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Everything posted by scootypuffjr

  1. When she's on, she's ON. The first episode I saw was the one about having a dinner party on a budget and I deleted it about halfway through, just seemed a bit more gross than funny IMO. But I decided to give the show another chance, and I'm so glad I did - I've laughed heartily at all the other episodes, the Christmas special and the Murdercide shows in particular. I enjoy watching them more than once too, I find there are a lot of little subtleties I didn't catch or appreciate the first time around. It somehow amuses me how she'll switch the camera she's talking to, for just a word or so, for no real reason at all. Satirical perfection, I am happy to see that the ratings are good and the show will likely be around for another season. Though she'll never top the Christmas show, that will just have to be rerun as a yearly tradition, like It's a Wonderful Life or A Christmas Story, it's that good.
  2. Eternal life! And board games and craft food service... pretty hard to beat that, lol
  3. Okay, that was the single funniest thing I think I've ever seen. I laughed until I cried, I literally couldn't breath when Amy shoved that tiki into the turkey. Oh my God, the best holiday special ever, a classic. She took every holiday trope and turned it inside out, an absolute riot from beginning to end. A definite keeper. Off to recover now
  4. The Tommy episode was like a car wreck - horrifying and tragic, but you couldn't look away. It was terrible and fascinating. He was so talented and full of promise, charismatic and articulate. but he seemed absolutely determined to throw it all away at every turn. I never saw Rocky V and wasn't keeping up with boxing at the time, but I was deeply affected by this story. I couldn't believe that was the same guy at the end, he looked at least 70 years old and I believe it said he passed in his early 40s. So sad.
  5. Thank you for your reply. I did notice that the cards the magician showed us were kind of blurry and vague so I figured he must have rigged it somehow so that Alyson saw something different than the rest of us saw, but I didn't know how he did it. I still don't know what the 100th monkey has to do with it, but I guess that's neither here nor there, lol.
  6. Does someone want to explain the "100th monkey" reference in regards to the first trick shown? People in the show thread seem to understand to what it is referring, but I can't find anything about it as far as a magic trick goes.
  7. Also can't believe I overlooked Mr/Ms. Garrison's: "You go to hell! You go to hell and you die!" My son and I say that to each other all the time. I actually wrote that on a Christmas card to him; I knew he'd get a kick out of it and he did. Yes, we have a somewhat strange relationship, but it works for us.
  8. I can't believe we forgot: "I'm gonna make love to you, Woman, I'm gonna lay you down by the fi-yah...."
  9. Hahaha! My family quote The Simpsons quote often still, though we stopped watching several years ago. Now it's more "Respect mah authoritah" and "Screw you guys, I'm going home," complete with the hand gestures, of course. Also my son does a pretty good "Meeeoouueeem", if you know what I mean and I think that you do. I don't know what it says about us that all our favorite quotes are from Cartman...
  10. Finally thought of a couple you didn't get to first: Butters: "Loo, loo, loo, I got some apples, loo, loo, loo, you got some too" "Oh, hamburgers!" Cartman: "I'm not just sure, I'm HIV positive."
  11. Only just now have been able to watch the latest episode. I just have to say that Charlotte is the warmest, most delightful and charming person ever and I would be proud to claim her myself. Perhaps she was a little over the top with her letter, but I loved how gracious she was, how sensible, how sensitive and understanding she was of her daughters' differing reactions to finding her. For some reason, I also appreciated how she didn't break down in tears upon meeting them, like it was more about her daughters than herself, though she was obviously was very happy to see them. I liked how she decided keeping her twins together was the most important, best thing to do for them - again, more about her daughters than herself. Nice too that she brought along the rest of the family; Sheryl and Shirley really had one hell of a birthday! Funny too how their names seemed to jibe - Charlotte, Sheryl and Shirley, they all seem to fit together. As with all the reunited families, I wish them all the best going forward.
  12. Ha, my mother traced us back to William the Conqueror too. We must all have a family reunion one of these days! (Once she had a dream where she traced us all the way back to Adam, who coincidentally looked just like my father. I wonder if Adam wore the same glasses as he did, lol.)
  13. I completely agree with the recapper's take on the baby blanket lady. I thought she was so incredibly rude to Kevin, who gave her a very generous offer and who has contacts in the baby/children industry. To toss off that final, completely unwarranted insult made my blood boil. I'm kind of sorry she got a deal at all. Off to watch the second half of the episode - had to start it over again so my mom missed the first half last night.
  14. She did have the surgery - Dr. Now removed the staples and gave her a gastric sleeve. Her niece and sister came down to be with her during the surgery as a surprise and her sister even stayed behind to help her for a while. The show closed with Erica and her sister visiting a reptile house as Erica was feeling good enough for an outing. A more positive ending than I would have expected, to be honest. Was that the coolest therapist or what? Loved her.
  15. I don't know if this has any bearing at all, but Annie Duke lost to Joan Rivers and Clay Aiken lost to Arsenio Hall after raising substantially more money. But as someone said, this is a new format and a new host, so who knows how it will be decided? I am okay with either Boy George or Matt winning, though I admit I am pulling just a teensy bit harder for Matt. I think George will take it though.
  16. How fun was it to watch those little girls grow from floppy little babies to them toddling around? I enjoyed this episode, Doug seemed like a good guy, once he got going, and a loving father. I hope he continues to make progress and do well. I'm glad too that the kids will hopefully grow up with healthier eating habits - I was horrified to see two large pieces of pizza on that little boy's plate, not to mention the bread stick (sticks?) he was working on as well.
  17. I can't argue with that, though you do what you gotta do. Slippery or cold and wet and windy conditions will generally keep me at home too, though I don't mind the rain or the snow. I wasn't really complaining about the Norwich wife in particular; I probably should have posted in the Pet Peeves thread instead. I just lose patience with people who want to live close to the beach, for example, but think a ten minute walk to get there is unreasonably far, or a mile is not considered within walking distance. (For the record, I'm 53 years old, so if I can do it, they should be able to as well. Get off my lawn!)
  18. I love this show, but agree this was a rather disappointing episode. I believe there was a catastrophic failure at every stage of the competition, so we didn't get to see all the tests (which are my and my son's favorite part). I'm sure Theo and Joe were disappointed as well - that's not the way you want to win, and not the way you want to lose. But as always, these guys are the very picture of class and good sportsmanship all the way. Loved how Theo wanted the competition to go on somehow in spite of the split handle.
  19. Norwich couple. I missed the first moments of the episode, but why was it so important for the husband to be within a mile of the highway? He indicated that three miles away was a bridge too far for him, which I didn't understand at all. Plus, the realtor told the husband that house #1 was a mile from his precious highway and a 15 minute walk to the city center for the wife. She thought that was too far, she wanted to be within a mile of the city. She's obviously never walked a mile with any regularity, because it generally takes the average person about 20 minutes. (I walk a LOT, so I can speak from experience.) Regardless, it does drive me crazy when young, able-bodied people seem to think that walking for 15 minutes, or even a half hour, is asking too much. (And yes, I've carried groceries home from a similar distance, it can be done.) All that said, I thought all three of their options were pretty nice. I thought they chose the best one and I'm glad they are happy with their decision. :-)
  20. ^^ Lol - ain't nothing better than a giant box. I'd love to play in one even now, if I could find one big enough!
  21. I was somewhat annoyed by the Costa Rican husband, but , like AuntiePam, I figured much of his shtick was put-on and encouraged by the producers. What did annoy me was when he threw himself on that bed in the 2nd (?) house - hey, buddy, that's not your bed, keep off of it! I hate it when people dip their feet in the pool or get in the bathtub with their shoes on, etc - just when they make themselves too much at home, before it is their home yet. Show some respect. That second house really was spectacular, a real show-stopper. Obviously all wrong for their family, but wow! Wouldn't it be something else to live in a place like that!
  22. Arnold fumbling with and commenting on the rolled up, taped t-shirt in the boardroom was all kinds of funny. I must have replayed that four or five times. Sorry to see Carson go, but his leaving does make it easier to narrow it down to rooting for (preferably) Matt or George. Coming in, I had no idea who Matt Isener was, but he seems like a good guy, smart and charismatic, a hard worker who is very natural and comfortable in his skin, which makes him very appealing.
  23. I clearly remember seeing both women featured previously. I'm not quite sure what is different about the Overload series, but I'm happy to watch it anyway. As we keep saying, they are very motivational in their own way - nothing inspires me to clean or to clear clutter like they do!
  24. Okay, hell has officially frozen over - Jon Lovitz actually made me laugh twice. "Have you met my friend Mr. Washington?" and running away from the helicopter both made me smile. But really - $500? Even I could raise that much. He must have known he would be going home if his team lost. I wouldn't look twice at the Kawasaki ad Prima put together, but would certainly stop and take a moment to check out Carson's campaign - really eye-catching and drives home the point that their motorcycles are for everyone. I didn't think the win was close at all and was somewhat disappointed that Carson didn't get the normal $50,000 total reward for his charity. Carson, George or Matt Isener for the win. I don't understand how Brooke is still there.
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