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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Watching late. Did they ever explain Geno’s mother’s uncomfortably tight black arm band that looked like she was in mourning? I know she mentioned a shoulder operation, but I didn’t think that had anything to do with the arm band. I think Geno and Nico were the most financially well off poundticipants I’ve ever seen. It was nice to learn that Nurse Cassandra’s replacement is named Rose. Not one but TWO weight loss surgeries in the first episode of the new season! Last year there were more failures than successes, so we're off to a great start.
  2. I was waiting for Geno, wearing a bathrobe, to open the fridge and yell, “Ma! Where’s da gabbagool?”
  3. First two copies this season of Dr. Now’s book hot off the press!
  4. I’m hooked on their Kringles but last time I was there they told me the bakery In Wisconsin can’t keep up with the demand so no more pecan or cheesecake.
  5. Connecticut guys tonight. The only other New Englanders I can remember were those Awful Assanti Brothers.
  6. I thought they fixed the ads covering the replies issue!
  7. ha ha, it seemed that way but their age difference was 39 years, so New Old Debbie and Oussama are ahead.
  8. You've probably found the answer to this by now, but in case you haven't, she is 67 and he is 24.
  9. IIRC, Danielle expressed her desire to live in the DR when she met Yohan's family and it came as a complete surprise to him. She was still in a rush to marry him on HER schedule, and did so, even though that important issue was never resolved. Especially with the language barrier, Yohan didn't know what he was getting into when they married and still thought he was eventually coming to the US on a spousal Visa. I was glad to hear on PT that Veronica, who is fluent in Spanish, said that Danielle's Spanish was "a lot like Chantel's" because even with my 50 plus year old high school Spanish, I thought it was rather basic and could easily be misinterpreted.
  10. After last week I was starting to feel some sympathy for Tammy but now that I see her with the therapist, she’s back to her sullen, nasty self.
  11. Oh, but he's SO CUTE! Model material! I thought it was great when he refused to cooperate at Loren's dream photo shoot after she bragged that his smile could "light up the room." I think he's "okay" looking, but certainly not anything special and I think children who model need to be pretty chill and cooperative. Photographers don’t need to handle a brat (or a Momager) when there are plenty of other aspiring child models out there ready to take their place.
  12. Maybe that trip to the high priced coffee shop was filmed to reinforce Danielle's claim that NYC is crazy expensive. edited to add: When I watched the scene again last night it made me wonder if Danielle was familiar with that particular shop because when they handed her the drink she questioned, "That's a large?" Maybe production went out and found the most outrageously priced coffee shop for her to patronize.
  13. I don’t follow Instagram but happened upon Ed’s page the other day. He has half a million followers! There are unflattering caricatures of people from the Tell All, and I can’t believe how incredibly juvenile his “humor” is. But what made me laugh are some of the scathing comments people post about HIM
  14. Since the stress with her parents, Loren is tic-cing so badly it’s hard to watch.
  15. She DOES, but she’s Desperately Seeking Something Else
  16. yep: "Controls hair loss and encourages re-growth Rich in Sulfur and Potassium, Onion Oil has been known to strengthen split ends and prevent breakage, and firm hair strands. It helps maintain the pH of the scalp and hair roots which facilitates the growth of new hair follicles." I don't think I want to smell like Sulfur myself...
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