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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I don't think Annie (or apparently any single girl in the entire state of Oklahoma) is "Espicey" enough for Russ. Despite his protestations about Pao's flaunting her body, he appears to like having "arm candy" and sullen, dumpy Annie doesn't come up to his standards. Edited to add: Thank you REDBAGWITHMAKEUP for coming up with the re-pairing the couples idea. It's a fun way to pass the time between episodes!
  2. I am pretty sure that I heard her use the word "punta" which is actually (I think) Spanish for slut Nicole said something in Spanish like "...just divorce him...period" (punto) and Chantel thought she said "puta" (which I believe is slut NOT bitch.) Then Chantel said, "Did you just call me a bitch?" and Nicole answered "yes" almost like "well now that you mention it..." As Chantel stormed out, spewing a stream of nonsense profanities, Nicole and her mother were laughing hysterically behind her back.
  3. The Family Chantel might do better if they changed the focus of their “school” from cheerleading to martial arts.
  4. Professional Mierda-Stirrer? For some reason, I think he's a spoiled little rich kid.
  5. I thought she lived with her fight friend Juan. Pao did talk about living with Juan and made it sound like they were one step above living on the streets. "Life was hard...Juan stood by me...We went through so much...We only had each other...yada...yada...yada." She kind of hinted that she had left her family home in Bucaramanga as a rebellious teenager, and had met up with Juan in the big city, Bogota. But I suspect the whole hard life story could have been made up for dramatic purposes and her family just moved to Bogota at some point in her life where she met, hung out with, and later maybe even shared an apartment with Juan there. I forget, what is Juan's cuh-reer?
  6. I thought it was very telling when Nicole ordered Azan to apologize to his sister “for us.” It was totally Nicole’s fault that she brought incomplete paperwork but Azan was apologizing for getting rejected for the K1 Visa.
  7. Nicole's father had agreed to sponsor him for the K1 visa, but I don't know anything about the K3 requirements.
  8. It will be "Before the 90 Days" and there will be a forum about it. 2 previous couples and 4 new ones, one of which looks like another Danielle/Mohammed rehashing. https://people.com/tv/90-day-fiance-before-the-90-days-season-2/
  9. If Pao is willing to dye her hair yet again, there’s always The Joker Yep, there’s no denying that’s George’s “business phone.”
  10. The first season the Casa de Family Chantel was shown as a typical brick McMansion. Then there was a scene of the family packing things, apparently to move. Now they are being filmed in a much more modest house. I have a theory about that. Maybe they were helping WINTER to move to the second (filmed) house and she hasn’t been there long enough for it to look “lived in.”
  11. Unfortunately I believe they’ll be back next season, dragging out the will they or won’t they get married nonsense. Right now she’s in FL, not wearing a ring, but Azan and that awful wedding gown are still in Morocco. She posted that weird “new family” message designed, I think, to generate buzz. Will she go back? I bet she will!
  12. I think Nicole and Azan’s Wedding was called off and she is back in FL but TLC is going to string us along for another season of “will they, won’t they get married.”
  13. I’ve noticed that Nicole seems more compliant and subdued this time in Morocco. She’s dressing more appropriately and when Azan told her they had separate rooms at the hotel in the Blue City she just nodded and said, “Okay.” Then later in the hall as they said good night, they just hugged before going into their rooms. She has tried to hold his hand in public, but not being all clingy like the first time. I think somebody has read her the riot act.
  14. I thought last year Azan's mother said something like after her husband had passed away Azan became "the man of the house." Does this ring a bell with anyone else?
  15. There seems to be an older brother, Royal Christopher (ugh!) but I don't recall any mention of any other sister besides Winter.
  16. Even if she didn't intentionally bite him, but just fell on him, Nicole's braces could have left some nasty cuts in River's chest.
  17. I thought Nicole was going to touch up her roots for the wedding, but apparently not!
  18. Not really! If you watch closely, you will see that River punched Pedro in either his mouth or his nose and body slammed Nicole. When Pedro rubbed his face and saw the blood, he lost it and kicked the food off the table. River's GLASSES got their ass kicked!
  19. I wonder if Chantel will shift the blame of starting the physical fight to River once she sees and hears what River called him. She has totally misinterpreted another situation and this time everyone was speaking English. Peen-Kee, you’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do!
  20. What were your favorite quotes from last night? There were so many I know I'm missing a lot, but these jumped out at me... Jorge to Anfisa when she asked if he had contacted his ex about paternity. "I like, didn't get around to it." (he put the word LIKE at least once in every sentence.) Mother Chantel: "We were having such a nice dinner!" River: "He broke my shirt." Pao: "I sacrificed SO much!"
  21. I thought the sister said 6 million but either way Azans padding it. you're right, she did say 6 million which Azan converted to $ 6,000 USD. So that would make it over 600,000! Could Azan have been raking in that much money with his online groom business? I loved how Azan told Robbalee that after two weeks, he realized Nicole was "the one." Yes, she must have been the most desperate and persistent so he knew he had found his mark.
  22. Azan's math skills appear to be as lacking as his acting and poker face. Azan's sister claims they spent six million "dirhams" on the wedding which he says was $ 6000 in American Dollars. But the conversion chart I looked at says that is roughly the equivalent to almost $ 635,000 USD! My guess is that Sister Azan meant six THOUSAND dirhams, roughly $ 635.000. Still probably a fortune to them!
  23. Russ’s hair reminds me of that scene in Seinfeld when Jerry and Kramer use the “low flow” shower head. As far as Pao going back to Colombia for her abuela’s funeral, WHY? She saw abuela, albeit briefly, while she was alive and said her goodbyes. She lit a candle and prayed. She just saw her family, so why the pressing need to return for a funeral mass? And finally, not to be picky, but the country Paola comes from is Colombia (no U.) Every time I see a mention of her going to “Columbia,” I think of the Ivy League university. Maybe they used Winter’s house to film the disastrous dinner
  24. I’m confused, several times Chantel mentioned staying “at her sister’s house.” Does that mean Winter has her own place?
  25. Sorry to get off topic, but not only does the USA participate in the Miss Earth pageant, but the national finals in Washington, DC are TONIGHT! http://www.missearthunitedstates.com/
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