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Everything posted by candall

  1. Always intrigued by countries I don't know, I googled Nauru. Yikes. Scathing articles by Amnesty International and CNN about the refugee camp/prisons--people (kids) have been there for years, begging for asylum, rats, roaches. Journalists charged US$5k+ for a "visa," but no interviews, recording, photographs allowed--to protect the "privacy" of the refugees--and all reports must be approved by the Aussie gov. Canceling my plans to investigate a trip to pretty little island nation Nauru.
  2. @SnideAsides, the thread titles are cracking me up. You brought the funny!
  3. My PBS station skipped the "Bread" episode, so you're way ahead, IMO. I've seen photos of that very cool lion head and it looked like much more fun than dozens of unappealing grey pita pockets. I didn't really see the point of Ugne substituting the flour in the sugar-substitute challenge. I mean, if non-wheat flour baked goods were generally considered to be tastier, there'd be a great deal more of them on offer. (I've stopped eating wheat and it's a PITA. Heh, small joke.) Off to research olive oil cake; it sounds gloriously decadent and the one on the show looked delicious.
  4. No kidding. She goes in to kiss his pillow every morning and he misses making her mad at him, the little scamp. That guy's going to be a real catch for some lucky woman.
  5. I've been a staunch Barry supporter since the beginning, but this was a tough one. He told the nurse he'd be responsible for the Molly-watch, then forgot all about that and Molly almost went off the ledge. Oops, I guess he would've felt really guilty about that family member death, too. Then there was the whole gothic romance novel thing where the husband insists the half-crazy wife is perfectly capable of recovering right HERE, no outside interference necessary. I was only about 11 the last time I was engrossed in prose that purple, but it always meant the husband was the villain and that other handsome male character needed to step up. (I don't think that's what they intended here, but it was still schlocky writing.) At least Molly engineered her own rescue, with a small assist from Sammy. And THEN, just to top things off, he had to pull the whole "can't sleep, need to talk" routine with Daliyah? Please, playa. You know, Jamal had a seriously dark and evil side, but he was still complex. I'm really not feeling Barry/Bassam's spiral into Tyranny. This is the third episode in a row where he's a well-oiled stupid decision machine. Get it together, writers.
  6. Live Result Show, thy name is FILLER.
  7. Ha, I kept thinking, through the whole the finale, that about 75% of the tension on this show comes from stupid Patrick not having insurance on his restaurant. And he never accepts any personal responsibility for that!
  8. Oh, hardy har, the actors willing to sign reasonable contracts survive. I think the chance for renewal is decent--considering the state of summer drama. Fear the Walking Dead, Queen of the South, Preacher, Dead of Summer, Outcast, Animal Kingdom, Outsiders. Suits is way past sell-by date, Rizzoli is over. UnReal had a horrible sophomore season, Murder In The First is a big yawn and they just killed the best character on Tyrant. That leaves The Americans and Major Crimes. I'd definitely go another round with the cokehead, the droopy alcoholic, the PTSD kid and the gay sadist with the dental fixation and the big, big dreams. : )
  9. Cool. Sign me up. (There's jewelry involved, but I can't tell if The Suitor bestows it or reclaims it. Heh.)
  10. Pseudo-celebrity reality shows usually aren't my bag, but I was glued to this thing like those people were imported exotic animals I'd never heard of before. The four who coupled up didn't do themselves any great service since their advice dwindled down to dealing with specific person x instead of dating tips that might have been generally helpful. But then two of the singlettes sounded like they'd gleaned a sliver of insight and two of them were hilariously off-track. I doubt if Willis' baseline issue is an inability to "say no." Is he a helpless pawn, beset by wily women who refuse to have protected sex, hoping for the honor of Baby Nine? Maybe six weeks of pre-sex dating would be a better system than scoping out the nearest bathroom for a quickie. Oh, wait. . . was he talking about saying no to himself? Well, then that would make sense. Jessica sees herself as someone who needs to come out of her shell more. Yikes. She already seems like a combination of Cleopatra and the viper who bit her. Unless that's a 'shell' of supermodels and pseudo-celebs. It would be really good for Jess to spend some time around regular humans. Have a conversation instead of oblige a conversation. ************* Bleh, now *I* sound mean and judgmental, too. But they know they invite people to judge, when they agree to this stuff, right? Or do they think the majority reaction will be envy?
  11. Ack! I just recorded the finale and discovered I missed this episode. You all caught me up pretty well on the action, except there's one thing I'm confused about--there's a lot of discussion here about Dion vs. Tommy as a "custodial parent." I know the question of paternity is part of the show, but is there really anything going on show-wise about Dion raising TJ or is that strictly hypothetical? I have to defend Dion a little bit against the Good Time Charlie characterization. The last episode I saw ended with Dion knocking on Tooth Fairy's door to turn down the impressive new restaurant opportunity. He said he was going to stick it out with Tommy, even though Tommy had just blasted him and rebuked their friendship. That's not really standard behavior for someone who splits when the going gets rough. In fact, when I think back, Dion hasn't been having a whole helluva good time, with that maniac threatening to plier out his teeth every time he turns around and demanding he produce six grand every few days. Seems like the path of least resistance would have been to just scarper out to LA and get a chef gig. Plenty of coke and pretty girls on the other coast for those in search of the unadulterated GT Charlie responsibility-free lifestyle.
  12. They made remarks in the finale that the whole deal was about two weeks long and they left the house the day before Thanksgiving. (Because Brandi "didn't want Calum to spend the holiday alone." GAAAAH, slapping myself on the forehead--since I can't reach hers.) From the wrap up, maybe Somaya and Josh were actually getting a bit of therapy with some personalized dating tips, but they just didn't have the carwreck rubbernecking factor of Aubrey/Pauley and Brandi/Calum. There's a debate right now, on another board, about whether alcohol makes you act like a different person or only lowers your inhibitions enough to act like your real self. Either way, Calum seems to have some serious rage issues layered on top of a basic asshole personality--both of which he pretty much covers up when he's sober--but then he really enjoys getting drunk so he can drop the effort and just let all that stuff come out. Look at how he's already snarling at Brandi and being abusive/confrontational, even when he's just in the process of ordering his cocktail. (Which, "five shots"???) I think that guy's scary and needs to back way up and start the counseling process several steps before "dating problems." I have more to say, but I'll stop writing this manuscript now and just congratulate Willis on being around four women for an extended period of time and not knocking anyone up. (P.S. When I googled to get Somaya's name right, I saw the Aubrey & Pauley on again/off again news, plus her reveal that he has a penis piercing. LOL--who's surprised by that?)
  13. I saw Viktor drop one of the white balls in the middle of a juggle and he was very smooth about recovering it. I also think the red ball was supposed to be glowing and lost its lightbulb right after it dropped. But that's all okay, he's just so sinuous and interesting to watch. My favorite part was when he maintained the line of balls on his back--I guess you'd have to start with building up those muscles on either side of your spine to make a little trough? But whatever, that was some serious musculature control! To me, his act is sort of related to the contortionists, but I like what he does with his body better. I always feel the contortionists are in a lot of pain, in spite of their smiles. ****** The quick-change artists were odd tonight. In their first performance, I don't remember thinking she looked like she was wrapped in six bolts of fabric.
  14. Maybe there's something wrong with me. I don't want to watch when, say, people's nipples are in danger of ripping, or some other hideous injury might happen. And I don't understand increasing the 'entertainment value' by blinding yourself with strobe lights for the stunt that broke your back in three places. I didn't believe her when she said (I think) that this would be their first time with the strobes, but I did believe her that she was scared.
  15. Difficult to miss it. Since they just couldn't resist the raw fish joke, they lose any bonus points for women getting oral sex two-to-one this season. Text me the deets on the candlelight vigil for Marti Noxon's return.
  16. My optic nerves are loose from rolling my eyes so much. I thought the writing was TERRIBLE. --As if anyone who ever met Rachel would believe she'd turn on a dime and be all teary and grateful that someone arranged a "rest cure" for her. Oh, you really ARE the only person who cares about me! *sniff* Coleman's not an idiot, so that was a cheap shortcut. --Same with Quinn's man. They could have spent 45 extra seconds on the standard "It doesn't matter, darling" speech and shown both of them knowing it DID matter and he was gone. Those two actors are good enough to convey all that without pages of dialogue. It sounded like he was hemming and hawing about maybe he could just buy her a new womb. --Really? Explosive diarrhea in a white dress is the big gut buster? A show and a team based on dramatic manipulation has suddenly become Jackass Everlasting? Are there whoopee cushions in the chairs now? And is it even possible to convince someone who's that desperate for a toilet that "the show must go on"? --I don't like Tiffany being a clueless squiff out there on the putting green in her stilettos with the Roman sandal straps, whining about her love connection with Darius. Why can't they just both be shrewd calculating ambitious people who understand their interests align? That gives a bachelorette something of a distinguishable personality and makes Darius' emotional inclination to Chantal a stronger conflict story. Yes, good to see Quinn and Rachel back together. It'll be great if the finale is the two of them in scorched earth mode. But it was barely enough payoff for tonight's mess.
  17. That was not cool, but I did wonder about the possibility he was determined to get his version of the story in first. When Hannah was giving her speech about protecting each other--"the crewmates' code"--I was trying to remember, didn't she make a special trip to report Danny to the captain about something or other?
  18. Well, YEAH! I was surprised the guy didn't faint when she purred that out, from all the blood rushing out of his head all at once.
  19. Well, that has my name written all over it. Thanks, lordonia! (P.S. I shy away from the sad stuff because the unwanted and abused are already in my day-to-day life. It's just enough, you know?) I appreciate the Hidden Content warning. That was kind and I didn't read it. I'll stick a [brutal] comment under cover myself, referring to the licker bottle post from the previous page.
  20. Well, I lost the whole day. I meant to just drop in and see what kind of babies were on Too Cute! and then I'd never seen My Cat From Hell, with the banger dude smacking all those clueless owners around--fun. But the big score was Dr. Dee, Alaska Vet. So interesting! I finally tracked you all down to this thread, but I don't think I want to follow half a dozen standard vet practice shows, (particularly those with emphasis on home life.) Animals in pain make me sad and depressed. But the vet stories that either include, or are based on, the difficulty of functioning in Alaska puts this at the top of my DVR list. It did seem a little strange to feature those two little cutie pie puppies getting an airplane ride back for adoption. I think it's a pretty safe bet that those remote airplane-accessible villages are probably overrun with strays and countless unwanted litters of puppies. Unless. . .predators? Temperature? Don't tell me. More teeny tiny horses and beloved piggies, please. Okay by me to focus on the upbeat. My heart bled for the (unseen) woman who had to go into nursing care and be parted from her dog. Her family couldn't get rid of her aging pet fast enough. REALLY rare, super-happy ending to find another old lady to love him. Thank you, show.
  21. I feel your pain, AxeBunny. I'm on IMDb as much as here (i.e. way too much) and the deletion policy--probably an algorithm?--is atrocious. The shows that inspire the most discussion, which usually include some detailed background research and/or long thoughtful discourse, suffer the most. People who understand techno-computer stuff say "storage capacity" isn't a viable excuse these days when apparently you can compact the world into a thimble. Knock that shit off, IMDb. And get a "like" button already. I only binge-watched the marathon leading up to the movie, so I didn't have the two-year investment in these characters the rest of you did. I liked Dom and Lyn, Augustin and Eddie, Richie and Kevin, all better than Patrick. Patrick seemed like kind of a weaksauce lynchpin for the whole (s)hebang. I mean, he didn't boldly strike out on his own for Seattle or LA or NYC, he spent a year living a few minutes away from his mother and deleted his Facebook page. The movie could have used more of the richness and depth of the Kevin segment and less par-tay!, but I guess if they were going to pick a spot, that was the place. I found all Kevin's conflicting emotions and ultimate end-story very believable (except maybe setting Patrick up for a plummy new job--that would have been really generous.)
  22. Okay, good, thanks. I'm trying to remember the gist of her speech before she got pelted. I don't think many of the citizens are onboard with the whole "confess, apologize, forgive" plan. Why is this young woman watching out for the safety of the Al Fayeeds?
  23. Okay, got it--same page! (I thought the hypothetical plan was to wake them up by showing their rude behavior to their mothers, i.e. women they respect.)
  24. I would LIKE to have left the last episode admiring Aubrey's braiding skills. I'm afraid I had the uncharitable thought: Someone stuck it out with Aubrey for three whole years? Was it one of those guys based at the South Pole? Maybe it's just show-talk, but Brandi's really on the right track that she and Calum are both too messed up to be each other's stability. That Jess person is some piece of work. Who stands around the kitchen at breakfast and casually announces "I masturbated last night while I was thinking of you" even if there HASN'T just been a sexual encounter with someone else, who's in the next room? I don't think "trying not to hurt his feelings" covers her game, whatever that is.
  25. Okay, I am so in on the ginger beer. I recently discovered Sunny Orange Ginger tea and I just want more, more, more ginger. Not really crazy about candied carrots, but I bet ginger and chili powder is a knockout. I don't know about hauling in the mothers. I'm not a mother so maybe this is speaking out of turn, but someone planted and nurtured the seeds of entitlement in those men. It would be a horror show if Bryan and Bobby preened while their mothers were all "pish-posh, those rude people should never have aggravated my perfect son."
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