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Everything posted by Maya

  1. I actually thought the girl who Katy hugged was going to get a no. Her high notes were very screechy. I liked the girl who overcame drug addiction. Kind of wish they had sent her husband through too, even if it was just for moral support. She seemed kind of fragile.
  2. I can’t stand Parvati. I was so excited when her name got thrown out. It’s a good thing they got rid of the game’s biggest threat, Dani. 😑 Anytime they want to start showing more Wendell...I’m here for it.
  3. Alton doesn’t explain anything to his team and then wonders why they can’t cook. I think he’s going to take inept Leo to the end just as an FU to the show.
  4. Right. And then he wonders why they’re not improving.
  5. I find Alton kind of unpleasant to watch. I realize it’s his thing to be harsh and humorless, but it just comes off as rude to me. He does love Leo though LOL.
  6. No one’s in love with Alton or Anne, but there is of course the woman who wants to learn to cook so she can catch a man 🙄 Alton really sucks the life out of this show doesn’t he?
  7. I know everyone grieves differently, but it honestly seemed like Michele only started crying when she noticed other people crying. Lauren giving birth was really difficult to watch. Poor girl.
  8. Since when do chocolate and key lime not go together? Jennifer got lucky. That cheesecake was a mess.
  9. Too bad the Dan thing didn’t take place during tribal council, we could have witnessed Aaron piping up from the jury that if anything inappropriate had happened, he would have known about it 😂😂
  10. I wonder what Dean would have done if the intended target had been Janet or Dan. Same thing?
  11. Dan is a nasty, disgusting person. I am 100% convinced that he has done every nasty thing he has been accused of doing. Karishma was growing on me and I was actually disappointed to see her go. Her comment about being misunderstood was sad. I hope being on this show really was the wake up call she needed.
  12. I was thinking - how much extra time does it take to flavor a cupcake?
  13. Cooking in temperatures that are so cold you can see your breath looked very unpleasant. Their fingers would be numb. Not sure why the teams didn’t work on a system for taking orders as soon as they found out they were going to be on the show!
  14. Interesting dynamics revealed this episode. Jessa and Ben each made their own nest without realizing it. Abbie was afraid to tell JD what to do, because she didn’t know what he wanted to do. Lauren had one or all of the following problems: nausea, migraine, tired from being up all night, morning sickness, gagging and/or mad that Josiah wasn’t listening to her. Austin was excited for Joy to fix some things about herself.
  15. Joe seems nice but very, very simple. Jinger is done with her whole dumb family. I assume she has a professional stylist now? She looks so much better than everyone else, and the flashbacks really illustrate how far she’s come from the bad perm and heavy eyeliner days. I think they all knew they were eating grasshoppers.
  16. Why did the woman even take the pickles if they were such a difficult ingredient? She was the second one to pick 🙄
  17. Literally everything everyone made in the first round looked delicious. And most of the pies too!
  18. It was a “gender guessing party” because who doesn’t want to attend one of those? 😂 Also is it necessary that if you’re married you have to sit on your husband’s lap? Never mind I already know the answer to that.
  19. Christian with the blue hair looks familiar. Was he on Next Food Network Star or something else? I can’t stand Alex. She has become my least favorite person on Food Network, and that includes Katie Lee.
  20. The basket from Kourtney screams “regift” to me.
  21. This wasn’t even fun to hate watch. Part of me thinks Lauren is putting on a show to get more air time. JD’s whole schtick is wearing thin really fast. All these 20 year old girls obsessed with giving birth is just sad at this point. I guess I liked the grandma Duggar clips.
  22. I still think Parker may have figured out that differentiating herself from her five sisters is a great way to get attention from her parents.
  23. They are stuck between a rock and a hard place with the flavors. Too much cinnamon, not enough beet, “respecting the fennel too much” (actual quote).
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