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Everything posted by Capricasix

  1. We got the tornado warning too, C76! You must be a fellow Ontarian? After all that, I don't even think there was a tornado. Where I live, we hardly even got any rain, but apparently it was bucketing down in downtown Toronto.
  2. I don't even understand what the hell is going on in today's ep. It's just mindbogglingly stupid.
  3. Not to mention that they can't even hold hands with their fiancé(e)s before marriage, and then bam! As soon as they're married, they're pregnant. Gross.
  4. I just reread this, and realized that I used the phrase "manages to" three times in my first paragraph :/
  5. Well, let's see if I can remember what happened today! After having a vision of Phyllis, Jack manages to free himself by peeling a chunk of wood (or maybe a metal fastener) from the crate he had been sitting on, and using that to unlock his cuffs. Marisa comes back to discover this, and then they hear the other guy (can't remember his name) yelling for her. She manages to distract him so that he doesn't find out what Jack has done. Jack manages to rig up a small fire using a battery and some steel wool,; he remembered that trick from Boy Scouts. Captor guy opens the hold door to discover the fire, and Jack clocks him in the head with a piece of wood. He and Marisa run. Last scene of the show is the ship exploding. Ashley consents to the surgery. For some reason, the surgeon lets Caillou observe in the operating room. The surgery is completed, and it seems that she has an excellent chance of survival. Jack tells Billy and Vyle that his gift to her will be the Abbotts banding together to take over the company. The three Abbotts put their hands together like "All for one and one for all!" Victor and Victoria lurk in the background and wonder what they're up to. You know, that must be the fastest brain surgery in the history of ever. I have an Internet friend whose father had an aneurysm repaired two months ago, and he's still in the hospital! Dylan accuses Joe of kidnapping Avery. Joe denies all. He and Dylan go to the cop shop to find out what's going on. Phyllis is sure that Joe did something to Avery and goes apeshit, pretty much, when Paul has no reason to arrest Joe. (Paul questioned Joe about what happened between him and Avery, and of course he obfuscates. He doesn't reveal what they argued about.) Dylan goes back to the coffee shop, where Sharon is, and tells her that there's no sign of Avery. She hugs him, and over her shoulder, he sees Avery out on the porch. He tells Sharon to go home, and he will be there later. He rushes to Avery and hugs her, and she tells him that she needed to get out of her apartment because she was afraid Joe would come back, so she drove out of town, but her car broke down and she had no cell service, so she walked to the main road. He sees a bruise on her arm, and he asks if Joe did it, and she said that it wasn't the first time, that he had hurt her once when they were married. He is shocked, and asks how he could have missed it and why she never told him, and she said that she put it out of her mind and she didn't want to talk about it, but she knows what Joe is capable of, and he threatened to tell the cops that she pushed him off the balcony deliberately. Now she is afraid of what he'll do, and the only solution is for her to leave town! If you guys remember anything else that I forgot, feel free to share!
  6. Holy crap, Zefram Cochrane! Guess I'll watch the rest of the show now :D
  7. "Whisper to a Scream" and "The Old Man Down the Road" take me straight back to age 14/15...(not that I necessarily want to remember my teenage years!)
  8. I didn't pay terribly close attention today, but after I get my minions fed, I'll come back and recap what I can remember!
  9. One of my favourite Big Bang Theory episodes is the one on which Judy Greer guest-starred!
  10. I will try! Honestly, though, yesterday's ep was so dumb that I zoned out halfway through -_-
  11. Hey, DAYS folks! I normally hang out in the Y&R forum, but thought I'd drop by and mention that I saw Joseph Mascolo in an old ep of All in the Family tonight. I didn't catch the original airdate, but it was probably around 1974.
  12. Guys, I saw this on ThinkGeek's Twitter feed, and it kind of reminded me of someone...
  13. While she was under the influence of the sedation, I was just waiting for Sage to let slip that she'd had sex with Gabadam, and for Nick's head to explode. I am sad that it didn't happen!
  14. You guys. YOU GUYS. I actually had a dream about this goddamn show last night! I dreamt that there was more than one doppelganger, but I can't remember who the other one was :D
  15. That scene when Gabadam says to Billy that he got home kind of late with Connor, and Billy very calmly listed everything that he and Connor had done since Billy picked him up at daycare (go to the doctor, wait there for an hour, pick up prescription, etc). That was great. Knocked the wind right out of Gabadam's sails!
  16. Do you have a PVR? I can see how one of those would be useful, LOL. I don't have one, so I was just madly scribbling and watching at the same time :D
  17. Bannana, great job! How do you remember all the details? When I did the recaps last week, I had to write down as much as I could, and mine weren't as detailed as yours : D
  18. True story - my younger son (I have two boys) is named for James Spader's character (Daniel Jackson) in the Stargate franchise. Actually, it was more because of the TV series Stargate SG-1, but the way it happened was that I was about eight months pregnant and we hadn't chosen a first name for a boy, and we were watching SG-1 one night, and my husband said "Hey, how about Daniel?" And I said, "I like it!" And so it was :) (I continue to have a giant crush on Michael Shanks, who played Daniel Jackson in SG-1.) Oh garsh, I remember those ads! I actually remember his first big role, when he was a kid - he was in a movie called "Pray For Me, Paul Henderson".
  19. If you like Yannick Bisson (I loves him), try to find a series called Sue Thomas, F.B.Eye. Based on a true story, it's about a deaf FBI agent and the cases that she works on. Yannick Bisson plays Sue's boss (and eventual love interest IIRC). The real Sue Thomas had a small guest role on one episode. The series was on about 10 years ago - it was pretty good.
  20. Pearlite - you and John Tory both on the raccoon front! :D So, what else do you folks like to watch on TV or movies? I'm a big fan of the Marvel cinematic universe, and I just finished binge-watching Daredevil on Netflix. It was AWESOME.
  21. Today's show opens with Sharon and Dylan at her house, the next morning. She wakes up and looks for him; he's downstairs making coffee. Nick and Sage - he goes to her hotel room to see how she's doing. He wonders what her plans are for after the baby is born. Lauren and Fen in da club. She shows him the news report of Michael's arrest, tells him that they are separated. Fen goes to see Michael. "Why didn't you tell me?" Kyle, Summer, Kevin at Paul's office. What's going on? Partial DNA match to somebody on FBI watchlist, a head of a South American drug cartel. Authorities have no idea where he is. Fen and Michael - "You're trying to push us away because you're afraid of what could happen to you. " Lauren - "say it, Michael! Tell him the truth about why you're ending the marriage!" Nick and Sage - "I can look after everything myself." (Don't like her new haircut.) Sage thinks Sharon is going to do something to her - she's dangerous when she's off her meds! Rolling my eyes. Dylan and Sharon - his psychiatrist has talked about "white-knight syndrome" - he doesn't want to make the same mistakes again and hurt Sharon. She's sorry she made him feel like she needed to be saved. She thanks him again for standing by her when nobody else did. Stitch calls Dylan to tell him about the new evidence. Fen, Lauren, Michael - Michael yells at Lauren about something, suffocating him, blah blah. Fen, stop acting like a child! Fen storms out - he's got his own problems. Sharon sees Nick and Sage at the GCAC. A realtor comes in to meet them to go house-hunting. Sharon tells Nick that he must think she's a real idiot! When was he going to tell her? Nick - duh? Sharon - are you and Faith moving in with Sage? No, he isn't! Helping her look for a house. Dylan and Paul - krack team of Keystone Kops is working on DNA evidence of South American drug lord. Kevin and Fen - everybody blames Fen for what happened; his parents' marriage is over. Kevin - their problems have nothing to do with you. Let them fix their problems. Michael and Lauren - same old, same old. Blah blah, Carmine again. He gives her divorce papers. Paul and FBI agent. Paul wants FBI to share everything with GCPD. Kyle and Summer - Austin started it all with his stupid documentary. If he hadn't done it, none of this would have happened! How could he have betrayed her like that, the documentary about her family, and then with Abby? Nick and Sharon - he's just helping Sage find a new place to live. Sharon - come on, am I dumb? Are you afraid my head will explode if you tell me the truth? I only want to protect Faith! Dylan comes along and asks Nick what he did to Sharon. HAHA. Nick - I didn't do anything! Faith is my priority too; she needs us both right now. He is willing to talk about letting Faith spend more time with Sharon. Boring scene with Paul and the FBI agent. Kyle and Summer - blah blah, he accosts some guy on the porch, accuses him of spying on them. Guy turns out to be Tobias, Victor's mole in the lab. That seems very random. He protests his innocence - he was only having a cup of coffee, not spying on anyone! Michael and Lauren - just sign the papers! No! I don't love you any more! I won't accept that! Michael breaks down in tears after Lauren leaves. She stands outside his door. Nick and Sage - he asks her how the house-hunting went? It was cut short because she barfed in the parking lot before they could get going! She says that she's still worried about what Sharon might do if/when she finds out. Sharon and Dylan - he won't let her down. Previews: Nick tells Sharon and Dylan that Sage is pregnant. Kyle tells Fack about the DNA evidence.
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