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Posts posted by cleo

  1. Here? I'm a Blue Jays fan and I didn't comment bc I didn't want to. Nothing to do with hate.

    I don't comment on Trout, Tatis, Soto, and most other players bc I'm not fans of the team, I'm indifferent, I'm tired of hearing about them, on and on lots of reasons, it seldom has anything to do with hate.

  2. I always thought of Mason and Sophia as frenemies, esp from Mason's perspective. I don't think he hates her any more than he really hates his father.

    I'm typically anti- mother ( bc my own mother was terrible lol), but I always thought Sophia did genuinely care about Mason and try her best. I think Mason knew that at times and so he never fully hated her. He did, however, resent her a lot and blame her a lot, which is understandable. It's very much a child's view though.

  3. I dont know anything about how these things proceed, but I don't think it's a good sign the police haven't pressed charges. They have physical evidence as well as a tape recording of him admitting to some of it made with the police's assistance. So they have all that and won't press charges? They must be concerned about having a successful case.

    And if they don't press charges he will likely play again at some point. 

    ATM all I'm aware of is the hearing re the restraining order....again unless I'm missing something which is possible.

    Eta also assuming the reports I read are accurate.


  4. He'll exchange those rules and ban the shift instead. 

    Shorter games = less commercial revenue, I assume that's why they want to roll it back? 

    I'm so cynical lol. I don't know what the reasons are but I don't trust anything Manfred does to be for the good of the game.

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  5. That email response to him was something. I assume ownership had a big say in the overall response or lack thereof. They still didn't really issue a statement did they?

    Don't teams issue a bland we believe there should be zero tolerance for VAW and we believe in the process and will support MLB's investigation until it is concluded.....blah blah blah. 

    Again in retrospect I am so glad the Jays were immediately responsive to the situation with Osuna, even Gibbons gave a statement.

    I guess LA ownership is looking at a pie in the face with that big contract. It's a shame there weren't like, signs, or anything.

    Apparently some of the players have unfollowed Bauer on social media, one of them Kershaw. I assume they aren't allowed to speak out otherwise. 

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  6. Yeah they have to pay him per the CBA. That's also why the union won't object when the leave is extended much as Passan wants to turn it into a big drama.

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  7. This ep and the last one pulled me back in, just bc they were so over the top. Random thoughts-

    I skipped the mouse thing and thankful I did.

    I do think Sabrina conjured a fake Dark lord and that Prudence noticed. But Prudence is only loyal to herself and I felt like in this ep she was trying to figure out the best bet- Sabrina or her father.

    Sabrina continues to be incredibly incredibly annoying and dumb.

    Herald of hell. Is that a thing made up for the show or is that a Bible story? I didn't grow up in a regular Christian church so I don't know typical Bible stories, really only know what I've gotten from TV. Like I got the rib thing. 

  8. Well at least they finally acted.

    Will never forget Rosenthal writing about how Bauer was a great clubhouse guy when he was in free agency. I didn't know who he was talking about 


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  9. WTF hasn't MLB put Bauer on leave while 'investigating the allegations? Isn't that the normal process? Even if they don't want to interfere in the criminal matter, can't they still go through the process of putting him on leave while the investigation  is ongoing based on the DV Policy? 

    Did they issue a statement? I mean what in the ever living fuck.

    I'm not saying they have to act like he's guilty but aren't they supposed to respond to this shit and go through a process? 

    Completely ridiculous. I'm pretty sure action was taken faster than  this when it was Osuna. 

    Ozuna- can't recall- did they ignore that too.

    Honestly people criticize football and hockey, I think the baseball boy's club and culture  is much worse tbh. And that's saying something.

    • Love 6
  10. I do think Bauer and Syndergaard (?) don't like each other. The thing is Bauer is an all around asshole. It was on display, publicly, for a long time. 

    So given Bauer, Cosby, Porter I just need to move on to something light.

    Remember I criticized ESPN announcers? I take it all back. Because the Jays game tonight is exclusively YouTube and I only lasted ten minutes. I prefer YT to FB but JFC hire some decent announcers MLB you have BILLIONS. These guys are not going to attract the young fan you're so desperate to reach.

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  11. The thing with Bauer was just a matter of time. I mean a matter of time before something big and public blew up.

    I truly couldn't understand why LA took the risk and signed him because there were lots of not great things all over his twitter feed, including he and his agent getting into a beef with at least one random woman and encouraging his fans to target her. 

    I was so glad the Jays stayed away from him.

    • Love 6
  12. This showing really losing me. Cam the writers remember the plot from one episode to the next?

    So Ambrose will never learn about the love potion? What about the witch found dead by a witches hunter in season 1? And then his parents. They really suggested there was something hinkcy with Luke.

    Then Wardwell is back helping the devil even when before she was trying to get Sabrina to the path of light bc she was jealous?

    Wardwell's human friend doesn't blink that she is a completely different person? How stupid is the guy? 

    Almost as stupid as Sabrina maybe, but less irritating.

    Lol. Sorry I don't normally hate watch. Just not quite ready to give up yet. So far watching just.for Wardwell and Hilda- loved Hilda killing that woman hee.

  13. Ah thanks. I didn't know the details. But he could have turned it down and chosen something else, although he seems happy there. But from a competitive standpoint the Angels never seem to get very far.

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  14. I read about the pitcher getting sick. I wonder how far we are from games being cancelled due to heat. Not this year maybe, but I feel like it's a matter of time.

    The only thing I wonder about Trout and Ohtani is how they feel being with a team that never seems to make the playoffs. And Trout signed on again as a free agent right? 

    I saw an interview with him in the spring and he basically said the only thing that mattered to him was making the playoffs/world series. And I couldn't help but think he shouldn't have signed with the Angels if that was really what he wanted.

    • Love 2
  15. I think with starters it's twice randomly, with relievers I think it is after every inning but I'm not 100% sure.

    I hate the narrative around it. It's so oversimplified. Pitchers bad!

    Interestingly batters have 7 to 8 approved substances they can use to enhance their grip of the bat.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Bali said:

    Kept Warren. Kept Brick. Not killed Joe right after the wedding. Had more Joe vs. Kelly's lifestyle conflict. Had Laken be the one to run off to Europe and meet the Hartley brothers. 

    Keeping original recipe Warren and Brick would have been good. Especially Brick, he was criminally underused. I think the idea with Kelly and Laken is good. 

    Re Pamela- I actually never even saw much of Marj Dusay, I only ever saw her in that fabulous dinner episode from 1991? 1992? I'm predisposed to prefer her Pamela. 

    As for the rest- once Elena is dead the storyline with Cruz in jail is really boring (to me). But stuff with Mason and Julia gets better at least. 

    I'm at Oct 1987. Slow march to 1988, which I have never seen. I'm kind of expecting a trainwreck tbh. 


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