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Posts posted by cleo

  1. Interesting. Yeah I've never seen any of that with  Sasha. I didn't know Laura went crazy. Maybe I'll pay more attn. I did watch the early stuff with her and Michael. But once it got into the Leo Mitchell stuff I skipped alot. 

    Michael was stuck in a lot of bad plots.

    I'm at the part- around  where Laura admitted to killing Leo.

  2. I haven't seen all of 1990 or 1991 yet, so I can't say for sure. I'm slowly watching but it takes time of course.  For me 1989 is the absolute worst so far. It does slowly improve in 1990. But still just in pockets.

    I liked the storyline with Cassandra when she comes in 1990. I liked some of the Quinn and Flame storyline. I liked the Lisa storyline.

    But not much else. And then for me it basically ends at 1991. I never watched once MW left.

  3. I'm watching the Robert and Eden storyline. Really having a hard time not binging it, bc I loved that storyline. I thought Robert and Eden were hot- although honestly Marcy Walker had great chemistry with almost everyone. (So sad about Roscoe Born).

    But you can see the Dobsons wanted a do over with the Lisa storyline- like you have Eden not remembering things, and stealing things with this guy (Robert). Very similar with what came later with Lisa and Andre. Except Andre- meh. They really needed to get a more attractive, charismatic actor. I loathed Andre and honestly Eden/Lisa would have hooked up with someone better. 

    I felt the same about Kirk- that was a well written storyline, but they really needed a more attractive, charismatic actor imo. 

    Cruz is a real jerk in the R/E storyline and I'm amazed Eden didn't throw Victoria in his face. Because I would have. 

    It is also amazing- this storyline is so great and so well done and the rest of the soap is just garbage at this time. Just terribly boring or awful characters- Lujack (Scott? The doctor?). He's Lujack to me lol. Ethan and his awful wife. Cruz's brother is a little interesting but goes nowhere. Greg is still hanging around for some reason. 

    Michael is a character with potential but they stick him in terrible storylines at this time. 


  4. I used to root for the Dodgers a lot. Like the last few years when the Jays were not great I watched a lot of Dodgers games. I like Dave Roberts, I really liked listening to Joe Davis and Orel Hershiser. Loved Walker Buehler. It was nice watching intense post season games.

    Now I don't know who to watch in the postseason lol. Not SF.

    I know this is not the biggest issue right now, but it must be hard for fans of the team. Dodgers were asked if they knew of the previous allegations and wouldn't comment.

    I used to like Bauer myself, primarily when he was tearing into Manfred.

    It's tough, we identify so much with these teams and players but we don't really know them.

    Eta like the first player I really liked, my first jersey was Roberto Osuna's. Such a disappointment to learn what he did 

    • Love 6
  5. I know it's shocking but it seems another woman had a restraining order against Bauer last yr. 

    She tried to report the assault to the police and they arrested her for underage drinking.


  6. Well I can't stand Pamela. I don't know if we're supposed to hate her, but I 100% do. I totally agree with CC and Sophia, I think she's psycho. I don't think she gives a shit about Mason. I think she is just using her children.

    Based on she lies outright to Mason, to his face, and lied in court.

    Also don't like Shirley Fields.

    ETA I also hate the whole storyline of Cruz being on trial and in jail. Lots of ff-ing. Thankfully I am also balancing it out by watching the beginning of Robert Barr. I love Robert.


  7. The Nats also had an outbreak, didn't they? I think they had also used Johnson and Johnson? 

    Lower vaccine efficacy than the others I think. Not 100% sure as we never got it here.

    • Love 4
  8. I'm just on the last couple eps. This show is starting to lose me, though I agree Terry is great. The plot is just too much all over the place.

    So first a legal battle, then an old fashioned theme park, then he's not a Rutherford. It's like trying to make meaningful stories or statements but has ADHD or something. Rather than exploring a couple themes more deeply it just jumps from one to the next. 

    I hate to give up on it but I'm getting there. 

  9. Wow yeah. I thought Charles Bateman's CC was much harder and colder than Jed Allen's. Mind you I think some of that was limited acting ability.

    I thought with Jed Allen CC could be both a bastard but also I could still see some warmth and heart in him. 

  10. I'm watching season 4. I really miss Phyllis, she's one of my favourite characters.

    I dislike the story around Lou's wife leaving him. I would prefer she had died if they wanted him single.

    And then in any ep she's in after that, I just dislike her. She goes out to the same broadcasters dinner she always went to with Lou on a date. Like why would you go hang out somewhere where your ex husband is? It just seems insensitive and thoughtless. She just acts like it was nothing to just drop him after a long marriage and family.

    I don't know it all rubs me the wrong way.

    • Love 8
  11. Re the photo of Britney. The only thing that stood out to me is she still has (I assume paparazzi) and media taking pictures of everything she does and racing to post them for the world to consume. I can only imagine the kind of media scrutiny and hounding she will face if the conservatorship is lifted.

    It's great the media as usual is giving no thought to how they contributed to the situation, what ethical and respectful reporting would actual look like, and will continue to gleefully target people in the name of profits and to hell with the consequences.

    • Love 14
  12. I can't believe Jansen is still with the team. I know he was supposedly having a better year but I used to watch the Dodgers a lot and man Jansen was......frustrating. 

  13. @Hiyo I thought Kelly and Jeffrey was weird in the beginning too, but I kind of got over it.

    Nick was ok but didn't he sleepmwith Kelly in the ghost town when she didn't remember anything? I don't know something about it was yucky to me but I don't remember anymore.

    @Bali I think the later years 1989, 90, 91 are on YT only in bits and pieces. I haven't looked in a while. I have all the eps but I bought them from someone. If you want more info pm me.

    I also don't mind sharing the odd ep myself with someone. But I don't upload to YT myself generally for a variety of reasons.

  14. I never liked Kelly's early storylines after Joe and Peter. Really skipped most of her stuff until CG was in the role. Although Jeffrey grew on me.

    I liked the Kirk storyline although it went on too long. I also wish the Guiding Light guy could have done the role from the beginning. By liked I mean I thought it was well written, especially in the beginning. Man Cruz was a jerk though about Eden's father.

    So in my own watch I am at two different points-  the tail end of 1987 and I think fall 1989 and you can almost draw lines there with the Dobsons leaving and the show just going off a cliff and then getting better when they returned. 

    But with 1989- everything with Ethan Asher and Laura is awful, I tried to watch it but it makes no sense and I can't stand the actress.

    The actor playing Michael is good, it's a shame he didn't get very good storylines.


  15. Yeah there are lots.of good things about Sophia. That's one of the things the show did well- characters like Sophia and Mason are complex. They are good and bad, just like people. And JM was great. 

    @Bali are you bouncing around or going roughly in order? 

    ETA in my own viewing I was afraid I had my hopes up too high about the Pamela story but the ep where Sophia finds out Pamela is  back is fantastic. 818. It was voted best ep of the yr by the Soap Opera Digest.

    Sophia called her something like a demented character out of Emily Dickinson lol. 

    Just a fantastic episode all around.


  16. I enjoyed it but yes the singing and crown was ridiculous.

    Kept expecting Lilith to turn on them.

    Wardwell is her favourite teacher but Sabrina is clueless when she undergoes a complete personality transplant? Is she that stupid, unobservant, and self centered? Rhetorical.

    Sabrina and I'm sorry but also KS are the worst parts of the show.

    And last but certainly not least- her name is SABrina. NOT Brina.

    ETA love Prudence.

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