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Everything posted by kalibean

  1. While I do like that Judy leans towards the best dancers, I also think she would pick a strong dancer over a blender with an amazing personality. But maybe that blender is a better candidate for appearances, DCC Camps, etc. The Cowboys have 8 home games that the entire squad performs in, and then they’ve got a variety of Christmas shows and I assume other things the whole group does. But the bulk of performances outside of the games go towards show group, and from there, it’s appearances and more appearances and camps, etc. So Kelli seems to keep an eye out for someone who can hang with the dances but shines in those other areas…like Kat. Again, dancing is super important…it’s a dance team. But I get why you’d pick a Kat over someone who is technically talented but boring or snooty. Fortunately for Kelli and Judy, the bulk of the people auditioning seem to have both.
  2. Charlotte ain’t going anywhere, but everyone else is easily replaceable IMO. I mostly like Kelli and Judy, and they’ve done a lot to keep the brand prominent, but others would do a great job too.
  3. I’m with you on this unpopular opinion. Lol. I look at Morgan and Breelan and so many others and I’m like man, Taylor would have been a shoo in other years. Great showmanship, unique look and good personality. Would have been great on appearances. Maybe she wasn’t coachable or wasn’t making fast enough progress. She might have had shorter legs for her body type too, like Tara. Kelli always gets a bee in her bonnet about that.
  4. Chandi had a segment about her adoption and family history, and some B roll on her apartment. But definitely not someone who got a major "storyline" so to speak. So I guess low profile strategy is be a good, clean dancer and don't be too interesting. That'll make sure you don't get any office time and a ton of cameras in your face.
  5. They talk about it in the show, a bit...last round of auditions when the women are in their groups of five, they're grouped by look so they can take the best from each "look." Plus their favorites, projects, and whatever behind the scenes stuff happens. Justice for Hannah, though...she had such a different look for calendar shoots and such than Claire IMO. Fierce versus wholesome, tho maybe I just haven't gotten to know Claire enough. She does seem very pretty and very talented!
  6. Agreed! My response wasn’t directed towards you, just the quote 😃 The comments on the post made me chuckle too bc tons of people were tagging her. I remember the original airing and rolled my eyes so hard. I might have been eating dinner from the Las Colinas My Fit Foods (RIP) at the time. Lol. With a giant glass of wine bc I don’t have to be uniform ready. And while I know cheese and pasta can be part of a well rounded, healthy diet, encouraging the TCC to focus on lean protein, fruits and a Mack truck of veggies seems like a great way to stay uniform ready and eating enough calories to stay fit all around. So stick to your guns, Courtney! Jay’s grocery store segment was over the top, but his heart seemed to be in the right place. (No salmon filets for breakfast tho, crazy man. Lox is the only way I’m having that in the morning and that’s super iffy!)
  7. I didn't think she was at all unreasonable! LOL! My Fit Foods and Snap Kitchen were both really good with paleo style entrees, as well as any type of gluten and/or dairy free diets. Great when you're doing an elimination diet through your doctor or even something like Whole30. They made it seem like she was asking for above and beyond treatment when she could have easily eaten 80% of what they had in stock. I usually don't eat any kind of gluten or dairy because of sensitivity issues (lord Jesus the bloating AND breakouts) and I'm blah about chicken the way Courtney is blah about pork. And I like oil and eggs separately but mixed together for mayo is a no thanks from me too. I don't mind my peanut butter and chocolate mixed together tho.
  8. Kelli has always been such a hussy for the dark hair/light eye combo…it’s like Jaylyn was spoon fed. But Charlotte also has the dark red hair/light eyes like Jaylyn, so maybe there’s some behind the scenes nonsense there. I think both Charlotte and Jaylyn are beautiful, but unconventionally so. And Jaylyn is young enough to pull off being so slender, whereas in Charlotte it now looks a little too harsh. 100%. I will add that her “firecracker” did get too sloppy at times, and she was swimming upstream with her muscular, more gymnast type build. Who else has made the squad with that kind of power/sloppy issue? Kalyssa, maybe? Kelsey? Tho I think they both refined during the season. Alanna did get featured for the iTunes promo, maybe? She’s in one of their feature photo shots with two other DCC. But for sure she’s shied away from the spotlight, and probably had a better experience for it. Good for her. I have so much respect for Alanna, and she’s gorgeous and a great dancer.
  9. I like Rachel W way more than Amy or Maddie, but would prefer any combo of Gina, Lexie or Ashlee since they all have more sparkle and pop. Rachel W in the diamond tho for sure.
  10. It’s a well done costume, IMO, just wasn’t necessary for her to darken her face and/or lighten lips like she did. If your costume itself isn’t strong enough to convey what you’re trying to portray to the point you’re having the change your skin tone (to human colors, not something like Elphaba from Wicked or Mystique from X-men) it’s time to rethink it. She could have rolled in with her regular tan and been just fine, so such a silly choice to do what she did. She seems smart enough to know better and do better. Unlike Whitney, bless her heart. I try to assume positive intent in all things, but I do question our educational system when such dumb mistakes get made by what seems like otherwise agreeable people. Which brings us to critical race theory, can I get a stamp on our hot topic bingo card? 😂
  11. There are so, so many different ways to practice law. Of my ten closest girlfriends, seven are attorneys (they tell me I have bad luck.) Only one is a litigator like we might typically picture, and one prosecutor. The others are construction, insurance, commercial real estate, patent, non-profit, etc. Wardrobe varies GREATLY, tho overtly sexy is pretty well off the table. We’re all in our 40’s tho, so sleek and well fitted works best all around vs Ally McBeal sex appeal. My only eyebrow towards Karissa is just needing a good trim and style for her hair.
  12. IIRC, it was her boyfriend’s Twitter that had the homophobic tweets, and since they were similarly aligned in other right wing viewpoints, the assumption was made that she felt the same on that issue as well. Specifically I think it was about marriage equality. That said, it’s been a few years and she wouldn’t be the first person that lightened up on that point of view over time.
  13. 1000% - it’s the same way every year. Part of the fun, tho! I’m amazed at how eagle eyed so many posters can be. With this social media pause the TCC seem to be under, the little nuggets of data we get from choreographers, judges, etc. at least keep it a little more interesting between insider posts. And poor Daphne! Speedy healing thoughts her way.
  14. I think quite a few DCC make the squad, check off that goal on the bucket list and call it good. Lifelong koolaid drinkers or short time future Instagram influencers all the same. @sleepyjean - didn’t your data have most being one and done? Through their own volition or not. I suspect for most, the dream isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but some hold hope longer than others. Or just keep praying the sacrifice is worth the reward, whatever their post DCC goals are.
  15. I guess I just find some of these takes disheartening. You can take a super scraggly white guy off the street, get him a great haircut and an Armani suit and maybe he looks and feels like a million bucks. We've probably all seen feel good videos on Facebook showing how great some of these men feel after a shower and shave. You'd never know he'd been living on the streets, and he might just look like any other upper middle class white guy. A black guy could be wearing that same suit and also looking and feeling like a million bucks, and there are a ton of people in this world that will see his black skin first and treat him accordingly. Plenty of people might have been raised that way and are learning and adjusting their mind view, which is great. But plenty aren't, or refuse to see that to too many, skin color is the first or only cast of judgement. And I don't get why there's such a lack of empathy or understanding about it. Layer in systemic racism and looking at the class divide within American minority groups, and knowing that being a DCC is a rich girl's game, the odds aren't stacked evenly at the get go. Shoot, even taking dance classes is nearly impossible...if your parents are working two jobs to make ends meet and put food on the table, they probably don't have the extra cash for dance classes nor time in their schedule to sit around the studio. Now would a black TCU showgirl and a white TCU showgirl be judged similarly by the TPTB? Maybe. Because at that stage in the game, they likely had similar dance training or similar recommendations by coaches. Or maybe they've decided there are too many dark skinned girls in the bouquet that year, hard to say. But if that same black TCU showgirl grew up on the same street as the white TCU showgirl, odds are her parents didn't. There is generational wealth amongst black families in the United States, but dollars to donuts the percentages don't match up. And we've got some work to do as a society to make sure all kiddos in this country have access to be and do whatever they want no matter their skin tone.
  16. Thank goodness for Ashley (?) for bringing a different hair style! I really hope they don’t ask her to get extensions or to use a wavy, dark hairpiece. One thing Christina and Amy did well was cute, shorter hair, tho Christina’s was cutest before the makeover. I like long, luxe, wavy hair as much as the next lady but variety is the spice of life and makes a better bouquet or whatever Kelli would say when positioning gingers vs. brunettes vs. blondes.
  17. That’s one of (many) reasons I didn’t understand why she was selected as point - kicking has never been a strength. I like Maddie just fine, she just needed to be in the same spots as Jinelle. Or Gina. Or any other long time DCC that is on the outer edge of the triangle because they’ve been on the squad a long time but lack the sparkle to be point. (Tho I do think Gina has earned triangle through both leadership and dance skills. I like others better for point.)
  18. The comments on this made me laugh out loud - active alum like Sarah, current DCC and Melissa Rycroft all had something to say 🤣
  19. Blonde Jenna who had been cut, moved on the the Spurs dance team and then tried out again was at the event wearing an alumni shirt. It’s possible Brennan just doesn’t have one yet or chose to wear something cuter. So I think they’re all considered an alum if they earned their pinky rings. I also think @LaurenBrook would chuckle at being called an insider. I think she’s like me (and several others!) that are acquainted with a few DCC or DCC alum and sometimes have info to share! Or did…I’ve aged out of the new squads 😂
  20. I like Kat the same way I like K Dunn - I think they would just be SO MUCH fun to hang out with on a short girl's trip or maybe once every couple of months. But more than that I think their extra-ness would be too much for me, tho I would be delighted and have the very best time while with them. Followed by two days of quiet and naps.
  21. I'm with you on this! I think Kelli is so, so pretty. Kelli hits the glam slot for me, and Judy hits as sporty cute (Maggie, for example.) I do think in current day, Judy is killing it as far as her sense of style has evolved, but Kelli is still lovely. Just needs to size up and tailor down to accommodate her figure. I have the same fit issues, so not a drag on Kelli! They're both gorgeous and have great figures for their age. Kelli is just one IMO that might have always yo-yo'd a bit, which is why she has a more critical eye towards it, whereas Judy's build seems more consistent. And you can see that with Cassie as well.
  22. One thing I really liked seeing at Kitty’s event was “cut” DCC like Jenna and Brennan wearing alumni jerseys and participating. I think that’s something that’s been pondered on here and it was nice to see. Former DCC Katy has some great pics and video : https://www.instagram.com/p/CQGe0MOsHGj/?utm_medium=copy_link
  23. I’m just assuming so since she’s retired and in the uniform. Looking great either way!
  24. I totally forgot Alexis was an all star - great seeing her and Khalyn both! The group looks great.
  25. Showmanship is tricky IMO. I think there’s a big element that just an innate part of personality, tho it can be coached. I do think Melissa and others have coached people with potential, and they’ve had at least temporary success. Melissa was much more engaging on DWTS than she was as a DCC, so maybe someone helped her with that along the way and she’s passing along to others. Kashara, Nicole, Sasha A, Jenna, etc. just have that extra bit of sparkle when they dance that just comes naturally. I’m sure they work hard at it, but some things just can’t be trained. I think about how many technically talented singers we might see on Idol or The Voice, but they’ll never be a star because they’re missing that It factor. Or how many famous singers have just average voices but something about them just clicks.
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