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Posts posted by cleo

  1. Yeah I think I'm indifferent to the Braves. Agree that not only is the chop racist it's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.

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  2. I guess I'm rooting for Boston in the ALCS. I like some of the Boston players even if I dislike Cora.

    But I'm resigned to Houston and LA again bc this is the darkest timeline. 

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  3. I didn't have a huge stake in the NLDS other than I would  root for whoever wins ultimately bc like everyone else I can't root for Houston or Boston. 

    I think I dislike Cora more than Houston, but I can't bear the thought of Houston and LA part 2. Bc the smugness of Houston if they won WS against LA again- yuck.

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  4. Ive stopped watching the games and have started following Umpire Scorecards and Umpire Scorecard Analysis on twitter. It's fascinating and maddening.

  5. This was the first episode of season 3 I just flat out disliked. 

    The stuff with Hilda was awful, actually there was a lot of other gore too, and I just looked away alot.

    The stuff with Pilate and Caliban is really boring.

    I prefer Original Lucifer (the actor) not the dude playing the academy head acting like Lucifer.

    Too much going on plotwise- the pigs, the pagans, the Pilate stuff, Lucifer running around, the Weird Sisters.

    Not enough of the one sister. Can't remember her name. Not enough Lilith.

    The one good thing is the storyline with Nick, and the portrayal of him since Satan was in him has been good. 

  6. The bigger issue for me is I feel like the Bauers and Haders are more common that not. If not on the team than in the front offices or elsewhere in the organization.

    The tepid (imo) response to some if these situations makes me think MLB is not overly concerned with rooting it out until and unless it becomes a public relations issue.

    So tbh I always feel conflicted as a fan of any team bc I think MLB itself has tons of issues.

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  7. @Lantern7 I like the idea of the three second place teams doing a wild card.  Deadspin article says match them up randomly- I was thinking yesterday the choice element is interesting if they could mix it in, like they were doing with the ties. 

    Canadian Thanksgiving is this weekend lol. In past years I enjoyed watching playoffs over the holiday weekend. This year I don't know how much I will watch. I'm kind of heartbroken about the Jays. It was a special team. It was much easier the years when it was hopeless.

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  8. I feel like NBA and NHL playoffs never end and are tedious the first rounds. 

    Right now in baseball it's 10 teams right, 6 division leads and 4 wildcard teams. Going to 16 just seems like too much to me. Maybe 14?

    Part of the issue is the divisions are unbalanced in terms of competitiveness.

    But profit will drive the decisions more than the good of the game, of that I have no doubt.

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  9. Yeah I'm sorry that really sucks. It seems like such a shame bc they're doing so well.

    If it were up to me I would give Montreal the Marlins lol. Let them start from scratch. I was born in Toronto so Montreal can suck it heh.

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  10. @janeyjay how do you feel about them potentially going to Montreal?

    The current rumour I read was Montreal full time only in the NL. Except that would mean an additional team in the AL or some realignment to balance it . 2027. But that was a rumour albeit one reported by one sports writer or another. I can't recall who.

    I'm curious how Rogers will handle the broadcasting- or if a competitor would pick up the rights. 

    @Moose135 I was sorry the Mets didn't do better. I would have gotten on the band wagon 

    ETA I wouid prefer the Rays stay in Florida myself but it really looks like they're planning to move them.

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  11. No, I haven't watched any of the after interviews. I just wanted to leave it. Other than rooting for that Florida team to lose. 

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  12. Jays had no pitching early in the season. And by early I mean up until around July lol. I lost track of the number of blown saves but it was a lot.

    I also think the impact of having to move three times and having no real home stadium for most of the season cannot be overstated. I was the only Canadian in the country I think that disagreed with the decision to boot them out last yr lol. 

    I even offered to ship out my family to balance it out but no go. 🤣

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  13. I feel like this wild card race has been more interesting than the last 2 World Series.

    I just realized I have two laptops, a TV, and a phone, and could stream Yankees, Jays, Red Sox, and Mariner games simultaneously, one on each device 

    But I probably won't. That would be crazy, right? 

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  14. Terry Lester made quite a first appearance as Mason at Julia's trial. I liked it- he and Julia sparring in court was good, they bounced off each other pretty well.

    Also they got me- I did think Bunny was dead. Never saw this story before.

    Also damn but Roscoe Born had crazy chemistry with MW and CG. But it will always he Robert and Eden to me. I can only make sense of Robert and Kelly by making it Quinn.

  15. I think the Jays are pretty much out of the playoffs. Or maybe I'm calling it too early but it seems unlikely. It was fun while it lasted. I have no beef with the Yankees, we blew it and they deserved to take that series. 

    I read about Bronxie. Cute. Is someone designated to take care of him? 

    All I care about now is someone destroying that team from Florida and I don't care who lol. I will get on the bandwagon of whoever does it!

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  16. Ah yeah got it. Yep makes sense!

    I'm on season 6 now with the baby. Not the best. And I just can't suspend belief that they have a baby and are parents. It's all so unreal and badly done. 

    Hate the Mabel crying episode. 

    The Jamie has postpartum for one ep but not even really post partum was also dumb.

    The non baby parts are good.

  17. One discussion re Ohtani that stays with me- this was sports radio, I don't know who they were talking to- maybe Passan but I couldn't swear by that.

    Q- so if Ohtani should win MVP bc he is doing something so unusual- pitching and hitting- does that mean he should should MVP for the next 5-7 yrs of his career, assuming he is still doing both reasonably well?

    A- yes

    Which seems kind of absurd to me. But I'm still not really worked up about awards, of course I prefer Vladdy but I'm biased. I also care more about team winning.



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