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Everything posted by arejay

  1. Oh, I do SO love a John Boy and Billy reference. Thank you!
  2. Oh, my! Girl's Daddy took her to court for "theft by conception." Minimum 18 year sentence.
  3. i swear, it is as if Liberty Mutual is on a globe-circling mission to find the LEAST likeable people ever. Now there is a spot that features some woman extolling the virtues of having researched and researched and researched before she settled on her new car purchase. Then the dumbass runs it into a tree. Still suffering from terminal smug, she says she maybe should have checked out her insurance company a little more. Or just maybe been watching where the fuck she was going.
  4. Dear Guy in Liberty Mutual Ad, A couple things: 1) No, your property carrier is NOT on the hook for the value of the loan you took out to "drop $40,000" on a new car. 2) If the minivan truly t-boned you, why are you using your own coverage?
  5. I liked it, as well. I wish she had been able to comb all of her hair, though, and not just the two front tendrils. That having been said, I do believe she is actually the most well-bred of that crowd, Thomas' money notwithstanding. When she said that KCD had "zero class", I agreed whole-heartedly. I see her as a young Patricia, happily waiting to ascend to that particular throne.
  6. Oh, Dear Lord, Thomas looks like Gilbert Gottfried in that picture.
  7. ...except when Landon asked "Why are you still friends with her" to Kathryn about Lauren. I thought that was a legitimate question. "She colors my hair" was not a good enough answer.
  8. ....funny, I was thinking "throw up..."
  9. The bright lights and stage make-up did Thomas no favors. Neither did that jacket.
  10. I must say I was happy to see MB doing classic blue & white China on a lemon sherbet wall, because I did that very same thing in Mother's cottage about 3 years ago.
  11. Defendant Redford..white hair Plaintiff Whitehead...red hair (albeit unnaturally so) I find this hilarious.
  12. 'THOMAS DOESN'T GIVE ME MONEY'. ..... Kathryn, in full on redhead tirade ( I am a redhead myself, so I can say that!) Maybe not, SweePea, but he has provided one, two, and now three pretty snazzy joints in which you can loll about in Sainted Single Mom repose.
  13. I liked ol' Craig being the voice of relative reason in the K v. W dust-up.
  14. I think not. As age-inappropriate as their friendship is, it actually shows some breeding on Whitney's part to have addressed them with a term of respect. Just my Southern born-and-bred two cents.
  15. I hate it when that happens. What is schnitzel anyway and what makes it so yummy?
  16. Frankly, My Dear, I'm thinking she'd be scads happier.......plus Pat would have her grand-scion.
  17. Mis-Matched College Girls......Special Snowflakes both, but for diametrically opposed reasons. Plaintiff daughter is nerdy smart-girl;defendant daughter, who did not have the nerve to show up, is youngest, probably spoiled by older parents, classic mean girl.
  18. I, too, was puzzled at the splitting hairs aspect of cashing the check versus withdrawing the money from her account. The end result was the same.
  19. I was a little taken aback when the normally impeccably-mannered Shep invited his friend to the gathering without prior permission. Of course the Conover's were gracious hosts....what choice did they have at that point?
  20. Lord, help me, I am about to agree with Landon that if Kathryn wants to make a life with Thomas, then she needs to, you know, act like she does. I think of her as the Dowager Empress, only spelled 'Dour-ger'.
  21. The black & white photo is Whit's Dad. Look how young Patricia is.
  22. Just so you know, all of Virginia is 'neath the line.......
  23. Nevermind. I thought you were talking about T-Rav's mother.
  24. I so that when Baby is of age, she decides she wants to be called something wildly glamorous like "Kent" instead of cutesy-pie "Kensie".
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