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Posts posted by cleo

  1. I'm watching the eps when the original Pamela showed up. There's so much that doesn't make sense.

    Alex acts like he raised Elena alone. So did Pamela give her away or what? She expresses no grief over Elena being dead but carries around a picture of Mason and Jeffrey.

    Also I only saw Marj Dusay in the later yrs. It's just a bit jarring trying to connect that history with this. Like this Pamela talks about the letters she sent CC and Mason. Then I remember Sophia talking about how hateful the letters were, like that Pamela was unbalanced.

    Two biased perspectives to be sure.

    Anyway bc I've never seen any of the original Pamela stories, I'm hoping some of it will be good.

  2. OMG I hate the ESPN announcers. If you don't want to talk about the game pls STFU. I can stand it until the 5th inning and then I start to lose my mind.

    Whew had to get that off my chest. 

    • Love 5
  3. @Hera I feel like half of Rory's scenes once Logan came on the scene was obsessing and fretting over whether he was into her and how much. And that carried into season 7 when he got the job in London. So that's what I meant by chasing. 

    Otherwise I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on it....

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  4. This is a legit question- how was it his way or the highway? Did he say she couldn't take the job?

    It's funny I feel like it's the reverse. She was upset when he took the long distance job and then spent all her time wanting him to prove he was still into the relationship. And then she gets a job and is like- see ya! 


    ETA just remembered the job came after. Still. It really says something about how much I dislike Rory when I see Logan as the injured party lol. And then I gather she hooked up with him in the revival? She just picks people up and drops then as she wants to.

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  5. Yeah baseball games is about the only time I see my father. We're not very close so it was the one thing we both enjoyed.

    I thought maybe Sept but now 2022 is my guess bc Shapiro has basically said it takes a long runway to get Rogers Centre ready and I just don't see it happening this yr.

    • Love 3
  6. Lol @ebk57 I know I'm sorry. I was like- I jinxed it for her! Hope you have a nice day tomorrow anyway. I might watch.

    @shoregirl I can't remember if Galvis played with Vladdy or not. I like Galvis. It was an accident- Manoah has no control and has had near misses in exactly that spot in every game. But he shouldn't have started walking in.

    • Love 1
  7. @ebk57 My only consolation with the Jays dumpster fire is at least your guys have been getting some wins. 

    I haven't been watching but it's the right time of season for the Jays to melt down. Usually by May I switch to the Dodgers but having a hard time stomaching Bauer. Will watch the San Diego series maybe.

    • Love 1
  8. @Machiabelly I don't know but I'm assuming not. Those streaming deals are usually exclusive.

    Crave maybe? Rogers somehow manages to buy rights to a lot of streaming shows for that platform.

    Shame really- I liked it but not enough to go chasing it down somewhere.

    • Love 2
  9. I agree the Theo plot seems completely unrelated and like a weird after school special in the middle of the series. I feel bad saying that bc there is not a lot of positive trans representation in media but this just feels like poor storytelling.

    Although I generally feel like the show has sloppy and kind of poor writing over all so in that sense it fits right in.

    The scene with Nick and the wolf and Sabrina was quite a WTF scene.

  10. They really made a mistake making the devil so unsubtle and so talkative. He was really just comical and I don't think he is intended to be.

    It's much more interesting when Sabrina does evil of her own will bc she wants to, not bc she's being overtly blackmailed or forced. I would think that is what the devil wants too, isn't it? Traditionally? People should have free will- the devil tempts but then people choose to act or not. Not that I an expert by any means.

  11. I honestly don't care about it. MLB allowed it for a long time. The fact that Manfred is now making rules about something that will pit pitchers against hitters just before the CBA is not lost on me.

    I mean maybe MLB should have done something about this issue- but the way they're handling it is terrible and possibly deliberately terrible. 

    • Love 8
  12. Well Lane and NLG had a romantic relationship and it ended, that was always my understanding. So there is bound to be sour feelings esp at the time. And then yeah by the time of GH they seemed friends again.

    Does anyone know if Robin Wright has ever said much about the show? I thought she was pretty dismissive of it but I don't know if that's true.

    I didn't know Jed Allen wrote a book.

  13. Yeah I liked Augusta. I was just thinking about that early creepy storyline with Lionel and Eden and Augusta slapped her. It was a good scene.

    I don't remember a lot about Augusta when she came back. It will take me a while to get to the eps. I'm watching I started a rewatch and have made it to 1987 and then once in a while I jump ahead to 1990 and onwards. There are still episodes I haven't seen.

  14. I'm in the minority bc I loved the Lisa storyline. I also loved Eden with Robert and I think they should have gone further with it. BUT the Lisa storyline ended terribly. Complete suckage from the moment Eden went over the cliff and came back as Suzanne. The lack of resolution with Eden and Cruz was such a betrayal of everything that had gone on before. I was 14 or 15 and it broke my heart. I stopped watching. 

    I also hated the Andre character- mainly bc I didn't like the actor. I feel like the Jeromes really had a thing for smarmy unattractive blonde Europeans. He reminded me of that guy with Kelly in the early seasons- can't remember his name. Eden/Lisa would had better taste.  

  15. I don't mind Harvey but I think Nick is much more attractive.

    I can smell a virgin like a rabid wolf smells blood- ha! I'm Team Wardwell all the way. 

    Agree Sabrina is a) irritating and b) more interesting when she's evil. 

    The baby stuff is just a drag, not into it. Also not into the over the top 70s style women=good men=bad feminism.

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