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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I just posted this on the Soshul Meedya thread, but I think it warrants a mention here, too: https://deadline.com/2018/07/tlc-announces-90-day-fiance-the-other-way-the-fourth-spinoff-in-franchise-tca-1202434613/amp/ I get the feeling Nicole and Azan will be prominently featured in this new show about the American fiance going to a foreign country. UGH
  2. Why do I get the feeling Nicole and Azan will be prominently featured in this one? No thanks, I'll pass.
  3. You got the accent down!!!!???? Gracias! I'm channeling my inner Sofia Vergara
  4. Anybody excited about yet another spinoff? https://deadline.com/2018/07/tlc-announces-90-day-fiance-the-other-way-the-fourth-spinoff-in-franchise-tca-1202434613/amp/
  5. Does Azan even know what the word “initiate” means? edited to add: For that matter, does Nicole? I think I've figured out the answer to my question. Azan thought he was asked who IMITATES sex!
  6. Rewatching the extended Tell All tonight and I couldn’t help but notice Molly absolutely SCOWLING the entire tine!
  7. Does Azan even know what the word “initiate” means? edited to add: For that matter, does Nicole?
  8. I noticed that on my CC, too. I'm almost positive Anfisa said "do porn." Edited to add: reading this online article from Glamour Magazine about the show, it appears the author also thought Anfisa said "deported." https://www.glamour.com/story/im-divorcing-myself-from-90-day-fiance
  9. I thought that line was required and it was scripted just like when the man has to climb into the shower or tub.
  10. I thought the wife always looked on the verge of tears. What I couldn’t understand was her intense dislike of those built in benches in the bedrooms since I thought they could be turned into quite a practical solution for storage and seating.
  11. Yeeeesh. WHOOOOOO (absent desperation) would sleep with that nasty, disgusting toad of a man????? Hookers aren't selective
  12. I thought the exact same thing! Good thing she got that Calendar photo shoot in before she started to show. I'm amazed at all the Paola Love over on FB, but then again, Danielle has her supporters, too, and of course they probably both delete negative comments.
  13. I guess that means the boxing match with Anfisa is off now? The article doesn't say how far along she is, I wonder if she was already pregnant at the Tell All. Wasn't that filmed in April? The comments on FB are pretty funny, someone said they were more excited about Russ's haircut. Speaking of hair, I can't help but notice she's gone back to dyeing it black, but isn't it bad to dye your hair during pregnancy?
  14. Have they stopped talking to each other altogether?
  15. She DOES have the Barbie boobs, too! But my Barbie had much better posture.
  16. oh my gosh, you're right! I had Nicole on the brain because I had just watched the scene with Azan explaining why he couldn't work. Then I caught this coming attraction for next week and decided to take a screen shot. or does he have a double masters?
  17. I had to rewatch and hear Azan’s excuse for not working and I quote, “How can I work if I want, I make time for her? So I have to stay, like awake the whole night just to give her time, all the time. That’s why it’s hard to work.” He then went on to explain that he lost his night job in a Cafe because he needed to be available for her texts and calls. I realize there’s a time difference between Florida and Morocco, but what’s to stop him from working during the DAY while she’s still lounging about in her hovel. Oh, now I get it, getting money out of Nicole became his new job and probably paid well. Plus he could still keep other women in other countries on the hook if he budgeted his time well.
  18. Boy, who knew filming the Tell All was so exhausting! Chantel is in the hotel bed, still in full makeup and her dress!
  19. Possible new name for the Paola/Russ thread?: Loubs, Boobs and Rubes Wouldn't she get in big trouble because he was underage?
  20. Yes he does, they are in a box and only Pao has the key. A Louboutin box, no doubt
  21. I thought he said that he was fired from his job because of Nicole’s constant phone calls, just didn’t mention the personal trainer part. I always called BS on that because nobody forced him to answer and he always could have turned the damn phone off. Then there’s always the “bad connection” excuse. But somebody explain to me this cockamamie excuse why he can’t work NOW because he’s “up all night taking care of Nicole”? Did I hear that right? I’m sure her presence in Morocco has messed up his online business of getting foreign women to send him money. On a totally different couple, I have a theory that Lourdes and/or Jorge’s other sisters are responsible for this Ex With a Love Child coming back into the picture now.
  22. TLC could do that, but they're too cheap. We here could have started a Go Fund Me for the kit
  23. I had to laugh when she said the guy she had been dating long distance and she decided that it was okay to see other people, too. In my experience, that's usually the kiss of death for a relationship!
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