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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. This is what I am seeing IRL too mostly. My sons have both watchhed the series through 7 and 5 times respectively and they are loving this season. They are not spoiled so i wonder what their reaction will be if the spoilers are true. Im enjoying this season a lot. Ive never read the books and Im not a fantasy fan. I dont care about dragons and all and i have watched for the politics and characters
  2. E2 and E3 will probably both be in my top 10 of all time
  3. 20 years from now I could see Sansa turning out like Cersei. The elements are there
  4. I personally found it too dark. I also thought it was terrific in every way
  5. If time has passed Cersei had better start looking pregnant.
  6. What I still love about this show is that its still making us have these sorts of conversations. Is Cersei mad or evil? Is she both? Is there a difference? Which one is worse? To me Crazy involves some level of absolution. If either Cersei or Dany are truly crazy, then I feel bad for them. They may not even be capable of doing the right thing. They are broken. This is why many legal systems have a verdict of Not Guilty by reason of insanity. If I understand correctly, the main question that defines actual legal insanity is if the person does not know that what they were doing was a crime, that they are incapable, through a mental defect, of understanding their actions. Cersei knows her actions are wrong . Its not that she cant accept responsibility, its that she wont. Now if we are using the vernacular for crazy, I dont think Dany is crazy, nor Cersei. They have no delusions, they dont hear voices, or do any of the things we usually use to define crazy. But one can also be insane AND evil. That could be Cersei. While I dont think Dany is fit for the throne, as yet, I don't see her as evil or insane. I think she has completed some bad acts. I think she is capable of evil, but I dont think she is evil now If Dany break and goes completely nuts, ie the sound of bells scenario, then I will feel badly for her demise. It would be terribly sad. If, on the other hand, she lets her worst impulses get the best of her, especially with less people to hold her back, her killing would be less sad. I have seen signs that she could go full baddie. I have not seen signs that she is mad At the end of the day, even if Dany goes full on bad(not insane) she is still far far better than Cersei. These are my own definitions of crazy vs evil . Yours may be different.
  7. The other issue is the lack of an Enlightenment or Scientific revolution to spark the ideas that lead to democracy. When I say I want no more iron Throne, what I should say is I want THIS version of the throne gone. My degree is in History so i love this topic.
  8. Im just pissed Lysa never met Tormond. I think they would have hit it off. We know he likes milk!
  9. Yeah, I mean most countries dont go from absolute monarchy to Democracy. The ones that tried that struggled a lot. Im thinking more of a British type process where a democracy slowly emerged as Parliament got more power gradually. There is a line from Runnymede to the English Civil War to the Glorious Revolution etc etc. So you could end with a monarch and a new system, The problem is that Dany wants to be Louis XIV not Queen Victoria . Im not sure she would even be willing to be a Charles II
  10. I could go for “ The Starks send their regards”
  11. Where is the info that Dany goes “mad”? What im seeing may be possible is that she goes full on ruthless, borderline evil. That’s not the same as talks to the fairys has visions , mad. I i have not seen that idea aside of the weird bells make her crazy possible spoiler. If she does that then I agree they have made her “mad” and she has not been shown to be mad.. But if she goes to the dark side, well I think there is precedent.
  12. I root for no throne at all. That's what Ive always wanted at the end. I just cant bring myself to root for an absolute monarch ruling at the end of the show. I dont want Cersei or Dany or Jon or anyone on the throne. But I do want to see certain people pay like Cersei and Euron, the ones who are purely evil.
  13. I guess some saw Dany's story as a hero's journey and other saw it as a story of how the quest for power corrupts people. And maybe once e made up our minds we just saw what we wanted to see.
  14. All the characters have flaws. Some worse than others.. But Dany is the conquerer, the one trying to become the queen of everything. I dont think there was any way to really not have her be a gray character. I always sort of thought that point was that the titular throne was corrupt. The ones we have seen sitting on it have been corrupt, the one aiming for it will become corrupted. I always felt GRRM was going for the whole "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" story
  15. I agree.. But honestly, the Iron Throne is a Tyrant's position. An absolute Monarch is a tyrant. This is why I want the Iron Thone gone
  16. Dany is not crazy. Honestly, Ive not seen many people actually say she is. Ruthless, angry etc are not the same as crazy. Even if Dany does burn KL to the ground and kills hundreds of thousands of people, it does not mean she is crazy. Were the people who flattened Dresden crazy? Is everyone who commits war crimes crazy? Is Cersie crazy or Evil?
  17. Arya is damaged. Arya is not a good person either. She is somewhere in the middle with Dany. And Feeding Ramsay to the dogs is not Ok either. Execute him, sure.. But that was cruel and unusual and says more about Sansa than it does about Ramsay
  18. Basically Jon is like Prince William’s son George and Dany is like Harry’s newborn son. It would not matter what sex Harry’s child was, William’s kid comes first . Harry’s kids do not become next in line until all of William’s kids and Harry himself die.
  19. When has Jon not been depressed? I have a friend who just started watching . He’s posting daily. Almost every time, it includes some form of “Jon is Brooding”
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