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Posts posted by cleo

  1. Somehow I still feel like the Rangers will still suck lol. All the best to Semien but I just don't think he will reproduce what he did in Toronto with Texas.

    I never studied Seager's numbers a lot but he always seemed streaky and prone to injury. 

    So Correa to the Yankees? Or is he going to wait until Feb? 


  2. I'm watching the first ep of season 7 and man is it terrible. The plot makes no sense.

    Paul takes Viagara and then goes to his mother's? I'm sure that's the time every man would want to say hi to his mom.

    Jamie gets locked out of her gym in a towel and rather than just going back to the front entrance of the gym she somehow ends up on top.of the empire state building? In a towel?

    This show isn't always good but usually the plot isn't this nonsensical. Like it just makes no sense.

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  3. I enjoyed this ep but Sabrina continues to be nauseating. Oh boo hoo I dumped two boys and now I'm lonely. I date TWO MORE boys and they're just not good enough. My friends have a life and I'm lonely for two minutes. My only true friend is myself. 

    Are the writers oblivious to how the last few eps with the two Sabrinas really makes it seem like she has this blinding ego and narcissism? I half expected them to start making out this ep.

    But I like everything else. Poor Dorian. Glad to see Hilda get married.

    I would 100% watch a spinoff with the little family in hell. Lilith, Lucie, even Caliban. Maybe hell Sabrina isn't as awful as the other Sabrina.


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  4. Just finished this. Overall I really enjoyed the season, but a few things-

    -the actual physical violence from Neil in this ep was shocking. Bc all season The show was so careful to not cross that kind of line- that Allison was abused in other ways but not physical- there was at times an undercurrent of threat in some of the eps but they kept it as a threat

    And so somehow when he started strangling her I just found it shocked me, but the act also was not so surprising. Even if the writer doesn't want to go there with Kevin - they have created a world where the men treat her poorly and in Kevin's case abused her or controlled her- and violence just seems like another step down that path. So it was shocking to finally see it but not surprising if that makes sense.

    I don't know if I ship the two women, maybe.

    Dislikes- the cop is soooo obnoxious. I thought she was really harsh in.the last ep when she wanted to dump Patty for not kissing her in the street or whatever her issue was. And then in this ep- her comments about Allison. Like regardless of what she thinks, she knows Patti is friends with her, it just seems obnoxious to then insult her. Especially since the cop does not actually seem suspicious of her. So she was just being bitchy.

    They've been together for what 2 weeks and the cop is acting like they've been together forever. Way too overbearing.

    Sam- I'm just over the back and forth. It's tedious. I could barely pay attention to the conversation at the dumpster.

    A female Breaking Bad would've been cool but Allison (,and to a lesser extent Patti) are so dumb. Break into dude's place with no gloves. Hiring dude in the first place- they would be at his mercy afterwards. 

    There were other examples earlier when she wanted the pills. Like right- go to a doctor and get a scrip for Oxy. Then kill your husband with them. There is a record of you suddenly needing oxy ffs. 

    Politics- meh please spare me. Nothing can top real life at this point and real life politics is enough to drive me to drink. I dont want to watch it on a fictional TV show.

    Still- enjoyed it overall. Really happy they got a second season. 

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  5. Watching this for the first time, completely unspoiled. I find Holden really irritating and unlikable. I guess he's supposed to be the principled hero? Honestly he seems kind of dumb. Like being blinded by some principle or another isn't always a good thing.

    Much prefer Amos.

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  6. I have thankfully managed to live my life and avoid all things Kardashian. Never seen the show, wouldn't recognize any of them in a picture. 

    Halfway through the monologue  and I can't believe people waste time paying attn to this person.

    She says I'm always genuine lol. Was that a joke? Nothing genuine about her for a long time by the looks of it.

    Stiff in the sketches. Doesn't seem to have any charisma or charm. I don't get the appeal at all.

    OJ jokes. Well if you're going to joke about something truly awful at least be funny so its worth it. They were just gross and not funny. 

    Not sure I'm going to make it through this episode.

    The new blonde guy is terrible. Bad Lindsey Graham, bad Biden impression.


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  7. I'd like to watch it. I've been making a note of them.

    Also yes my goodness what a stupid fucking storyline re Sophia- blowing shit up. So out of character. 

    I was watching two time frames- end of 1989 (Robert stuff). And then 1987 1988. 

    I had just started 1988, Marj Dusay came on board. Sophia and that stupid explosion. Sooooo dumb. I feel like the writing went off a cliff.

    I'm taking a break from the 1988 stuff and just watching the Robert stuff. 

  8. I liked everything non Sabrina. Can't stand one of them, so two brimming with smugness and stupidity is too many. She could have stayed in the stone and I would have been happy watching the series with the rest of them.

    I have no idea how whatsisname got the egg but he can go away anytime. More Lilith and Lucifer pls.

    Also outright stealing lines from Buffy? Just no. Although they continually steal scenes and plot points so I guess why not just go all out?

  9. I somehow totally blocked out the Astros playing in the WS in 2019 u til like an hour ago. 

    So now, in the race for who can be the shittiest team, Atlanta is having anti-vaxxer Travis Tritt sing the national anthem. 

    Honestly though like I've said before- scratch the surface of every team and you will find shitty behaviour somewhere. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be called out, but these issues are pervasive throughout the sport and among the owners themselves.

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  10. I'm dreading all the Astro redemption stories. I already saw one nauseating one about Cora.

    I'm not watching Houston in the WS.

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  11. So looks like the cheaters are going to beat the cheaters.

    I don't really want the Braves to win a world series but if they play the cheaters I'll root for the Braves.

    I will say if Atlanta goes to the World Series it's a shame Acuna can't play.


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  12. I totally relate. Every day I say I'm not going to watch baseball. And then I watch baseball . Although at least not the whole game at this point 

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  13. It's hysterical Cora has no issue with cheating (in the past not making any accusations about now) but has a problem with his pitcher taunting a batter. Like Cora trying to act like he has integrity or cares about sportsmanship or something.

    Also if Correa is going to pimp his home run and make a fuss on the field then the pitchers should be able to respond. Why should batters have all the fun?

    Aside from the fact that it is Houston and Boston I hate the sentiment that the players should be as flat and emotionless as possible. 

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