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Everything posted by HeShallBMySquishy

  1. Beth has annoyed me from the start, but I liked her response as well. And has there ever been so many obvious pairs in the house before? Right from the start, people have not mentioned Jed without mentioning Ty, or Austin without Breydon (and Tina/Tera and Kyle/Rohan once they became part of the narrative). And a big YES to no massive alliance running the house. The House has become such a dominant alliance in seasons past, here and BBUS, that it is so welcome to have the power shift week-to-week. In the threads for Big Brother 22, someone pointed out that the last time we saw a weekly power shift was all the way back in Big Brother 15, and that it's been The House alliance ever since. Not sure how true that is, since I really don't want to wade into BB15, the Summer of Racism. (I'd rather watch BBCAN6 again, AKA The Season No One Talks About.) Word. I wish more people would realize that. Kiefer has this pathetic need to be liked and he's let it cloud his judgment bigly. Is bottom of the pecking order worse than being expendable? His victim-whining is getting intolerable and insufferable: "Poor me, everyone's betrayed me, WAH!" He wants to take out a couple, but steadfastly refuses to acknowledge that he's being used, by the same trio who voted him out last week. Also, the guy can NOT keep his lies straight. He seems to be under the impression that he can keep telling different shit to different people and somehow thinks they're not going to compare notes? Jesus Christ. He's told so many lies within the space of a few days, that one long conversation between any two people from different factions is going to expose him good. He'll be gone soon.
  2. Just leaving this here. Go Adam! HAHA
  3. I will add one more thing we know about Breydon: he is never far from Austin's side for very long. Various houseguests have mentioned that it's near-impossible, and getting pretty annoying, to get Austin alone for longer than 30 seconds before Breydon shows up. And getting Breydon himself alone is impossible since he insists on Austin being there every time.
  4. Definitely. And kudos to Latoya for stepping up like that. Not everyone does well with confrontation, and certainly not everyone would be willing to intervene. As much as I'd like to say I would step up, I think I'd be more like Tera, and just silently leave. But yeah, no matter who's involved and whatever the reason, this following-people-after-they-leave-the-conversation thing has to stop. (Rohan can fuck right off with that.) I am Team Victoria after this week, and I really didn't think I'd say that upon the first episode, but here we are. 🙂 She handled that exactly how I wish I handled confrontation, and I have to say, bravo for not backing down. (And she handled Latoya's plain old aggressive "because that is how conversations work" bullshit a lot more graciously than I would have.) As for the keeping it real: every time I've encountered someone who says they like to Keep It Real, they're usually an asshole who think Keeping It Real gives them carte blanche to say whatever horrible awful shit they want, but don't blame them because they're just keepin' it real. And every time, they have always been surrounded by enablers who say, "Don't blame them, they're just keepin' it real." For some reason, I've come across a lot of those people.
  5. As am I, especially after what happened last season. I really thought Screamy McScreamerson would annoy the shit out of me, but I am very glad she did not back down, as I was certain she would. And it was pretty refreshing that the guys caved. But we shall see what happens with Jedson, Tychon and Victoria now that Kiefer is HOH. I didn't like Latoya either, her friendship with Kiefer notwithstanding. That scene where she stood up to Kyle and Rohan when they ambushed Kiefer, followed by her shutting down Rohan demanding answers while he yelled that he was Very Fucking Calm Thank You Very Much, was probably the only time I was fully on her side. I agreed with a lot of what she said a lot of the time, it was just the way she said it. As @Scofflaw noted above when she dismissed Julie outright, she was off-putting with her arrogance and hostility to her walking out the door. Could you imagine if she had stayed and won power at some point? One of the many reasons I could never be in the BBCAN house is that it drives me fucking crazy when people get right in someone's face demanding answers and will continue demanding answers, but if you try to demand answers from them or defend yourself in any way, then they're all "I am DONE talking!" or some other bullshit. This isn't directed at Latoya in particular, but it is just so infuriating when it happens to you.
  6. Goddamnit I need to stop posting nonsensical crap when I get tipsy.
  7. NOPE. LOL. I will only accept Jed and Ty and the word "showmance" together if they are in it with each other. No flirtmances, it would be staring at each other, eyeing each other with nothing but pure lust in their eyes until it becomes too much to bear, and there's no turning back. Okay that is very much a G-rated version of how the scenes between Jed and Ty should play. But damn, my mind goes to some amazingly dirty places every time those two are onscreen. They may be even better than last season's Chris and His Amazing Thighs (I just watched the episode where Season 8 has to say goodbye and damn, Chris was amazing in his super-tight jeans).
  8. Memory is quite a funny thing. In Canada, CTV Life, formerly known as Gusto, has been airing reruns of Project Runway for the past few weeks on Wednesdays. Last week, I decided to check in since I had nothing else to watch, and lo and behold, I had seen this season before! I was watching, thinking how familiar the name and image of Hester Sunshine was, and I thought, "I probably just saw her elsewhere on TV." Imagine my surprise when I came to this forum, and realize that I actually watched this season live, and was here liking posts, and I have no recollection of it. I used to be really into movie release dates and box office figures for awhile, and I'm talking encyclopedic knowledge of when movies were released. I can still recall, without looking, what was released in theatres in March 1996, yet I can't recall that I watched this season live just (not even) two short years ago. Or where I put my keys down last night. Memory is a funny thing.
  9. HA HA I figured I better make a post, otherwise people may think, "who is this creepy guy liking my posts from 2015?" I did the same thing on the Big Brother and Project Runway archives.
  10. I'm too late! And it crushes me. Last year, before Covid, our neighbour added us to his Netflix account. Every time we would pop into Netflix in 2020 to watch a movie, Friends would always come up on the Home screen. And my partner and I agreed, "Okay, we'll get around to it at some point." Oh man, big mistake. I stumbled onto this thread a month ago and started reading through the pages, including the archive (which would explain why some of you have this guy liking your posts from 6+ years ago), and started reliving my wistful "Oh yeah, that was funny/sweet/romantic/disturbing" memories, decide to sign into Netflix...and it's gone. It serves me right. There are constant articles about what's coming to, and leaving from, Netflix, and I never paid any attention to those articles. The A.V. Club is full of those ones and I never bothered to read them. Turns out, I probably should have. It is on Crave though, so I may convince my partner to subscribe, but only for as long as it takes us (me) to watch Friends. I stumbled across Friends on here and now, from reading all the posts, have an aching desire to do a series rewatch. And I can't. I blame you all! (I'm just kidding.)
  11. I think my irritation with "some type of way" comes courtesy of Cody Calafiore primarily. To me, Some Type of Way just sounds like Most Unique or Most Smartest or Too Silent. I have nothing against tattooed people personally either, but like you said, it's more the assault on my eyes, especially when so many people jumped on the "LOOK AT ME" tattoo bandwagon, seemingly overnight. And then all those people went on TV! LOL But I agree, I long for the days to see toned forearms (and necks, shoulders, biceps, hands, thighs, etc., very attractive body parts) not covered in ink. That's why seeing someone, especially someone younger like Kyle here, who doesn't have massive (or any) tattoos is like finding a unicorn. I just wonder why so many people jumped on such a permanent bandwagon, especially when they end up looking like Everyone Else. That's an enormous commitment to cover so much of your body with that much ink; there's no take-backsies. But as long as they're happy being buried like that, great. I just wish they weren't all on TV. ETA: Also it has been especially noticeable if you've been watching TV so much due to Covid: compare the number of heavily-tattooed people on any program on any channel with an airdate of, say, 2014 or earlier. Compare that to any program dated 2017 or later, on any channel, and the number of heavily-tattooed people increases sharply.
  12. I'd love for the term "some type of way" to die in a fire. Joined by "It's lit!" They sound like stupid children. One of the 9828 reasons I could not be in this house (well, beside the 16 strangers 1 toilet thing): watching other people eat. I can't do it. It's really alarming the number of grown adults who chew with their mouths open, or talk with their mouths full. I was thinking of that during the extended bit with various houseguests shovelling slop down their gullets, or bursting into laughter with globs of said slop in their mouths, Kiefer. The Dolls were obnoxious from conception, and the first time Other Girl said it, I flashed to Valley of the Dolls. I'm going to continue my Jedson/Tychon bromance in my head. That Victoria-"oops"es-out-of-the-shower segment was interminable. I want those 16 minutes of squealing back. That scene with Kiefer and his Haida language was beautiful; I wish I was connected to my culture the way he is, YES! Just went to check something at the eviction, and she just said it. She can screech out of here anytime. Julie (and so many other women on this show) needs to stop with the constant hair-petting, stroking, flipping, it's fucking annoying. "I sadly vote to evict" can also join the hellfire club, especially when said with a big grin, Tera.
  13. I thought that too. Plus there's the question of what it was cut with. Not that I know, but, you know, fentanyl. I get a chuckle every time Martin's "my boy!" Something about the way Michael Shannon Sheen screams it will always be funny, as was Martin's excitement in his phone call to Malcolm, he was practically trembling! "I got a job in the infirmary!" I'll be withholding judgment on the storyline with him and Dr. Capshaw until more time has passed, but I am intrigued with Catherine Zeta-Jones joining the cast. It was fun seeing Jessica's awful sister but I don't want her to stick around. Jessica really has the best reaction shots, especially when Malcolm hung up on her. I liked Dani's reaction after Malcolm called her beautiful. And goddamn, Edrisa! A blind man could read the room better than her, it's not even funny. That was quite a case. Also, holy SHIT, Ainsley. Poor Malcolm, I really felt for him when he realized, and his scene after confronting her. Tom Payne knocked it out of the park. Lou Diamond Phillips directed this episode!
  14. Aww, Kevin and Fangs at home. I loved the little smile Veronica gave the first time she walked the halls and all the attention she got from the boys. Hiram: "People are sentimental about Riverdale High for reasons that elude me." Damn, so in addition to more chest-hugging sweaters, Archie has now paired them with tight olive green pants, and I heartily approve. Cole really sold that early scene well, and I can't imagine what poor Jughead is feeling, being a published buzz-worthy author, and now handing menus to students he is also currently teaching must be rough. Every time Reggie's been onscreen this season, all I can focus on is that awful hair. Loved how Jughead emptied the change from the tip jar as his students passed their quizzes back, right before scene change. And he looks good in short sleeves, let's hope he's ditched that terrible leather jacket permanently as well. I mentioned Friends last episode thread, and when Chad popped in with flowers and cupcakes, I thought of that show again, of the time Ross not only showed up at Rachel's work when she repeatedly told him not to (and with a picnic basket, no less), he also sent a barbershop quartet (!). Talk about being put on the professional spot. I loathe people like Cheryl who treat the working class like horseshit: "Now be gone from my sight." I know that's just Cheryl, but as someone who been working class all my life, it pisses me off when people do that. Now that these characters are 25, it's not as icky seeing them post-coital as it was when they were 16. Poor Veronica, that scene with her, Chad and Archie, her finding out about her husband and Hiram, and then: "There's this Italian place that your Dad mentioned? Mija's?" Her expressions that scene were spot on. Yes to all of this. Archie is really likeable and grounded and I'm not irritated by him. Cheryl can go yesterday, I don't know what the point of her is. I like Tabitha too, and she and Jughead have surprisingly good chemistry. Although it also could be more seeing Jughead with someone, anyone, other than Betty. You go, Ms. Bell! And damn, poor Archie and his house.
  15. The first shot was of Vancouver, and I could see my high-rise. That décor is hideous, who the hell thought all that moss was a good idea visually? Yeah, let's remind viewers of marshy swamp lands, why? I get what their intentions were, but still. One thing I do like about the intro videos is that they're all shot at these peoples' homes, thereby giving us a somewhat better glimpse into who they are. There's no flashy intros shot on a soundstage like seasons past, and certainly no horrid "I just found my key in this book!" approach that BBUS does. Kiefer not being able to keep his camera upright was funny, I have the same issue. Our first Hideously Trashy Tattoos of the season. So by the metric of being tattoo-free, Kyle is now the sexiest guy in the house. (And the furry chest isn't bad either.) THANK YOU Arisa, for mentioning our traditional lands; I wish more people would mention that North America would not be the land that it is today without us. I like that Latoya is not here for a showmance. Beth gets the first DR of the season, let's hope that she's more memorable. I hope Breydon doesn't overdo the mean petty bit he mentioned in his intro, I'd rather like him than find him irritating. Rohan looks damn good in a suit. Love how Julie's hair and make-up was flawless throughout the challenge. I know it will never happen on any version of this show, but I would love to see two guys who look like Jedson and Tychon end up in a showmance, or at least a flirtmance. (God I hate those words.) It would be very refreshing to see something romantic develop over time on a show like this, and there are gay men out there who look like that, so it wouldn't be totally out of the realm of possibility. Interested to see how the teams play out. No one really stands out as memorable or hiss-worthy...yet. In fact, the most annoying thing so far is Victoria's screaminess, but I did like her bubbliness. Apologies for the long post, I was typing as I watched. We're back, baby!
  16. Mark Consuelos has the best reaction shots, he was hysterical rubbing Veronica's face in turning her down. "I'm sure you won't need me to show you the door," followed by that smile. I would love to use that line someday and have that scene play out like that. And then that subtle but very pointed death glare when Veronica stood up at the council meeting. They really did think they could do exactly that and it would all work out. "We...are now a private school!" I loved how offended she was that a newspaper called her a guidance counselor who runs a seedy bar and snake dances. It would have been hilarious if she'd slapped the newspaper onto the table as she left. Have Veronica and Jughead ever shared a scene together? They're like the Chandler and Rachel of this show; in 10 seasons of Friends, those two were only paired together twice, when Chandler dated her boss, and when they ate cheesecake off the floor. Remember, this is the show where 16-year-old temptresses can run a successful rum empire, and a speakeasy (and wasn't there also a brothel at some point?). Veronica obviously gave Toni pointers on forcing your customers to watch you sing and shimmy. Maybe that's what they can do at Riverdale High now that they're teachers, walk into class and sing and do a seductive number for their students. I think I've seen Archie shirtless so many times now, that he was looking super-hot in those tight sweaters and jeans, especially the green one. And speaking of green sweaters, Jughead looked great in his. Wonder if Cole is relieved at not having to wear the beanie all the damn time. I loved that last scene from a visual standpoint: Betty calming leaving a voicemail, cut to Polly running, screaming, while trucker headlights flood her from behind, running until her terrified face fills the screen, then boom! RIVERDALE. I also appreciated that there was no musical stinger, only Betty's voice and a minimal score that turned slightly ominous.
  17. Yay! Let another season of Hideously Trashy Tattoos and Godawful Facial Piercings begin! That house décor looks hideous. I hated the comic book bedrooms last year because they were an assault on the eyes, although I did like the rainbow-coloured pencils everywhere. My favourite BBCAN house was the Grand in Season 4, I liked the gold stars in the DR. Can't wait for the histrionic reactions from the houseguests who find out someone somewhere was talking about them. What do these idiots think is going to happen? That they will never be talked about for any reason? So ridiculous.
  18. I was under the impression that we were not allowed to criticize Will and James?
  19. God, I cannot stand Will and Grace. They aggravate me to no end, especially the giggling at their own nastiness. If I wasn't already put off by their constant flailing and squealing and whining, that would have done it. (Not to mention the nerve they had last episode with bitching about Leo's lack of empathy.) I couldn't believe Hung in that moment. She bitches at him to stop being frustrated because she couldn't keep her goddamn mouth shut. We definitely saw tonight that Hung's "I'm such a nice person!" act was just that, an act. A peak behind the curtain. Chee must have the patient of a saint. I wanted almost everyone in that 10-person alliance to go home at some point, they were all varying levels of obnoxious. These two episodes actually had me rooting for Leo and Alana to go on and win it all. So of course, they're eliminated, and Will and Grace get to squeal and twirl and exhaust us some more. I like the Sisters, but I had to laugh at them and the hot boiled goat head. Yeah, I posted that in the other thread as soon as it opened, since this one wasn't up yet. And of course, CTV had absolutely no promotion showing that there was an episode this week and one next.
  20. Just a heads-up to Canadian viewers: CBS is airing both episodes back-to-back tonight but CTV will only be airing one; the second of tonight's episodes is scheduled to air next Tuesday night.
  21. Was not sure where to put this, but heads-up to the Canadian viewers: CBS is airing two episodes back-to-back tonight, but CTV will only be airing one. The second of tonight's episodes will be airing next Tuesday night at 9 PM.
  22. Absolutely. Will and Grace cannot leave fast enough. I couldn't believe they said that out loud and even my partner has lost patience with them. Whine, whine, whine are all those two have contributed so far. It's a bloody race, and their entitlement is getting bloody obnoxious. I haven't had much opinion of the blondes before, but I am starting to root for them. I like their perseverance. But the other sisters, and Aparna? Holy shit. Those sisters would still be driving around the same block. I liked Leo and Alana this episode, especially Leo's reaction when Will and Whine bounded in. Whine needs to look up what the word "empathy" means. I chuckled at Alana's tears in that one episode, but Will and Whine just irritate me so much more, that I was pulling for Leo in the carnival games challenge. And agree with Alana, Leo was looking great running in tights. I'm saving this episode for that reason alone. Still rooting for the football players, volleyball brothers and Hung and Chee.
  23. It wasn't. They meant it. There are still plenty of people who feel that way about Adam, even four years on. Thanks for posting this! I stumbled across that back in 2017 and it still makes me smile. One of the reasons I like Adam is that he doesn't seem to care about looking goofy; looking at his IG, they are not filled with ridiculous flexing or posing selfies, or selfies manipulated with fifteen filters, or those transparent "I just woke up like this!" selfies. Plus, he doesn't appear to be trying to become an "influencer" like Nicole Franzel, nor has he popped up on ten other reality shows. Also, now I'm going to have "Uptown Funk" stuck in my head. Adam was the first reality TV show person that I ever followed afterwards on social media, and others have commented in the episode threads on how intently he listens. From Sunday Burquest, during a pre-Winners at War interview: "He is a good listener. I learned that about him right away, when you are having a conversation with Adam he is dialed in and he actually pays attention to what you are saying, this served him well in the game. He’s a very likable guy (although he is very opinionated and isn’t shy about sharing his thoughts)." He reminds me a lot of someone that I used to know, someone who can strike up conversations just about anywhere with anyone, like, waiting in line or something. Not a lot of people have that ability, but Adam does.
  24. I don't really mind the rest of the teams either, but this 10-person alliance is already irritating. At least this week it wasn't so bloody chaotic. I actually don't mind Leo and Alana as much as others do, but they really should dial down the smug. I cannot stand Will or Grace, they irritate me to no end. My partner really likes them and wants them to go far. Go figure. Yeah, the editing very much made it look like James had a lot more help than the others were shown getting from their alliance-mates. I was impressed by Maddison, and am liking him and his brother so far. Glad Gary and DeAngelo made it as well; don't have much opinion on the blondes, but I'm sure I'd freak out as well if our driver just popped out and left us there to ask directions from random passersby. (Their shocked faces were hilarious, though.) I noticed the same thing with Hung and Chee and also wondered.
  25. Oh man, that lack of specificity is incredibly irritating. Asking someone for specifics, and getting a blank stare in return, tells me a lot about that someone, mainly that they simply parrot what they've heard on TV or seen on social media without actually forming an opinion of their own. It's mostly why I only watch this show as background, if ever, and if there's nothing else on.
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