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Everything posted by Jillybean

  1. That was definitely Constance Zimmer. I recognized her instantly, and her name was in the end credits. What I couldn't figure out was why she had a throwaway, one-line part. If she were playing a main character, I'd be more interested.
  2. This whole show rang completely false to me. The relationships between the characters were not at all believable. Dudes don't have emotional conversations at hockey games and cry in one another's arms while everyone around them is oblivious. It just doesn't happen. I had NHL season tickets for 10 years. You hear every conversation around you and you know exactly what is going on with people sitting near you. That scene was ludicrous. So Jon's wife had only one friend so a stranger (who looked all of 25) was invited to join them as she drank wine and giggled all evening after her husband's funeral...apparently having no cares about her dead husband because she was screwing one of his friends. How cute. Where the hell were her kids? Pretty sure this was going for the This Is Us crowd considering they even used the same song in their ads. But it isn't remotely in the same league.
  3. I thought the exact same thing and I was very surprised that they announced Natasha as the winner. If so, then they shouldn't have had two seasons of it this year. Once a year is enough.
  4. I feel the exact same way about Lily.
  5. But he DIDN'T ask. That's my point. He didn't know what a cookie bar was, so he just guessed (incorrectly). My question was, is it against the rules to ask? It seems like it must be, because I don't see any other reason why they don't ask when given an assignment to make something unfamiliar.
  6. Is it against the rules for Matthew to simply ask the judges "what is a cookie bar?" Amazingly, he won the challenge without properly executing it, so maybe it doesn't matter. If they're going to saddle the kids with things they've never heard of (calamari) or, for that matter, things I've never heard of (veggie pesto lasagna) then they should be permitted to ask for clarification. I have no idea why the girl and her rabbit dummy were on the show.
  7. The best part of this episode was Kat finally having something not work out for her. Adena deserves better. I never understood what she saw in Kat. Jane jetting off to Paris at the last minute on Kat's miles is just another eye-roll worthy moment in the depiction of a workplace where even the assistants can come and go as they please. Ridiculous. Not to mention that Jane is apparently permitted the freedom to write about anything she wants at any time, from anywhere, and with no editing. Sutton is awesome, but it was so disappointing that she would leave Paris to go see Richard., engagement" or not. It's not as though it was his wedding day. Sigh. I enjoy the relationship between Oliver and Sutton. Loved the mention of Go Fug Yourself. I checked their Twitter and they were pretty excited when a viewer tweeted them about it.
  8. They are just friends, but I had thought they were sisters. I think something said in the pilot gave me that impression.
  9. I thought they were, too, until the discussion in last week's (?) episode of how the three ladies met.
  10. Babs did say she had called Sutton a few times but Sutton never picked up, to which Sutton replied "I've been busy." Shades of Phoebe Buffay, except that Phoebe playing the dead mom card was done for comic relief. Jane randomly singing reminded me of old (80s/90s) shows that would have a cast member randomly sing for no other reason than that they apparently could carry a tune. I found it nearly impossible to believe that Jane wrote a story on her iPhone on the trip back to NYC instead of passing out in the back seat. At what point of her drunken road trip did she find time to make the major decision to freeze her eggs? As a straight woman, I am really wondering about this. Until she was 25 or so, Kat identified as straight (from what we were told early in S1). So now that she's with a woman, suddenly she gives off lesbian vibes to every lesbian with whom she comes in contact? Is this a real thing? And is she off dick for good? As for her professional life, wouldn't it be Kat's job to oversee the launch of the new digital site? And if so, why did she head out on a road trip in the middle of the launch day? These girls seem to be able to come and go as they please from work. Kat is sooo immature, personally and professionally. I would love a storyline where she loses both Adena and her job and actually is forced to grow up. It was nice to see Jacqueline a little vulnerable and less than perfect. And her would-be replacement's name was...
  11. Are they? I didn't pick up on this at all.
  12. You raise an interesting point. I was curious so I looked at the IMDB for both actors to see how busy they are. It looks like Stephen Conrad Moore (Oliver) has done a lot of theatre. He has a MFA from Yale School of Drama! His Twitter is pretty focused on TBT though. He is considered a series regular for S2 according to an article I saw on his IMDB page. He's credited for 13 eps. According to IMDB, Matt Ward (Alex) is credited for 15 eps.
  13. Why did no one reprimand Kat for signing a contract that not only did she not have a very readily available attorney review, but she didn't even read herself? Kat seems to have massive insecurities and needs constant ego strokes. Thank goodness there was nothing about her personal life this week. I would watch a show about Sutton only. Though it's tough to handwave the girls finding all the stuff she needed at one flea market. She's the most interesting and enjoyable character by far.
  14. Supposedly Scarlet is ramping up digital, which is why Kat was made a department head with a staff to hire and manage. Her job isn't merely to tweet, etc. but to run Scarlet's digital presence. By the looks of it, she doesn't have enough to do, which makes me wonder why there needs to be an actual department. I would be way more interested in that than her weekly existential crisis.
  15. By the time Kat was awkwardly trying to "dominate" I had to FF the scene. In last week's thread, I mentioned that I thought Adena would suggest an open relationship. I'm bored with it. I would like to see Kat the big "department head" actually doing some WORK at work instead of Tindering and screaming with her friends. This character is all over the place. I can envision FFing all of Kat's scenes going forward, or at least the ones Jane and Sutton aren't in. I was surprised to learn the girls are around 28-29. I would have thought more like 25.
  16. Thanks. I have no recollection of that. I saw the actress in an episode of Deception and she was a brunette. That looked good on her, but I think I prefer her current hair color on TBT.
  17. It was cute...but essentially stolen from a scene in The Devil Wears Prada.
  18. Of course Jane is already back at Scarlet. I continue to be amazed by the fact that Kat's career has advanced faster than the others' despite her being so much more immature. I was certain Adena would propose an open relationship. I wish Jane would wear something other than black occasionally. And her aggressive center part is not doing her any favors. Are we to assume Sutton's brief party days are behind her and the $500 coke charge will never be brought up? I thought it was going to be addressed this week after being included in the previouslies. I happen to think Sutton could snap her fingers and Richard would dump his new/old gf and come running. It seemed a little too convenient that an attorney would borrow something from the Scarlet closet instead of springing for her own dress or (gasp) wearing something she already owned. Oliver calls Sutton "Red." Is it just me, or is she a blonde?
  19. Did they mention this on The Last Defense? If so, I missed it.
  20. I'm just guessing at that. She said in the last episode of TLD when discussing their divorce that the trust between them was gone. I didn't understand what she meant because he still proclaims her innocence. Then when I watched the episode of Death Row Stories and found out he had failed a lie detector test -- and she seemed very disturbed by that, I assumed that must be why she said the trust was gone. TLD left that comment hanging without explanation, IMO. That's what I meant by "That explains a lot." It sort of cleared up that question in my mind.
  21. DId you read the rest of my paragraph? That part of my post had nothing to do with court and everything to do with why Darlie said the trust between her and Darin was gone.
  22. I've been hoping for a discussion forum for this show, I just wish it had arrived sooner! I don't have any recollection of the Darlie Routier case, despite being about her age. I've watched all the episodes about her case and my conclusion is that -- based only on the evidence we, the viewers, were shown -- there is plenty of reasonable doubt. That being said, I figured there must be some other angles, so I looked around and found discussions on Facebook and Reddit. There seem to be a few websites created about this case and some people who have followed it long-term who are dead-set on her guilt. One of the discussion threads mentioned a show called Death Row Stories which I found on Netflix and watched the episode on Darlie's case (S2, Ep 1). It was from 2015 and included some info not depicted in The Last Defense. For example, Darin failed a lie detector test about his involvement in the case. Well, that explains a lot. I was so confused in the most recent episode of TLD when it was stated that Darlie and Darin had divorced, as his take was "so I could move on" and hers was "the trust was gone." I didn't understand what she meant until I watched Death Row Stories. I also learned that her surviving son Drake is a leukemia survivor. I was also fascinated to learn that the court transcript was extremely erroneous and when questioned about this, the court reporter pled the Fifth. What? I don't doubt that some evidence was omitted from both shows, and I'm not interested enough to read the court transcripts. I don't care about the Silly String video, inconsistencies in statements Darlie made, etc. I don't know whether she did it or not, but from where I'm sitting, I don't understand how the state proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt. I also happen to find Darlie credible. It also strikes me that stabbing is much too savage for a mother who murders her children. As strange as that sounds.
  23. It was so nice having a break from Katena drama. Looks like that will be short-lived. Kat's triumph over the board as the result of a 30-second speech by her new hire was not believable. What a coincidence that this aired the same day that action was taken to roll back affirmative action for university admissions. Sutton is my favorite this season and I bet she could have Richard back in a heartbeat.
  24. So am I. Kat is extremely tiresome and I'm surprised Adena tolerates it. I'm not convinced Scarlet needs an entire social media department since Kat has so much time to make personal calls and chit-chat with Sutton at work. Expensing cocaine can't be a good career move for Sutton. Her new friend the "influencer" is using her to pay for stuff. I missed Jacqueline.
  25. That scene with the "junior loan officer" on the roof was basically ripped off from Almost Famous.
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