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  1. First and last fights were fun, with a few not quite so interesting ones in between. BUT 😄
  2. ^^ Glad to hear it. I havevn't watched yet, but last week's show was pretty much a total snooze, as far as I'm concerned. It's nice to know this week's show is worth watching, lol
  3. Someone needs to tell the Annapolis wife that she can't go around sticking postcards in people's mailboxes. Mailboxes are considered federal property and it is a crime to put anything unmetered in them. She's lucky she didn't get in trouble over that. The couple were annoying, each in their own separate way, though all of the featured houses were very nice. Each in their own separate way too, I suppose. What a surprise they got the house with the gym thing already built into it! Lol
  4. I thought the motorcycle light was a fantastic idea, and sent my boyfriend who has a couple of Harleys a link about it. He likes his bikes and his gear to be as clean as possible - it was a major concession when he added a comfortable seat with a back on it for me, lol - and didn't want one for himself but said I was welcome to put any doodad I liked on my helmet. It was sold out, but I pre-ordered one for me - it cost $160, which I thought was pretty reasonable, and it will be here in March. I really like the idea, and since I'm sitting behind him anyway, I'm hoping it will help the both of us safe in spite of his preference for bobbers 🙂
  5. My aunt died after falling in the bathtub and hitting her head. We had told her not to bathe on her own but she had fallen a lot recently and was always fine afterwards so she went ahead with it. I had told her previously that she was fine after falling until she wasn't, and when your winning streak ends - and you don't know when that will be - you can lose it all. She wasn't wearing the device we got her but she managed to get downstairs and call my husband who saw her bleeding profusely and called 911. She admitted during her week long stay in intensive care that she wished she had listened to us, and passed (on Christmas day, yet) after being transferred to rehab. After that, she would have had to go to a home. My point is, falling down when getting elderly is no joke and needs to be taken seriously, and people aren't always the best judge of their circumstances and capabilities. I'm having the same trouble with my mother who is convinced she can do everything she did 20 years ago, and just as well. She can't, no matter what she says. Sorry for the rant, but I am entirely on Whitney's side in this one.
  6. Yes, I find even Cartman to be somewhat lovable, Lord help me, lol. I have always been in awe how Matt and Trey manage to make him so evil and so damn cute at the same time. I also stand in awe of how cleverly they are able to skewer a person or theme or whatever so very thoroughly and keep it so topical and funny at the same time. I also like how they give it to both sides of the political aisle, an increasingly rare event these days it seems.
  7. I have to watch my R's, L's and S's when I'm tired, and I'm 56. I had a couple of years of speech therapy (thank goodness) provided by my school during the 4th and 5th grades -, maybe even the 3rd, it's hard to remember now, lol. Lisps and such drive me nuts, moreso in adults honestly, as usually it's easy enough to address, given time and instruction. Hopefully those kids will get the help they need. I agree that Duff and Valerie are the perfect hosts for this show, caring, careful with criticism and ... charismatic? (Wanted to carry on with the alliteration, lol) How about encouraging, as they are that as well. I'm always impressed by what these young kids can do and what good sports they are too. I am sorry to see (almost) anybody go home, every season. I wish I had had such a talent and a clear vision of my future as some of these kids have so early in life.
  8. What did the Michigan wife on last night's episode have against storage space? Get rid of the cabinet, get rid of the closet, get rid of that nice little storage nook in the kitchen. Was she locked in the closet as a child? Did a cabinet attack her grandmother? Seems to me you NEVER get rid of storage space, there never seems to be enough of it as it is
  9. I occasionally get friend requests on Facebook from very, VERY good looking men, or soldiers, or sometimes they're one and the same 🙂 I am older and have watched this show and know better - if I don't know you and we have no mutual friends and you have no history showing, you are instantly deleted - but if I was young and unsure and lonely and not so popular or pretty (as I was as a teen) - I can see how it could happen. It is flattering to think such a handsome guy wants to be friends, and even now I hate to delete the soldiers, even though I know they are fakes, lol. I have met a very good RL friend through FB - we had one mutual friend at the time, someone who is in a band and has many "friends" he does not really know - and my son has many, many virtual friends... I don't know. People do build real relationships through social media. I can see falling for it, at least at first, and after a while you're invested and sucked in and simply want to believe. Perhaps I am too trusting and naive. That said, and I truly don't mean to be catty - it does astound me how these very average looking people believe that these real lookers are in love with them. I know there are such things as inner beauty, wit, charm, great personalities, etc but at that doesn't generally count for a whole lot, particularly at a younger age...
  10. I loved the second Seattle house. Under budget, all the space they could desire, a lot of old school charm and quirk - what's not to like? I did like the first house, the one they chose, but (assuming it was all legit, which I know it isn't), I would have chosen the second one - just as nice in its own way, no immediate renovation necessities and under budget as well
  11. Thank you for going through the trouble of sharing all that with us! Very interesting reading
  12. Yes to ALL of this. I remarked to my mother that if you were part of the party crew, nothing could be better or more fun, but if you weren't part of the crew, they were just loud and annoying and not nearly as funny or as cute as they thought they were. Rather immature, as mentioned above. The agent obviously didn't care for them at all. At least the one female friend did tell them not to choose a house based on them as a priority. For the record, I thought the first house was fine; I couldn't find much to complain about. Accept the murals as local charm and/or quirk, or paint over them. I thought the rest was great. (And yes, I know it was all a done deal before filming, but it's more fun to pretend everything is an option 😏 )
  13. ^^ Yes, they were delightful, one of the nicer families I think we've seen. Loving and supportive and SANE, lol. I'm so happy the "got" the best house for them at a reasonable price and wish them the very best @Mannahatta please don't stop posting 🙂
  14. I can't be the only one who read "DoughP" as Dopey, can I? Every. single. time.
  15. It was kind of refreshing, though. We've seen more than one wife demand a chef's kitchen even as they brag about not knowing how to cook. At least this one was honest, lol. My mother and I liked the second house best and were surprised they took the first, smallest one without a garage, even if it was the closest to the beach. There's not much difference between 5 and 8 miles, really, you're not walking either way.
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