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Everything posted by Capricasix

  1. Sorry, guys - can't do the recap today :( I gotta keep an eye on my kid playing outside.
  2. Cont'd... Sharon: "I was just trying to help you, Dylan!" She tries to explain herself, but he leaves to sort things out with Avery. Fack is back at the Abbott mansion. Ashley comes home. Fack - accident was a Life-Changing Experience! Things are gonna be Different! No more golf courses and race tracks! Scoobies are summoned to the cabin. Kyle is DONE waiting around to see who the next victim is. THIS ENDS NOW. (Haha. He actually said that!) Kevin and Noah rush off to try to stop Kyle from going to the cabin alone. Stitch shows up to protect Abby from the Big Bad. The two of them are nauseating. Summer declares that she is going to call Paul. Stop making sense! (She is actually being sensible, for once!) Avery is being a hostile bitch again. Now she says that Dylan is feeding into Sharon's psychosis. (Sweetheart, there's a big diff between bipolar depression and psychosis. Go read the DSM.) Dylan says that Avery is projecting her feelings for Joe onto his and Sharon's friendship. Ghost John appears to Jack again. Jack is confused. GJ tells him to keep asking questions until he gets answers! Fack declares that he is ready to go back to work, to make sure Victor doesn't cross the line. Ashley is amazed at the turnaround in his attitude. Phyl is not so sure. Kelly appears with a clean shirt for Jack. (I think I already said that.) He wants to ask her questions about what's going on in GC. She produces fake newspaper clippings about his death. Scooby boys at the cabin. They look in the armoire for more dead bodies and/or lipstick messages, but find nothing. Fen shows up - he sent the mass text. (He is really cute. I'm such a cougar. #sorry #notsorry) Dylan and Avery. How did they get to such a bad place? Arguing about Joe and Sharon. Are they over? Oh boo hoo... Ghost John encouraging Jack to keep asking questions, but play along with Kelly. Ashley and Phyl - Phyl is weirded out by the Spanish speaking. Mrs. martinez always said that Jack butchered Spanish, but he was perfectly fluent! Ashley says that she's heard that comas sometimes reawaken dormant skills in the brain, and Jack did just wake up from a coma. Phyl: so did I! She's puzzled. Fack dreaming about the Peruvian prison again. Sharon looking at Dylan's wallet. I guess he forgot to pick it up again. She's sad. Avery and Dyl are at an impasse. They can't live like this, fighting about everything. They've fought for each other for so long, but now everything has changed. Their relationship can't be fixed. She gives him back the engagement ring and rushes out. Sad puppy-dog face. Scooby boys at the cabin. They want to know why Fen texted them. He says that he has been in contact with the killer since the beginning, and the girls show up at the cabin door just in time to hear this. Previews: the only one I can remember is Victor telling Fack that He Calls the Shots Around Here. Oh, and Avery apparently goes back to Chicago, because she's with Joe and he tries to kiss her, but she pulls away with a shocked look on her face.
  3. Today's show opens with the Scoobies at the coffee house. Abby says that she doesn't need Ben (aka her bodyguard/boy toy) because they haven't heard from the killer for ages, so he must be gone! Nothing to worry about! Meanwhile, somebody is lurking outside the coffee house. Stitch and Ashley at the lab. She has angst about the possibility that he might hurt Abby. No, no. It's different this time, sez he! Jack and Kelly at the cabin. OJ for breakfast. She toasts their "marriage" - oh, and brings him a clean shirt from the clothesline outside. I wonder where she got the shirt? Avery is back in GC. She goes to see Phyllis at the hospital with Fack. "Dylan and I need to spend some time together." Maybe you might have let the physiotherapists do their jobs, instead of you doing their work you twit. Dylan and Sharon at her house; she fell asleep on his shoulder on the couch. She asks him if they are OK. Fack is having a nightmare about being in prison. He mutters in Spanish in his sleep. Phyl wonders how long he has been fluent in Spanish! He blows it off. Kelly tells Jack again that his family believes him to be dead. They were sad, but they moved on! Oh, BTW, no more Jabot, either. Scoobies again. Summer thinks that the killer has left town. Everything is OK now! Mariah and Kevin know better. Dyl and Sharon - still weirdness. But we're good, still friends! Dylan goes off to the coffee house. Oops, he left his wallet on the couch. Knock on the door, and Sharon thinks he has returned to get his wallet. Nope, it's the Voice of Doom, aka Avery! Jack is horrified that Jabot doesn't exist any more. Ghost John appears. Ashley is worried about Stitch's intentions with Abby. She's different! Ash brings up the musical beds of Stitch. She doesn't want him to hurt Abby. Scoobies receive the same text message all at the same time. Avery is a horrible bitch to Sharon. Nasty. Dylan was the only one to believe in Sharon - everybody else in town was only too eager to believe the worst of her, Avery included! Avery wonders how a wallet can just fall out of a guy's pants if he's standing up, unless he was on his back and Sharon was on top of him! Sharon says that Avery's mind goes there because that's what she wants to be doing with Joe! Dylan comes back for his wallet, and wonders why Avery's back in GC. Avery thought she should come back after she received that text that he sent. Ut oh - he didn't send no text! Sharon fesses up to sending it. To be continued after I feed my ravening horde of two kids...
  4. Foggy does bear a passing resemblance to Dan :D
  5. Since Cricket's BAYBEE was a tock, do we think that the Sprout will be a tick?
  6. One thing tha kind of grossed me out was when Nick said to Sage that they didn't use anything because she thougt she couldn't have children. As if that's the only reason to use protection! Especially with his history...yuck!
  7. Today's show! Opening scene in Fack's hospital room. He's still feigning amnesia with Gabadam. Victor doesn't inject him with that syringe because Gabadam walked in. Dummer brings Phyl things to help Fack "regain" his memory. Real Jack still tied to the bed, yelling for his "wife". Billy's "proof" of the forgery is inconclusive, after all. He theorizes that it's because Victor hired an expert forger, so the handwriting expert wouldn't be able to determine conclusively that it was a forgery. Chelsea at home, talking to Connor's playpen. He painted all over her comforter! She says that he must miss Billy, and it's all her fault. She's wearing that ugly fuchsia lipstick again. Nick is gobsmacked that Sage is pregnant. He asks if the baby is his. She says yes. How could she be pregnant? What a surprise! OB/GYN hasn't confirmed it yet, though, but home preggo tests are pretty accurate. I want to know if she took like 10 HPTs just to be sure. Not that I ever did that when I was pregnant, nope! : D Sharon arrives at the U'ground and Sage goes to her doctor appointment. Gabadam asks Vic where the syringe came from. Vic says that it was lying on the floor, where a nurse dropped it. sure, blame the poor underpaid nurse! Jerk. Gabadam says that he will forget what he saw...for a price! Kyle produces Jack's Harvard class ring, that he hid when Jack was under suspicion for Diane's murder. Phyl goes back to the hospital. Dummer and Kyle stay behind at the mansion. She tells Kyle that she will be there for him, the way he was there for her after Austin died. Sharon and Nick at the U'ground. She is worried about Noah. Nick is distracted. Sharon wants to talk about shared custody of Faith again. Billy reminds Victoria about all the heinous shit that Victor has done to them. She remembers, but none of that actually broke her and Billy up, she says! That was all on Billy. Gabadam wants to be further up the chain than Victoria, more money, better title, etc. Victor says basically, nice try, sonny boy, we all have info that we don't want shared. Think about that. Island cop calls Victor and says that everything is under control, and he doesn't need to leave Genoa City. Jack hears that and hollers, "Genoa City? That's where I'm from! Tell my family that I'm alive!" Sage at Ob's office, having flashbacks to rolls in the hay with Nick and Gabadam. OB confirms that she is pregnant. Sharon and Nick - they've both made mistakes, some of them recent! She wants shared custody. They will always be responsible for Faith - let's do what's best for her. He is distracted by Sage's news. He says to Sharon, how does he know their family situation won't change down the road? Sharon is puzzled. Billy and Victoria at Jabot lab. Blah blah, Victor is shady and Jack is nuts. Chelsea arrives to go over sketches with Victoria, and suggests creating a line of children's wear. Victoria has to leave to do something urgent. Billy and Chelsea are left at the lab. Connor misses Billy. Victor wants Fack to find out Gabadam's secret. Victor will placate Gabadam by promoting him, to keep him quiet about seeing Vic with the syringe. Sharon and Nick again. He will consider reopening the custody agreement. Sharon is wondering what's going on with Sage and Nick. She thinks Nick shouldn't see Sage any more, for Faith's sake. Sage at Ob's office. OB is asking what support system Sage has regarding the baby's father. Vicky and Victor. She asks him if he pressured Jack into signing the contract? Vicky has questions. Victor is disappointed in her for questioning him. He tells her that Gabadam has been promoted and is now her equal, and she will be working alongside him. She is shocked. Phyl and Fack. She has brought him a scrapbook/photo album. She tells him about when they were doing IVF, and she got sick and almost died. Does he remember that? She begs him to come back to her. He remembers something about Istanbul. Chelsea and Billy. Connor misses him, and he is being a terror with the new babysitter! Billy will be there if Connor needs him. He regrets humiliating Chelsea in public, wouldn't do it again. Sharon and Nick. Dylan has been a good friend to her. Sage reappears. Nick is stunned . Wow! Sage is so happy - she always wanted to be a mother. She tells him that he doesn't have to stick around for the baby. Jack: Find my wife! (Now he thinks Kelly is his wife?) Island cop: be quiet or the whole island will hear you! (At this point, somebody rang my doorbell!) Nick tells Sage that he doesn't want her to,leave. Did she think that he wanted her to leave GC? He just needs some time to figure out how to tell Faith. Sage wants to keep it quiet, too. Nick wants to be part of the baby's life. Victoria, back at the lab, summarily dismisses Chelsea's idea for children's wear, and tells her to work on a menswear line. Gabadam tells Victoria that that's the last time she speaks to Chelsea that way. Chelsea smirks. Fack "remmbers" signing the contract. Previews: Avery bitching Sharon out for something. Stitch bitching Ashley out for something. Dummer calling Paul about something.
  8. Fack wakes up and doesn't recognize Phyllis. She calls Ashley, and the family (including Victor, summoned by Victoria) shows up at the hospital. Dr. Leslie's husband boots them all out of Fack's hospital room. Fack doesn't recognize Victor either. Oh, yes he does. psych! He's pretending to his "family" that he has amnesia. Sharon and Faith talk about being able to go out and spend time together. Big sleepover at Tacky House with Faith, Mariah, Noah, and Nick. Sharon will see Faith tomorrow; she thanks Nick for bringing Faith to see her. He tells her to take care of herself. After everyone else leaves, Dylan says that Avery can't make it back to Genoa city for another week. He has the sadz, and kisses Sharon to feel better. Nick goes back to the Underground. Sage actually looks pretty good in that dark blue blouse. Yup, she's preggers! She tells Nick so. Dylan apologizes to Sharon for kissing her. She wants him to stay and keep her company. They busy themselves cleaning up party dishes. Kyle and Phyllis back at the Abbott mansion to find photos to help "jog" Fack's memory. Kyle still feels guilty - it's all his fault. Kelly and Jack "dancing". Jack can barely stand. He seems to think that he married Kelly rather than Phyl. Back at Jabot lab. Chelsea is there, and offers Billy support, but Victoria to the rescue with amnesia statistics on the Interwebs. Victor threatens Fack with something (I wasn't paying attention), and he is about to inject Fack with a syringe full of something, but Gabadam walks in and asks Victor WTH he is doing? Previews: Victoria tells Billy that if he is going to accuse Victor of fraud, he'd better have proof. Billy's phone bings, and he says, "Oh look - proof!" Sharon tells Nick that he should probably stop seeing Sage.
  9. Ok, I actually wrote things down on a notepad as they happened. I = nerd :D Opening with Sharon/Dylan at cop shop. He waited there all day until she was released. She tells him that she doesn't want the kiss to affect their friendship. She signs her release papers and he takes her home, where Nick, Faith, Noah, and Mariah are waiting to welcome her home. (Somebody called Nick to let him know - it might have been Dylan.) Nick admits to Dylan that he was a jackass for not believing in Sharon. Before this happened, Nick and Sage were at the Underground. She comes over all faint because she "hasn't eaten anything all day". He tries to get her to eat something, but she tells him not to worry about her, and he should go be with his family. He says that even though he is concentrating on his family right now, he still cares about her. Kelly is brainwashing Jack to think that he is married to her, not to Phyllis. She spiked his water with something. She has teh Crazy Eyes. Gabe shows up at the U'ground and tells Sage that he and Chelsea did the nasty again, and that Chelsea called him Adam. He tells Sage that she looks like hell. She's totally preggers. Gabe already rejectd Victor's offer to be the go-between NewmanAbbott and Jabot. Continued...
  10. I will give it a try! However, my recaps might not be as thorough as bannana's, because I get distracted by my kids wanting to be fed and such :D
  11. Yeah, when Neil lost his sight, Jack was adamant that Neil could take as much time off as he needed, and that his job would be waiting for him when he was ready to come back. So the Abbotts didn't abandon him at all.
  12. Wendy Moniz (whom I loved on Guiding Light back in the day!) is married to Frank Grillo, who played the lead Hydra heavy in Winter Soldier.
  13. I love little Faith. She is on point. Also, she reminds me of my neighbour's girl when she was about that age!
  14. Yes, that was him. When I first saw Winter Soldier, I remember thinking that I was pretty sure he was on Joan of Arcadia back in the day, and he was - I think he played either a friend, or a boyfriend, of Joan.
  15. I don't know why, but the idea of a bunny sneezing tickles my funny bone : D
  16. The GabeSage scene was pretty hot, but not long enough...it looks like she scratched his back, and he pinned her down by her wrists (very briefly). Lawdy!
  17. Why wouldn't Chelsea remind Billy that he was very publicly making out with his ex-wife?
  18. Maybe I'll try to message you a Google Earth pic of my house! :D
  19. Yes, Billy can have a stadium full of seats. (I've loved that expression since I first read it here :D)
  20. Hilary is pregnant? I know Mishael M is IRL, but I thought it wasn't going to be written into the show.
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