn't care to be close to Leah all they cared about was renting an expensive house in a ritzy neighborhood and pretending they bought it. And kids really need a routine and stability. Leah is a seemingly bright and well adjusted little girl. That is 100% thanks to her loving parents Gary and Kristina! If Gary let Amber pick her up at his house and take her to school I guarantee Amber wouldn't.make it on time or she just wouldn't show up and wouldn't call. She always has an excuse. Just like the bad tooth thing. If Leah was allowed at Amber's during the school week her homework wouldn't get done she'd probably not get to bed on time and no one would care and she'd be fed garbage for dinner. Amber can't be bothered to always get Leah the time she's allowed to. She doesn't need more time when she doesn't take advantage of the time she's given. I am definitely not anywhere near a perfect mom and no one will call me amazing because it's simply not true. My kids are taken care of but I make mistakes. I yell at times. Once I didn't realize my three year old son had no shoes on until I strapped him in his car seat and it was a winter day! But if for some reason I didnt have full custody of my children I would have absolutely NO excuses as to why I couldn't spend time with them on the days I was given!! And unless I had to work I wouldn't turn down any extra time that was offered. I'm sure Amber always asks to see Leah on school nights when they are filming so she can cry on camera. But has no problem leaving Leah with Gary for all her endless illness faked anxiety and worthless plastic surgeries and her much needed out of town vacations.
  21. Loved that Jen and Larry dressed up! They are awesome grandparents. Mac didn't put much effort into her kids costumes. Tyler's "therapist" saying wow I haven't seen you in awhile.. Translation I haven't seen you since the last time you were being filmed. I don't Bieber a word that comes out of Tyler's mouth. Another just for the cameras moment. Nova at cate and Tyler's house. She looks like she barely knows who they are. Cate has no idea how to take care of her. Nova acts up and hits and throws food to get attention because she probably gets ignored otherwise. It's very obvious cate and Tyler are not her primary care givers. Jade is so sweet and laid back and learning to talk. You can tell her parents interact with her alot. And tyler you are a parent so you don't get to focus on you. Amber is delusional. She's never been a size 12? Lmao. She's successful and a good example for Leah.. Um no. Amber you don't even pay your child support. All she does is lay in bed. She's a horrible mother. Gary is a great dad and truly does have Leah's best interests at heart. If Amber wanted the chance to take Leah to school she shod have chosen a house in Leah's school district. Catlynn has gotten bigger and is now April's twin. Nothing to say about Farrah.
  22. So I was reading some comments on Instagram that Janelles minions posted. She has a picture of Jace and Kaiser with the Easter bunny. It's not a recent picture because Kaiser looks maybe a year old. She probably didn't bother taking them this year. But her followers were posting things like you are an amazing mother!! You and David will have a great future together. Um are these people insane? In what bizarre word is Janelle considered an amazing mother?? She doesn't even bother taking care of her kids. And her future with David is probably going to end in a murder suicide when she catches him texting other girls and she threatenes to leave him or when Nathan keeps comparing notes about how Janelle said creepy Dave has a small dick. I hope the kids aren't around when David blows up because I fear for Kaisers life the most. I'm terrified he's going to have a deadly "accident" and I honestly don't think Janelle would care if that happened. By all accounts she's a horrible mother! It's scary that there are so many other females who probably also have children and are such pieces of shit parents that they think Janelles neglect and abuse is an example of an amazing mother! Also in every picture I see of Jace posed with Janelle he never looks comfortable. He always looks stiff or bored or like he's having his picture taken with a stranger and isn't sure how to act. There's no warmth there. If I didn't know Janelle was his mother I'd think he was being forced to pose with an aunt he doesn't really know or some other distant relative. My kids get that weird uncomfortable look in pictures when a great aunt or an old friend of mine they have only met once wants to take a picture with them.
  23. Alex and Gina are pretty dumb as well as delusional. Alex saying they never withheld items from Cody and makani or refused to give them food. Alex and Co accused Cody and makani of stealing the pot with food in it. If they were sharing the pot then it wasn't stealing. You can't have it both ways. Alex didn't want the two to have any boiled water and tried to stupidly convince Cody that the hot pot of water hadn't been boiled yet lol. Gina annoys me because Cody as the only one shown that helped her in the water and said he didn't want her to drown. Her buddy Alex never offers to help her. Burning the money is the height of stupidity and poor planning. Gina had to know by process of elimination she was up next for the temptation which has normally been food. So throwing a hiss fit over a jar of peanut butter and destroying money was short sited and ridiculous unless both she and Alex have decided to flare out because otherwise they are screwing themselves out of money and their plan failed anyway.
  24. Shane is a little shit stirrer but his team would be stupid to get rid of him. He knows how to play the game and has really helped his team out more times than anyone else I can think of at the moment. They only won the previous challenge because of his strategy of jumping on the champion guys and taking them out by falling on them and wiping them out. He also helped eat all the curry. He's a good competitor. Did I miss what happened between Ashley and her bed mate? I can't think of his name lol. I really like Jenna and hate nicole. She just looks dirty and smarmy to me. I think laurel may actually be gay and has just been afraid to experiment with women because of her strict upbringing. She seemed so hurt by Nicole and then so interested and smitten again once Nicole showed the slightest interest. Laurel was so clearly Nicole's second choice that I felt secondhand embarrassment for laurel. I.mean Nicole didn't even apologize or admit she was wrong. Laurel is worse than Jenna! Glad Johnny is gone.. I loved Cj. He cracks me up. Loved the look of glee in tjs eyes when he crashed the party and announces the bloodbath in a monotone voice lol
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